Feature: The IKI standard now supports bracket wrapping.
I wanted to avoid this and keep IKI as simple as possible.
My recent uses have shown that I must have some sort of word-separator support.
This is the simplest implementation that I can think of at this time.
The brackets do not get escaped, instead the IKI gets escaped.
If there is no closing brracket in the correct spot, then the first bracket is not part of the variable.
The brackets other than the opening at the front and the closing bracket at the end are allowed.
The vocabulary name never includes the open and close bracket.
The following shows the heart of the problem this feature solves:
- helloworld:"earth".
What if "world" is the variable name and hello is not supposed to be space separated?
With this featre, now the following is possible:
- hello[world]:"earth"
Note that the following are not valid (that is to say these are not IKI variables):
- hello[world:"earth"
- heloworld]:"earth"
- hello[[world]]:"earth"