Update: Clarify IKI standard in regards to delimits and improve specification file.
Add additional commands to the specification iki_read example.
Expand the vocabulary to include more words such as "character".
This allows for more granular control over substitution.
This is a must to easily convert to both plain text and HTML from the same source file.
Fix incorrect example where the delimits are on the wrong characters (url:\' is not correct and instead should be url\;').
Add delimits to accidentally undelimited code.
These changes exposed a mistake in both the processing code and a detail on how I explained the specification.
The IKI processing only needs a delimit when the vocabulary name followed by a colon followed by either a single or a double quote.
That is to say, the matching closing single or double quote is irrelevant.
This simplifies the logic needed to both read and write the IKI content for both machines and humans.
Note that this is in contrast to how the FSS works.
IKI is designed for different purposes than FSS and thus has slightly different design paradigms.
The code processing this is incorrectly failing to apply delimits for any potentially valid IKI content inside an already valid but delimited IKI variable.
Fixing this conveniently also results in simpler code and fewer variables used (saving trivial memory).