Progress: controller program and other changes.
Lots of changes with the most notable described below.
This adds support for capabilities, which depends on the external libcap (-lcap).
This introduces a problem because it is POSIX complaint in the sense of a draft and Linux has adopted it.
The end result is that instead of being in libc, the functions are defined in libcap.
To address this complication, a new project f_capability, is added to conditional compile in support and otherwise provide stubs.
This allows the rest of the projects to just call the f_capability functions without needing as many macros.
A define macro is still needed and the appropriate libary (-lcap) is still needed (or not if disabled).
I have further observed that when adding -lcap, the ar progam's ficklness on the order becomes a problem.
As a temporary work around, I am appending the "build_libraries" after all libaries introduced by a mode.