local c_subtle="\\033[1;30m"
local c_prefix="\\"
+ local build_compiler=
local build_project=no
local path_scripts=build/scripts/
- local path_scripts_bootstrap=${path_scripts}bootstrap-example.sh
local path_scripts_package=${path_scripts}package.sh
local path_test=test/
+ local path_test_package=${path_test}package/
local path_test_project=${path_test}project/
local path_test_work=${path_test}work/
- local path_package=package/
- local path_package_individual=${path_package}individual/
- local path_package_monolithic=${path_package}monolithic/
- local path_package_program=${path_package}program/
+ local path_test_package_individual=${path_test_package}individual/
+ local path_test_package_monolithic=${path_test_package}monolithic/
+ local path_test_package_program=${path_test_package}program/
local test_system=
local context=
local verbose=
local verbose_common=
+ local projects="f_type f_status f_memory f_type_array f_string f_utf f_account f_capability f_color f_console f_control_group f_conversion f_directory f_environment f_execute f_file f_fss f_iki f_limit f_path f_pipe f_print f_status_string f_serialize f_signal f_socket f_thread fl_control_group fl_conversion fl_directory fl_environment fl_execute fl_fss fl_iki fl_print fl_signal fl_string fl_utf fl_utf_file fll_control_group fll_error fll_execute fll_file fll_fss fll_fss_status_string fll_iki fll_path fll_print fll_program fll_status_string"
+ local projects_no_tests="f_type f_status"
+ let failure=0
if [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; then
elif [[ $p == "+q" || $p == "++quiet" ]] ; then
- verbose=
+ verbose="+q"
elif [[ $p == "+N" || $p == "++normal" ]] ; then
- verbose=
+ verbose="+N"
elif [[ $p == "+V" || $p == "++verbose" ]] ; then
elif [[ $p == "+v" || $p == "++version" ]] ; then
echo $version
- elif [[ $p == "-P" || $p == "--project" ]] ; then
+ elif [[ $p == "-c" || $p == "--compiler" ]] ; then
+ grab_next=build_compiler
+ elif [[ $p == "-p" || $p == "--project" ]] ; then
- elif [[ $p == "-p" || $p == "--path_package" ]] ; then
- grab_next=path_package
elif [[ $p == "-s" || $p == "--path_scripts" ]] ; then
elif [[ $p == "-t" || $p == "--path_test" ]] ; then
- if [[ $grab_next == "path_package" ]] ; then
- path_package=$(echo $p | sed -e 's|^//*|/|' -e 's|/*$|/|')
- path_package_individual=${path_package}individual/
- path_package_monolithic=${path_package}monolithic/
- path_package_program=${path_package}program/
+ if [[ $grab_next == "build_compiler" ]] ; then
+ build_compiler=$p
elif [[ $grab_next == "path_scripts" ]] ; then
path_scripts=$(echo $p | sed -e 's|^//*|/|' -e 's|/*$|/|')
- path_scripts_bootstrap=${path_scripts}bootstrap-example.sh
elif [[ $grab_next == "path_test" ]] ; then
path_test=$(echo $p | sed -e 's|^//*|/|' -e 's|/*$|/|')
+ path_test_package=${path_test}package/
+ path_test_package_individual=${path_test_package}individual/
+ path_test_package_monolithic=${path_test_package}monolithic/
+ path_test_package_program=${path_test_package}program/
echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: Only a single build system is supported, received the following test systems $c_notice$test_system $operation$c_error was not recognized.$c_reset"
- test_cleanup
- return 1
+ let failure=1
if [[ $test_system == "" ]] ; then
- if [[ $test_system != "normal" && $test_system != "github" && $test_system != "gitlab" ]] ; then
+ if [[ $build_compiler == "" ]] ; then
+ build_compiler=gcc
+ fi
+ if [[ $failure -eq 0 && $test_system != "normal" && $test_system != "github" && $test_system != "gitlab" ]] ; then
if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: The test system must be one of ${c_notice}normal$c_error, ${c_notice}github$c_error, or ${c_notice}gitlab$c_error.$c_reset"
- test_cleanup
- return 1
+ let failure=1
- if [[ $test_system == "github" || $test_system == "gitlab" ]] ; then
+ if [[ $failure -eq 0 && ( $test_system == "github" || $test_system == "gitlab" ) ]] ; then
if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: The build system $c_notice$test_system$c_error is not currently implemented.$c_reset"
- test_cleanup
- return 1
+ let failure=1
- if [[ ! -d $path_scripts ]] ; then
+ if [[ $failure -eq 0 && $build_compiler != "gcc" && $build_compiler != "clang" ]] ; then
if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
- echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: The build scripts path $c_notice$path_scripts$c_error is not a valid directory.$c_reset"
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: The build compiler $c_notice$build_compiler$c_error is not currently directly supported.$c_reset"
- test_cleanup
- return 1
+ let failure=1
- if [[ ! -f $path_scripts_bootstrap ]] ; then
+ if [[ $failure -eq 0 && ! -d $path_scripts ]] ; then
if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
- echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: Unable to find the example bootstrap script file under the build scripts path at $c_notice$path_scripts$c_error.$c_reset"
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: The build scripts path $c_notice$path_scripts$c_error is not a valid directory.$c_reset"
- test_cleanup
- return 1
+ let failure=1
- if [[ ! -f $path_scripts_package ]] ; then
+ if [[ $failure -eq 0 && ! -f $path_scripts_package ]] ; then
if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: Unable to find the package build script file under the build scripts path at $c_notice$path_scripts_package$c_error.$c_reset"
- test_cleanup
- return 1
+ let failure=1
- if [[ ! -d $path_package ]] ; then
- mkdir $verbose_common $path_package
+ if [[ $failure -eq 0 && ! -d $path_test ]] ; then
+ mkdir $verbose_common $path_test
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
- echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: The package path $c_notice$path_package$c_error, does not exist and could not be created or exists and is not a valid directory.$c_reset"
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: The test path $c_notice$path_test$c_error, does not exist and could not be created or exists and is not a valid directory.$c_reset"
- test_cleanup
- return 1
+ let failure=1
- if [[ ! -d $path_test ]] ; then
- mkdir $verbose_common $path_test
+ if [[ $failure -eq 0 && ! -d $path_test_package ]] ; then
+ mkdir $verbose_common $path_test_package
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
- echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: The test path $c_notice$path_test$c_error, does not exist and could not be created or exists and is not a valid directory.$c_reset"
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: The package path $c_notice$path_test_package$c_error, does not exist and could not be created or exists and is not a valid directory.$c_reset"
- test_cleanup
- return 1
+ let failure=1
- if [[ ! -d $path_test_work ]] ; then
- mkdir $verbose_common $path_test_work
+ if [[ $failure -eq 0 && ! -d $path_test_project ]] ; then
+ mkdir $verbose_common $path_test_project
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
- echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: The test work path $c_notice$path_test_work$c_error, does not exist and could not be created or exists and is not a valid directory.$c_reset"
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: The test project path $c_notice$path_test_project$c_error, does not exist and could not be created or exists and is not a valid directory.$c_reset"
- test_cleanup
- return 1
+ let failure=1
- if [[ ! -d $path_test_project ]] ; then
- mkdir $verbose_common $path_test_project
+ if [[ $failure -eq 0 && ! -d $path_test_work ]] ; then
+ mkdir $verbose_common $path_test_work
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
- echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: The test project path $c_notice$path_test_project$c_error, does not exist and could not be created or exists and is not a valid directory.$c_reset"
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: The test work path $c_notice$path_test_work$c_error, does not exist and could not be created or exists and is not a valid directory.$c_reset"
- test_cleanup
- return 1
+ let failure=1
- test_operate
- let failure=$?
+ if [[ $failure -eq 0 ]] ; then
+ test_operate
+ let failure=$?
+ fi
+ if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ fi
test_handle_colors() {
if [[ $do_color == "light" ]] ; then
test_help() {
echo -e "${c_title}$public_name$c_reset"
echo -e " ${c_notice}Version $version$c_reset"
echo -e " +${c_important}v$c_reset, ++${c_important}version$c_reset Print the version number of this program."
echo -e "${c_highlight}Install Options:$c_reset"
- echo -e " -${c_important}P$c_reset, --${c_important}project${c_reset} Designate that the project files must also be built."
+ echo -e " -${c_important}c$c_reset, --${c_important}compiler${c_reset} Specify the compiler, either gcc (default) or clang."
+ echo -e " -${c_important}p$c_reset, --${c_important}project${c_reset} Designate that the project files must also be built."
echo -e " -${c_important}s$c_reset, --${c_important}path_scripts${c_reset} Specify a custom directory where the build scripts are found."
- echo -e " -${c_important}t$c_reset, --${c_important}path_test${c_reset} Specify a custom directory where the test dependencies are found."
- echo -e " -${c_important}p$c_reset, --${c_important}path_package${c_reset} Specify a custom directory where the package is extracted."
+ echo -e " -${c_important}t$c_reset, --${c_important}path_test${c_reset} Specify a custom directory where the test environment is found."
test_operate() {
- # TODO: print messages as needed.
+ local env_path="$PWD/${path_test_project}programs/shared"
+ local env_libs="$PWD/${path_test_project}libraries/shared"
+ if [[ $PATH != "" ]] ; then
+ env_path="$env_path:$PATH"
+ fi
- bash $path_scripts_bootstrap monolithic -w $path_test_work $verbose $context
+ if [[ $LD_LIBRARY_PATH != "" ]] ; then
+ env_libs="$env_libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+ fi
+ if [[ $build_project == "yes" ]] ; then
+ test_operate_build_tools
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ test_operate_build_individual
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
return 1
- # TODO: everything else.
+ test_operate_tests
+ return $?
+test_operate_build_individual() {
+ local -i failure=0
+ local project=
+ local path_original="$PWD/"
+ if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_highlight}Cleaning and building package.$c_reset"
+ echo -e "${c_title}------------------------------$c_reset"
+ fi
+ if [[ $verbosity == "debug" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo "bash ${path_scripts_package} $verbose $context -d $path_test_package -i clean &&"
+ echo "bash ${path_scripts_package} $verbose $context -d $path_test_package -i build"
+ fi
+ bash ${path_scripts_package} $verbose $context -d $path_test_package -i clean &&
+ bash ${path_scripts_package} $verbose $context -d $path_test_package -i build
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: Failed to clean and build the individual packages.$c_reset"
+ fi
+ return 1
+ fi
+ for project in $projects ; do
+ test_operate_build_project "$path_test_package_individual" "$path_original$path_test_work" "$project" individual
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ let failure=1
+ cd $path_original
+ break;
+ fi
+ cd $path_original
+ done
+ return $failure
+test_operate_build_project() {
+ local path="$1"
+ local destination="$2"
+ local project="$3"
+ local mode="$4"
+ local bootstrap="$5"
+ if [[ ! -d ${path}$project-$version/ ]] ; then
+ if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: Package directory '${c_notice}${path}$project-$version$c_error' is invalid or missing.$c_reset"
+ fi
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [[ $verbosity == "debug" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "Running '${c_notice}cd ${path}$project-$version/$c_reset'."
+ fi
+ cd ${path}$project-$version/
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: Failed to change into directory '${c_notice}${path}$project-$version$c_error'.$c_reset"
+ fi
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [[ $bootstrap == "" ]] ; then
+ if [[ $verbosity == "debug" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ if [[ $build_compiler == "gcc" ]] ; then
+ echo "PATH=\"$env_path\" LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$env_libs\" fake $verbose $context -w \"$destination\" -m $mode clean build"
+ else
+ echo "PATH=\"$env_path\" LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$env_libs\" fake $verbose $context -w \"$destination\" -m individual -m $build_compiler clean make -f testfile"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ $build_compiler == "gcc" ]] ; then
+ PATH="$env_path" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$env_libs" fake $verbose $context -w "$destination" -m $mode clean build
+ else
+ PATH="$env_path" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$env_libs" fake $verbose $context -w "$destination" -m $mode -m $build_compiler clean build
+ fi
+ else
+ if [[ $verbosity == "debug" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ if [[ $build_compiler == "gcc" ]] ; then
+ echo "./bootstrap.sh $verbose $context -w \"$destination\" -m $mode build"
+ else
+ echo "./bootstrap.sh $verbose $context -w \"$destination\" -m $mode -m $build_compiler build"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ $build_compiler == "gcc" ]] ; then
+ ./bootstrap.sh $verbose $context -w "$destination" -m $mode build
+ else
+ ./bootstrap.sh $verbose $context -w "$destination" -m $mode -m $build_compiler build
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: Failed to build $mode project '$c_notice$project$c_reset$c_error'.$c_reset"
+ fi
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "Installing $mode project '$c_notice$project$c_reset'."
+ fi
+ ./install.sh $verbose $context -w "$destination"
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: Failed to install $mode project '$c_notice$project$c_reset$c_error'.$c_reset"
+ fi
+ return 1
+ fi
return 0
+test_operate_build_tools() {
+ local -i failure=0
+ local path_original="$PWD/"
+ if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_highlight}Building project build tools.$c_reset"
+ echo -e "${c_title}-----------------------------$c_reset"
+ fi
+ if [[ $verbosity == "debug" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo "bash ${path_scripts_package} $verbose $context -d $path_test_package -m clean &&"
+ echo "bash ${path_scripts_package} $verbose $context -d $path_test_package -m build"
+ fi
+ bash ${path_scripts_package} $verbose $context -d $path_test_package -m clean &&
+ bash ${path_scripts_package} $verbose $context -d $path_test_package -m build
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: Failed to clean and build the monolithic packages.$c_reset"
+ fi
+ return 1
+ fi
+ test_operate_build_project "$path_test_package_monolithic" "$path_original$path_test_project" fll monolithic bootstrap
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ let failure=1
+ fi
+ cd $path_original
+ if [[ $failure -eq 0 ]] ; then
+ if [[ $verbosity == "debug" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo "bash ${path_scripts_package} $verbose $context -d $path_test_package -p clean &&"
+ echo "bash ${path_scripts_package} $verbose $context -d $path_test_package -p build"
+ fi
+ bash ${path_scripts_package} $verbose $context -d $path_test_package -p clean &&
+ bash ${path_scripts_package} $verbose $context -d $path_test_package -p build
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: Failed to clean and build the program packages.$c_reset"
+ fi
+ return 1
+ fi
+ test_operate_build_project "$path_test_package_program" "$path_original$path_test_project" fake monolithic bootstrap
+ if [[ $failure -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ let failure=1
+ fi
+ fi
+ cd $path_original
+ return $failure
+test_operate_tests() {
+ local -i failure=0
+ local project=
+ local path_original="$PWD/"
+ local destination="$path_original$path_test_work"
+ for project in $projects ; do
+ if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_highlight}Testing Project $project.$c_reset"
+ echo -e "${c_title}--------------------------------------$c_reset"
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -d $path_test_package_individual$project-$version/ ]] ; then
+ if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: Package directory '$c_notice$path_test_package_individual$project-$version$c_error' is invalid or missing.$c_reset"
+ fi
+ let failure=1
+ fi
+ if [[ $failure -eq 0 ]] ; then
+ if [[ ! -f $path_test_package_individual$project-$version/data/build/testfile ]] ; then
+ if [[ $(echo $projects_no_tests | grep -o "\<$project\>") == "" ]] ; then
+ if [[ $verbosity == "verbose" || $verbosity == "debug" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_warning}WARNING: Project '$c_notice$project$c_warning' does not have a testfile.$c_reset"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo
+ echo -e "Project '$c_notice$project$c_reset' has no tests and is not expected to.$c_reset"
+ fi
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ $failure -eq 0 ]] ; then
+ if [[ $verbosity == "debug" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "Running '${c_notice}cd $path_test_package_individual$project-$version/$c_reset'."
+ fi
+ cd $path_test_package_individual$project-$version/
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: Failed to change into directory '$c_notice$path_test_package_individual$project-$version$c_error'.$c_reset"
+ fi
+ let failure=1
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ $failure -eq 0 ]] ; then
+ if [[ $verbosity == "debug" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ if [[ $build_compiler == "gcc" ]] ; then
+ echo "PATH=\"$env_path\" LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$env_libs\" fake $verbose $context -w \"$destination\" -m individual clean make -f testfile"
+ else
+ echo "PATH=\"$env_path\" LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$env_libs\" fake $verbose $context -w \"$destination\" -m individual -m $build_compiler clean make -f testfile"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ $build_compiler == "gcc" ]] ; then
+ PATH="$env_path" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$env_libs" fake $verbose $context -w "$destination" -m individual clean make -f testfile
+ else
+ PATH="$env_path" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$env_libs" fake $verbose $context -w "$destination" -m individual -m $build_compiler clean make -f testfile
+ fi
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ if [[ $verbosity != "quiet" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: Failure while testing project '$c_notice$project$c_reset$c_error'.$c_reset"
+ fi
+ let failure=1
+ fi
+ fi
+ cd $path_original
+ if [[ $failure -ne 0 ]] ; then
+ break;
+ fi
+ done
+ return $failure
test_cleanup() {
unset test_main
unset test_handle_colors
unset test_help
unset test_cleanup
unset test_operate
+ unset test_operate_build_individual
+ unset test_operate_build_project
+ unset test_operate_build_tools
+ unset test_operate_tests
test_main $*