rule -m state --state NEW -j input-icmp
# send all icmpv6 packets to the icmpv6 queue
+ tool ip6tables
protocol icmpv6
rule -m state --state NEW -j input-icmpv6
+ tool ip46tables
# load custom device-specific rules
rule -j input-devices
# remaining packets
+ #rule -j LOG --log-prefix "INPUT:"
rule -j DROP
# remaining packets
protocol none
+ #rule -j LOG --log-prefix "INV_IN:"
rule -j DROP
# this is the localhost address, valid localhost are allowed to return to the previous chain.
protocol none
rule -s -d -j RETURN
+ tool ip6tables
+ rule -s ::1 -d ::1 -j RETURN
+ tool iptables
# it may be necessay to add a return for individual ips because there are some cases that result in non-localhost addresses going through loopback.
#rule -s -d -j RETURN
tool ip46tables
# remaining packets
- rule -j DROP
+ #rule -j DROP
+ rule -j RETURN
rule --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN,RST -j input-invalid
rule --tcp-flags SYN,FIN SYN,FIN -j input-invalid
+ # XMPP ports.
+ #rule -m multiport --dports 5222,5223,5269 -j ACCEPT
# Postgresql standard port
#rule --dport 5432 -j ACCEPT
#rule --dport 1521 -j ACCEPT
# Web standard ports
- #rule -m multiport --dports 80,443,8080,8181,8443,8099,9000 -j ACCEPT
+ #rule -m multiport --dports 80,443,8080,8181,8443,8099,9000,9001,9002 -j ACCEPT
# ldap standard ports
#rule -m multiport --dports 389,636,1636 -j ACCEPT
# ssh standard port
#rule --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
+ # require 3 knocks before opening the door for SSH.
+ #rule --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set
+ #rule --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 15 --hitcount 3 -j ACCEPT
# common chef ssh ports
#rule --dport 2200:2210 -j ACCEPT
# teeworlds game server and client
#rule --dport 8300:8310 -j ACCEPT
+ # XMPP ports.
+ #rule -m multiport --dports 5222,5223,5269 -j ACCEPT
# allow high ports
#rule -m multiport --dports 49152:65535 -j ACCEPT
tool ip46tables
# remaining packets
- rule -j DROP
+ #rule -j LOG --log-prefix "ICMP_IN:"
+ #rule -j DROP
+ rule -j ACCEPT
protocol icmp
tool ip6tables
+ #rule -j LOG --log-prefix "ICMP6_IN:"
+ #rule -j DROP
+ rule -j ACCEPT
+ tool ip46tables
direction input
tool iptables
rule --sport 67 -d --dport 68 -j RETURN
protocol none
+ # Move ICMPv6 along.
+ tool ip6tables
+ protocol icmpv6
+ rule -m state --state NEW -j input-icmpv6
tool ip46tables
# drop all remaining broadcasts and multicasts
- rule -j DROP
+ #rule -j LOG --log-prefix "CAST_IN:"
+ #rule -j DROP
+ rule -j RETURN
rule -m state --state NEW -j output-icmp
# send all icmpv6 packets to the icmpv6 queue
+ tool ip6tables
protocol icmpv6
rule -m state --state NEW -j output-icmpv6
+ tool ip46tables
# load custom device-specific rules
rule -j input-devices
# remaining packets
- rule -j DROP
+ #rule -j LOG --log-prefix "OUTPUT:"
+ #rule -j DROP
+ rule -j ACCEPT
protocol none
# remaining packets
+ #rule -j LOG --log-prefix "INV_OUT:"
rule -j DROP
rule --dport 631 -s -d -j ACCEPT
# allow local dns server
- #protocol udp
- #rule --sport 53 -s -d -j ACCEPT
+ protocol udp
+ rule --sport 53 -s -d -j ACCEPT
# this is the localhost address, valid localhost are allowed to return to the previous chain.
protocol none
tool ip46tables
# remaining packets
- rule -j DROP
+ #rule -j DROP
+ rule -j RETURN
#rule --sport 1521 -j ACCEPT
# Web standard ports
- rule -m multiport --dports 80,443,8080,8181,8443,8099,9000 -j ACCEPT
- #rule -m multiport --sports 80,443,8080,8181,8443,8099,9000 -j ACCEPT
+ rule -m multiport --dports 80,443,8080,8181,8443,8099,9000,9001,9002 -j ACCEPT
+ #rule -m multiport --sports 80,443,8080,8181,8443,8099,9000,9001,9002 -j ACCEPT
# ldap standard ports
rule -m multiport --dports 389,636,1636 -j ACCEPT
rule -m multiport --dports 25,465,993 -j ACCEPT
#rule -m multiport --sports 25,465,993 -j ACCEPT
+ # XMPP ports
+ rule -m multiport --dports 5222,5223,5269 -j ACCEPT
# ssh standard port
rule --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
#rule --sport 22 -j ACCEPT
rule --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
#rule --sport 123 -j ACCEPT
+ # ntpsec standard port
+ rule --dport 4460 -j ACCEPT
# teeworlds game server and client
- #rule --dport 8300:8310 -j ACCEPT
+ rule --dport 8300:8310 -j ACCEPT
+ # XMPP ports
+ rule -m multiport --dports 5222,5223,5269 -j ACCEPT
# accept all loopback
tool iptables
tool ip46tables
# remaining packets
- rule -j DROP
+ #rule -j LOG --log-prefix "ICMP_OUT:"
+ #rule -j DROP
+ rule -j ACCEPT
protocol icmp
tool ip6tables
+ #rule -j LOG --log-prefix "ICMP6_OUT:"
+ #rule -j DROP
+ rule -j ACCEPT
+ tool ip46tables
direction output
protocol none
tool ip46tables
+ # Move ICMPv6 along.
+ tool ip6tables
+ protocol icmpv6
+ rule -m state --state NEW -j output-icmpv6
+ tool ip46tables
# drop all remaining broadcasts and multicasts
- rule -j DROP
+ #rule -j LOG --log-prefix "CAST:"
+ #rule -j DROP
+ rule -j ACCEPT
# load custom device-specific rules
rule -j forward-devices
+ #rule -j LOG --log-prefix "FORWARDs:"
+ #rule -j DROP
+ rule -j ACCEPT