#endif // _di_fl_fss_extended_content_read_
+#ifndef _di_fl_fss_extended_object_write_
+ f_return_status fl_fss_extended_object_write(const f_dynamic_string buffer, f_string_location *input, f_dynamic_string *object) {
+ #ifndef _di_level_1_parameter_checking_
+ if (object == f_null) return f_invalid_parameter;
+ #endif // _di_level_1_parameter_checking_
+ f_status status = f_status_initialize;
+ f_string_location object_position = f_string_location_initialize;
+ f_string_length start_position = f_string_initialize;
+ f_string_length pre_allocate_size = f_string_length_initialize;
+ fl_macro_fss_skip_past_all_whitespace(buffer, (*input))
+ if (input->start >= buffer.used) {
+ return f_no_data;
+ }
+ start_position = input->start;
+ // add an additional 3 to ensure that there is room for the start and stop quotes or a slash delimit and the object open character.
+ pre_allocate_size = object->used + (input->stop - input->start) + 3 + f_fss_default_allocation_step;
+ if (pre_allocate_size > object->size) {
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, (*object), pre_allocate_size);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) return status;
+ }
+ object_position.start = object->used;
+ object_position.stop = object->used;
+ if (buffer.string[input->start] == f_fss_delimit_slash) {
+ f_string_length delimit_slash_count = 0;
+ while (input->start <= input->stop) {
+ if (buffer.string[input->start] == f_fss_delimit_placeholder) {
+ input->start++;
+ continue;
+ } else if (buffer.string[input->start] != f_fss_delimit_slash) {
+ break;
+ }
+ object->string[object_position.stop] = buffer.string[input->start];
+ object_position.stop++;
+ delimit_slash_count++;
+ input->start++;
+ } // while
+ if (buffer.string[input->start] == f_fss_delimit_single_quote || buffer.string[input->start] == f_fss_delimit_double_quote) {
+ pre_allocate_size += delimit_slash_count + 1;
+ if (pre_allocate_size > object->size) {
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, (*object), pre_allocate_size + f_fss_default_allocation_step);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) return status;
+ }
+ while (delimit_slash_count > 0) {
+ object->string[object_position.stop] = f_fss_delimit_slash;
+ object_position.stop++;
+ delimit_slash_count--;
+ } // while
+ object->string[object_position.stop] = buffer.string[input->start];
+ object_position.stop++;
+ input->start++;
+ }
+ } else if (buffer.string[input->start] == f_fss_delimit_single_quote || buffer.string[input->start] == f_fss_delimit_double_quote) {
+ pre_allocate_size++;
+ if (pre_allocate_size > object->size) {
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, (*object), pre_allocate_size + f_fss_default_allocation_step);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) return status;
+ }
+ object->string[object_position.stop] = f_fss_delimit_slash;
+ object->string[object_position.stop + 1] = buffer.string[input->start];
+ object_position.stop += 2;
+ input->start++;
+ }
+ while (input->start <= input->stop) {
+ if (buffer.string[input->start] == f_fss_delimit_placeholder) {
+ input->start++;
+ continue;
+ } else if (isspace(buffer.string[input->start])) {
+ f_string_length first_space = input->start;
+ input->start++;
+ while (input->start <= input->stop && isspace(buffer.string[input->start])) {
+ input->start++;
+ } // while
+ if (input->start > input->stop) {
+ object->string[first_space] = f_fss_extended_open;
+ object->used = object_position.stop + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ // restart the loop searching for f_fss_delimit_double_quote.
+ input->start = start_position;
+ object_position.stop = object_position.start;
+ object->string[object_position.stop] = f_fss_delimit_double_quote;
+ object_position.stop++;
+ while (input->start <= input->stop) {
+ if (buffer.string[input->start] == f_fss_delimit_placeholder) {
+ input->start++;
+ continue;
+ } else if (buffer.string[input->start] == f_fss_delimit_double_quote) {
+ pre_allocate_size++;
+ if (pre_allocate_size > object->size) {
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, (*object), pre_allocate_size + f_fss_default_allocation_step);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) return status;
+ }
+ object->string[object_position.stop] = f_fss_delimit_slash;
+ object_position.stop++;
+ } else if (buffer.string[input->start] == f_fss_delimit_slash) {
+ f_string_length delimit_slash_count = 0;
+ do {
+ object->string[object_position.stop] = buffer.string[input->start];
+ object_position.stop++;
+ delimit_slash_count++;
+ input->start++;
+ fl_macro_fss_skip_past_delimit_placeholders(buffer, (*input));
+ if (input->start > input->stop) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (buffer.string[input->start] == f_fss_delimit_double_quote) {
+ pre_allocate_size += delimit_slash_count;
+ if (pre_allocate_size > object->size) {
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, (*object), pre_allocate_size + f_fss_default_allocation_step);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) return status;
+ }
+ break;
+ } else if (buffer.string[input->start] != f_fss_delimit_slash) {
+ delimit_slash_count = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (f_true);
+ while (delimit_slash_count > 0) {
+ object->string[object_position.stop] = f_fss_delimit_slash;
+ object_position.stop++;
+ delimit_slash_count--;
+ } // while
+ continue;
+ }
+ object->string[object_position.stop] = buffer.string[input->start];
+ input->start++;
+ object_position.stop++;
+ } // while
+ object->string[object_position.stop] = f_fss_delimit_double_quote;
+ object->string[object_position.stop + 1] = f_fss_extended_open;
+ object->used = object_position.stop + 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ object->string[object_position.stop] = buffer.string[input->start];
+ input->start++;
+ object_position.stop++;
+ } // while
+ if (object->used < object_position.stop) {
+ object->string[object_position.stop] = f_fss_extended_open;
+ object->used = object_position.stop + 1;
+ }
+ return f_none;
+ }
+#endif // _di_fl_fss_extended_object_write_
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"