if (*operation_if == fake_make_operation_if_type_if_defined) {
- if (fl_string_dynamic_compare_string(fake_make_operation_argument_environment_s, arguments.array[1], fake_make_operation_argument_environment_s_length) == F_equal_to) {
- *operation_if = fake_make_operation_if_type_true_next;
- for (f_array_length_t i = 2; i < arguments.used; ++i) {
- if (f_environment_exists(arguments.array[i].string) != F_true) {
- *operation_if = fake_make_operation_if_type_false_next;
- break;
- }
- } // for
- }
- else if (fl_string_dynamic_compare_string(fake_make_operation_argument_parameter_s, arguments.array[1], fake_make_operation_argument_parameter_s_length) == F_equal_to) {
- if (!data_make->setting_make.parameter.used) {
- *operation_if = fake_make_operation_if_type_false_next;
- return 0;
- }
- f_array_length_t i = 2;
- f_array_length_t j = 0;
- bool missed = F_true;
- *operation_if = fake_make_operation_if_type_true_next;
- for (; i < arguments.used; ++i, missed = F_true) {
- for (j = 0; j < data_make->setting_make.parameter.used; ++j) {
- if (fl_string_dynamic_compare(arguments.array[i], data_make->setting_make.parameter.array[j].name) == F_equal_to) {
- missed = F_false;
- break;
- }
- } // for
- if (missed) {
- *operation_if = fake_make_operation_if_type_false_next;
- break;
- }
- } // for
- }
+ fake_make_operate_process_type_if_defined(main, data_make, arguments, operation_if);
return 0;
#endif // _di_fake_make_operate_process_execute_
+#ifndef _di_fake_make_operate_process_type_if_defined_
+ void fake_make_operate_process_type_if_defined(fake_main_t * const main, fake_make_data_t * const data_make, const f_string_dynamics_t arguments, uint8_t *operation_if) {
+ const f_string_t reserved_name[] = {
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_build_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_color_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_data_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_define_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_fakefile_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_mode_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_process_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_settings_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_sources_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_verbosity_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_work_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_option_build_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_option_color_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_option_data_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_option_define_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_option_fakefile_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_option_mode_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_option_process_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_option_settings_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_option_sources_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_option_verbosity_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_option_work_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_value_build_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_value_color_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_value_data_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_value_define_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_value_fakefile_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_value_mode_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_value_process_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_value_settings_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_value_sources_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_value_verbosity_s,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_value_work_s,
+ };
+ const f_array_length_t reserved_length[] = {
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_build_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_color_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_data_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_define_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_fakefile_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_mode_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_process_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_settings_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_sources_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_verbosity_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_work_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_build_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_option_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_color_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_option_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_data_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_option_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_define_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_option_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_fakefile_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_option_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_mode_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_option_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_process_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_option_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_settings_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_option_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_sources_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_option_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_verbosity_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_option_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_work_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_option_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_build_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_value_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_color_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_value_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_data_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_value_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_define_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_value_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_fakefile_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_value_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_mode_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_value_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_process_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_value_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_settings_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_value_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_sources_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_value_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_verbosity_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_value_s_length,
+ fake_make_parameter_variable_work_s_length + fake_make_parameter_iki_value_s_length,
+ };
+ const bool reserved_defined[] = {
+ main->path_build.used,
+ F_true,
+ main->path_data.used,
+ main->define.used,
+ main->fakefile.used,
+ main->mode.used,
+ main->process.used,
+ main->settings.used,
+ main->path_sources.used,
+ F_true,
+ main->path_work.used,
+ main->parameters[fake_parameter_path_build].result == f_console_result_additional,
+ main->parameters[fake_parameter_light].result == f_console_result_found || main->parameters[fake_parameter_dark].result == f_console_result_found || main->parameters[fake_parameter_no_color].result == f_console_result_found,
+ main->parameters[fake_parameter_path_data].result == f_console_result_additional,
+ main->parameters[fake_parameter_define].result == f_console_result_additional,
+ main->parameters[fake_parameter_fakefile].result == f_console_result_additional,
+ main->parameters[fake_parameter_mode].result == f_console_result_additional,
+ main->parameters[fake_parameter_process].result == f_console_result_additional,
+ main->parameters[fake_parameter_settings].result == f_console_result_additional,
+ main->parameters[fake_parameter_path_sources].result == f_console_result_additional,
+ main->parameters[fake_parameter_verbosity_quiet].result == f_console_result_found || main->parameters[fake_parameter_verbosity_normal].result == f_console_result_found || main->parameters[fake_parameter_verbosity_verbose].result == f_console_result_found || main->parameters[fake_parameter_verbosity_debug].result == f_console_result_found,
+ main->parameters[fake_parameter_path_work].result == f_console_result_additional,
+ data_make->parameter_value.build.used,
+ data_make->parameter_value.color.used,
+ data_make->parameter_value.data.used,
+ data_make->parameter_value.define.used,
+ data_make->parameter_value.fakefile.used,
+ data_make->parameter_value.mode.used,
+ data_make->parameter_value.process.used,
+ data_make->parameter_value.settings.used,
+ data_make->parameter_value.sources.used,
+ data_make->parameter_value.verbosity.used,
+ data_make->parameter_value.work.used,
+ };
+ if (fl_string_dynamic_compare_string(fake_make_operation_argument_environment_s, arguments.array[1], fake_make_operation_argument_environment_s_length) == F_equal_to) {
+ *operation_if = fake_make_operation_if_type_true_next;
+ for (f_array_length_t i = 2; i < arguments.used; ++i) {
+ if (f_environment_exists(arguments.array[i].string) != F_true) {
+ *operation_if = fake_make_operation_if_type_false_next;
+ break;
+ }
+ } // for
+ }
+ else if (fl_string_dynamic_compare_string(fake_make_operation_argument_parameter_s, arguments.array[1], fake_make_operation_argument_parameter_s_length) == F_equal_to) {
+ f_array_length_t i = 2;
+ f_array_length_t j = 0;
+ // 0 = unknown, 1 = fail, 2 = pass.
+ uint8_t result = 0;
+ *operation_if = fake_make_operation_if_type_true_next;
+ // Multiple properties may pass and so if any of them fail, then they all fail.
+ for (; i < arguments.used; ++i) {
+ for (j = 0; j < 33; ++j) {
+ if (fl_string_dynamic_compare_string(reserved_name[j], arguments.array[i], reserved_length[j]) == F_equal_to) {
+ result = reserved_defined[j] ? 2 : 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ } // for
+ if (!result) {
+ for (j = 0; j < data_make->setting_make.parameter.used; ++j) {
+ if (fl_string_dynamic_compare(arguments.array[i], data_make->setting_make.parameter.array[j].name) == F_equal_to) {
+ result = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ } // for
+ }
+ if (result < 2) {
+ result = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i + 1 < arguments.used) {
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ } // for
+ if (result < 2) {
+ *operation_if = fake_make_operation_if_type_false_next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // fake_make_operate_process_type_if_defined
#ifndef _di_fake_make_operate_process_return_
void fake_make_operate_process_return(fake_main_t * const main, const int return_code, fake_make_data_t *data_make, f_status_t *status) {
== "left" "right"\:
- compare all parameters to be equal.
- requires 2 or more after the "==".
- for example, "if == 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd'" would test: 'a' == 'b' && 'b' == 'c' && 'c' == 'd'.
- this performs only string-based comparisons.
+ Compare all parameters to be equal.
+ Requires 2 or more after the "==".
+ For example, "if == 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd'" would test: 'a' == 'b' && 'b' == 'c' && 'c' == 'd'.
+ This performs only string-based comparisons.
> "left string" "right string"\:
- compare "left" to "right" for greater than.
- requires 2 or more after the ">".
- for example, "if > 0 1 2 3" would test: 0 > 1 && 1 > 2 && 2 > 3.
- this performs only number-based comparisons.
+ Compare "left" to "right" for greater than.
+ Requires 2 or more after the ">".
+ For example, "if > 0 1 2 3" would test: 0 > 1 && 1 > 2 && 2 > 3.
+ This performs only number-based comparisons.
< "left string" "right string"\:
- compare "left" to "right" for less than.
- requires 2 or more after the ">".
- for example, "if < 0 1 2 3" would test: 0 < 1 && 1 < 2 && 2 < 3.
- this performs only number-based comparisons.
+ Compare "left" to "right" for less than.
+ Requires 2 or more after the ">".
+ For example, "if < 0 1 2 3" would test: 0 < 1 && 1 < 2 && 2 < 3.
+ This performs only number-based comparisons.
>= "left string" "right string"\:
- compare "left" to "right" for greater than or equal to.
- requires 2 or more after the ">=".
- for example, "if >= 0 1 2 3" would test: 0 >= 1 && 1 >= 2 && 2 >= 3.
- this performs only number-based comparisons.
+ Compare "left" to "right" for greater than or equal to.
+ Requires 2 or more after the ">=".
+ For example, "if >= 0 1 2 3" would test: 0 >= 1 && 1 >= 2 && 2 >= 3.
+ This performs only number-based comparisons.
<= "left string" "right string"\:
- compare "left" to "right" for less than or equal to.
- requires 2 or more after the ">=".
- for example, "if <= 0 1 2 3" would test: 0 <= 1 && 1 <= 2 && 2 <= 3.
- this performs only number-based comparisons.
+ Compare "left" to "right" for less than or equal to.
+ Requires 2 or more after the ">=".
+ For example, "if <= 0 1 2 3" would test: 0 <= 1 && 1 <= 2 && 2 <= 3.
+ This performs only number-based comparisons.
<> "left" "right"\:
- compare all parameters to be not equal.
- requires 2 or more after the "==".
- for example, "if <> 'a' 'b' 'c'" would test: 'a' <> 'b' && 'b' <> 'c' && 'a' <> 'c'.
- this performs only string-based comparisons.
+ Compare all parameters to be not equal.
+ Requires 2 or more after the "==".
+ For example, "if <> 'a' 'b' 'c'" would test: 'a' <> 'b' && 'b' <> 'c' && 'a' <> 'c'.
+ This performs only string-based comparisons.
exists "file path"\:
- test if file exists.
- for example, "if exists "a.txt" "b.txt" would test if both the file a.txt and b.txt exist.
+ Test if file exists.
+ For example, "if exists "a.txt" "b.txt" would test if both the file a.txt and b.txt exist.
is block character directory fifo link regular socket for "file path"\:
- test if one or more files exist and if each file is any of the given types followed by "for" to designate where the the file paths begin.
- for example, "if is regular directory for "a.txt" "b.txt" would test if both the file a.txt and b.txt exist and are either of type "regular" or type "directory".
+ Test if one or more files exist and if each file is any of the given types followed by "for" to designate where the the file paths begin.
+ For example, "if is regular directory for "a.txt" "b.txt" would test if both the file a.txt and b.txt exist and are either of type "regular" or type "directory".
- test if the previous section operation failed.
+ Test if the previous section operation failed.
- test if the previous section operation succeeded.
+ Test if the previous section operation succeeded.
mode is/has "some mode" "some file"\:
- test if one or more files has the exact mode ("is") or has at least the given modes ("has").
- for example, "if mode is u+r a.txt b.txt" would test if both file a.txt and b.txt only have owner set to read.
- for example, "if mode has u+r a.txt b.txt" would test if both file a.txt and b.txt has owner set to read, and all other modes can be anything.
+ Test if one or more files has the exact mode ("is") or has at least the given modes ("has").
+ For example, "if mode is u+r a.txt b.txt" would test if both file a.txt and b.txt only have owner set to read.
+ For example, "if mode has u+r a.txt b.txt" would test if both file a.txt and b.txt has owner set to read, and all other modes can be anything.
owner "some mode" "some file"\:
- test if one or more files has the given owner.
- for example, "if owner me a.txt b.txt" would test if both file a.txt and b.txt have an owner named "me".
+ Test if one or more files has the given owner.
+ For example, "if owner me a.txt b.txt" would test if both file a.txt and b.txt have an owner named "me".
group "some mode" "some file"\:
- for example, "if owner we a.txt b.txt" would test if both file a.txt and b.txt have a group named "we".
+ For example, "if owner we a.txt b.txt" would test if both file a.txt and b.txt have a group named "we".
defined parameter/environment "some define name"\:
- test if one or more names are defined as a "parameter" or an "environment" variable.
- for example, "if defined parameter verbose silent" would test if both the "verbose" and the "silent" variables are defined via the "parameter" setting.
- for example, "if defined environment PWD SHELL" would test if both the "PWD" and the "SHELL" variables are defined via the "environment" variables.
+ Test if one or more names are defined as a "parameter" or an "environment" variable.
+ For example, "if defined parameter verbose silent" would test if both the "verbose" and the "silent" variables are defined via the "parameter" setting.
+ For example, "if defined environment PWD SHELL" would test if both the "PWD" and the "SHELL" variables are defined via the "environment" variables.
+ Reserved parameters that represent program arguments, three forms are available.
+ For example, the program argument -w/--work has the reserved word "work" and has three forms:
+ 1) "work".
+ 2) "work:option".
+ 3) "work:value".
+ In the case of form 1, the "if defined parameter work" would be true if the argument is passed to the program or a default is provided.
+ In the case of form 2, the "if defined parameter work:option" would be true if the argument is passed to the program.
+ In the case of form 3, the "if defined parameter work:value" would be true if the argument is passed to the program and has a non-zero value.
+ Some reserved parameters, such as the "verbosity", has no "value" and in this case would always return false for "if defined parameter verbosity:value".
+ The following are reserved parameters:
+ - build: Associated with -b/--build parameter.
+ - color: Associated with +d/++dark, +l/++light, and +n/++no_color parameters.
+ - data: Associated with -D/--data parameter.
+ - define: Associated with -d/--define parameter.
+ - fakefile: Associated with -f/--fakefile parameter.
+ - mode: Associated with -m/--mode parameter and possibly with the build settings default mode "modes_default".
+ - process: Associated with -p/--process parameter.
+ - settings: Associated with -s/--settings parameter.
+ - sources: Associated with -S/--sources parameter.
+ - verbosity: Associated with +q/++quiet, +N/++normal, +V/++verbose, and +D/++debug parameters.
+ - work: Associated with -w/--work parameter.
- index\:
Execute the linker program, such as "ar".