- c_: This represents a class name.
- t_: This represents a class trait.
- n_: This represents a namespace name.
+ - e_: This represent a class whose sole purpose is to provide an enumeration set.
Within a class object, special rules apply:
1) f_ is not prefixed on function names.
- 2) p_ is prefixed for private classes and protected classes that are intended to be private (via the use of final in the final class).
- 3) s_ is prefixed for static class function names.
- 4) All non-private and protected classes intended to be public must not be prefixed with p_.
- 5) Common operations will have the following prefixes:
+ 2) p_ is prefixed for private functions that are intended to be private.
+ 3) pr_ is prefixed for protected functions that are intended to be protected.
+ 4) s_ is prefixed for static function names.
+ 5) s_p_ is prefixed for private static function names.
+ 6) s_pr_ is prefixed for protected static function names.
+ 7) All non-private and non-protected functions (aka: public functions) must not be prefixed with p_.
+ 8) All non-statc functions must not be prefixed with s_.
+ 9) Common operations will have the following prefixes:
- get_: To load, return, or otherwise obtain some data, such as the value of a variable defined within a class.
- set_: To save, edit, other otherwise alter some data, such as a vlaue of a variable defined within a class.
- push_: Is used to send or write to something that might be remote and is not a variable in this class.
- pull_: Is used to retrieve or load something that might be remote and is not a variable in this class.
- 6) Initialization and de-initialization should be used. (This note needs to be moved elsewhere, but was written down here while my mind was on the topic.)
+ 10) Initialization and de-initialization should be used. (This note needs to be moved elsewhere, but was written down here while my mind was on the topic.)
- All classes must unset() all variables during de-initialization.
- This is done to help encourage the freeing of memory for when a garbage collection is performed.