General Style Guides:
- Naming Structure.
- Commas in Sets.
+ - Loops and Newlines.
+ - Returns, Breaks, Continues, Gotos, and Newlines.
Specific Style Guides:
- Return Code Names.
- Type Definition names.
- Function Names.
- File Names.
+ - Returns, Breaks, Continues, and Gotos Function Accessories.
Naming Structure:
All files, programs, functions, and comments that have specific meaning follow this general naming structure.
+Loops and Newlines:
+ All loops, except loops with only 0 or 1 lines within it, add an extra new line after the loop condition part (or before the loop condition part for post-increment loops).
+ All pre-increment loops will have their loop type (such as "while", or "for") in a comment inline with the closing brace.
+ A for loop would like like\:
+ for (int x = 0; x < y; ++x) {
+ do_something();
+ do_something_else();
+ } // while
+ A do while loop would like like\:
+ do {
+ do_something();
+ do_something_else();
+ } while (true);
+Returns, Breaks, Continues, Gotos, and Newlines:
+ Operations that change the flow of a block or a function must have a newline before them, except in certain conditions.
+ This includes "return" statements, "break" statements, "continue" statements, and "goto" statements.
+ Exceptions to this includes one line flow change operations directly tied to a function called before it.
+ These are meant to be treated as an accessory to the function.
+ Any of these used in a switch statement to represent an action on a particular case is an exception to this rule.
+ As an exception, this newline requirement may also be disregarded when combined with a set of one-line if, then, and else conditions.
Return Code Names:
The return code names are C-language specific names used by this project as the status or return codes for functions and programs.
To uniquely identify these, they follow the naming structure "(A)_(b)", where "(A)" is replaced with an upper-case character representing the project level (or name) and "(b)" is replaced with the lower-case status code name using words that are underscore separated.
- private-(c-)(b)(-c): "private-" is prepended to all source and header files intended to be private (aka: not intended to be exposed via the API or ABI).
- (c-)(b)(-c)-common: "-common" is appended to all files used as a common include for standard practice data such as global strings, define strings, type definitions, and memory allocation or deallocation functions.
+Returns, Breaks, Continues, and Gotos Function Accessories:
+ To avoid excessive newline spacing, certain one-line operations that are tightly coupled to a function are treated as an accessory to the function.
+ As an accessory to some function, these one-line operations must not have a line between them and the function that they are an accessory of unless there is an excessive amount.
+ These function accessories are operations that change the flow of a block or a function.
+ This includes "return" statements, "break" statements, "continue" statements, and "goto" statements.