Add standard comments to the settings-mocks and settings-tests files.
Remove the level and monolithic from the settings-mocks and settings-tests files given that I have now determined to rrun the tests exclusively in individual build mode.
Minor clean ups in these files.
# fss-0001
+# Build the project with appropriate mocks linked in via the dynamic linker's "--wrap" functionality.
+# The -Wl,--wrap does not work across shared files.
+# Therefore, this file is a work-around to inject the mocks into the library for testing purposes.
+# This should exactly match the "settings" file, except for the additional "-Wl,--wrap" parts and the additional mock source file.
build_name f_account
version_file micro
version_target minor
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
# fss-0001
+# Builds a program that is links to the generated library and is executed to perform tests.
+# Memory leaks in the test program can be checked for by running valgrind with this executable.
build_name test-f_account
version_file major
version_target major
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
build_libraries -lc -lcmocka
build_libraries-individual -lf_memory -lf_string -lf_type_array -lf_account
-build_libraries-level -lfll_0
-build_libraries-monolithic -lfll
build_sources_program test-account-by_id.c test-account-by_name.c test-account-group_name_by_id.c test-account-group_id_by_name.c test-account-id_by_name.c test-account-name_by_id.c test-account.c
# fss-0001
+# Build the project with appropriate mocks linked in via the dynamic linker's "--wrap" functionality.
# The -Wl,--wrap does not work across shared files.
# Therefore, this file is a work-around to inject the mocks into the library for testing purposes.
-# This should exaclty match the "settings" file, except for the additional "-Wl,--wrap" parts and the additional mock source file.
+# This should exactly match the "settings" file, except for the additional "-Wl,--wrap" parts and the additional mock source file.
build_name f_capability
version_file micro
version_target minor
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
# fss-0001
+# Builds a program that is links to the generated library and is executed to perform tests.
+# Memory leaks in the test program can be checked for by running valgrind with this executable.
build_name test-f_capability
version_file major
version_target major
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
build_indexer ar
build_indexer_arguments rcs
build_language c
build_libraries -lc -lcmocka
build_libraries-individual -lf_memory -lf_string -lf_type_array -lf_capability
-build_libraries-level -lfll_0
-build_libraries-monolithic -lfll
build_sources_program test-capability-ambient_get.c test-capability-ambient_reset.c test-capability-ambient_set.c test-capability-clear.c test-capability-clear_flag.c test-capability-compare.c test-capability-copy.c test-capability-copy_external.c test-capability-copy_internal.c test-capability-delete.c test-capability-file_descriptor_get.c test-capability-file_descriptor_set.c test-capability-file_get.c test-capability-file_set.c test-capability-flag_get.c test-capability-flag_set.c test-capability-from_name.c test-capability-from_text.c test-capability-groups_set.c test-capability-initialize.c test-capability-mode_get.c test-capability-mode_get_name.c test-capability-mode_set.c test-capability-owner_get.c test-capability-owner_set.c test-capability-process_bound_drop.c test-capability-process_bound_get.c test-capability-process_get_by_id.c test-capability-process_get.c test-capability-process_set.c test-capability-security_bits_get.c test-capability-security_bits_set.c test-capability-size.c test-capability-supported_ambient.c test-capability-supported.c test-capability-supported_code.c test-capability-to_name.c test-capability-to_text.c test-capability-user_set.c test-capability.c
build_script no
build_shared yes
build_static no
# fss-0001
+# Build the project with appropriate mocks linked in via the dynamic linker's "--wrap" functionality.
+# The -Wl,--wrap does not work across shared files.
+# Therefore, this file is a work-around to inject the mocks into the library for testing purposes.
+# This should exactly match the "settings" file, except for the additional "-Wl,--wrap" parts and the additional mock source file.
build_name f_color
version_file micro
version_target minor
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
# fss-0001
+# Builds a program that is links to the generated library and is executed to perform tests.
+# Memory leaks in the test program can be checked for by running valgrind with this executable.
build_name test-f_color
version_file major
version_target major
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
build_libraries -lc -lcmocka
build_libraries-individual -lf_memory -lf_string -lf_color
-build_libraries-level -lfll_0
-build_libraries-monolithic -lfll
build_sources_program test-color-context_delete.c test-color-context_destroy.c test-color-load_context.c test-color-save_1.c test-color-save_2.c test-color-save_3.c test-color-save_4.c test-color-save_5.c test-color.c
# fss-0001
+# Builds a program that is links to the generated library and is executed to perform tests.
+# Memory leaks in the test program can be checked for by running valgrind with this executable.
build_name test-f_console
version_file major
version_target major
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
build_libraries -lc -lcmocka
build_libraries-individual -lf_memory -lf_string -lf_type_array -lf_utf -lf_console
-build_libraries-level -lfll_0
-build_libraries-monolithic -lfll
build_sources_program test-console-environment_process.c test-console-identify.c test-console-parameter_prioritize_left.c test-console-parameter_prioritize_right.c test-console-parameter_process.c test-console-parameters_delete.c test-console-parameters_destroy.c test-console.c
# fss-0001
+# Builds a program that is links to the generated library and is executed to perform tests.
+# Memory leaks in the test program can be checked for by running valgrind with this executable.
build_name test-f_control_group
version_file major
version_target major
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
build_libraries -lc -lcmocka
build_libraries-individual -lf_memory -lf_string -lf_control_group
-build_libraries-level -lfll_0
-build_libraries-monolithic -lfll
build_sources_program test-control_group-copy.c test-control_group.c
build_indexer ar
build_indexer_arguments rcs
build_language c
build_libraries -lc
build_libraries-individual -lf_memory -lf_string -lf_utf
# fss-0001
+# Build the project with appropriate mocks linked in via the dynamic linker's "--wrap" functionality.
+# The -Wl,--wrap does not work across shared files.
+# Therefore, this file is a work-around to inject the mocks into the library for testing purposes.
+# This should exactly match the "settings" file, except for the additional "-Wl,--wrap" parts and the additional mock source file.
build_name f_conversion
version_file micro
version_target minor
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
# fss-0001
+# Builds a program that is links to the generated library and is executed to perform tests.
+# Memory leaks in the test program can be checked for by running valgrind with this executable.
build_name test-f_conversion
version_file major
version_target major
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
build_libraries -lc -lcmocka
build_libraries-individual -lf_memory -lf_string -lf_utf -lf_conversion
-build_libraries-level -lfll_0
-build_libraries-monolithic -lfll
build_sources_program test-conversion-character_is_binary.c test-conversion-character_is_decimal.c test-conversion-character_is_duodecimal.c test-conversion-character_is_hexidecimal.c test-conversion-character_is_octal.c test-conversion-character_to_binary.c test-conversion-character_to_decimal.c test-conversion-character_to_duodecimal.c test-conversion-character_to_hexidecimal.c test-conversion-character_to_octal.c test-conversion-number_signed_print.c test-conversion-number_signed_to_string.c test-conversion-number_unsigned_print.c test-conversion-number_unsigned_to_string.c test-conversion.c
# fss-0001
+# Build the project with appropriate mocks linked in via the dynamic linker's "--wrap" functionality.
+# The -Wl,--wrap does not work across shared files.
+# Therefore, this file is a work-around to inject the mocks into the library for testing purposes.
+# This should exactly match the "settings" file, except for the additional "-Wl,--wrap" parts and the additional mock source file.
build_name f_directory
version_file micro
version_target minor
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
# fss-0001
+# Builds a program that is links to the generated library and is executed to perform tests.
+# Memory leaks in the test program can be checked for by running valgrind with this executable.
build_name test-f_directory
version_file major
version_target major
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
build_libraries -lc -lcmocka
build_libraries-individual -lf_memory -lf_string -lf_directory
-build_libraries-level -lfll_0
-build_libraries-monolithic -lfll
build_sources_program test-directory-create.c test-directory-create_at.c test-directory-exists.c test-directory-exists_at.c test-directory-is.c test-directory-is_at.c test-directory-list.c test-directory-open.c test-directory-open_at.c test-directory-remove.c test-directory-remove_custom.c test-directory-touch.c test-directory-touch_at.c test-directory.c
# fss-0001
+# Builds a program that is links to the generated library and is executed to perform tests.
+# Memory leaks in the test program can be checked for by running valgrind with this executable.
build_name test-f_iki
version_file major
version_target major
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
build_libraries -lc -lcmocka
build_libraries-individual -lf_memory -lf_string -lf_type_array -lf_utf -lf_iki
-build_libraries-level -lfll_0
-build_libraries-monolithic -lfll
build_sources_program test-iki-content_is.c test-iki-content_partial_is.c test-iki-object_is.c test-iki-object_partial_is.c test-iki-read.c
build_sources_program test-iki-datas_adjust.c test-iki-datas_append.c test-iki-datas_append_all.c test-iki-datas_decimate_by.c test-iki-datas_decrease_by.c test-iki-datas_increase.c test-iki-datas_increase_by.c test-iki-datas_resize.c test-iki-datass_adjust.c test-iki-datass_append.c test-iki-datass_append_all.c test-iki-datass_decimate_by.c test-iki-datass_decrease_by.c test-iki-datass_increase.c test-iki-datass_increase_by.c test-iki-datass_resize.c
flags -O2 -z now -g -fdiagnostics-color=always -Wno-logical-not-parentheses -Wno-parentheses
flags-clang -Wno-logical-op-parentheses
flags-test -fstack-protector
flags_program -fPIE
# fss-0001
+# Builds a program that is links to the generated library and is executed to perform tests.
+# Memory leaks in the test program can be checked for by running valgrind with this executable.
build_name test-f_memory
version_file major
version_target major
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
build_libraries -lc -lcmocka
build_libraries-individual -lf_memory
-build_libraries-level -lfll_0
-build_libraries-monolithic -lfll
build_sources_program test-memory-adjust.c test-memory-delete.c test-memory-destroy.c test-memory-new_aligned.c test-memory-new.c test-memory-resize.c test-memory.c
# fss-0001
+# Builds a program that is links to the generated library and is executed to perform tests.
+# Memory leaks in the test program can be checked for by running valgrind with this executable.
build_name test-f_string
version_file major
version_target major
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
build_libraries -lc -lcmocka
build_libraries-individual -lf_memory -lf_string
-build_libraries-level -lfll_0
-build_libraries-monolithic -lfll
build_sources_program test-string-append.c test-string-append_assure.c test-string-append_assure_nulless.c test-string-append_nulless.c
build_sources_program test-string-dynamic_adjust.c test-string-dynamic_append.c test-string-dynamic_append_assure.c test-string-dynamic_append_assure_nulless.c test-string-dynamic_append_nulless.c
# fss-0001
+# Builds a program that is links to the generated library and is executed to perform tests.
+# Memory leaks in the test program can be checked for by running valgrind with this executable.
build_name test-f_type_array
version_file major
version_target major
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
build_libraries -lc -lcmocka
build_libraries-individual -lf_memory -lf_type_array
-build_libraries-level -lfll_0
-build_libraries-monolithic -lfll
build_sources_program test-type_array-array_lengths_adjust.c test-type_array-array_lengths_append.c test-type_array-array_lengths_append_all.c test-type_array-array_lengths_decimate_by.c test-type_array-array_lengths_decrease_by.c test-type_array-array_lengths_increase.c test-type_array-array_lengths_increase_by.c test-type_array-array_lengths_resize.c
build_sources_program test-type_array-array_lengthss_adjust.c test-type_array-array_lengthss_append.c test-type_array-array_lengthss_append_all.c test-type_array-array_lengthss_decimate_by.c test-type_array-array_lengthss_decrease_by.c test-type_array-array_lengthss_increase.c test-type_array-array_lengthss_increase_by.c test-type_array-array_lengthss_resize.c
# fss-0001
+# Builds a program that is links to the generated library and is executed to perform tests.
+# Memory leaks in the test program can be checked for by running valgrind with this executable.
build_name test-f_utf
version_file major
version_target major
-modes individual level monolithic clang test
+modes individual clang test
modes_default individual
build_compiler gcc
build_libraries -lc -lcmocka
build_libraries-individual -lf_memory -lf_string -lf_utf
-build_libraries-level -lfll_0
-build_libraries-monolithic -lfll
build_sources_program test-utf-append.c test-utf-append_assure.c test-utf-append_assure_nulless.c test-utf-append_nulless.c
build_sources_program test-utf-dynamic_adjust.c test-utf-dynamic_append.c test-utf-dynamic_append_assure.c test-utf-dynamic_append_assure_nulless.c test-utf-dynamic_append_nulless.c