--- /dev/null
+# license: lgpl-2.1
+# programmer: Kevin Day
+# The purpose of this script is to provide a simple bootstrap tool to compile and install any part of the FLL project.
+# The dependencies of this script are: bash, grep, and sed.
+ local public_name="Simple FLL Project Make Script"
+ local system_name=generate
+ local called_name=$(basename $0)
+ local version=0.2.0
+ local grab_next=
+ local do_color=normal
+ local do_help=
+ local i=0
+ local p=
+ local t=0
+ local c_reset="\\033[0m"
+ local c_title="\\033[1;33m"
+ local c_error="\\033[1;31m"
+ local c_warning="\\033[0;33m"
+ local c_highlight="\\033[1;32m"
+ local c_notice="\\033[0;01m"
+ local c_important="\\033[0;32m"
+ local c_subtle="\\033[1;30m"
+ local c_prefix="\\"
+ local variables=
+ local settings_file=data/build/settings
+ local operation=
+ local path_build=build/
+ if [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ t=$#
+ while [[ $i -lt $t ]] ; do
+ let i=$i+1
+ p=${!i}
+ if [[ $grab_next == "" ]] ; then
+ if [[ $p == "-h" || $p == "--help" ]] ; then
+ do_help=yes
+ elif [[ $p == "+n" || $p == "++no_color" ]] ; then
+ do_color=none
+ elif [[ $p == "+l" || $p == "++light" ]] ; then
+ do_color=light
+ elif [[ $p == "+v" || $p == "++version" ]] ; then
+ echo $version
+ return
+ elif [[ $p == "-b" || $p == "--build" ]] ; then
+ grab_next=path_build
+ elif [[ $p == "-s" || $p == "--settings" ]] ; then
+ grab_next=settings_file
+ elif [[ $operation == "" ]] ; then
+ operation=$p
+ else
+ operation=fail
+ fi
+ else
+ if [[ $grab_next == "path_build" ]] ; then
+ path_build=$(echo $p | sed -e 's|^//*|/|' -e 's|/*$|/|')
+ elif [[ $grab_next == "settings_file" ]] ; then
+ settings_file=$(echo $p | sed -e 's|^//*|/|')
+ fi
+ grab_next=
+ fi
+ done
+ p=
+ fi
+ generate_handle_colors
+ if [[ $do_help == "yes" ]] ; then
+ generate_help
+ generate_cleanup
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ generate_load_settings
+ if [[ $operation == "build" && ! -f ${path_build}.built ]] ; then
+ if [[ ! -f ${path_build}.prepared ]] ; then
+ generate_prepare_build
+ fi
+ generate_operation_build
+ elif [[ $operation == "clean" ]] ; then
+ generate_operation_clean
+ else
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: only one operation may be specified at a time.$c_reset"
+ fi
+ if [[ $do_color == "light" ]] ; then
+ c_error="\\033[1;31m"
+ c_warning="\\033[0;31m"
+ c_title="\\033[1;34m"
+ c_highlight="\\033[0;34m"
+ c_notice="\\033[0;01m"
+ c_important="\\033[0;35m"
+ elif [[ $do_color == "none" ]] ; then
+ c_reset=
+ c_title=
+ c_error=
+ c_warning=
+ c_highlight=
+ c_notice=
+ c_important=
+ c_subtle=
+ c_prefix=
+ fi
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_title}$public_name$c_reset"
+ echo -e " ${c_notice}Version $version$c_reset"
+ echo
+ echo -e "$c_highlight$system_name$c_reset $c_notice<${c_reset}operation$c_notice>$c_reset"
+ echo -e " ${c_important}build${c_reset} Build or compile the code"
+ echo -e " ${c_important}clean${c_reset} Delete all build files"
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_highlight}Options:$c_reset"
+ echo -e " -${c_important}h$c_reset, --${c_important}help$c_reset Print this help screen"
+ echo -e " +${c_important}l$c_reset, ++${c_important}light$c_reset Use color modes that show up better on light backgrounds"
+ echo -e " +${c_important}n$c_reset, ++${c_important}no_color$c_reset Do not use color"
+ echo -e " +${c_important}v$c_reset, ++${c_important}version$c_reset Print the version number of this program"
+ echo
+ echo -e "${c_highlight}Generate Options:$c_reset"
+ echo -e " -${c_important}b$c_reset, --${c_important}build${c_reset} Specify a custom build directory"
+ echo -e " -${c_important}s$c_reset, --${c_important}settings${c_reset} Specify a custom build settings file"
+ echo
+ local name=$1
+ case $name in
+ "project_name") echo -n 0;;
+ "project_level") echo -n 1;;
+ "version_major") echo -n 2;;
+ "version_minor") echo -n 3;;
+ "version_micro") echo -n 4;;
+ "build_compiler") echo -n 5;;
+ "build_libraries") echo -n 6;;
+ "build_sources_library") echo -n 7;;
+ "build_sources_program") echo -n 8;;
+ "build_sources_headers") echo -n 10;;
+ "build_shared") echo -n 11;;
+ "flags_all") echo -n 12;;
+ "flags_shared") echo -n 13;;
+ "flags_static") echo -n 14;;
+ "flags_library") echo -n 15;;
+ "flags_program") echo -n 16;;
+ esac
+ local failure=
+ local i=
+ if [[ $settings_file == "" ]] ; then
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: no settings file has been defined.$c_reset"
+ failure=1
+ elif [[ ! -f $settings_file ]] ; then
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: no settings file $c_notice$settings_file$c_error could not be found or is not a valid file.$c_reset"
+ failure=1
+ fi
+ if [[ $failure != "" ]] ; then
+ generate_cleanup
+ exit $failure
+ fi
+ for i in project_name project_level version_major version_minor version_micro build_compiler build_libraries build_sources_library build_sources_program build_sources_headers build_sources_headers build_shared flags_all flags_shared flags_static flags_library flags_program ; do
+ variables[$(generate_id $i)]=$(grep -s -o "^[[:space:]]*$i\>.*$" $settings_file | sed -e "s|^[[:space:]]*$i\>||" -e 's|^[[:space:]]*||')
+ done
+ local failure=
+ local level=${variables[$(generate_id project_level)]}
+ mkdir -vp ${path_build}{includes,programs,libraries} || failure=1
+ if [[ $failure == "" && $level != "" ]] ; then
+ mkdir -vp ${path_build}includes/level_$level || failure=1
+ fi
+ if [[ $failure == "" ]] ; then
+ for i in $headers ; do
+ ln -vsf ../../$i ${path_build}includes/level_$level/
+ if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+ failure=1
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ if [[ $failure != "" ]] ; then
+ generate_cleanup
+ exit $failure
+ fi
+ touch ${path_build}.prepared
+ local failure=
+ local name=${variables[$(generate_id project_name)]}
+ local level=${variables[$(generate_id project_level)]}
+ local major=${variables[$(generate_id version_major)]}
+ local minor=${variables[$(generate_id version_minor)]}
+ local micro=${variables[$(generate_id version_micro)]}
+ local compiler=${variables[$(generate_id build_compiler)]}
+ local arguments="-I${path_build}includes ${variables[$(generate_id flags_all)]} ${variables[$(generate_id build_libraries)]}"
+ local shared=${variables[$(generate_id build_shared)]}
+ local sources_library=${variables[$(generate_id build_sources_library)]}
+ local sources_program=${variables[$(generate_id build_sources_program)]}
+ local sources_headers=${variables[$(generate_id build_sources_headers)]}
+ local sources=
+ local i=
+ if [[ $shared == "yes" ]] ; then
+ if [[ $sources_library != "" ]] ; then
+ for i in $sources_library ; do
+ sources="${sources}sources/c/$i "
+ done
+ echo $compiler $arguments ${variables[$(generate_id flags_shared)]} ${variables[$(generate_id flags_library)]} $sources -shared -Wl,-soname,lib$name.so.$major -o ${path_build}libraries/lib$name.so.$major.$minor.$micro
+ $compiler $arguments ${variables[$(generate_id flags_shared)]} ${variables[$(generate_id flags_library)]} $sources -shared -Wl,-soname,lib$name.so.$major -o ${path_build}libraries/lib$name.so.$major.$minor.$micro || failure=1
+ if [[ $failure == "" ]] ; then
+ ln -vsf lib$name.so.$major.$minor.$micro ${path_build}libraries/lib$name.so.$major || failure=1
+ ln -vsf lib$name.so.$major ${path_build}libraries/lib$name.so || failure=1
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ $failure == "" && $sources_program != "" ]] ; then
+ sources=
+ for i in $sources_program ; do
+ sources="${sources}sources/c/$i "
+ done
+ echo $compiler $arguments ${variables[$(generate_id flags_shared)]} ${variables[$(generate_id flags_program)]} $sources -o ${path_build}programs/$name
+ $compiler $arguments ${variables[$(generate_id flags_shared)]} ${variables[$(generate_id flags_program)]} $sources -o ${path_build}programs/$name || failure=1
+ fi
+ else
+ if [[ $sources_library != "" ]] ; then
+ for i in $sources_library ; do
+ sources="${sources}sources/c/$i "
+ done
+ echo $compiler $arguments ${variables[$(generate_id flags_static)]} ${variables[$(generate_id flags_library)]} $sources -static -o ${path_build}libraries/lib$name.a
+ $compiler $arguments ${variables[$(generate_id flags_static)]} ${variables[$(generate_id flags_library)]} $sources -static -o ${path_build}libraries/lib$name.a || failure=1
+ fi
+ if [[ $failure == "" && $sources_program != "" ]] ; then
+ sources=
+ for i in $sources_program ; do
+ sources="${sources}sources/c/$i "
+ done
+ echo $compiler $arguments ${variables[$(generate_id flags_static)]} ${variables[$(generate_id flags_program)]} $sources -static -o ${path_build}programs/$name
+ $compiler $arguments ${variables[$(generate_id flags_static)]} ${variables[$(generate_id flags_program)]} $sources -static -o ${path_build}programs/$name || failure=1
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ $failure == "" && $sources_headers != "" ]] ; then
+ for i in $sources_headers ; do
+ cp -vf sources/c/$i ${path_build}includes/level_$level/ || failure=1
+ done
+ fi
+ if [[ $failure != "" ]] ; then
+ echo -e "${c_error}ERROR: failed to build.$c_reset"
+ generate_cleanup
+ exit $failure
+ fi
+ touch ${path_build}.built
+ local i=
+ for i in ${path_build}{includes,programs,libraries} ; do
+ if [[ -e $i ]] ; then
+ rm -vRf $i
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ -f ${path_build}.prepared ]] ; then
+ rm -vf ${path_build}.prepared
+ fi
+ if [[ -f ${path_build}.built ]] ; then
+ rm -vf ${path_build}.built
+ fi
+ unset generate_main
+ unset generate_handle_colors
+ unset generate_help
+ unset generate_id
+ unset generate_load_settings
+ unset generate_prepare_build
+ unset generate_operation_build
+ unset generate_operation_install
+ unset generate_operation_uninstall
+ unset generate_operation_clean
+ unset generate_cleanup
+generate_main $*