1 (Earth) minute = 60000000000 Time or 60 GT (GigaTime).
1 (Earth) second = 1000000000 Time or 1 GT (GigaTime).
- Consequentially, 1 day in units of Time is easily represented as 86.4 TT (TeraTime).
+ Consequentially, 1 day is easily represented in units of Time as 86.4 TT (TeraTime).
The Time may be stored in its "year string format".
In this format, a Year may be prepended to the Time followed by a single colon ':' to associate a year with the Time.
1 (Earth) second = 1 EpochTime
1 GT (GigaTime) = 1 EpochTime
- Consequentially, 1 day in units of EpochTime is easily represented as 86.4 KE (KiloEpochTime).
+ Consequentially, 1 day is easily represented in units of EpochTime as 86.4 KE (KiloEpochTime).