This adds unit tests for the string abstruse type.
The numbers tests are all almost identical.
Abstract their design out into a helper function and a callback.
The string tests will likely need similar helper functions as the number tests.
build_sources_program test-fss-payload_header_map-abstruse_signed-join.c test-fss-payload_header_map-abstruse_unsigned-join.c
build_sources_program test-fss-payload_header_map-abstruse_signeds-join.c test-fss-payload_header_map-abstruse_unsigneds-join.c
build_sources_program test-fss-payload_header_map-abstruse_signeds-split.c test-fss-payload_header_map-abstruse_unsigneds-split.c
+build_sources_program test-fss-payload_header_map-abstruse_string-join.c
-build_sources_program test-fss.c data-fss.c help-fss.c
+build_sources_program test-fss.c data-fss.c help-fss.c help-fss-number.c
build_script no
build_shared yes
--- /dev/null
+"some thing"
--- /dev/null
+"␀ ␀ ␀ ␀ ␀ ␀"
--- /dev/null
+""a b \" c"
--- /dev/null
+some thing
+␀ ␀ ␀ ␀ ␀ ␀
+"a b " c
--- /dev/null
+#include "test-fss.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+void help_number__test_payload(const f_string_t context_variables, const f_string_t context_headers, const uint64_t flag, void (*load_contents_at)(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state)) {
+ // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
+ // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
+ // Following the digit is a single Object line.
+ // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
+ // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
+ FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", context_variables);
+ FILE *file_headers = 0;
+ assert_non_null(file_variables);
+ f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
+ f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
+ f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
+ f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
+ f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
+ f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
+ f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
+ f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
+ {
+ state.status = F_none;
+ = &data;
+ data.cache = &cache;
+ data.flag = flag;
+ for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
+ if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
+ if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents, F_true)) break;
+ state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
+ load_contents_at(object, contents, &headers, &state);
+ if (object.string) free(object.string);
+ object.string = 0;
+ object.used = 0;
+ object.size = 0;
+ ++headers.used;
+ file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", context_headers, at);
+ assert_non_null(file_headers);
+ help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
+ for (;;) {
+ state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
+ if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
+ } // for
+ fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
+ assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
+ assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
+ for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
+ assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
+ assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
+ assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
+ assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
+ } // for
+ if (object.string) free(object.string);
+ if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ file_headers = 0;
+ object.string = 0;
+ object.used = 0;
+ object.size = 0;
+ cache.string = 0;
+ cache.used = 0;
+ cache.size = 0;
+ contents.array = 0;
+ contents.used = 0;
+ contents.size = 0;
+ headers.array = 0;
+ headers.used = 0;
+ headers.size = 0;
+ destinations.array = 0;
+ destinations.used = 0;
+ destinations.size = 0;
+ expects.array = 0;
+ expects.used = 0;
+ expects.size = 0;
+ } // for
+ }
+ if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
+ if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ if (object.string) free(object.string);
+ if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C"
--- /dev/null
+ * FLL - Level 1
+ *
+ * Project: FSS
+ * API Version: 0.7
+ * Licenses: lgpl-2.1-or-later
+ *
+ * Helper for the fss project tests.
+ */
+#ifndef _HELP__FL_fss_number_h
+#define _HELP__FL_fss_number_h
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * Perform the unit test for a number.
+ *
+ * @param context_variables
+ * The context name of the variables file for data__file_open__named().
+ * @param context_headers
+ * The context name of the headers file for data__file_open__named_at().
+ * @param flag
+ * The payload header state data flag.
+ * @param load_contents_at
+ * A callback to perform the type-specific content loading translation of the number.
+ */
+void help_number__test_payload(const f_string_t context_variables, const f_string_t context_headers, const uint64_t flag, void (*load_contents_at)(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state));
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C"
+#endif // _HELP__FL_fss_number_h
extern "C" {
-uint8_t help__read_line_contents__single(FILE *file, f_string_dynamics_t * const contents) {
+uint8_t help__read_line_contents__single(FILE *file, f_string_dynamics_t * const contents, const uint8_t as_number) {
size_t max = 255;
char *line_string = 0;
const f_number_unsigned_t count = (f_number_unsigned_t) atoi(line_string);
- if (!count) {
+ if (!count && as_number) {
assert_int_equal(line_string[0], '0');
* @param contents
* The array of contents to use.
* Must not be NULL.
+ * @param as_number
+ * Operate as a number, performing a check if the first character is '0' (the character and not NULL).
* @return
* F_true if there is no content left to read in the file.
* F_false otherwise.
-uint8_t help__read_line_contents__single(FILE *file, f_string_dynamics_t * const contents);
+uint8_t help__read_line_contents__single(FILE *file, f_string_dynamics_t * const contents, const uint8_t as_number);
* Load the expect lines from the given file.
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int16s__works_join(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_int16s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_int16s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- data.flag |= f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int16s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "join-abstruse_int16s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_int16s", "join-abstruse_int16s", f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int16s__join_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int16s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_int16s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int16s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int16s__works_join(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int16s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int16s_join_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int16s__works_split(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_int16s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_int16s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int16s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "split-abstruse_int16s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_int16s", "split-abstruse_int16s", 0, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int16s__split_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int16s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_int16s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int16s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int16s__works_split(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int16s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int16s_split_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int32s__works_join(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_int32s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_int32s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- data.flag |= f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int32s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "join-abstruse_int32s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_int32s", "join-abstruse_int32s", f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int32s__join_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int32s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_int32s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int32s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int32s__works_join(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int32s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int32s_join_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int32s__works_split(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_int32s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_int32s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int32s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "split-abstruse_int32s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_int32s", "split-abstruse_int32s", 0, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int32s__split_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int32s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_int32s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int32s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int32s__works_split(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int32s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int32s_split_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int64s__works_join(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_int64s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_int64s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- data.flag |= f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int64s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "join-abstruse_int64s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_int64s", "join-abstruse_int64s", f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int64s__join_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int64s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_int64s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int64s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int64s__works_join(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int64s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int64s_join_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int64s__works_split(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_int64s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_int64s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int64s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "split-abstruse_int64s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_int64s", "split-abstruse_int64s", 0, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int64s__split_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int64s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_int64s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int64s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int64s__works_split(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int64s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int64s_split_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int8s__works_join(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_int8s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_int8s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- data.flag |= f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int8s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "join-abstruse_int8s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_int8s", "join-abstruse_int8s", f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int8s__join_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int8s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_int8s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int8s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int8s__works_join(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int8s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int8s_join_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int8s__works_split(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_int8s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_int8s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int8s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "split-abstruse_int8s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_int8s", "split-abstruse_int8s", 0, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int8s__split_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int8s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_int8s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_int8s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int8s__works_split(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int8s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_int8s_split_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signed__works_join(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_signed");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < contents.used; ++i, ++headers.used) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[i].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[i].string[0], '0');
- }
- headers.array[headers.used].key.used = 0;
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- headers.array[headers.used].value.type = f_abstruse_signed_e;
- headers.array[headers.used] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "join-abstruse_signed", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_signed", "join-abstruse_signed", f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signed__join_load_contents_at);
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signed__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < contents.used; ++i, ++headers->used) {
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[i].string);
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[i].string[0], '0');
+ }
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ headers->array[headers->used].key.used = 0;
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ headers->array[headers->used].value.type = f_abstruse_signed_e;
+ headers->array[headers->used] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signed__works_join(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signed__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signed_join_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signeds__works_join(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_signeds");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_number_signeds_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- data.flag |= f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_signeds_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "join-abstruse_signeds", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_signeds", "join-abstruse_signeds", f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signeds__join_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signeds__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_number_signeds_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_signeds_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signeds__works_join(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signeds__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signeds_join_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signeds__works_split(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_signeds");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_number_signeds_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_signeds_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "split-abstruse_signeds", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_signeds", "split-abstruse_signeds", 0, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signeds__split_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signeds__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_number_signeds_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_signeds_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signeds__works_split(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signeds__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_signeds_split_h
--- /dev/null
+#include "test-fss.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_string__works_join(void **void_state) {
+ // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
+ // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
+ // Following the digit is a single Object line.
+ // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
+ // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
+ FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_string");
+ FILE *file_headers = 0;
+ assert_non_null(file_variables);
+ f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
+ f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
+ f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
+ f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
+ f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
+ f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
+ f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
+ f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
+ {
+ state.status = F_none;
+ = &data;
+ data.cache = &cache;
+ for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
+ if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
+ if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents, F_false)) break;
+ state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
+ for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < contents.used; ++i, ++headers.used) {
+ headers.array[headers.used].key.used = 0;
+ state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
+ headers.array[headers.used].value.type = f_abstruse_string_e;
+ headers.array[headers.used] = contents.array[i].string;
+ } // for
+ if (object.string) free(object.string);
+ object.string = 0;
+ object.used = 0;
+ object.size = 0;
+ file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "join-abstruse_string", at);
+ assert_non_null(file_headers);
+ help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
+ for (;;) {
+ state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
+ if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
+ } // for
+ fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
+ assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
+ assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
+ for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
+ assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
+ assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
+ assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
+ assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
+ } // for
+ if (object.string) free(object.string);
+ if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ file_headers = 0;
+ object.string = 0;
+ object.used = 0;
+ object.size = 0;
+ cache.string = 0;
+ cache.used = 0;
+ cache.size = 0;
+ contents.array = 0;
+ contents.used = 0;
+ contents.size = 0;
+ headers.array = 0;
+ headers.used = 0;
+ headers.size = 0;
+ destinations.array = 0;
+ destinations.used = 0;
+ destinations.size = 0;
+ expects.array = 0;
+ expects.used = 0;
+ expects.size = 0;
+ } // for
+ }
+ if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
+ if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ if (object.string) free(object.string);
+ if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C"
--- /dev/null
+ * FLL - Level 2
+ *
+ * Project: FSS
+ * API Version: 0.6
+ * Licenses: lgpl-2.1-or-later
+ *
+ * Test the fl_fss project.
+ */
+#ifndef _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_string_join_h
+#define _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_string_join_h
+ * Test that the function works for abstruse_string type.
+ *
+ * @see fl_fss_payload_header_map()
+ */
+extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_string__works_join(void **state);
+#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_string_join_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint16s__works_join(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_uint16s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_uint16s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- data.flag |= f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint16s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "join-abstruse_uint16s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_uint16s", "join-abstruse_uint16s", f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint16s__join_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint16s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_uint16s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint16s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint16s__works_join(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint16s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint16s_join_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint16s__works_split(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_uint16s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_uint16s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint16s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "split-abstruse_uint16s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_uint16s", "split-abstruse_uint16s", 0, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint16s__split_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint16s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_uint16s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint16s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint16s__works_split(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint16s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint16s_split_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint32s__works_join(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_uint32s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_uint32s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- data.flag |= f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint32s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "join-abstruse_uint32s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_uint32s", "join-abstruse_uint32s", f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint32s__join_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint32s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_uint32s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint32s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint32s__works_join(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint32s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint32s_join_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint32s__works_split(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_uint32s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_uint32s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint32s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "split-abstruse_uint32s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_uint32s", "split-abstruse_uint32s", 0, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint32s__split_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint32s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_uint32s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint32s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint32s__works_split(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint32s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint32s_split_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint64s__works_join(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_uint64s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_uint64s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- data.flag |= f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint64s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- // atoll() cannot be used here due to needing an unsigned 64-bit and atoll() returns a signed 64-bit.
- const f_number_signed_t number = strtoull(contents.array[is_a->used].string, 0, 10);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "join-abstruse_uint64s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_uint64s", "join-abstruse_uint64s", f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint64s__join_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint64s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_uint64s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint64s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ // atoll() cannot be used here due to needing an unsigned 64-bit and atoll() returns a signed 64-bit.
+ const f_number_signed_t number = strtoull(contents.array[is_a->used].string, 0, 10);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint64s__works_join(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint64s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint64s_join_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint64s__works_split(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_uint64s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_uint64s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint64s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- // atoll() cannot be used here due to needing an unsigned 64-bit and atoll() returns a signed 64-bit.
- const f_number_signed_t number = strtoull(contents.array[is_a->used].string, 0, 10);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "split-abstruse_uint64s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_uint64s", "split-abstruse_uint64s", 0, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint64s__split_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint64s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_uint64s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint64s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ // atoll() cannot be used here due to needing an unsigned 64-bit and atoll() returns a signed 64-bit.
+ const f_number_signed_t number = strtoull(contents.array[is_a->used].string, 0, 10);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint64s__works_split(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint64s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint64s_split_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint8s__works_join(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_uint8s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_uint8s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- data.flag |= f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint8s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "join-abstruse_uint8s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_uint8s", "join-abstruse_uint8s", f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint8s__join_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint8s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_uint8s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint8s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint8s__works_join(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint8s__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint8s_join_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint8s__works_split(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_uint8s");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_uint8s_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint8s_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "split-abstruse_uint8s", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_uint8s", "split-abstruse_uint8s", 0, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint8s__split_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint8s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_uint8s_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_uint8s_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint8s__works_split(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint8s__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_uint8s_split_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigned__works_join(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_unsigned");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < contents.used; ++i, ++headers.used) {
- const f_number_unsigned_t number = atoll(contents.array[i].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[i].string[0], '0');
- }
- headers.array[headers.used].key.used = 0;
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- headers.array[headers.used].value.type = f_abstruse_unsigned_e;
- headers.array[headers.used] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "join-abstruse_unsigned", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_unsigned", "join-abstruse_unsigned", f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigned__join_load_contents_at);
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigned__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < contents.used; ++i, ++headers->used) {
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ const f_number_unsigned_t number = atoll(contents.array[i].string);
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[i].string[0], '0');
+ }
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ headers->array[headers->used].key.used = 0;
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ headers->array[headers->used].value.type = f_abstruse_unsigned_e;
+ headers->array[headers->used] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigned__works_join(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigned__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigned_join_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigneds__works_join(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_unsigneds");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_number_unsigneds_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- data.flag |= f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_unsigneds_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "join-abstruse_unsigneds", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_unsigneds", "join-abstruse_unsigneds", f_fss_payload_header_map_flag_join_digits_e, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigneds__join_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigneds__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_number_unsigneds_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_unsigneds_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigneds__works_join(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigneds__join_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigneds_join_h
void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigneds__works_split(void **void_state) {
- // Note: Each line should probably be at max 255 characters.
- // The payload begins with a digit on the first line representing the number of Content lines following the Object line.
- // Following the digit is a single Object line.
- // Following the Object line is a line for each Content designated by the first line (can be 0).
- // Following this Content line (even if 0 lines) should be the end of the test file or the start of the next set for the next line in the headers file.
- FILE *file_variables = data__file_open__named("variables", "payload", "abstruse_unsigneds");
- FILE *file_headers = 0;
- assert_non_null(file_variables);
- f_abstruse_maps_t headers = f_abstruse_maps_t_initialize;
- f_state_t state = f_state_t_initialize;
- f_fss_payload_header_state_t data = f_fss_payload_header_state_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t object = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamics_t contents = f_string_dynamics_t_initialize;
- f_string_dynamic_t cache = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t destinations = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_string_maps_t expects = f_string_maps_t_initialize;
- f_number_unsigneds_t *is_a = 0;
- {
- state.status = F_none;
- = &data;
- data.cache = &cache;
- for (uint16_t at = 0; ; ++at) {
- if (help__read_line_object(file_variables, &object)) break;
- if (help__read_line_contents__single(file_variables, &contents)) break;
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- headers.array[0].key.used = 0;
- headers.array[0] = 0;
- headers.array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_unsigneds_e;
- is_a = &headers.array[0];
- state.status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers.array[headers.used].key);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (!number) {
- assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
- }
- is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
- ++headers.used;
- file_headers = data__file_open__named_at("headers", "payload", "split-abstruse_unsigneds", at);
- assert_non_null(file_headers);
- help__read_line_object(file_headers, &object);
- for (;;) {
- state.status = f_memory_array_increase(state.step_small, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size);
- assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state.status));
- if (help__read_line_expects__single(file_headers, object, &expects)) break;
- } // for
- fl_fss_payload_header_map(headers, &destinations, &state);
- assert_int_equal(state.status, F_okay);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.used, expects.used);
- for (f_number_unsigned_t i = 0; i < destinations.used; ++i) {
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].key.used, expects.array[i].key.used);
- assert_int_equal(destinations.array[i].value.used, expects.array[i].value.used);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].key.string, expects.array[i].key.string);
- assert_string_equal(destinations.array[i].value.string, expects.array[i].value.string);
- } // for
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- file_headers = 0;
+ help_number__test_payload("abstruse_unsigneds", "split-abstruse_unsigneds", 0, test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigneds__split_load_contents_at);
- object.string = 0;
- object.used = 0;
- object.size = 0;
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigneds__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state) {
- cache.string = 0;
- cache.used = 0;
- cache.size = 0;
+ f_number_unsigneds_t * const is_a = &headers->array[0];
- contents.array = 0;
- contents.used = 0;
- contents.size = 0;
+ headers->array[0].key.used = 0;
+ headers->array[0] = 0;
+ headers->array[0].value.type = f_abstruse_unsigneds_e;
- headers.array = 0;
- headers.used = 0;
- headers.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_string_dynamic_append(object, &headers->array[headers->used].key);
+ assert_int_equal(state->status, F_okay);
- destinations.array = 0;
- destinations.used = 0;
- destinations.size = 0;
+ state->status = f_memory_array_increase_by(contents.used, sizeof(f_number_signed_t), (void **) &is_a->array, &is_a->used, &is_a->size);
+ assert_true(F_status_is_error_not(state->status));
- expects.array = 0;
- expects.used = 0;
- expects.size = 0;
- } // for
- }
+ for (is_a->used = 0; is_a->used < contents.used; ) {
- if (file_variables) fclose(file_variables);
- if (file_headers) fclose(file_headers);
+ const f_number_signed_t number = atoll(contents.array[is_a->used].string);
- if (object.string) free(object.string);
- if (cache.string) free(cache.string);
+ if (!number) {
+ assert_int_equal(contents.array[is_a->used].string[0], '0');
+ }
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_dynamic_t), (void **) &contents.array, &contents.used, &contents.size, &f_string_dynamics_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_abstruse_map_t), (void **) &headers.array, &headers.used, &headers.size, &f_abstruse_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &destinations.array, &destinations.used, &destinations.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
- f_memory_arrays_resize(0, sizeof(f_string_map_t), (void **) &expects.array, &expects.used, &expects.size, &f_string_maps_delete_callback);
+ is_a->array[is_a->used++] = number;
+ } // for
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigneds__works_split(void **state);
+ * Callback to load the contents for the test.
+ *
+ * @param object
+ * The object parameter.
+ * @param contents
+ * The contents parameter.
+ * @param headers
+ * The headers parameter.
+ * @param state
+ * The state parameter.
+ */
+void test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigneds__split_load_contents_at(const f_string_static_t object, const f_string_dynamics_t contents, f_abstruse_maps_t * const headers, f_state_t * const state);
#endif // _TEST__FL_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_unsigneds_split_h
+ cmocka_unit_test(test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_string__works_join),
+ //cmocka_unit_test(test__fl_fss_payload_header_map__abstruse_strings__works_join),
// Data includes.
#include "data-fss.h"
#include "help-fss.h"
+#include "help-fss-number.h"
// Test includes.
#include "test-fss-basic_content_read.h"
#include "test-fss-payload_header_map-abstruse_signed-join.h"
#include "test-fss-payload_header_map-abstruse_signeds-join.h"
#include "test-fss-payload_header_map-abstruse_signeds-split.h"
+#include "test-fss-payload_header_map-abstruse_string-join.h"
#include "test-fss-payload_header_map-abstruse_uint8s-join.h"
#include "test-fss-payload_header_map-abstruse_uint8s-split.h"
#include "test-fss-payload_header_map-abstruse_uint16s-join.h"