It occurred to me that I should follow the same practices as the FSS process where I use range for the FLL/FSS Identifier processing.
Change the behavior to do so.
It also occurred to me that I should try to avoid processing both a dynamic string's used as well as the range.
The FLL/FSS Identifier code only accepts a string for this reason.
It will likely be a good idea to change the other FSS code to accept a f_string_t instead of a f_string_static_t.
Add the initial support for FSS header processing with support for multiple FLL/FSS Identifiers.
Add and use the FSS specific default memory allocators.
Complete more of the hardcoded ASCII strings.
Unless I missed something, all that is left now is to consider adding the extended ASCII.
build_libraries -lc -lcap
-build_sources_library account.c private-account.c capability.c color.c color-common.c console.c console-common.c control_group.c control_group-common.c conversion.c directory.c private-directory.c environment.c private-environment.c file.c file-common.c private-file.c fss.c private-fss.c fss_named.c fss_nest.c fss_set.c iki.c iki-common.c private-iki.c limit.c memory.c memory_structure.c private-memory.c path.c path-common.c private-path.c pipe.c print.c private-print.c serialize.c serialize-common.c private-serialize.c signal.c socket.c string.c string-common.c private-string.c string_dynamic.c string_map.c string_quantity.c string_range.c string_triple.c type_array.c private-type_array.c utf.c utf-common.c private-utf.c utf_dynamic.c utf_map.c utf_quantity.c utf_range.c utf_triple.c
+build_sources_library account.c private-account.c capability.c color.c color-common.c console.c console-common.c control_group.c control_group-common.c conversion.c directory.c private-directory.c environment.c private-environment.c file.c file-common.c private-file.c fss.c private-fss.c fss-common.c fss_named.c fss_nest.c fss_set.c iki.c iki-common.c private-iki.c limit.c memory.c memory_structure.c private-memory.c path.c path-common.c private-path.c pipe.c print.c private-print.c serialize.c serialize-common.c private-serialize.c signal.c socket.c string.c string-common.c private-string.c string_dynamic.c string_map.c string_quantity.c string_range.c string_triple.c type_array.c private-type_array.c utf.c utf-common.c private-utf.c utf_dynamic.c utf_map.c utf_quantity.c utf_range.c utf_triple.c
build_sources_library-level thread.c private-thread.c
build_sources_headers account.h account-common.h capability.h capability-common.h color.h color-common.h console.h console-common.h control_group.h control_group-common.h conversion.h conversion-common.h directory.h directory_type.h directory-common.h environment.h environment-common.h execute.h execute-common.h file.h file-common.h fss.h private-fss.h fss-common.h fss_comment.h fss_delimit.h fss_named.h fss_nest.h fss_quote.h fss_set.h iki.h iki-common.h limit.h limit-common.h memory.h memory_structure.h memory-common.h path.h path-common.h pipe.h print.h serialize.h serialize-common.h signal.h signal-common.h socket.h socket-common.h status.h string.h string-common.h private-string.h string_dynamic.h string_map.h string_quantity.h string_range.h string_triple.h type.h type_array.h private-type_array.h type_array-common.h utf.h utf-common.h utf_dynamic.h utf_map.h utf_quantity.h utf_range.h utf_triple.h
build_libraries -lc -lcap
-build_sources_library level_0/account.c level_0/private-account.c level_0/capability.c level_0/color.c level_0/color-common.c level_0/console.c level_0/console-common.c level_0/control_group.c level_0/control_group-common.c level_0/conversion.c level_0/directory.c level_0/private-directory.c level_0/environment.c level_0/private-environment.c level_0/file.c level_0/file-common.c level_0/private-file.c level_0/fss.c level_0/private-fss.c level_0/fss_named.c level_0/fss_nest.c level_0/fss_set.c level_0/iki.c level_0/iki-common.c level_0/private-iki.c level_0/limit.c level_0/memory.c level_0/memory_structure.c level_0/private-memory.c level_0/path.c level_0/path-common.c level_0/private-path.c level_0/pipe.c level_0/print.c level_0/private-print.c level_0/serialize.c level_0/serialize-common.c level_0/private-serialize.c level_0/signal.c level_0/socket.c level_0/string.c level_0/string-common.c level_0/private-string.c level_0/string_dynamic.c level_0/string_map.c level_0/string_quantity.c level_0/string_range.c level_0/string_triple.c level_0/type_array.c level_0/private-type_array.c level_0/utf.c level_0/utf-common.c level_0/private-utf.c level_0/utf_dynamic.c level_0/utf_map.c level_0/utf_quantity.c level_0/utf_range.c level_0/utf_triple.c level_1/console.c level_1/control_group.c level_1/conversion.c level_1/directory.c level_1/private-directory.c level_1/environment.c level_1/private-fss.c level_1/fss_basic.c level_1/fss_basic_list.c level_1/fss_embedded_list.c level_1/fss_extended.c level_1/fss_extended_list.c level_1/iki.c level_1/print.c level_1/private-print.c level_1/signal.c level_1/status.c level_1/string.c level_1/private-string.c level_1/utf.c level_1/private-utf.c level_1/utf_file.c level_1/private-utf_file.c level_2/control_group.c level_2/error.c level_2/error-common.c level_2/private-error.c level_2/execute.c level_2/private-execute.c level_2/file.c level_2/private-file.c level_2/fss.c level_2/private-fss.c level_2/fss_basic.c level_2/fss_basic_list.c level_2/fss_embedded_list.c level_2/fss_extended.c level_2/fss_extended_list.c level_2/fss_status.c level_2/iki.c level_2/private-iki.c level_2/path.c level_2/program.c level_2/status.c
+build_sources_library level_0/account.c level_0/private-account.c level_0/capability.c level_0/color.c level_0/color-common.c level_0/console.c level_0/console-common.c level_0/control_group.c level_0/control_group-common.c level_0/conversion.c level_0/directory.c level_0/private-directory.c level_0/environment.c level_0/private-environment.c level_0/file.c level_0/file-common.c level_0/private-file.c level_0/fss.c level_0/private-fss.c level_0/fss-common.c level_0/fss_named.c level_0/fss_nest.c level_0/fss_set.c level_0/iki.c level_0/iki-common.c level_0/private-iki.c level_0/limit.c level_0/memory.c level_0/memory_structure.c level_0/private-memory.c level_0/path.c level_0/path-common.c level_0/private-path.c level_0/pipe.c level_0/print.c level_0/private-print.c level_0/serialize.c level_0/serialize-common.c level_0/private-serialize.c level_0/signal.c level_0/socket.c level_0/string.c level_0/string-common.c level_0/private-string.c level_0/string_dynamic.c level_0/string_map.c level_0/string_quantity.c level_0/string_range.c level_0/string_triple.c level_0/type_array.c level_0/private-type_array.c level_0/utf.c level_0/utf-common.c level_0/private-utf.c level_0/utf_dynamic.c level_0/utf_map.c level_0/utf_quantity.c level_0/utf_range.c level_0/utf_triple.c level_1/console.c level_1/control_group.c level_1/conversion.c level_1/directory.c level_1/private-directory.c level_1/environment.c level_1/private-fss.c level_1/fss_basic.c level_1/fss_basic_list.c level_1/fss_embedded_list.c level_1/fss_extended.c level_1/fss_extended_list.c level_1/iki.c level_1/print.c level_1/private-print.c level_1/signal.c level_1/status.c level_1/string.c level_1/private-string.c level_1/utf.c level_1/private-utf.c level_1/utf_file.c level_1/private-utf_file.c level_2/control_group.c level_2/error.c level_2/error-common.c level_2/private-error.c level_2/execute.c level_2/private-execute.c level_2/file.c level_2/private-file.c level_2/fss.c level_2/private-fss.c level_2/fss_basic.c level_2/fss_basic_list.c level_2/fss_embedded_list.c level_2/fss_extended.c level_2/fss_extended_list.c level_2/fss_status.c level_2/iki.c level_2/private-iki.c level_2/path.c level_2/program.c level_2/status.c
build_sources_library-monolithic level_0/thread.c level_0/private-thread.c
build_sources_headers level_0/account.h level_0/account-common.h level_0/capability.h level_0/capability-common.h level_0/color.h level_0/color-common.h level_0/console.h level_0/console-common.h level_0/control_group.h level_0/control_group-common.h level_0/conversion.h level_0/conversion-common.h level_0/directory.h level_0/directory_type.h level_0/directory-common.h level_0/environment.h level_0/environment-common.h level_0/execute.h level_0/execute-common.h level_0/file.h level_0/file-common.h level_0/fss.h level_0/private-fss.h level_0/fss-common.h level_0/fss_comment.h level_0/fss_delimit.h level_0/fss_named.h level_0/fss_nest.h level_0/fss_quote.h level_0/fss_set.h level_0/iki.h level_0/iki-common.h level_0/limit.h level_0/limit-common.h level_0/memory.h level_0/memory_structure.h level_0/memory-common.h level_0/path.h level_0/path-common.h level_0/pipe.h level_0/print.h level_0/serialize.h level_0/serialize-common.h level_0/signal.h level_0/signal-common.h level_0/socket.h level_0/socket-common.h level_0/status.h level_0/string.h level_0/string-common.h level_0/private-string.h level_0/string_dynamic.h level_0/string_map.h level_0/string_quantity.h level_0/string_range.h level_0/string_triple.h level_0/type.h level_0/type_array.h level_0/private-type_array.h level_0/type_array-common.h level_0/utf.h level_0/utf-common.h level_0/utf_dynamic.h level_0/utf_map.h level_0/utf_quantity.h level_0/utf_range.h level_0/utf_triple.h level_1/console.h level_1/control_group.h level_1/conversion.h level_1/directory.h level_1/environment.h level_1/execute.h level_1/execute-common.h level_1/fss.h level_1/fss_basic.h level_1/fss_basic_list.h level_1/fss_embedded_list.h level_1/fss_extended.h level_1/fss_extended_list.h level_1/fss_status.h level_1/iki.h level_1/print.h level_1/signal.h level_1/signal-common.h level_1/status.h level_1/string.h level_1/utf.h level_1/utf_file.h level_2/control_group.h level_2/error.h level_2/error-common.h level_2/execute.h level_2/file.h level_2/fss.h level_2/fss_basic.h level_2/fss_basic_list.h level_2/fss_embedded_list.h level_2/fss_extended.h level_2/fss_extended_list.h level_2/fss_status.h level_2/iki.h level_2/path.h level_2/program.h level_2/status.h
--- /dev/null
+#include "fss.h"
+#include "private-fss.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C"
* FSS-specific types.
#ifndef _di_f_fss_types_t_
- extern const f_string_t f_fss_brace_left_s;
- extern const f_string_t f_fss_brace_right_s;
- extern const f_string_t f_fss_colon_s;
- extern const f_string_t f_fss_dash_s;
- extern const f_string_t f_fss_f_s;
- extern const f_string_t f_fss_pound_s;
- extern const f_string_t f_fss_quote_single_s;
- extern const f_string_t f_fss_quote_double_s;
- extern const f_string_t f_fss_s_s;
- extern const f_string_t f_fss_slash_s;
- extern const f_string_t f_fss_space_s;
- extern const f_string_t f_fss_underscore_s;
+ #define f_fss_brace_close_s f_string_ascii_brace_close_s
+ #define f_fss_brace_open_s f_string_ascii_brace_open_s
+ #define f_fss_colon_s f_string_ascii_colon_s
+ #define f_fss_dash_s f_string_ascii_minus_s
+ #define f_fss_f_s f_string_ascii_f_s
+ #define f_fss_pound_s f_string_ascii_pound_s
+ #define f_fss_quote_double_s f_string_ascii_quote_double_s
+ #define f_fss_quote_single_s f_string_ascii_quote_single_s
+ #define f_fss_s_s f_string_ascii_s_s
+ #define f_fss_slash_s f_string_ascii_slash_backward_s
+ #define f_fss_space_s f_string_ascii_space_s
+ #define f_fss_underscore_s f_string_ascii_underscore_s
#define f_fss_comment f_fss_pound_s[0]
#define f_fss_eol f_string_eol_s[0]
#define f_fss_basic_list_open f_fss_colon_s[0]
#define f_fss_basic_list_open_end f_string_eol_s[0]
#define f_fss_basic_list_close f_string_eol_s[0]
- #define f_fss_extended_list_open f_fss_brace_left_s[0]
+ #define f_fss_extended_list_open f_fss_brace_open_s[0]
#define f_fss_extended_list_open_end f_string_eol_s[0]
- #define f_fss_extended_list_close f_fss_brace_right_s[0]
+ #define f_fss_extended_list_close f_fss_brace_close_s[0]
#define f_fss_extended_list_close_end f_string_eol_s[0]
- #define f_fss_embedded_list_open f_fss_brace_left_s[0]
+ #define f_fss_embedded_list_open f_fss_brace_open_s[0]
#define f_fss_embedded_list_open_end f_string_eol_s[0]
- #define f_fss_embedded_list_close f_fss_brace_right_s[0]
+ #define f_fss_embedded_list_close f_fss_brace_close_s[0]
#define f_fss_embedded_list_close_end f_string_eol_s[0]
#define f_fss_type_header_open f_fss_pound_s[0]
#define f_fss_type_header_part1 f_fss_space_s[0]
#define f_fss_type_header_part4 f_fss_s_s[0]
#define f_fss_type_header_part5 f_fss_dash_s[0]
#define f_fss_type_header_close f_string_eol_s[0]
- typedef uint64_t f_fss_id_t;
#endif // _di_f_fss_types_t_
* FSS-specific delimiters.
#ifndef _di_f_fss_delimiters_
- #define f_fss_delimit_placeholder f_string_placeholder[0]
+ #define f_fss_delimit_placeholder f_string_placeholder_s[0]
#define f_fss_delimit_quote_single f_fss_quote_single_s[0]
#define f_fss_delimit_quote_double f_fss_quote_double_s[0]
#define f_fss_delimit_slash f_fss_slash_s[0]
#endif // _di_f_fss_complete_
- * Max size of a FSS header.
- *
- * The standard FSS character header is: "# fss-0000\n\0", which is 10 characters + newline + EOS = 12.
- *
- * The UTF-8 BOM is not supported because it is not an actual thing (only a suggestion according to rfc3629).
- * The UTF-8 BOM sequence is actually a different character called "zero-width non-breaking space".
- * Because it already has a use, this project considers the existence of UTF-8 BOM bad practice in all cases.
- * After all, if your file begins with a "zero-width non breaking space", you may want to actually use a space and not a "BOM".
- */
-#ifndef _di_f_fss_max_header_length_
- #define f_fss_max_header_length 12
-#endif // _di_f_fss_max_header_length_
* Default allocation steps.
* Recommended to be set to at least 4 to be UTF-8 friendlier.
#ifndef _di_f_fss_default_allocation_step_
#define f_fss_default_allocation_step f_memory_default_allocation_small
+ #define f_fss_default_allocation_step_small f_memory_default_allocation_small
+ #define f_fss_default_allocation_step_large f_memory_default_allocation_large
#endif // _di_f_fss_default_allocation_step_
- * Stores information about a particular fss file, otherwise known as its header.
- *
- * @todo change this to use a range instead if a length to support multiple sub-headers.
- *
- * type: The kind of fss file is this.
- * length: Total length of the header.
- */
-#ifndef _di_f_fss_header_t_
- typedef struct {
- f_fss_id_t type;
- f_array_length_t length;
- } f_fss_header_t;
- #define f_fss_header_initialize { 0, 0 }
-#endif // _di_f_fss_header_t_
- * This holds an array of fss_headers.
- *
- * array: The array of headers.
- * size: Total amount of allocated space.
- * used: Total number of allocated spaces used.
- */
-#ifndef _di_f_fss_headers_t_
- typedef struct {
- f_fss_header_t *array;
- f_array_length_t size;
- f_array_length_t used;
- } f_fss_headers_t;
- #define f_fss_headers_t_initialize { 0, 0, 0 }
- #define macro_f_fss_headers_t_clear(headers) macro_f_memory_structure_clear(headers)
- #define macro_f_fss_headers_t_resize(status, headers, length) macro_f_memory_structure_resize(status, headers, f_fss_header_t, length)
- #define macro_f_fss_headers_t_adjust(status, headers, length) macro_f_memory_structure_adjust(status, headers, f_fss_header_t, length)
- #define macro_f_fss_headers_t_delete_simple(headers) macro_f_memory_structure_delete_simple(headers, f_fss_header_t)
- #define macro_f_fss_headers_t_destroy_simple(headers) macro_f_memory_structure_destroy_simple(headers, f_fss_header_t)
- #define macro_f_fss_headers_t_increase(status, step, headers) macro_f_memory_structure_increase(status, step, headers, f_fss_header_t)
- #define macro_f_fss_headers_t_increase_by(status, headers, amount) macro_f_memory_structure_increase_by(status, headers, f_fss_header_t, amount)
- #define macro_f_fss_headers_t_decrease_by(status, headers, amount) macro_f_memory_structure_decrease_by(status, headers, f_fss_header_t, amount)
- #define macro_f_fss_headers_t_decimate_by(status, headers, amount) macro_f_memory_structure_decimate_by(status, headers, f_fss_header_t, amount)
-#endif // _di_f_fss_headers_t_
* This is a range that represents an object.
#ifndef _di_fss_object_t_
#define macro_f_fss_contents_t_decimate_by(status, contents, amount) macro_f_string_rangess_t_decimate_by(status, contents, amount)
#endif // _di_f_fss_contents_t_
+ * Resize the string quantitys array.
+ *
+ * @param length
+ * The new size to use.
+ * @param quantitys
+ * The string quantitys array to resize.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * F_none on success.
+ *
+ * F_parameter (with error bit) if a parameter is invalid.
+ *
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: f_memory_resize().
+ */
+#ifndef _di_f_string_quantitys_adjust_
+ extern f_status_t f_string_quantitys_adjust(const f_array_length_t length, f_string_quantitys_t *quantitys);
+#endif // _di_f_string_quantitys_adjust_
+ * Append the source quantitys onto the destination.
+ *
+ * @param source
+ * The source quantitys to append.
+ * @param destination
+ * The destination quantitys the source is appended onto.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * F_none on success.
+ * F_data_not on success, but there is nothing to append (size == 0).
+ *
+ * F_parameter (with error bit) if a parameter is invalid.
+ *
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: f_memory_resize().
+ */
+#ifndef _di_f_string_quantitys_append_
+ extern f_status_t f_string_quantitys_append(const f_string_quantitys_t source, f_string_quantitys_t *destination);
+#endif // _di_f_string_quantitys_append_
+ * Resize the string quantitys array to a smaller size.
+ *
+ * This will resize making the array smaller based on (size - given length).
+ * If the given length is too small, then the resize will fail.
+ * This will not shrink the size to less than 0.
+ *
+ * @param amount
+ * A positive number representing how much to decimate the size by.
+ * @param quantitys
+ * The string quantitys array to resize.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * F_none on success.
+ *
+ * F_parameter (with error bit) if a parameter is invalid.
+ *
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: f_memory_resize().
+ */
+#ifndef _di_f_string_quantitys_decimate_by_
+ extern f_status_t f_string_quantitys_decimate_by(const f_array_length_t amount, f_string_quantitys_t *quantitys);
+#endif // _di_f_string_quantitys_decimate_by_
+ * Resize the string quantitys array to a smaller size.
+ *
+ * This will resize making the array smaller based on (size - given length).
+ * If the given length is too small, then the resize will fail.
+ * This will not shrink the size to less than 0.
+ *
+ * @param amount
+ * A positive number representing how much to decrease the size by.
+ * @param quantitys
+ * The string quantitys array to resize.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * F_none on success.
+ *
+ * F_parameter (with error bit) if a parameter is invalid.
+ *
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: f_memory_resize().
+ */
+#ifndef _di_f_string_quantitys_decrease_by_
+ extern f_status_t f_string_quantitys_decrease_by(const f_array_length_t amount, f_string_quantitys_t *quantitys);
+#endif // _di_f_string_quantitys_decrease_by_
+ * Increase the size of the string quantitys array, but only if necessary.
+ *
+ * If the given length is too large for the buffer, then attempt to set max buffer size (f_array_length_t_size).
+ * If already set to the maximum buffer size, then the resize will fail.
+ *
+ * @param step
+ * The allocation step to use.
+ * Must be greater than 0.
+ * @param quantitys
+ * The string quantitys array to resize.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * F_none on success.
+ *
+ * F_array_too_large (with error bit) if the new array length is too large.
+ * F_parameter (with error bit) if a parameter is invalid.
+ *
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: f_memory_resize().
+ */
+#ifndef _di_f_string_quantitys_increase_
+ extern f_status_t f_string_quantitys_increase(const uint16_t step, f_string_quantitys_t *quantitys);
+#endif // _di_f_string_quantitys_increase_
+ * Resize the string quantitys array to a larger size.
+ *
+ * This will resize making the string larger based on the given length.
+ * If the given length is too large for the buffer, then attempt to set max buffer size (f_array_length_t_size).
+ * If already set to the maximum buffer size, then the resize will fail.
+ *
+ * @param amount
+ * A positive number representing how much to increase the size by.
+ * @param quantitys
+ * The string quantitys array to resize.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * F_none on success.
+ *
+ * F_array_too_large (with error bit) if the new array length is too large.
+ * F_parameter (with error bit) if a parameter is invalid.
+ *
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: f_memory_resize().
+ */
+#ifndef _di_f_string_quantitys_increase_by_
+ extern f_status_t f_string_quantitys_increase_by(const f_array_length_t amount, f_string_quantitys_t *quantitys);
+#endif // _di_f_string_quantitys_increase_by_
+ * Resize the string quantitys array.
+ *
+ * @param length
+ * The new size to use.
+ * @param quantitys
+ * The string quantitys array to adjust.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * F_none on success.
+ *
+ * F_parameter (with error bit) if a parameter is invalid.
+ *
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: f_memory_resize().
+ */
+#ifndef _di_f_string_quantitys_resize_
+ extern f_status_t f_string_quantitys_resize(const f_array_length_t length, f_string_quantitys_t *quantitys);
+#endif // _di_f_string_quantitys_resize_
+ * Resize the string quantityss array.
+ *
+ * @param length
+ * The new size to use.
+ * @param quantityss
+ * The string quantityss array to resize.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * F_none on success.
+ *
+ * F_parameter (with error bit) if a parameter is invalid.
+ *
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: f_memory_resize().
+ */
+#ifndef _di_f_string_quantityss_adjust_
+ extern f_status_t f_string_quantityss_adjust(const f_array_length_t length, f_string_quantityss_t *quantityss);
+#endif // _di_f_string_quantityss_adjust_
+ * Resize the string quantityss array to a smaller size.
+ *
+ * This will resize making the array smaller based on (size - given length).
+ * If the given length is too small, then the resize will fail.
+ * This will not shrink the size to less than 0.
+ *
+ * @param amount
+ * A positive number representing how much to decimate the size by.
+ * @param quantityss
+ * The string quantityss array to resize.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * F_none on success.
+ *
+ * F_parameter (with error bit) if a parameter is invalid.
+ *
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: f_memory_resize().
+ */
+#ifndef _di_f_string_quantityss_decimate_by_
+ extern f_status_t f_string_quantityss_decimate_by(const f_array_length_t amount, f_string_quantityss_t *quantityss);
+#endif // _di_f_string_quantityss_decimate_by_
+ * Resize the string quantityss array to a smaller size.
+ *
+ * This will resize making the array smaller based on (size - given length).
+ * If the given length is too small, then the resize will fail.
+ * This will not shrink the size to less than 0.
+ *
+ * @param amount
+ * A positive number representing how much to decrease the size by.
+ * @param quantityss
+ * The string quantityss array to resize.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * F_none on success.
+ *
+ * F_parameter (with error bit) if a parameter is invalid.
+ *
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: f_memory_resize().
+ */
+#ifndef _di_f_string_quantityss_decrease_by_
+ extern f_status_t f_string_quantityss_decrease_by(const f_array_length_t amount, f_string_quantityss_t *quantityss);
+#endif // _di_f_string_quantityss_decrease_by_
+ * Increase the size of the string quantityss array, but only if necessary.
+ *
+ * If the given length is too large for the buffer, then attempt to set max buffer size (f_array_length_t_size).
+ * If already set to the maximum buffer size, then the resize will fail.
+ *
+ * @param step
+ * The allocation step to use.
+ * Must be greater than 0.
+ * @param quantityss
+ * The string quantityss array to resize.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * F_none on success.
+ * F_data_not on success, but there is no reason to increase size (used + 1 <= size).
+ *
+ * F_array_too_large (with error bit) if the new array length is too large.
+ * F_parameter (with error bit) if a parameter is invalid.
+ *
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: f_memory_resize().
+ */
+#ifndef _di_f_string_quantityss_increase_
+ extern f_status_t f_string_quantityss_increase(const uint16_t step, f_string_quantityss_t *quantityss);
+#endif // _di_f_string_quantityss_increase_
+ * Resize the string quantityss array to a larger size.
+ *
+ * This will resize making the string larger based on the given length.
+ * If the given length is too large for the buffer, then attempt to set max buffer size (f_array_length_t_size).
+ * If already set to the maximum buffer size, then the resize will fail.
+ *
+ * @param amount
+ * A positive number representing how much to increase the size by.
+ * @param quantityss
+ * The string quantityss array to resize.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * F_none on success.
+ * F_data_not on success, but there is no reason to increase size (used + amount <= size).
+ *
+ * F_array_too_large (with error bit) if the new array length is too large.
+ * F_parameter (with error bit) if a parameter is invalid.
+ *
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: f_memory_resize().
+ */
+#ifndef _di_f_string_quantityss_increase_by_
+ extern f_status_t f_string_quantityss_increase_by(const f_array_length_t amount, f_string_quantityss_t *quantityss);
+#endif // _di_f_string_quantityss_increase_by_
+ * Resize the string quantityss array.
+ *
+ * @param length
+ * The new size to use.
+ * @param quantityss
+ * The string quantityss array to adjust.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * F_none on success.
+ *
+ * F_parameter (with error bit) if a parameter is invalid.
+ *
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: f_memory_resize().
+ */
+#ifndef _di_f_string_quantityss_resize_
+ extern f_status_t f_string_quantityss_resize(const f_array_length_t length, f_string_quantityss_t *quantityss);
+#endif // _di_f_string_quantityss_resize_
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
extern "C" {
-#ifndef _di_f_fss_types_t_
- const f_string_t f_fss_brace_left_s = "{";
- const f_string_t f_fss_brace_right_s = "}";
- const f_string_t f_fss_colon_s = ":";
- const f_string_t f_fss_dash_s = "-";
- const f_string_t f_fss_f_s = "f";
- const f_string_t f_fss_pound_s = "#";
- const f_string_t f_fss_quote_single_s = "'";
- const f_string_t f_fss_quote_double_s = "\"";
- const f_string_t f_fss_s_s = "s";
- const f_string_t f_fss_slash_s = "\\";
- const f_string_t f_fss_space_s = " ";
- const f_string_t f_fss_underscore_s = "_";
-#endif // _di_f_fss_types_t_
#ifndef _di_fl_fss_apply_delimit_
f_status_t fl_fss_apply_delimit(const f_fss_delimits_t delimits, f_string_static_t *buffer) {
#ifndef _di_level_0_parameter_checking_
build_language c
build_libraries -lc
build_libraries-individual -lf_memory -lf_string -lf_type_array -lf_utf
-build_sources_library fss.c private-fss.c fss_named.c fss_nest.c fss_set.c
+build_sources_library fss.c private-fss.c fss-common.c fss_named.c fss_nest.c fss_set.c
build_sources_headers fss.h private-fss.h fss-common.h fss_comment.h fss_delimit.h fss_named.h fss_nest.h fss_quote.h fss_set.h
extern "C" {
-#ifndef _di_f_string_eol_s_
- const f_string_t f_string_eol_s = f_string_eol;
-#endif // _di_f_string_eol_s_
#ifndef _di_f_string_empty_s_
const f_string_t f_string_empty_s = "";
#endif // _di_f_string_empty_s_
-#ifndef _di_f_string_placeholder_s_
- const f_string_t f_string_placeholder_s = f_string_placeholder;
-#endif // _di_f_string_placeholder_s_
-#ifndef _di_f_string_space_s_
- const f_string_t f_string_space_s = f_string_space;
-#endif // _di_f_string_space_s_
#ifndef _di_string_format_s_
const f_string_t f_string_format_string_s = f_string_format_string;
const f_string_t f_string_format_character_s = f_string_format_character;
const f_string_t f_string_ascii_Y_s = f_string_ascii_Y;
const f_string_t f_string_ascii_Z_s = f_string_ascii_Z;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_ampersand_s = f_string_ascii_ampersand;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_asterisk_s = f_string_ascii_asterisk;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_brace_close_s = f_string_ascii_brace_close;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_brace_open_s = f_string_ascii_brace_open;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_bracket_close_s = f_string_ascii_bracket_close;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_bracket_open_s = f_string_ascii_bracket_open;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_caret_s = f_string_ascii_caret;
const f_string_t f_string_ascii_comma_s = f_string_ascii_comma;
const f_string_t f_string_ascii_colon_s = f_string_ascii_colon;
const f_string_t f_string_ascii_colon_semi_s = f_string_ascii_colon_semi;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_dollar_s = f_string_ascii_dollar;
const f_string_t f_string_ascii_equal_s = f_string_ascii_equal;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_exclamation_s = f_string_ascii_exclamation;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_grave_s = f_string_ascii_grave;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_mark_question_s = f_string_ascii_mark_question;
const f_string_t f_string_ascii_minus_s = f_string_ascii_minus;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_parenthesis_open_s = f_string_ascii_parenthesis_open;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_parenthesis_close_s = f_string_ascii_parenthesis_close;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_percent_s = f_string_ascii_percent;
const f_string_t f_string_ascii_period_s = f_string_ascii_period;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_pipe_s = f_string_ascii_pipe;
const f_string_t f_string_ascii_plus_s = f_string_ascii_plus;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_pound_s = f_string_ascii_pound;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_quote_double_s = f_string_ascii_quote_double;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_quote_single_s = f_string_ascii_quote_single;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_sign_at_s = f_string_ascii_sign_at;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_sign_greater_than_s = f_string_ascii_sign_greater_than;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_sign_less_than_s = f_string_ascii_sign_less_than;
const f_string_t f_string_ascii_slash_forward_s = f_string_ascii_slash_forward;
const f_string_t f_string_ascii_slash_backward_s = f_string_ascii_slash_backward;
const f_string_t f_string_ascii_tilde_s = f_string_ascii_tilde;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_underscore_s = f_string_ascii_underscore;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_acknowledge_s = f_string_ascii_acknowledge;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_acknowledge_negative_s = f_string_ascii_acknowledge_negative;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_bell_s = f_string_ascii_bell;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_cancel_s = f_string_ascii_cancel;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_data_link_escape_s = f_string_ascii_data_link_escape;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_device_control_one_s = f_string_ascii_device_control_one;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_device_control_two_s = f_string_ascii_device_control_two;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_device_control_three_s = f_string_ascii_device_control_three;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_device_control_four_s = f_string_ascii_device_control_four;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_enquiry_s = f_string_ascii_enquiry;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_escape_s = f_string_ascii_escape;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_feed_form_s = f_string_ascii_feed_form;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_feed_line_s = f_string_ascii_feed_line;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_header_start_s = f_string_ascii_header_start;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_medium_stop_s = f_string_ascii_medium_stop;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_null_s = f_string_ascii_null;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_return_carriage_s = f_string_ascii_return_carriage;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_separator_file_s = f_string_ascii_separator_file;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_separator_group_s = f_string_ascii_separator_group;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_separator_record_s = f_string_ascii_separator_record;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_separator_unit_s = f_string_ascii_separator_unit;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_shift_in_s = f_string_ascii_shift_in;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_shift_out_s = f_string_ascii_shift_out;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_space_s = f_string_ascii_space;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_space_back_s = f_string_ascii_space_back;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_substitute_s = f_string_ascii_substitute;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_synchronous_idle_s = f_string_ascii_synchronous_idle;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_tab_horizontal_s = f_string_ascii_tab_horizontal;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_tab_vertical_s = f_string_ascii_tab_vertical;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_text_start_s = f_string_ascii_text_start;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_text_stop_s = f_string_ascii_text_stop;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_transmission_stop_s = f_string_ascii_transmission_stop;
+ const f_string_t f_string_ascii_transmission_block_end_s = f_string_ascii_transmission_block_end;
#endif // _di_string_ascii_s_
#ifdef __cplusplus
* FLL forbids '\r' and '\r\n' as end of line characters, \r will be silently ignored.
#ifndef _di_f_string_eol_s_
- #define f_string_eol "\n"
- #define f_string_eol_length 1
- const extern f_string_t f_string_eol_s;
+ #define f_string_eol_s f_string_ascii_feed_line_s
+ #define f_string_eol_s_length 1
#endif // _di_f_string_eol_s_
#ifndef _di_f_string_empty_s_
#endif // _di_f_string_empty_s_
#ifndef _di_f_string_placeholder_s_
- #define f_string_placeholder ""
- #define f_string_placeholder_length 1
- const extern f_string_t f_string_placeholder_s;
+ #define f_string_placeholder_s f_string_empty_s
+ #define f_string_placeholder_s_length 1
#endif // _di_f_string_placeholder_s_
#ifndef _di_f_string_space_s_
- #define f_string_space " "
- #define f_string_space_length 1
- const extern f_string_t f_string_space_s;
+ #define f_string_space_s f_string_ascii_space_s
+ #define f_string_space_s_length 1
#endif // _di_f_string_space_s_
#ifndef _di_string_format_s_
* Instead, this is for very common uses such as converting a hex-digit string into a number.
* These are standardized not be the language, per-say, but instead by the specific standard (such as hexidecimal).
- * @todo provide most (printable) ASCII-characters.
+ * The NULL ASCII string can be represented by the integer 0; however, given that these are all NULL-terminated strings the NULL character is represented with a NULL termination as well.
+ * The NULL ASCII string therefore has two NULLs, first the NULL represents the NULL and the second represents the NULL termination.
+ *
+ * @todo provide extended ASCII-characters.
#ifndef _di_string_ascii_s_
#define f_string_ascii_0 "0"
#define f_string_ascii_Y "Y"
#define f_string_ascii_Z "Z"
- #define f_string_ascii_comma ","
- #define f_string_ascii_colon ":"
- #define f_string_ascii_colon_semi ";"
- #define f_string_ascii_equal "="
- #define f_string_ascii_minus "-"
- #define f_string_ascii_period "."
- #define f_string_ascii_plus "+"
- #define f_string_ascii_slash_forward "/"
- #define f_string_ascii_slash_backward "\\"
- #define f_string_ascii_tilde "~"
+ #define f_string_ascii_ampersand "&"
+ #define f_string_ascii_asterisk "*"
+ #define f_string_ascii_brace_close "}"
+ #define f_string_ascii_brace_open "{"
+ #define f_string_ascii_bracket_close "]"
+ #define f_string_ascii_bracket_open "["
+ #define f_string_ascii_caret "^"
+ #define f_string_ascii_comma ","
+ #define f_string_ascii_colon ":"
+ #define f_string_ascii_colon_semi ";"
+ #define f_string_ascii_dollar "$"
+ #define f_string_ascii_equal "="
+ #define f_string_ascii_exclamation "!"
+ #define f_string_ascii_grave "`"
+ #define f_string_ascii_mark_question "?"
+ #define f_string_ascii_minus "-"
+ #define f_string_ascii_parenthesis_open "("
+ #define f_string_ascii_parenthesis_close ")"
+ #define f_string_ascii_percent "%"
+ #define f_string_ascii_period "."
+ #define f_string_ascii_pipe "|"
+ #define f_string_ascii_plus "+"
+ #define f_string_ascii_pound "#"
+ #define f_string_ascii_quote_double "\""
+ #define f_string_ascii_quote_single "'"
+ #define f_string_ascii_sign_at "@"
+ #define f_string_ascii_sign_greater_than ">"
+ #define f_string_ascii_sign_less_than "<"
+ #define f_string_ascii_slash_forward "/"
+ #define f_string_ascii_slash_backward "\\"
+ #define f_string_ascii_tilde "~"
+ #define f_string_ascii_underscore "_"
+ #define f_string_ascii_acknowledge "\ 6"
+ #define f_string_ascii_acknowledge_negative "\15"
+ #define f_string_ascii_bell "\a"
+ #define f_string_ascii_cancel "\18"
+ #define f_string_ascii_data_link_escape "\10"
+ #define f_string_ascii_device_control_one "\11"
+ #define f_string_ascii_device_control_two "\12"
+ #define f_string_ascii_device_control_three "\13"
+ #define f_string_ascii_device_control_four "\14"
+ #define f_string_ascii_enquiry "\ 5"
+ #define f_string_ascii_escape "\e"
+ #define f_string_ascii_feed_form "\f"
+ #define f_string_ascii_feed_line "\n"
+ #define f_string_ascii_header_start "\ 1"
+ #define f_string_ascii_medium_stop "\19"
+ #define f_string_ascii_null "\0"
+ #define f_string_ascii_return_carriage "\r"
+ #define f_string_ascii_separator_file "\1c"
+ #define f_string_ascii_separator_group "\1d"
+ #define f_string_ascii_separator_record "\1e"
+ #define f_string_ascii_separator_unit "\1f"
+ #define f_string_ascii_shift_in "\ f"
+ #define f_string_ascii_shift_out "\ e"
+ #define f_string_ascii_space " "
+ #define f_string_ascii_space_back "\b"
+ #define f_string_ascii_substitute "\1a"
+ #define f_string_ascii_synchronous_idle "\16"
+ #define f_string_ascii_tab_horizontal "\t"
+ #define f_string_ascii_tab_vertical "\v"
+ #define f_string_ascii_text_start "\ 2"
+ #define f_string_ascii_text_stop "\ 3"
+ #define f_string_ascii_transmission_stop "\ 4"
+ #define f_string_ascii_transmission_block_end "\17"
extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_0_s;
extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_1_s;
extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_Y_s;
extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_Z_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_ampersand_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_asterisk_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_brace_close_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_brace_open_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_bracket_close_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_bracket_open_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_caret_s;
extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_comma_s;
extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_colon_s;
extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_colon_semi_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_dollar_s;
extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_equal_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_exclamation_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_grave_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_mark_question_s;
extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_minus_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_parenthesis_open_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_parenthesis_close_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_percent_s;
extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_period_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_pipe_s;
extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_plus_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_pound_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_quote_double_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_quote_single_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_sign_at_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_sign_greater_than_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_sign_less_than_s;
extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_slash_forward_s;
extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_slash_backward_s;
extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_tilde_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_underscore_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_acknowledge_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_acknowledge_negative_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_bell_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_cancel_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_data_link_escape_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_device_control_one_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_device_control_two_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_device_control_three_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_device_control_four_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_enquiry_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_escape_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_feed_form_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_feed_line_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_header_start_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_medium_stop_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_null_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_return_carriage_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_separator_file_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_separator_group_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_separator_record_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_separator_unit_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_shift_in_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_shift_out_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_space_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_space_back_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_substitute_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_synchronous_idle_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_tab_horizontal_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_tab_vertical_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_text_start_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_text_stop_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_transmission_stop_s;
+ extern const f_string_t f_string_ascii_transmission_block_end_s;
#endif // _di_string_ascii_s_
#ifdef __cplusplus
#ifndef _di_FL_fss_status_warning_
- FL_fss_header_not,
- FL_fss_header_not_eos,
#endif // _di_FL_fss_status_warning_
#ifndef _di_FL_fss_status_success_
#endif // _di_fl_string_dynamic_seek_to_utf_character_
#ifndef _di_fl_string_fll_identify_
- f_status_t fl_string_fll_identify(const f_string_t buffer, const f_array_length_t length, f_fll_id_t *id) {
+ f_status_t fl_string_fll_identify(const f_string_t buffer, f_string_range_t *range, f_fll_id_t *id) {
#ifndef _di_level_1_parameter_checking_
- if (!length) return F_status_set_error(F_parameter);
+ if (!range) return F_status_set_error(F_parameter);
#endif // _di_level_1_parameter_checking_
if (id) {
id->used = 0;
- // The FLL identifier is always at least 6 characters ("X-0000").
- if (length < 6) {
- return F_false;
+ // skip past all leading NULLs.
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop; ++range->start) {
+ if (buffer[range->start]) break;
+ }
+ if (range->start > range->stop) {
+ return F_data_not;
+ }
+ // The FLL Identifier is always at least 6 characters ("X-0000").
+ if (range->stop - range->start < 5) {
+ // Increment until stop, while taking into consideration UTF-8 character widths.
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop; ) {
+ if (buffer[range->start] == f_string_eol_s[0]) {
+ ++range->start;
+ break;
+ }
+ range->start += macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[range->start]);
+ } // for
+ return F_found_not;
f_status_t status = F_none;
- f_array_length_t i = 0;
- f_array_length_t remaining = length;
- for (; i < length; ) {
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop; ) {
- status = f_utf_is_whitespace(buffer + i, remaining);
+ status = f_utf_is_whitespace(buffer + range->start, (range->stop - range->start) + 1);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) {
if (F_status_set_fine(status) == F_maybe) {
if (status == F_false) {
- if (buffer[i] == 0) {
- ++i;
- --remaining;
+ if (!buffer[range->start]) {
+ ++range->start;
- i += macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[i]);
- remaining -= macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[i]);
+ if (buffer[range->start] == f_string_eol_s[0]) {
+ ++range->start;
+ return F_found_not;
+ }
+ range->start += macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[range->start]);
} // for
- if (remaining < 6) {
- return F_false;
+ if (range->start > range->stop) {
+ return F_found_not;
+ }
+ if (range->stop - range->start < 5) {
+ // Increment until stop, while taking into consideration UTF-8 character widths.
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop; ) {
+ if (buffer[range->start] == f_string_eol_s[0]) {
+ ++range->start;
+ break;
+ }
+ range->start += macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[range->start]);
+ } // for
+ return F_found_not;
- f_array_length_t j = i;
+ f_array_length_t i = range->start;
- for (; i < length; ) {
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop; ) {
- status = f_utf_is_word(buffer + i, remaining, F_true);
+ status = f_utf_is_word(buffer + range->start, (range->stop - range->start) + 1, F_true);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
if (status == F_false) {
- if (buffer[i] == 0) {
- ++i;
- --remaining;
+ if (!buffer[range->start]) {
+ ++range->start;
- i += macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[i]);
- remaining -= macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[i]);
+ range->start += macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[range->start]);
} // for
- if (i > length || buffer[i] != f_string_ascii_minus[0]) {
- return F_false;
+ if (range->start > range->stop || buffer[range->start] != f_string_ascii_minus[0]) {
+ // Increment until stop, while taking into consideration UTF-8 character widths.
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop; ) {
+ if (buffer[range->start] == f_string_eol_s[0]) {
+ ++range->start;
+ break;
+ }
+ range->start += macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[range->start]);
+ } // for
+ return F_found_not;
- f_array_length_t k = 0;
+ f_array_length_t j = 0;
- for (; i < length && k < 5; ++i, --remaining, ++k) {
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop && j < 5; ++range->start, ++j) {
// The hexidecimal representing the number may only be ASCII.
- if (macro_f_utf_byte_width_is(buffer[i])) {
+ if (macro_f_utf_byte_width_is(buffer[range->start])) {
+ // Increment until stop, while taking into consideration UTF-8 character widths.
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop; ) {
+ if (buffer[range->start] == f_string_eol_s[0]) {
+ ++range->start;
+ break;
+ }
+ range->start += macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[range->start]);
+ } // for
if (id) {
id->type = 0;
- return F_false;
+ return F_found_not;
- if (isxdigit(buffer[i])) {
+ if (isxdigit(buffer[range->start])) {
if (id) {
- if (k) {
+ if (j) {
id->type *= 16;
- id->type += strtol(buffer + i, 0, 16);
+ id->type += strtol(buffer + range->start, 0, 16);
else {
- id->type = strtol(buffer + i, 0, 16);
+ id->type = strtol(buffer + range->start, 0, 16);
else {
- if (buffer[i] == 0) continue;
+ if (!buffer[range->start]) continue;
+ // Increment until stop, while taking into consideration UTF-8 character widths.
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop; ) {
+ if (buffer[range->start] == f_string_eol_s[0]) {
+ ++range->start;
+ break;
+ }
+ range->start += macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[range->start]);
+ } // for
if (id) {
id->type = 0;
- return F_false;
+ return F_found_not;
} // for
- if (i > length || k > 4) {
+ if (j != 5) {
+ // Increment until stop, while taking into consideration UTF-8 character widths.
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop; ) {
+ if (buffer[range->start] == f_string_eol_s[0]) {
+ ++range->start;
+ break;
+ }
+ range->start += macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[range->start]);
+ } // for
if (id) {
id->type = 0;
- return F_false;
+ return F_found_not;
- // The end of line, string, or end of length are the only valid stop points.
- if (i < length && buffer[i] != f_string_eol_s[0]) {
- status = f_utf_is_whitespace(buffer + i, remaining);
+ // skip past all NULLs.
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop; ++range->start) {
+ if (buffer[range->start]) break;
+ }
+ // The end of line, whitespace, or range stop point are the only valid stop points.
+ if (range->start <= range->stop) {
+ status = f_utf_is_whitespace(buffer + range->start, (range->stop - range->start) + 1);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) {
if (id) {
return status;
- if (status == F_false) {
+ if (status == F_true) {
+ // Increment until stop, while taking into consideration UTF-8 character widths.
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop; ) {
+ if (buffer[range->start] == f_string_eol_s[0]) {
+ ++range->start;
+ break;
+ }
+ range->start += macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[range->start]);
+ } // for
if (id) {
id->type = 0;
- return F_none;
+ return F_found_not;
+ if (buffer[range->start] == f_string_eol_s[0]) {
+ ++range->start;
+ }
if (id) {
- for (i = j, j = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ for (f_array_length_t j = i, i = 0; j <= range->stop; ++j) {
- if (buffer[i] == 0) continue;
- if (buffer[i] == f_string_ascii_minus[0]) break;
+ if (!buffer[j]) continue;
+ if (buffer[j] == f_string_ascii_minus[0]) break;
- id->name[j] = buffer[i];
- ++j;
+ id->name[i] = buffer[j];
+ ++i;
} // for
- if (j < 64) {
- id->name[j] = 0;
+ if (i < 64) {
+ id->name[i] = 0;
- id->used = j;
+ id->used = i;
- return F_true;
+ return F_found;
#endif // _di_fl_string_fll_identify_
* This will always change the FLL Identifier used and type codes, if a FLL Identifier is provided.
* Whitespace may be before and after the FLL Identifier and will be ignored.
+ * NULLs will be ignored.
* Anything else will result in treating the character as a possible FLL Identifier.
* A valid FLL Identifier must terminate on either whitespace, EOL, or the stop point (length).
- * The may not be NULL terminated and this function will skip over NULLs in the buffer when processing.
+ * The might not be NULL terminated.
+ * An using all 64-bytes will not be NULL terminated.
+ *
+ * If a newline ("\n") is encountered, range->start will be set to 1 byte after the newline.
* @param buffer
* The string to process.
- * @param length
- * The number of bytes within the buffer to process.
- * Must be greater than 0.
+ * @param range
+ * A range within the buffer representing the start and stop locations.
+ * The caller must ensure that the stop point does not exceed the buffer size.
+ *
+ * The range->start will be updated by this function.
+ * On error, the range->start may represent the last position looked at.
+ * On success, the range->start should be after the last valid position (for example for "fss-1234", the ast valid position would be the byte after the "4").
+ * Be aware that if a UTF-8 character exists at the end of the string but extends beyond the range stop, the stop position may be after the UTF-8 byte and not 1 byte after the stop point.
* @param id
* (optional) The FLL Identifier found.
* Set to NULL to not use.
* @return
- * F_false if the buffer does not represent a valid FLL Identifier.
- * F_true if the buffer does represent a valid FLL Identifier.
+ * F_data_not if length is 0.
+ * F_found if the buffer does represent a valid FLL Identifier.
+ * F_found_not if the buffer does not represent a valid FLL Identifier.
* F_complete_not_utf (with error bit) if a character is an incomplete UTF-8 fragment.
* F_maybe (with error bit) if a character could be a whitespace but width is not long enough. (This is only returned for an otherwise valid FLL Identifier.)
* @see f_utf_is_word()
#ifndef _di_fl_string_fll_identify_
- extern f_status_t fl_string_fll_identify(const f_string_t buffer, const f_array_length_t length, f_fll_id_t *id);
+ extern f_status_t fl_string_fll_identify(const f_string_t buffer, f_string_range_t *range, f_fll_id_t *id);
#endif // _di_fl_string_fll_identify_
#ifndef _di_fll_fss_identify_
- f_status_t fll_fss_identify(const f_string_static_t buffer, f_fss_header_t *header) {
+ f_status_t fll_fss_identify(const f_string_t buffer, f_string_range_t *range, f_fll_ids_t *ids) {
#ifndef _di_level_2_parameter_checking_
- if (!header) return F_status_set_error(F_parameter);
- if (!buffer.used) return F_status_set_error(F_parameter);
+ if (!range) return F_status_set_error(F_parameter);
#endif // _di_level_2_parameter_checking_
- return private_fll_fss_identify(buffer, header);
- }
-#endif // _di_fll_fss_identify_
+ // skip past all NULLs.
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop; ++range->start) {
+ if (buffer[range->start]) break;
+ }
-#ifndef _di_fll_fss_identify_file_
- f_status_t fll_fss_identify_file(f_file_t *file, f_fss_header_t *header) {
- #ifndef _di_level_2_parameter_checking_
- if (!file) return F_status_set_error(F_parameter);
- if (!header) return F_status_set_error(F_parameter);
- if (!file->id) return F_status_set_error(F_file_closed);
- if (file->id < 0) return F_status_set_error(F_file);
- #endif // _di_level_2_parameter_checking_
+ if (range->start > range->stop) {
+ return F_data_not;
+ }
+ // The first character must be a '#'.
+ if (buffer[range->start] != f_fss_pound_s[0]) {
+ // Increment until stop, while taking into consideration UTF-8 character widths.
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop; ) {
+ if (buffer[range->start] == f_string_eol_s[0]) {
+ ++range->start;
+ break;
+ }
- {
- f_array_length_t seeked = 0;
+ range->start += macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[range->start]);
+ } // for
- if (F_status_is_error(f_file_seek(file->id, SEEK_SET, 0, &seeked))) {
- return F_status_set_error(F_file_seek);
+ if (ids) {
+ ids->used = 0;
+ return F_found_not;
- f_status_t status = F_none;
- f_string_dynamic_t buffer = f_string_dynamic_t_initialize;
+ // skip past all NULLs after the '#'.
+ for (++range->start; range->start <= range->stop; ++range->start) {
+ if (buffer[range->start]) break;
+ }
+ if (range->start > range->stop) {
+ if (ids) {
+ ids->used = 0;
+ }
+ return F_found_not;
+ }
+ // The minimum requirement for a valid FLL/FSS Identifier for the entire line is 7 characters after the '#' ("# X-FFFF").
+ if (range->stop - range->start < 6) {
+ // Increment until stop, while taking into consideration UTF-8 character widths.
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop; ) {
+ if (buffer[range->start] == f_string_eol_s[0]) {
+ ++range->start;
+ break;
+ }
+ range->start += macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[range->start]);
+ } // for
+ if (ids) {
+ ids->used = 0;
+ }
+ return F_found_not;
+ }
+ f_status_t status = f_utf_is_whitespace(buffer + range->start, (range->stop - range->start) + 1);
+ if (F_status_is_error(status)) {
+ if (F_status_set_fine(status) == F_maybe) {
+ return F_status_set_error(F_complete_not_utf);
+ }
+ return status;
+ }
+ if (status == F_false) {
+ // Increment until stop, while taking into consideration UTF-8 character widths.
+ for (; range->start <= range->stop; ) {
+ if (buffer[range->start] == f_string_eol_s[0]) {
+ ++range->start;
+ break;
+ }
- macro_f_string_dynamic_t_resize(status, buffer, f_fss_max_header_length + 1);
- if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
+ range->start += macro_f_utf_byte_width(buffer[range->start]);
+ } // for
+ return F_found_not;
+ }
+ if (buffer[range->start] == f_string_eol_s[0]) {
+ ++range->start;
+ if (ids) {
+ ids->used = 0;
+ }
+ return F_found_not;
+ }
+ // in order to determine if a valid FLL Identifier represents a valid FSS identifier, the data must be saved.
+ f_fll_id_t id = f_fll_id_t_initialize;
+ bool found_fss = F_false;
+ do {
+ status = fl_string_fll_identify(buffer, range, ids ? &ids->array[ids->used] : &id);
+ if (F_status_is_error(status) || status == F_found_not) {
+ if (ids) {
+ ids->used = 0;
+ }
+ return status;
+ }
+ if (!found_fss) {
+ if (ids) {
+ if (ids->array[ids->used].used == 3 && ids->array[ids->used].name[0] == f_fss_f_s[0] && ids->array[ids->used].name[0] == f_fss_s_s[0] && ids->array[ids->used].name[0] == f_fss_s_s[0]) {
+ found_fss = F_true;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (id.used == 3 &&[0] == f_fss_f_s[0] &&[0] == f_fss_s_s[0] &&[0] == f_fss_s_s[0]) {
+ found_fss = F_true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ids) {
+ status = f_type_fll_ids_increase(f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, ids);
+ if (F_status_is_error(status)) {
+ if (ids) {
+ ids->used = 0;
+ }
+ return status;
+ }
+ ++ids->used;
+ }
+ } while (range->start <= range->stop);
+ if (ids) {
+ if (ids->used) {
+ if (found_fss) {
+ return F_found;
+ }
+ return F_maybe;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (id.used) {
+ if (found_fss) {
+ return F_found;
+ }
- status = f_file_read_until(*file, f_fss_max_header_length + 1, &buffer);
- if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
+ return F_maybe;
+ }
- return private_fll_fss_identify(buffer, header);
+ return F_found_not;
-#endif // _di_fll_fss_identify_file_
+#endif // _di_fll_fss_identify_
#ifndef _di_fll_fss_snatch_
f_status_t fll_fss_snatch(const f_string_static_t buffer, const f_fss_objects_t objects, const f_fss_contents_t contents, const f_string_t names[], const f_array_length_t lengths[], const f_array_length_t size, f_string_dynamic_t *values[], f_array_length_t *indexs[]) {
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
if (status == F_equal_to_not) continue;
- status = f_string_map_multis_increase(f_memory_default_allocation_small, values[j]);
+ status = f_string_map_multis_increase(f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, values[j]);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
if (indexs) {
- macro_f_array_lengths_t_increase(status, f_memory_default_allocation_small, (*indexs[j]));
+ macro_f_array_lengths_t_increase(status, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, (*indexs[j]));
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
if (status == F_equal_to_not) continue;
- status = f_string_maps_increase(f_memory_default_allocation_small, values[j]);
+ status = f_string_maps_increase(f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, values[j]);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
if (indexs) {
- macro_f_array_lengths_t_increase(status, f_memory_default_allocation_small, (*indexs[j]));
+ macro_f_array_lengths_t_increase(status, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, (*indexs[j]));
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
map_multi = &values[j]->array[k];
else {
- status = f_string_map_multis_increase(f_memory_default_allocation_small, values[j]);
+ status = f_string_map_multis_increase(f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, values[j]);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
if (indexs) {
- macro_f_array_lengths_t_increase(status, f_memory_default_allocation_small, (*indexs[j]));
+ macro_f_array_lengths_t_increase(status, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, (*indexs[j]));
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
if (contents.array[i].used == 1) continue;
- status = f_string_dynamics_increase(f_memory_default_allocation_small, &map_multi->value);
+ status = f_string_dynamics_increase(f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, &map_multi->value);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
for (k = 1; k < contents.array[i].used; k++) {
map = &values[j]->array[k];
else {
- status = f_string_maps_increase(f_memory_default_allocation_small, values[j]);
+ status = f_string_maps_increase(f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, values[j]);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
if (indexs) {
- macro_f_array_lengths_t_increase(status, f_memory_default_allocation_small, (*indexs[j]));
+ macro_f_array_lengths_t_increase(status, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, (*indexs[j]));
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
if (status == F_equal_to_not) continue;
- status = f_string_dynamics_increase(f_memory_default_allocation_small, values[j]);
+ status = f_string_dynamics_increase(f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, values[j]);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
if (indexs) {
- macro_f_array_lengths_t_increase(status, f_memory_default_allocation_small, (*indexs[j]));
+ macro_f_array_lengths_t_increase(status, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, (*indexs[j]));
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
* Identify FSS type from a buffered string.
- * @param buffer
- * The string to process.
- * @param header
- * The header data to populate with results of this function.
+ * The operates on the assumption that the first character provided is the start of the line.
+ * This will process until the stop point or the end of the line.
+ * This stop point should always be after the end of the line, except when there is an error.
- * @return
- * F_none on success
- * FL_fss_header_not if no header is found.
+ * This expects there to be at least a single "fss-XXXX" FSS Identifier.
+ * If one is not found but the line contains valid FLL Identifiers, then this returns F_maybe.
- * FL_fss_accepted_invalid (with warning bit) if header is technically invalid but can be identified.
+ * See the fl_string_fll_identify() function for details on individual FLL/FSS Identifier processing.
- * FL_fss_header_not (with error bit) if the an error occurred prior to identifying a valid header.
+ * @param buffer
+ * The string to process.
+ * @param range
+ * A range within the buffer representing the start and stop locations.
+ * The caller must ensure that the stop point does not exceed the buffer size.
- * Errors (with error bit) from: fl_conversion_string_to_hexidecimal_unsigned().
- */
-#ifndef _di_fll_fss_identify_
- extern f_status_t fll_fss_identify(const f_string_static_t buffer, f_fss_header_t *header);
-#endif // _di_fll_fss_identify_
- * Identify FSS type from a file.
+ * The range->start may be updated by this function.
+ * On failure, the range->start may represent the last position looked at.
+ * On success, the range->start should be after the last valid position (for example for "# fss-1234 fss-4321\n", the ast valid position would be the byte after the "\n").
+ * @param ids
+ * (optional) The FLL Identifiers to populate with results of this function.
+ * Set to NULL to not use.
- * @param file
- * The file information.
- * @param header
- * The header data to populate with results of this function.
+ * When non-NULL, this will have its length reset to 0.
+ * FLL/FSS Identifiers will then be appended to this array.
* @return
- * F_none on success.
- * FL_fss_header_not if no header is found.
+ * F_data_not if length is 0.
+ * F_found if the buffer does represent a valid FSS Identifier.
+ * F_found_not if the buffer does not represent a valid FSS Identifier.
+ * F_maybe if the buffer is a valid FLL Identifier but does not have an FSS Identifier ("fss-XXXX").
- * FL_fss_accepted_invalid (with warning bit) if header is technically invalid but can be identified.
+ * F_complete_not_utf (with error bit) if character is an incomplete UTF-8 fragment.
- * F_memory_not (with error bit) on out of memory.
- * F_parameter (with error bit) if a parameter is invalid.
- * FL_fss_header_not (with error bit) if the an error occurred prior to identifying a valid header.
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: f_type_fll_ids_increase().
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: f_utf_is_whitespace().
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: fl_string_fll_identify().
- * Errors (with error bit) from: fl_conversion_string_to_hexidecimal_unsigned().
- * Errors (with error bit) from: f_file_read_until().
- * Errors (with error bit) from: f_file_seek().
- *
- * @see f_file_read_until()
+ * @see f_type_fll_ids_increase()
+ * @see f_utf_is_whitespace()
+ * @see fl_string_fll_identify()
-#ifndef _di_fll_fss_identify_file_
- extern f_status_t fll_fss_identify_file(f_file_t *file, f_fss_header_t *header);
-#endif // _di_fll_fss_identify_file_
+#ifndef _di_fll_fss_identify_
+ extern f_status_t fll_fss_identify(const f_string_t buffer, f_string_range_t *range, f_fll_ids_t *ids);
+#endif // _di_fll_fss_identify_
* Perform simple search through all objects against the given set, saving all values when matched.
do {
if (objects->used == objects->size) {
- macro_f_fss_objects_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, (*objects))
+ macro_f_fss_objects_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, (*objects))
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
- macro_f_fss_contents_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, (*contents))
+ macro_f_fss_contents_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, (*contents))
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
if (objects_quoted) {
- macro_f_fss_quotes_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, (*objects_quoted))
+ macro_f_fss_quotes_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, (*objects_quoted))
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
- macro_f_fss_content_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, contents->array[contents->used])
+ macro_f_fss_content_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, contents->array[contents->used])
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
else if (status == FL_fss_found_object_content_not) {
found_data = F_true;
- macro_f_fss_content_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, contents->array[contents->used])
+ macro_f_fss_content_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, contents->array[contents->used])
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
else {
- status = f_string_dynamic_increase(f_memory_default_allocation_small, destination);
+ status = f_string_dynamic_increase(f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, destination);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
destination->string[destination->used++] = f_string_eol_s[0];
if (status == FL_fss_found_object || status == FL_fss_found_object_content_not) {
- macro_f_fss_delimits_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, contents->array[contents->used])
+ macro_f_fss_content_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, contents->array[contents->used])
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
else if (status == FL_fss_found_object_content_not) {
found_data = F_true;
- macro_f_fss_content_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, contents->array[contents->used])
+ macro_f_fss_content_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, contents->array[contents->used])
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
do {
if (objects->used == objects->size) {
- macro_f_fss_objects_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, (*objects));
+ macro_f_fss_objects_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, (*objects));
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
- macro_f_fss_contents_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, (*contents));
+ macro_f_fss_contents_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, (*contents));
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
if (objects_quoted) {
- macro_f_fss_quotes_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, (*objects_quoted));
+ macro_f_fss_quotes_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, (*objects_quoted));
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
if (contents_quoted) {
- macro_f_fss_quotess_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, (*contents_quoted));
+ macro_f_fss_quotess_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, (*contents_quoted));
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
- macro_f_fss_content_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, contents->array[contents->used])
+ macro_f_fss_content_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, contents->array[contents->used])
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
if (contents_quoted) {
- macro_f_fss_quotes_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, contents_quoted->array[contents_quoted->used])
+ macro_f_fss_quotes_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, contents_quoted->array[contents_quoted->used])
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
found_data = F_true;
if (contents_quoted) {
- macro_f_fss_quotes_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, contents_quoted->array[contents_quoted->used])
+ macro_f_fss_quotes_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, contents_quoted->array[contents_quoted->used])
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
quoted_content = &contents_quoted->array[contents_quoted->used];
if (status == FL_fss_found_object || status == FL_fss_found_object_content_not) {
- macro_f_fss_content_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, contents->array[contents->used])
+ macro_f_fss_content_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, contents->array[contents->used])
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
else if (status == FL_fss_found_object_content_not) {
found_data = F_true;
- macro_f_fss_content_t_increase(status2, f_memory_default_allocation_small, contents->array[contents->used])
+ macro_f_fss_content_t_increase(status2, f_fss_default_allocation_step_small, contents->array[contents->used])
if (F_status_is_error(status2)) return status2;
#endif // _di_fll_fss_status_error_
#ifndef _di_fll_fss_status_warning_
- if (fl_string_compare(string, fll_fss_status_string_header_not, length, fll_fss_status_string_header_not_length) == F_equal_to) {
- *code = FL_fss_header_not;
- return F_none;
- }
if (fl_string_compare(string, fll_fss_status_string_accepted_invalid, length, fll_fss_status_string_accepted_invalid_length) == F_equal_to) {
*code = FL_fss_accepted_invalid;
return F_none;
- if (fl_string_compare(string, fll_fss_status_string_header_not_eos, length, fll_fss_status_string_header_not_eos_length) == F_equal_to) {
- *code = FL_fss_header_not_eos;
- return F_none;
- }
if (fl_string_compare(string, fll_fss_status_string_accepted_invalid_eos, length, fll_fss_status_string_accepted_invalid_eos_length) == F_equal_to) {
*code = FL_fss_accepted_invalid_eos;
#endif // _di_fll_fss_status_error_
#ifndef _di_fll_fss_status_warning_
- case FL_fss_header_not:
- *string = fll_fss_status_string_header_not;
- break;
case FL_fss_accepted_invalid:
*string = fll_fss_status_string_accepted_invalid;
- case FL_fss_header_not_eos:
- *string = fll_fss_status_string_header_not_eos;
- break;
case FL_fss_accepted_invalid_eos:
*string = fll_fss_status_string_accepted_invalid_eos;
#endif // _di_fll_fss_status_error_
#ifndef _di_fll_fss_status_warning_
- #define fll_fss_status_string_header_not "FL_fss_header_not"
- #define fll_fss_status_string_header_not_length 17
#define fll_fss_status_string_accepted_invalid "FL_fss_accepted_invalid"
#define fll_fss_status_string_accepted_invalid_length 23
- #define fll_fss_status_string_header_not_eos "FL_fss_header_not_eos"
- #define fll_fss_status_string_header_not_eos_length 21
#define fll_fss_status_string_accepted_invalid_eos "FL_fss_accepted_invalid_eos"
#define fll_fss_status_string_accepted_invalid_eos_length 27
#endif // _di_fll_fss_status_warning_
extern "C" {
-#if !defined(_di_fll_fss_identify_) || !defined(_di_fll_fss_identify_file_)
- f_status_t private_fll_fss_identify(const f_string_static_t buffer, f_fss_header_t *header) {
- register f_array_length_t i = 0;
- if (buffer.used < 10) {
- // "# fss-0000" is always at least 10 characters.
- return FL_fss_header_not;
- }
- // If this correctly follows the FSS specification, then this should be all that needs to be done (as well as atoh for ascii to hex).
- // All characters used in the identifier are only in the ascii equivalents of the characters, any similarly looking character or number representing in UTF-8 is considered invalid.
- if (buffer.string[i] == f_fss_type_header_open) {
- i++;
- if (buffer.string[i] == f_fss_type_header_part1) {
- i++;
- if (buffer.string[i] == f_fss_type_header_part2) {
- i++;
- if (buffer.string[i] == f_fss_type_header_part3) {
- i++;
- if (buffer.string[i] == f_fss_type_header_part4) {
- i++;
- if (buffer.string[i] == f_fss_type_header_part5) {
- i++;
- if (f_conversion_character_is_hexidecimal(buffer.string[i]) == F_true) {
- i++;
- if (f_conversion_character_is_hexidecimal(buffer.string[i]) == F_true) {
- i++;
- if (f_conversion_character_is_hexidecimal(buffer.string[i]) == F_true) {
- i++;
- if (f_conversion_character_is_hexidecimal(buffer.string[i]) == F_true) {
- i++;
- f_string_range_t range = f_string_range_t_initialize;
- range.start = i - 4;
- range.stop = i;
- // 1: A possibly valid header type was found, now convert it into its proper format and save the header type.
- const f_status_t status = fl_conversion_string_to_hexidecimal_unsigned(buffer.string, range, &header->type);
- if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
- if (status == F_none) {
- // 2: At this point, we can still know the proper format for the file and still have a invalid header, handle accordingly.
- if (buffer.string[i] == f_fss_type_header_close) {
- header->length = i + 1;
- return F_none;
- }
- else {
- // @todo this needs to be changed to support sub-headers (maybe something like FL_fss_accepted_additional).
- // if "# fss-0000" is there, regardless of whats next, we can guess this to be of fss-0000, even if its fss-00001 (this is a guess afterall).
- header->length = i + 1;
- return F_status_set_warning(FL_fss_accepted_invalid);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // people can miss spaces, so lets accept in an attempt to interpret the file anyway, but return values at this point are to be flagged as invalid.
- else if (buffer.string[i] == f_fss_type_header_part2) {
- i++;
- if (buffer.string[i] == f_fss_type_header_part3) {
- i++;
- if (buffer.string[i] == f_fss_type_header_part4) {
- i++;
- if (buffer.string[i] == f_fss_type_header_part5) {
- i++;
- if (f_conversion_character_is_hexidecimal(buffer.string[i]) == F_true) {
- i++;
- if (f_conversion_character_is_hexidecimal(buffer.string[i]) == F_true) {
- i++;
- if (f_conversion_character_is_hexidecimal(buffer.string[i]) == F_true) {
- i++;
- if (f_conversion_character_is_hexidecimal(buffer.string[i]) == F_true) {
- // @todo this needs to be changed to support sub-headers (maybe something like FL_fss_accepted_additional).
- i++;
- f_string_range_t range = f_string_range_t_initialize;
- range.start = i - 4;
- range.stop = i;
- const f_status_t status = fl_conversion_string_to_hexidecimal_unsigned(buffer.string, range, &header->type);
- if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
- header->length = i + 1;
- return F_status_set_warning(FL_fss_accepted_invalid);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // @todo At some point add checksum and compressions checks here, but the above statements will have to be adjusted accordingly.
- // 3: eventually this will be processing the checksum and 4: will be processing the compression.
- return FL_fss_header_not;
- }
-#endif // !defined(_di_fll_fss_identify_) || !defined(_di_fll_fss_identify_file_)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
extern "C" {
- * Private implementation of fll_fss_identify().
- *
- * Intended to be shared to each of the different implementation variations.
- *
- * @param buffer
- * The string to process.
- * @param header
- * The header data to populate with results of this function.
- *
- * @return
- * F_none on success
- * FL_fss_header_not if no header is found.
- *
- * FL_fss_accepted_invalid (with warning bit) if header is technically invalid but can be identified.
- *
- * FL_fss_header_not (with error bit) if the an error occurred prior to identifying a valid header.
- *
- * Errors (with error bit) from: fl_conversion_string_to_hexidecimal_unsigned().
- *
- * @see fll_fss_identify()
- * @see fll_fss_identify_file()
- */
-#if !defined(_di_fll_fss_identify_) || !defined(_di_fll_fss_identify_file_)
- extern f_status_t private_fll_fss_identify(const f_string_static_t buffer, f_fss_header_t *header) f_attribute_visibility_internal;
-#endif // !defined(_di_fll_fss_identify_) || !defined(_di_fll_fss_identify_file_)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
for (f_array_length_t i = 0; i < cache->content_action.used; ++i) {
- status = f_string_dynamic_partial_mash_nulless(f_string_space_s, f_string_space_length, cache->buffer_item, cache->content_action.array[i], &actions->array[actions->used].parameters.array[0]);
+ status = f_string_dynamic_partial_mash_nulless(f_string_space_s, f_string_space_s_length, cache->buffer_item, cache->content_action.array[i], &actions->array[actions->used].parameters.array[0]);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) break;
} // for
if (!object || !content) {
- status = f_string_append(f_string_eol, 1, buffer);
+ status = f_string_append(f_string_eol_s, 1, buffer);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) {
fll_error_print(main.error, F_status_set_fine(status), "f_string_append", F_true);
if (!object || !content) {
- status = f_string_append(f_string_eol, 1, buffer);
+ status = f_string_append(f_string_eol_s, 1, buffer);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) {
fll_error_print(main.error, F_status_set_fine(status), "f_string_append", F_true);
if (!object || !content) {
- status = f_string_append(f_string_eol, 1, buffer);
+ status = f_string_append(f_string_eol_s, 1, buffer);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) {
fll_error_print(main.error, F_status_set_fine(status), "f_string_append", F_true);
if (!object || !content) {
- status = f_string_append(f_string_eol, 1, buffer);
+ status = f_string_append(f_string_eol_s, 1, buffer);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) {
fll_error_print(main.error, F_status_set_fine(status), "f_string_append", F_true);
else if (!object) {
- status = f_string_append(f_string_eol, 1, buffer);
+ status = f_string_append(f_string_eol_s, 1, buffer);
if (F_status_is_error(status)) {
fll_error_print(main.error, F_status_set_fine(status), "f_string_append", F_true);