--- /dev/null
+/* FLL - Level 3
+ * Project: Firewall
+ * Version: 0.3.x
+ * Licenses: lgplv2.1
+ * Programmers: Kevin Day
+ */
+#include <level_3/firewall.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"{
+// version printed may be used by scripts, so this will only print the version number and a newline, no extra information or colors
+#ifndef _di_firewall_print_version_
+ f_return_status firewall_print_version(const firewall_data data){
+ printf("%s\n", firewall_version);
+ return f_none;
+ }
+#endif // _firewall_print_version_
+#ifndef _di_firewall_print_help_
+ f_return_status firewall_print_help(const firewall_data data){
+ printf("\n");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.title, data.context.reset, " %s", firewall_name_long);
+ printf("\n");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.notable, data.context.reset, " Version %s", firewall_version);
+ printf("\n\n");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.important, data.context.reset, " Available Options: ");
+ printf("\n %s", f_console_symbol_short_enable);
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.standout, data.context.reset, f_console_standard_short_help);
+ printf(", %s", f_console_symbol_long_enable);
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.standout, data.context.reset, f_console_standard_long_help);
+ printf(" Print this help message");
+ printf("\n %s", f_console_symbol_short_disable);
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.standout, data.context.reset, f_console_standard_short_light);
+ printf(", %s", f_console_symbol_long_disable);
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.standout, data.context.reset, f_console_standard_long_light);
+ printf(" Output using colors that show up better on light backgrounds");
+ printf("\n %s", f_console_symbol_short_disable);
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.standout, data.context.reset, f_console_standard_short_no_color);
+ printf(", %s", f_console_symbol_long_disable);
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.standout, data.context.reset, f_console_standard_long_no_color);
+ printf(" Do not output in color");
+ printf("\n %s", f_console_symbol_short_enable);
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.standout, data.context.reset, f_console_standard_short_version);
+ printf(", %s", f_console_symbol_long_enable);
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.standout, data.context.reset, f_console_standard_long_version);
+ printf(" Print only the version number");
+ printf("\n\n");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.important, data.context.reset, " Available Commands: ");
+ printf("\n ");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.standout, data.context.reset, firewall_command_start);
+ printf(" Turn on the firewall");
+ printf("\n ");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.standout, data.context.reset, firewall_command_stop);
+ printf(" Turn off the firewall");
+ printf("\n ");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.standout, data.context.reset, firewall_command_restart);
+ printf(" Turn off and then turn on the firewall");
+ printf("\n ");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.standout, data.context.reset, firewall_command_lock);
+ printf(" Prevent all communication");
+ printf("\n ");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.standout, data.context.reset, firewall_command_show);
+ printf(" Show active firewall settings");
+ printf("\n\n");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.important, data.context.reset, " Usage: ");
+ printf("\n ");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.standout, data.context.reset, firewall_name);
+ printf(" ");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.notable, data.context.reset, "[");
+ printf(" options ");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.notable, data.context.reset, "]");
+ printf(" ");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.notable, data.context.reset, "[");
+ printf(" command ");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data.context.notable, data.context.reset, "]");
+ printf("\n\n");
+ return f_none;
+ }
+#endif // _di_firewall_print_help_
+#ifndef _di_firewall_main_
+ f_return_status firewall_perform_commands(const f_fss_objects objects, const f_fss_contents contents, const f_bool is_global, const f_string_length this_device, const f_dynamic_string buffer, const firewall_data data) __attribute__((visibility("internal")));
+ f_return_status firewall_main(const f_s_int argc, const f_string argv[], firewall_data *data){
+ f_status status = f_status_initialize;
+ f_status allocation_status = f_status_initialize;
+ status = fl_process_parameters(argc, argv, data->parameters, firewall_total_parameters, &data->remaining);
+ // load colors when not told to show no colors
+ if (data->parameters[firewall_parameter_no_color].result == f_console_result_none){
+ fll_new_color_context(allocation_status, data->context);
+ if (allocation_status == f_none){
+ fll_colors_load_context(&data->context, data->parameters[firewall_parameter_light].result == f_console_result_found);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "Critical Error: unable to allocate memory\n");
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return allocation_status;
+ }
+ }
+ if (status != f_none){
+ if (status == f_no_data){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: One of the parameters you passed requires an additional parameter that you did not pass.");
+ // TODO: there is a way to identify which parameter is incorrect
+ // to do this, one must look for any "has_additional" and then see if the "additiona" location is set to 0
+ // nothing can be 0 as that represents the program name, unless argv[] is improperly created
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory");
+ } else if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fl_process_parameters()");
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fl_process_parameters()", status);
+ }
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ }
+ // execute parameter results
+ if (data->parameters[firewall_parameter_help].result == f_console_result_found){
+ firewall_print_help(*data);
+ } else if (data->parameters[firewall_parameter_version].result == f_console_result_found){
+ firewall_print_version(*data);
+ } else {
+ // now determine which command was placed first
+ f_bool found_command = f_false;
+ f_u_int command = 0;
+ if (data->parameters[firewall_parameter_command_start].result == f_console_result_found){
+ command = firewall_parameter_command_start;
+ found_command = f_true;
+ }
+ if (data->parameters[firewall_parameter_command_stop].result == f_console_result_found){
+ if (found_command){
+ if (data->parameters[command].additional > data->parameters[firewall_parameter_command_stop].additional){
+ command = firewall_parameter_command_stop;
+ }
+ } else {
+ command = firewall_parameter_command_stop;
+ found_command = f_true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (data->parameters[firewall_parameter_command_restart].result == f_console_result_found){
+ if (found_command){
+ if (data->parameters[command].additional > data->parameters[firewall_parameter_command_restart].additional){
+ command = firewall_parameter_command_restart;
+ }
+ } else {
+ command = firewall_parameter_command_restart;
+ found_command = f_true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (data->parameters[firewall_parameter_command_lock].result == f_console_result_found){
+ if (found_command){
+ if (data->parameters[command].additional > data->parameters[firewall_parameter_command_lock].additional){
+ command = firewall_parameter_command_lock;
+ }
+ } else {
+ command = firewall_parameter_command_lock;
+ found_command = f_true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (data->parameters[firewall_parameter_command_show].result == f_console_result_found){
+ if (found_command){
+ if (data->parameters[command].additional > data->parameters[firewall_parameter_command_show].additional){
+ command = firewall_parameter_command_show;
+ }
+ } else {
+ command = firewall_parameter_command_show;
+ found_command = f_true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found_command){
+ // load the global file
+ {
+ f_file file = f_file_initialize;
+ status = f_file_open(&file, (f_string) network_path firewall_file_default);
+ if (status != f_none){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling f_file_open()");
+ } else if (status == f_file_not_found){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Unable to find the file '%s'", network_path firewall_file_default);
+ } else if (status == f_file_open_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Unable to open the file '%s'", network_path firewall_file_default);
+ } else if (status == f_file_descriptor_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: File descriptor error while trying to open the file '%s'", network_path firewall_file_default);
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling f_file_open()", status);
+ }
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ }
+ // TODO: this file size set functionality might be turned into an fl_file (or f_file) function
+ if (data->file_position.total_elements == 0){
+ fseek(file.file, 0, SEEK_END);
+ data->file_position.total_elements = ftell(file.file);
+ fseek(file.file, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ }
+ status = fl_file_read(file, data->file_position, &data->buffer);
+ f_file_close(&file);
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eof){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fl_file_read()");
+ } else if (status == f_overflow){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Integer overflow while trying to buffer the file '%s'", network_path firewall_file_default);
+ } else if (status == f_file_not_open){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: The file '%s' is no longer open", network_path firewall_file_default);
+ } else if (status == f_file_seek_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: A seek error occurred while accessing the file '%s'", network_path firewall_file_default);
+ } else if (status == f_file_read_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: A read error occurred while accessing the file '%s'", network_path firewall_file_default);
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory");
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fl_file_read()", status);
+ }
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ } else {
+ f_string_location input = f_string_location_initialize;
+ input.stop = data->buffer.used - 1;
+ status = fll_fss_basic_list_read(&data->buffer, &input, &data->objects, &data->contents);
+ }
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eos && status != f_none_on_stop && status != fl_fss_found_object_no_content){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fll_fss_basic_list_read() for the file '%s'", network_path firewall_file_default);
+ } else if (status == f_no_data_on_eos || status == f_no_data || status == f_no_data_on_stop){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: No relevant data was found within the file '%s'", network_path firewall_file_default);
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory");
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fll_fss_basic_list_read() for the file '%s'", status, network_path firewall_file_default);
+ }
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ }
+ }
+ if (command == firewall_parameter_command_show){
+ // Warning: these are hardcoded print commands (I am not certain how I am going to implement external 'show' rules as the default-firewall setting file is the wrong place to put this)
+ f_bool show_nat = f_true;
+ f_bool show_mangle = f_true;
+ f_bool show_ports = f_true;
+ f_dynamic_strings arguments = f_dynamic_strings_initialize;
+ f_s_int results = 0;
+ if (data->remaining.used > 0){
+ show_nat = f_false;
+ show_mangle = f_false;
+ show_ports = f_false;
+ f_string_length counter = f_string_length_initialize;
+ for (; counter < data->remaining.used; counter++){
+ if (strncmp("nat", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]], 4) != 0){
+ if (strncmp("mangle", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]], 7) != 0){
+ if (strncmp("ports", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]], 6) != 0){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_warning, data->context.warning, data->context.reset, "WARNING: '%s' is not a valid show option", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ } else {
+ show_ports = f_true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ show_mangle = f_true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ show_nat = f_true;
+ }
+ } // for
+ }
+ f_resize_dynamic_strings(status, arguments, 7);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory");
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ }
+ if (show_nat){
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data->context.standout, data->context.reset, "=========================== ");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data->context.title, data->context.reset, "NAT");
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_output, data->context.standout, data->context.reset, " ============================");
+ fflush(f_standard_output);
+ arguments.used = 7;
+ arguments.array[0].string = (f_string) firewall_program_name;
+ arguments.array[1].string = (f_string) "-x";
+ arguments.array[2].string = (f_string) "-v";
+ arguments.array[3].string = (f_string) "-t";
+ arguments.array[4].string = (f_string) "nat";
+ arguments.array[5].string = (f_string) "--numeric";
+ arguments.array[6].string = (f_string) "--list";
+ arguments.array[0].used = firewall_program_name_length;
+ arguments.array[1].used = 2;
+ arguments.array[2].used = 2;
+ arguments.array[3].used = 2;
+ arguments.array[4].used = 3;
+ arguments.array[5].used = 9;
+ arguments.array[6].used = 6;
+ status = fll_execute_program((f_string) firewall_program_name, arguments, &results);
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ fflush(f_standard_output);
+ }
+ if (status != f_failure && show_mangle){
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data->context.standout, data->context.reset, "========================== ");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data->context.title, data->context.reset, "MANGLE");
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_output, data->context.standout, data->context.reset, " ==========================");
+ fflush(f_standard_output);
+ arguments.used = 7;
+ arguments.array[0].string = (f_string) firewall_program_name;
+ arguments.array[1].string = (f_string) "-x";
+ arguments.array[2].string = (f_string) "-v";
+ arguments.array[3].string = (f_string) "-t";
+ arguments.array[4].string = (f_string) "mangle";
+ arguments.array[5].string = (f_string) "--numeric";
+ arguments.array[6].string = (f_string) "--list";
+ arguments.array[0].used = firewall_program_name_length;
+ arguments.array[1].used = 2;
+ arguments.array[2].used = 2;
+ arguments.array[3].used = 2;
+ arguments.array[4].used = 3;
+ arguments.array[5].used = 9;
+ arguments.array[6].used = 6;
+ status = fll_execute_program((f_string) firewall_program_name, arguments, &results);
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ fflush(f_standard_output);
+ }
+ if (status != f_failure && show_ports){
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data->context.standout, data->context.reset, "========================== ");
+ fl_print_color(f_standard_output, data->context.title, data->context.reset, "PORTS");
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_output, data->context.standout, data->context.reset, " ===========================");
+ fflush(f_standard_output);
+ arguments.used = 5;
+ arguments.array[0].string = (f_string) firewall_program_name;
+ arguments.array[1].string = (f_string) "-x";
+ arguments.array[2].string = (f_string) "-v";
+ arguments.array[3].string = (f_string) "--numeric";
+ arguments.array[4].string = (f_string) "--list";
+ arguments.array[0].used = firewall_program_name_length;
+ arguments.array[1].used = 2;
+ arguments.array[2].used = 2;
+ arguments.array[3].used = 9;
+ arguments.array[4].used = 6;
+ status = fll_execute_program((f_string) firewall_program_name, arguments, &results);
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ fflush(f_standard_output);
+ }
+ if (status == f_failure){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Failed to perform requested %s operation:", firewall_program_name);
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, " ");
+ f_string_length i = f_string_length_initialize;
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_error, data->context.error);
+ for (; i < arguments.used; i++){
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "%s ", arguments.array[i].string);
+ }
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_error, data->context.reset);
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "\n");
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory");
+ }
+ arguments.array[0].string = 0;
+ arguments.array[1].string = 0;
+ arguments.array[2].string = 0;
+ arguments.array[3].string = 0;
+ arguments.array[4].string = 0;
+ arguments.array[5].string = 0;
+ arguments.array[6].string = 0;
+ arguments.array[0].used = 0;
+ arguments.array[1].used = 0;
+ arguments.array[2].used = 0;
+ arguments.array[3].used = 0;
+ arguments.array[4].used = 0;
+ arguments.array[5].used = 0;
+ arguments.array[6].used = 0;
+ f_delete_dynamic_strings(status, arguments);
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return f_none;
+ }
+ // load all network devices
+ status = fl_directory_list((f_string) network_devices, &data->devices);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory");
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ } else if (status == f_no_data){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: could not find any network devices");
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ } else if (status == f_failure){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: failed to read the device directory '%s'", network_devices);
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ }
+ // remove "lo" (loopback) from the device listing
+ {
+ f_string_length counter = f_string_length_initialize;
+ for (; counter < data->devices.used; counter++){
+ if (fl_compare_strings((f_string) "lo", data->devices.array[counter].string, 3, data->devices.array[counter].used) == f_equal_to){
+ f_dynamic_string swap_string = data->devices.array[counter];
+ data->devices.used--;
+ for (; counter < data->devices.used; counter++){
+ data->devices.array[counter] = data->devices.array[counter+1];
+ }
+ data->devices.array[data->devices.used] = swap_string;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if at least one specific device was specified, then only use the specified devices, otherwise use all
+ if (data->remaining.used > 0){
+ f_string_length device = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length counter = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length total = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length i = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_bool matched = f_false;
+ for (total = data->devices.used; device < total; device++){
+ matched = f_false;
+ for (counter = 0; counter < data->remaining.used; counter++){
+ if (strncmp(data->devices.array[device].string, argv[data->remaining.array[counter]], strlen(argv[data->remaining.array[counter]])) == 0){
+ matched = f_true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!matched){
+ f_dynamic_string swap_string = data->devices.array[device];
+ data->devices.used--;
+ for (i = device; i < data->devices.used; i++){
+ data->devices.array[i] = data->devices.array[i+1];
+ }
+ data->devices.array[data->devices.used] = swap_string;
+ total--;
+ device--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // report and remove all "invalid" devices that are specified in the "remaining" variable
+ {
+ f_string_length device = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length counter = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_bool matched = f_false;
+ for (; counter < data->remaining.used; counter++){
+ matched = f_false;
+ for (device = 0; device < data->devices.used; device++){
+ if (strncmp(data->devices.array[device].string, argv[data->remaining.array[counter]], strlen(argv[data->remaining.array[counter]])) == 0){
+ matched = f_true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!matched){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_warning, data->context.warning, data->context.reset, "WARNING: There is no device by the name of '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ }
+ }
+ // cleanup, the 'remaining' parameters are no longer needed
+ f_delete_string_locations(status, data->remaining);
+ }
+ // identify global firewall settings
+ f_string_length first = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length last = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length stop = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length lock = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_bool found_first = f_false;
+ f_bool found_last = f_false;
+ f_bool found_stop = f_false;
+ f_bool found_lock = f_false;
+ f_string_length length = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length counter = f_string_length_initialize;
+ // identify which position is which
+ for (; counter < data->objects.used; counter++){
+ length = data->objects.array[counter].stop - data->objects.array[counter].start + 1;
+ if (!found_first && length >= firewall_group_first_length){
+ if (fl_compare_strings((f_string) firewall_group_first, data->buffer.string + data->objects.array[counter].start, firewall_group_first_length, length) == f_equal_to){
+ first = counter;
+ found_first = f_true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found_last && length >= firewall_group_last_length){
+ if (fl_compare_strings((f_string) firewall_group_last, data->buffer.string + data->objects.array[counter].start, firewall_group_last_length, length) == f_equal_to){
+ last = counter;
+ found_last = f_true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found_stop && length >= firewall_group_stop_length){
+ if (fl_compare_strings((f_string) firewall_group_stop, data->buffer.string + data->objects.array[counter].start, firewall_group_stop_length, length) == f_equal_to){
+ stop = counter;
+ found_stop = f_true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found_lock && length >= firewall_group_lock_length){
+ if (fl_compare_strings((f_string) firewall_group_lock, data->buffer.string + data->objects.array[counter].start, firewall_group_lock_length, length) == f_equal_to){
+ lock = counter;
+ found_lock = f_true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (found_first && found_last && found_stop && found_lock){
+ f_string_length error_file = f_string_length_initialize;
+ status = f_none;
+ f_fss_objects extended_objects = f_fss_objects_initialize;
+ f_fss_contents extended_contents = f_fss_contents_initialize;
+ if (command == firewall_parameter_command_lock){
+ f_string_location input = f_string_location_initialize;
+ input.start = data->contents.array[lock].array[0].start;
+ input.stop = data->contents.array[lock].array[0].stop;
+ error_file = lock;
+ status = fll_fss_extended_read(&data->buffer, &input, &extended_objects, &extended_contents);
+ if (status == f_none || status == f_none_on_stop || status == f_none_on_eos){
+ status = firewall_perform_commands(extended_objects, extended_contents, f_true, 0, data->buffer, *data);
+ if (status != f_none){
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory", status);
+ } else if (status == f_failure){
+ // the error message has already been displayed
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling firewall_perform_commands()", status);
+ }
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, extended_objects);
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, extended_contents);
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (command == firewall_parameter_command_stop || command == firewall_parameter_command_restart){
+ f_string_location input = f_string_location_initialize;
+ input.start = data->contents.array[stop].array[0].start;
+ input.stop = data->contents.array[stop].array[0].stop;
+ error_file = stop;
+ status = fll_fss_extended_read(&data->buffer, &input, &extended_objects, &extended_contents);
+ if (status == f_none || status == f_none_on_stop || status == f_none_on_eos){
+ status = firewall_perform_commands(extended_objects, extended_contents, f_true, 0, data->buffer, *data);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((status == f_none || status == f_none_on_stop || status == f_none_on_eos) && (command == firewall_parameter_command_start || command == firewall_parameter_command_restart)){
+ f_delete_fss_objects(status, extended_objects);
+ f_delete_fss_contents(status, extended_contents);
+ f_string_location input = f_string_location_initialize;
+ input.start = data->contents.array[first].array[0].start;
+ input.stop = data->contents.array[first].array[0].stop;
+ error_file = first;
+ status = fll_fss_extended_read(&data->buffer, &input, &extended_objects, &extended_contents);
+ if (status == f_none || status == f_none_on_stop || status == f_none_on_eos){
+ status = firewall_perform_commands(extended_objects, extended_contents, f_true, 0, data->buffer, *data);
+ if (status != f_none){
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory", status);
+ } else if (status == f_failure){
+ // the error message has already been displayed
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling firewall_perform_commands()", status);
+ }
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, extended_objects);
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, extended_contents);
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ } else {
+ f_delete_fss_objects(status, extended_objects);
+ f_delete_fss_contents(status, extended_contents);
+ f_string_length counter = f_string_length_initialize;
+ for (; counter < data->devices.used; counter++){
+ f_file file = f_file_initialize;
+ f_dynamic_string file_path = f_dynamic_string_initialize;
+ f_dynamic_string buffer = f_dynamic_string_initialize;
+ f_file_position file_position = f_file_position_initialize;
+ f_fss_objects list_objects = f_fss_objects_initialize;
+ f_fss_contents list_contents = f_fss_objects_initialize;
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, file_path, network_path_length + data->devices.array[counter].used + firewall_file_suffix_length + 1);
+ if (status == f_none){
+ strncat(file_path.string, network_path, network_path_length);
+ strncat(file_path.string + network_path_length, data->devices.array[counter].string, data->devices.array[counter].used);
+ strncat(file_path.string, firewall_file_suffix, firewall_file_suffix_length);
+ file_path.used = file_path.size;
+ file_path.string[file_path.used] = 0;
+ status = f_file_open(&file, file_path.string);
+ }
+ if (status != f_none){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling f_file_open()");
+ } else if (status == f_file_not_found){
+ // If these files do not exist, it is not a problem (they are not required)
+ } else if (status == f_file_open_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Unable to open the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ } else if (status == f_file_descriptor_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: File descriptor error while trying to open the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory", status);
+ f_file_close(&file);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, file_path);
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling f_file_open()", status);
+ }
+ f_file_close(&file);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, file_path);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (data->file_position.total_elements == 0){
+ fseek(file.file, 0, SEEK_END);
+ data->file_position.total_elements = ftell(file.file);
+ fseek(file.file, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ }
+ status = fl_file_read(file, file_position, &buffer);
+ f_file_close(&file);
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eof){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fl_file_read()");
+ } else if (status == f_overflow){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Integer overflow while trying to buffer the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ } else if (status == f_file_not_open){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: The file '%s' is no longer open", file_path.string);
+ } else if (status == f_file_seek_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: A seek error occurred while accessing the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ } else if (status == f_file_read_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: A read error occurred while accessing the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory", status);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, buffer);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, file_path);
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fl_file_read()", status);
+ }
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, buffer);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, file_path);
+ continue;
+ }
+ {
+ f_string_location input = f_string_location_initialize;
+ input.stop = buffer.used - 1;
+ status = fll_fss_basic_list_read(&buffer, &input, &list_objects, &list_contents);
+ }
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eos && status != f_none_on_stop && status != fl_fss_found_object_no_content){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fll_fss_basic_list_read() for the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ } else if (status == f_no_data_on_eos || status == f_no_data || status == f_no_data_on_stop){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: No relevant data was found within the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory", status);
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fll_fss_basic_list_read() for the file '%s'", status, file_path.string);
+ }
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, buffer);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, file_path);
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, list_objects);
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, list_contents);
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ }
+ {
+ f_string_length buffer_counter = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length name_length = f_string_length_initialize;
+ for (; buffer_counter < list_objects.used; buffer_counter++){
+ name_length = list_objects.array[buffer_counter].stop - list_objects.array[buffer_counter].start + 1;
+ if (name_length >= firewall_group_main_length){
+ if (fl_compare_strings((f_string) firewall_group_main, buffer.string + list_objects.array[buffer_counter].start, firewall_group_main_length, length) == f_equal_to){
+ f_string_location input = f_string_location_initialize;
+ input.start = list_contents.array[buffer_counter].array[0].start;
+ input.stop = list_contents.array[buffer_counter].array[0].stop;
+ status = fll_fss_extended_read(&buffer, &input, &extended_objects, &extended_contents);
+ if (status == f_none || status == f_none_on_stop || status == f_none_on_eos){
+ status = firewall_perform_commands(extended_objects, extended_contents, f_false, counter, buffer, *data);
+ if (status != f_none){
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory", status);
+ } else if (status == f_failure){
+ // the error message has already been displayed
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling firewall_perform_commands()", status);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fll_fss_extended_read() for the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ } else if (status == f_no_data_on_eos || status == f_no_data || status == f_no_data_on_stop){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: No relevant data was found within the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory", status);
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fll_fss_extended_read() for the file '%s'", status, file_path.string);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // TODO: consider supporting "lock" and "stop" rules for individual devices
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, buffer);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, file_path);
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, list_objects);
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, list_contents);
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, extended_objects);
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, extended_contents);
+ }
+ input.start = data->contents.array[last].array[0].start;
+ input.stop = data->contents.array[last].array[0].stop;
+ error_file = last;
+ status = fll_fss_extended_read(&data->buffer, &input, &extended_objects, &extended_contents);
+ if (status == f_none || status == f_none_on_stop || status == f_none_on_eos){
+ status = firewall_perform_commands(extended_objects, extended_contents, f_true, 0, data->buffer, *data);
+ if (status != f_none){
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory", status);
+ } else if (status == f_failure){
+ // the error message has already been displayed
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling firewall_perform_commands()", status);
+ }
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, extended_objects);
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, extended_contents);
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eos && status != f_none_on_stop && status != fl_fss_found_object_no_content){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_error, data->context.error);
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fll_fss_extended_read() for the file '");
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_error, data->buffer, data->contents.array[error_file].array[0]);
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "'");
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_error, data->context.reset);
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "\n");
+ } else if (status == f_no_data_on_eos || status == f_no_data || status == f_no_data_on_stop){
+ if (error_file == first || error_file == last || error_file == stop || error_file == lock){
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_error, data->context.error);
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "ERROR: No relevant data was found within the file '");
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_error, data->buffer, data->contents.array[error_file].array[0]);
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "'");
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_error, data->context.reset);
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "\n");
+ }
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory", status);
+ } else if (status == f_failure){
+ // the error message has already been displayed
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_error, data->context.error);
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fll_fss_extended_read() for the file '", status);
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_error, data->buffer, data->contents.array[error_file].array[0]);
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "'");
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_error, data->context.reset);
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, extended_objects);
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, extended_contents);
+ } else {
+ const f_autochar *string = f_null;
+ if (!found_first){
+ string = firewall_group_first;
+ } else if (!found_last){
+ string = firewall_group_last;
+ } else if (!found_stop){
+ string = firewall_group_stop;
+ } else if (!found_lock){
+ string = firewall_group_lock;
+ }
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: The required basic list '%s' was not found inside of the file '%s'", string, network_path firewall_file_default);
+ }
+ // cleanup
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, data->contents);
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, data->objects);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, data->buffer);
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: You did not pass a command");
+ status = f_invalid_parameter;
+ }
+ }
+ firewall_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ }
+ f_return_status firewall_perform_commands(const f_fss_objects objects, const f_fss_contents contents, const f_bool is_global, const f_string_length this_device, const f_dynamic_string buffer, const firewall_data data){
+ f_status status = f_status_initialize;
+ f_status allocation_status = f_status_initialize;
+ f_string_length counter = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_dynamic_string argument = f_dynamic_string_initialize;
+ f_dynamic_strings arguments = f_dynamic_strings_initialize;
+ f_s_int results = 0;
+ f_string_length length = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_bool invalid = f_false;
+ f_bool is_ip_list = f_false;
+ f_dynamic_string ip_list = f_dynamic_string_initialize;
+ // iptables command arguments
+ f_bool direction_input = f_true;
+ f_bool direction_output = f_false;
+ f_bool device_all = f_false;
+ f_bool ip_list_direction = f_false; // false = source, true = destination
+ f_string_length direction = firewall_direction_none_id;
+ f_dynamic_string device = f_dynamic_string_initialize;
+ f_string_length action = firewall_action_append_id;
+ if (is_global){
+ device_all = f_true;
+ } else {
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, device, data.devices.array[this_device].used);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, device);
+ return status;
+ }
+ strncat(device.string, data.devices.array[this_device].string, data.devices.array[this_device].used);
+ device.used = data.devices.array[this_device].used;
+ }
+ for (; counter < objects.used; counter++){
+ length = (objects.array[counter].stop - objects.array[counter].start) + 1;
+ invalid = f_false;
+ is_ip_list = f_false;
+ ip_list_direction = f_false;
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, ip_list);
+ if (length >= firewall_direction_length && fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + objects.array[counter].start, (f_string) firewall_direction, length, firewall_direction_length) == f_equal_to){
+ length = (contents.array[counter].array[0].stop - contents.array[counter].array[0].start) + 1;
+ if (contents.array[counter].used <= 0 || contents.array[counter].used > 1){
+ invalid = f_true;
+ } else {
+ if (length < firewall_direction_input_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_direction_input, length, firewall_direction_input_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (length < firewall_direction_output_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_direction_output, length, firewall_direction_output_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (length < firewall_direction_forward_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_direction_forward, length, firewall_direction_forward_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (length < firewall_direction_postrouting_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_direction_postrouting, length, firewall_direction_postrouting_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (length < firewall_direction_prerouting_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_direction_prerouting, length, firewall_direction_prerouting_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (length < firewall_direction_none_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_direction_none, length, firewall_direction_none_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (length < firewall_direction_forward_input_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_direction_forward_input, length, firewall_direction_forward_input_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (length < firewall_direction_forward_output_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_direction_forward_output, length, firewall_direction_forward_output_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (length < firewall_direction_postrouting_input_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_direction_postrouting_input, length, firewall_direction_postrouting_input_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (length < firewall_direction_postrouting_output_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_direction_postrouting_output, length, firewall_direction_postrouting_output_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (length < firewall_direction_prerouting_input_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_direction_prerouting_input, length, firewall_direction_prerouting_input_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (length < firewall_direction_prerouting_output_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_direction_prerouting_output, length, firewall_direction_prerouting_output_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ invalid = f_true;
+ } else {
+ direction_input = f_false;
+ direction_output = f_true;
+ direction = firewall_direction_prerouting_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ direction_input = f_true;
+ direction_output = f_false;
+ direction = firewall_direction_prerouting_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ direction_input = f_false;
+ direction_output = f_true;
+ direction = firewall_direction_postrouting_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ direction_input = f_true;
+ direction_output = f_false;
+ direction = firewall_direction_postrouting_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ direction_input = f_false;
+ direction_output = f_true;
+ direction = firewall_direction_forward_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ direction_input = f_true;
+ direction_output = f_false;
+ direction = firewall_direction_forward_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ direction_input = f_false;
+ direction_output = f_false;
+ direction = firewall_direction_none_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ direction_input = f_false;
+ direction_output = f_false;
+ direction = firewall_direction_postrouting_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ direction_input = f_false;
+ direction_output = f_false;
+ direction = firewall_direction_prerouting_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ direction_input = f_false;
+ direction_output = f_false;
+ direction = firewall_direction_forward_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ direction_input = f_false;
+ direction_output = f_true;
+ direction = firewall_direction_none_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ direction_input = f_true;
+ direction_output = f_false;
+ direction = firewall_direction_none_id;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!invalid) continue;
+ } else if (length >= firewall_device_length && fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + objects.array[counter].start, (f_string) firewall_device, length, firewall_device_length) == f_equal_to){
+ length = (contents.array[counter].array[0].stop - contents.array[counter].array[0].start) + 1;
+ if (contents.array[counter].used <= 0 || contents.array[counter].used > 1){
+ invalid = f_true;
+ } else if (length >= firewall_device_all_length && fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_device_all, length, firewall_device_all_length) == f_equal_to){
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(status, device);
+ device_all = f_true;
+ continue;
+ } else if (length >= firewall_device_this_length && fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_device_this, length, firewall_device_this_length) == f_equal_to){
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(status, device);
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, device, data.devices.array[this_device].used);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ strncat(device.string, data.devices.array[this_device].string, data.devices.array[this_device].used);
+ device.used = data.devices.array[this_device].used;
+ device_all = f_false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!invalid){
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(status, device);
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, device, length);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ strncat(device.string, buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, length);
+ device.used = length;
+ device_all = f_false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if (length >= firewall_action_length && fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + objects.array[counter].start, (f_string) firewall_action, length, firewall_action_length) == f_equal_to){
+ length = (contents.array[counter].array[0].stop - contents.array[counter].array[0].start) + 1;
+ if (contents.array[counter].used <= 0 || contents.array[counter].used > 1){
+ invalid = f_true;
+ } else if (length < firewall_action_append_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_action_append, length, firewall_action_append_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (length < firewall_action_insert_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_action_insert, length, firewall_action_insert_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (length < firewall_action_policy_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_action_policy, length, firewall_action_policy_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (length < firewall_action_none_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_action_none, length, firewall_action_none_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ invalid = f_true;
+ } else {
+ action = firewall_action_none_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ action = firewall_action_policy_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ action = firewall_action_insert_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ action = firewall_action_append_id;
+ }
+ if (!invalid) continue;
+ } else if (length >= firewall_ip_list_length && fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + objects.array[counter].start, (f_string) firewall_ip_list, length, firewall_ip_list_length) == f_equal_to){
+ length = (contents.array[counter].array[0].stop - contents.array[counter].array[0].start) + 1;
+ is_ip_list = f_true;
+ if (length >= firewall_ip_list_source_length && fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_ip_list_source, length, firewall_ip_list_source_length) == f_equal_to){
+ ip_list_direction = f_false;
+ } else if (length >= firewall_ip_list_destination_length && fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_ip_list_destination, length, firewall_ip_list_destination_length) == f_equal_to){
+ ip_list_direction = f_true;
+ } else {
+ invalid = f_true;
+ }
+ } else if (length < firewall_rule_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + objects.array[counter].start, (f_string) firewall_rule, length, firewall_rule_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (length > 0){
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_warning, data.context.warning);
+ fprintf(f_standard_warning, "WARNING: At line %u, the object '", (unsigned int) counter);
+ f_print_string(f_standard_warning, buffer.string + objects.array[counter].start, length);
+ fprintf(f_standard_warning, "' is invalid");
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_warning, data.context.reset);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(f_standard_warning, "WARNING: At line %u, the object is missing", (unsigned int) counter);
+ }
+ fprintf(f_standard_warning, "\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (invalid){
+ length = (objects.array[counter].stop - objects.array[counter].start) + 1;
+ if (length > 0){
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_warning, data.context.warning);
+ fprintf(f_standard_warning, "WARNING: At line %u, the object '", (unsigned int) counter);
+ f_print_string(f_standard_warning, buffer.string + objects.array[counter].start, length);
+ fprintf(f_standard_warning, "' has invalid content '");
+ f_print_string(f_standard_warning, buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, contents.array[counter].array[0].stop - contents.array[counter].array[0].start + 1);
+ fprintf(f_standard_warning, "'");
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_warning, data.context.reset);
+ fprintf(f_standard_warning, "\n");
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_warning, data.context.warning, data.context.reset, "WARNING: At line %u, the object has no content", (unsigned int) counter);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // first add the program name
+ f_delete_dynamic_strings(status, arguments);
+ f_resize_dynamic_strings(status, arguments, arguments.used + 1);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, argument, firewall_program_name_length);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ strncat(argument.string, firewall_program_name, firewall_program_name_length);
+ argument.used = firewall_program_name_length;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].string = argument.string;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].size = argument.size;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].used = argument.used;
+ arguments.used++;
+ argument.string = f_null;
+ argument.size = 0;
+ argument.used = 0;
+ // FIXME: (this issue is probably everywhere) Implement an strncat function for dynamic strings or if I already have one implement, make sure it is used in every applicable place
+ // (this way I can automatically handle updating the used buffer)
+ // also look into auto-allocated space if necessary with the said function
+ if (action == firewall_action_append_id){
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, argument, firewall_action_append_command_length);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ strncat(argument.string, firewall_action_append_command, firewall_action_append_command_length);
+ argument.used = firewall_action_append_command_length;
+ } else if (action == firewall_action_insert_id){
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, argument, firewall_action_insert_command_length);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ strncat(argument.string, firewall_action_insert_command, firewall_action_insert_command_length);
+ argument.used = firewall_action_insert_command_length;
+ } else if (action == firewall_action_policy_id){
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, argument, firewall_action_policy_command_length);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ strncat(argument.string, firewall_action_policy_command, firewall_action_policy_command_length);
+ argument.used = firewall_action_policy_command_length;
+ }
+ if (argument.used > 0){
+ f_resize_dynamic_strings(status, arguments, arguments.used + 1);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].string = argument.string;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].size = argument.size;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].used = argument.used;
+ arguments.used++;
+ argument.string = f_null;
+ argument.size = 0;
+ argument.used = 0;
+ }
+ if (action != firewall_action_none_id){
+ if (direction == firewall_direction_forward_id){
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, argument, firewall_direction_forward_command_length);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ strncat(argument.string, firewall_direction_forward_command, firewall_direction_forward_command_length);
+ argument.used = firewall_direction_forward_command_length;
+ } else if (direction == firewall_direction_postrouting_id){
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, argument, firewall_direction_postrouting_command_length);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ strncat(argument.string, firewall_direction_postrouting_command, firewall_direction_postrouting_command_length);
+ argument.used += firewall_direction_postrouting_command_length;
+ } else if (direction == firewall_direction_prerouting_id){
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, argument, firewall_direction_prerouting_command_length);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ strncat(argument.string, firewall_direction_prerouting_command, firewall_direction_prerouting_command_length);
+ argument.used = firewall_direction_prerouting_command_length;
+ } else if (direction_input){
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, argument, firewall_direction_input_command_length);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ strncat(argument.string, firewall_direction_input_command, firewall_direction_input_command_length);
+ argument.used = firewall_direction_input_command_length;
+ } else if (direction_output){
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, argument, firewall_direction_output_command_length);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ strncat(argument.string, firewall_direction_output_command, firewall_direction_output_command_length);
+ argument.used = firewall_direction_output_command_length;
+ }
+ }
+ if (argument.used > 0){
+ f_resize_dynamic_strings(status, arguments, arguments.used + 1);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].string = argument.string;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].size = argument.size;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].used = argument.used;
+ arguments.used++;
+ argument.string = f_null;
+ argument.size = 0;
+ argument.used = 0;
+ }
+ if (device.used > 0){
+ if (length < firewall_device_all_length || fl_compare_strings(buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[0].start, (f_string) firewall_device_all, length, firewall_device_all_length) == f_not_equal_to){
+ if (direction_input){
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, argument, firewall_device_input_command_length);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ strncat(argument.string, firewall_device_input_command, firewall_device_input_command_length);
+ argument.used = firewall_device_input_command_length;
+ } else if (direction_output){
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, argument, firewall_device_output_command_length);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ strncat(argument.string, firewall_device_output_command, firewall_device_output_command_length);
+ argument.used = firewall_device_output_command_length;
+ }
+ }
+ if (argument.used > 0){
+ f_resize_dynamic_strings(status, arguments, arguments.used + 1);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].string = argument.string;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].size = argument.size;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].used = argument.used;
+ arguments.used++;
+ argument.string = f_null;
+ argument.size = 0;
+ argument.used = 0;
+ }
+ if (direction_input || direction_output){
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, argument, device.used);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ strncat(argument.string, device.string, device.used);
+ argument.used = device.used;
+ }
+ }
+ if (argument.used > 0){
+ f_resize_dynamic_strings(status, arguments, arguments.used + 1);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].string = argument.string;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].size = argument.size;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].used = argument.used;
+ arguments.used++;
+ argument.string = f_null;
+ argument.size = 0;
+ argument.used = 0;
+ }
+ // last up is the "rule"
+ if ((!is_ip_list && contents.array[counter].used > 0) || (is_ip_list && contents.array[counter].used > 1)){
+ f_string_length subcounter = f_string_length_initialize;
+ if (is_ip_list){
+ // skip past the direction
+ subcounter++;
+ length = (contents.array[counter].array[subcounter].stop - contents.array[counter].array[subcounter].start) + 1;
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, ip_list, length);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ subcounter = contents.array[counter].used;
+ } else {
+ strncat(ip_list.string, buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[subcounter].start, length);
+ ip_list.used = length;
+ subcounter++;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; subcounter < contents.array[counter].used; subcounter++){
+ length = (contents.array[counter].array[subcounter].stop - contents.array[counter].array[subcounter].start) + 1;
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, argument, length);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ strncat(argument.string, buffer.string + contents.array[counter].array[subcounter].start, length);
+ argument.used = length;
+ if (length > 0){
+ f_resize_dynamic_strings(status, arguments, arguments.used + 1);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)) break;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].string = argument.string;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].size = argument.size;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].used = argument.used;
+ arguments.used++;
+ argument.string = f_null;
+ argument.size = 0;
+ argument.used = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ length = (objects.array[counter].stop - objects.array[counter].start) + 1;
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_warning, data.context.warning);
+ fprintf(f_standard_warning, "WARNING: At line %u, the object '", (unsigned int) counter);
+ f_print_string(f_standard_warning, buffer.string + objects.array[counter].start, objects.array[counter].stop - objects.array[counter].start + 1);
+ fprintf(f_standard_warning, "' has no content");
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_warning, data.context.reset);
+ fprintf(f_standard_warning, "\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (arguments.used > 1){
+ if (is_ip_list){
+ f_file file = f_file_initialize;
+ f_dynamic_string file_path = f_dynamic_string_initialize;
+ f_dynamic_string local_buffer = f_dynamic_string_initialize;
+ f_file_position file_position = f_file_position_initialize;
+ f_fss_objects basic_objects = f_fss_objects_initialize;
+ f_fss_contents basic_contents = f_fss_objects_initialize;
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, file_path, network_path_length + ip_list.used + 1);
+ if (status == f_none){
+ strncat(file_path.string, network_path, network_path_length);
+ strncat(file_path.string + network_path_length, ip_list.string, ip_list.used);
+ file_path.used = file_path.size;
+ file_path.string[file_path.used] = 0;
+ status = f_file_open(&file, file_path.string);
+ }
+ if (status != f_none){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling f_file_open()");
+ } else if (status == f_file_not_found){
+ // the file does not have to exist
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_warning, data.context.warning, data.context.reset, "WARNING: Cannot find the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ status = f_none;
+ } else if (status == f_file_open_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "ERROR: Unable to open the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ } else if (status == f_file_descriptor_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "ERROR: File descriptor error while trying to open the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory", status);
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling f_file_open()", status);
+ }
+ f_file_close(&file);
+ } else {
+ if (file_position.total_elements == 0){
+ fseek(file.file, 0, SEEK_END);
+ file_position.total_elements = ftell(file.file);
+ fseek(file.file, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ }
+ status = fl_file_read(file, file_position, &local_buffer);
+ f_file_close(&file);
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eof){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fl_file_read()");
+ } else if (status == f_overflow){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "ERROR: Integer overflow while trying to buffer the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ } else if (status == f_file_not_open){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: The file '%s' is no longer open", file_path.string);
+ } else if (status == f_file_seek_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "ERROR: A seek error occurred while accessing the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ } else if (status == f_file_read_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "ERROR: A read error occurred while accessing the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory", status);
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fl_file_read()", status);
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ f_string_location input = f_string_location_initialize;
+ input.stop = local_buffer.used - 1;
+ status = fll_fss_basic_read(&local_buffer, &input, &basic_objects, &basic_contents);
+ }
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eos && status != f_none_on_stop && status != fl_fss_found_object_no_content){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fll_fss_basic_read() for the file '%s'", file_path.string);
+ } else if (status == f_no_data_on_eos || status == f_no_data || status == f_no_data_on_stop){
+ // empty files are to be silently ignored
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory", status);
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fll_fss_basic_read() for the file '%s'", status, file_path.string);
+ }
+ } else {
+ f_string_length buffer_counter = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length ip_length = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_dynamic_string ip_argument = f_dynamic_string_initialize;
+ f_dynamic_string ip_list_action = f_dynamic_string_initialize;
+ if (ip_list_direction){
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, ip_list_action, firewall_ip_list_destination_action_length + 1);
+ strncat(ip_list_action.string, firewall_ip_list_destination_action, firewall_ip_list_destination_action_length);
+ } else {
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, ip_list_action, firewall_ip_list_source_action_length + 1);
+ strncat(ip_list_action.string, firewall_ip_list_source_action, firewall_ip_list_source_action_length);
+ }
+ ip_list_action.used = ip_list_action.size;
+ ip_list_action.string[ip_list_action.used] = 0;
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory", status);
+ } else {
+ ip_list_action.used = ip_list_action.size;
+ f_resize_dynamic_strings(status, arguments, arguments.used + 2);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory", status);
+ } else {
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].string = ip_list_action.string;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].size = ip_list_action.size;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].used = ip_list_action.used;
+ arguments.used++;
+ // the ip_list file contains objects and no content, all objects are what matter an nothing else
+ for (; buffer_counter < basic_objects.used; buffer_counter++){
+ ip_length = (basic_objects.array[buffer_counter].stop - basic_objects.array[buffer_counter].start) + 1;
+ f_resize_dynamic_string(status, ip_argument, ip_length);
+ if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory", status);
+ break;
+ }
+ strncat(ip_argument.string, local_buffer.string + basic_objects.array[buffer_counter].start, ip_length);
+ ip_argument.used = ip_argument.size;
+ ip_argument.string[ip_argument.used] = 0;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].string = ip_argument.string;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].size = ip_argument.size;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].used = ip_argument.used;
+ arguments.used++;
+ status = fll_execute_program((f_string) firewall_program_name, arguments, &results);
+ if (status == f_failure){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "ERROR: Failed to perform requested %s operation:", firewall_program_name);
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, " ");
+ f_string_length i = f_string_length_initialize;
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_error, data.context.error);
+ for (; i < arguments.used; i++){
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "%s ", arguments.array[i].string);
+ }
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_error, data.context.reset);
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "\n");
+ arguments.used--;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].string = 0;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].size = 0;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].used = 0;
+ break;
+ } else if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fl_execute_path()");
+ arguments.used--;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].string = 0;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].size = 0;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].used = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ arguments.used--;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].string = 0;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].size = 0;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].used = 0;
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, ip_argument);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, ip_argument);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, ip_list_action);
+ arguments.used--;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].string = 0;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].size = 0;
+ arguments.array[arguments.used].used = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, local_buffer);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, file_path);
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, basic_objects);
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, basic_contents);
+ if (status == f_failure || status == f_invalid_parameter) break;
+ } else {
+ status = fll_execute_program((f_string) firewall_program_name, arguments, &results);
+ if (status == f_failure){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "ERROR: Failed to perform requested %s operation:", firewall_program_name);
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, " ");
+ f_string_length i = f_string_length_initialize;
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_error, data.context.error);
+ for (; i < arguments.used; i++){
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "%s ", arguments.array[i].string);
+ }
+ fl_print_color_code(f_standard_error, data.context.reset);
+ fprintf(f_standard_error, "\n");
+ break;
+ } else if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data.context.error, data.context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fl_execute_path()");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, ip_list);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, argument);
+ f_delete_dynamic_strings(allocation_status, arguments);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, device);
+ return status;
+ }
+#endif // _di_firewall_main_
+#ifndef _di_firewall_delete_data_
+ f_return_status firewall_delete_data(firewall_data *data){
+ f_status status = f_status_initialize;
+ f_delete_fss_contents(status, data->contents);
+ f_delete_fss_objects(status, data->objects);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(status, data->buffer);
+ f_delete_string_lengths(status, data->remaining);
+ f_delete_dynamic_strings(status, data->devices);
+ fll_delete_color_context(status, data->context);
+ return f_none;
+ }
+#endif // _di_firewall_delete_data_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C"