The F_interrupt comments are now more correct.
* F_none on success.
* F_true on success when performing verification and verify passed.
* F_false on success when performing verification and verify failed.
- * F_interrupt on (exit) signal received.
+ *
+ * Errors (with error bit) from: main.callback.process_normal().
#ifndef _di_fss_read_main_
extern void fss_read_main(void * const main);
* This alters main.setting.state.status:
* F_none on success.
* F_data_not on success but nothing was provided to operate with.
- * F_interrupt on (exit) signal received.
+ * F_parameter (with error bit) on parameter related error.
* Errors (with error bit) from: f_console_parameter_process().
* Errors (with error bit) from: f_file_stream_open().
* This alters main.setting.state.status:
* F_none on success.
- * F_interrupt on (exit) signal received.
#ifndef _di_fss_read_payload_process_set_
extern void fss_read_payload_process_set(void * const main);