This Year has no minimum or maximum but may not have decimals.
For example, "2020:86400000000000" would represent: January 02, 2020 0:00 UTC.
For example, "2020:86.4 TT" would represent: January 02, 2020 0:00 UTC.
+ A second unit of Time, called EpochTime, works the same way as Time except it represents seconds since Epoch where Epoch is defined as the povided year (unlike UNIX Epoch).
+ This unit is desigated "E".
+ The format is similar to Time, except there are two colons: "1970::1620874738" would represent: May 13, 2021 2:58:58 UTC.
+ A unit of EpochTime by default is assumed to be in UTC.
+ 1 (Earth) year ~= 31536000 EpochTime or 31.536 GE (GigaEpochTime).
+ 1 (Earth) day = 86400 EpochTime
+ 1 (Earth) hour = 3600 EpochTime
+ 1 (Earth) minute = 60 EpochTime
+ 1 (Earth) second = 1 EpochTime
+ 1 GT (GigaTime) = 1 EpochTime
+ Consequentially, 1 day in units of EpochTime is easily represented as 86.4 KE (KiloEpochTime).