Data can now be piped to the fss_*_read functions.
To make this practical, this adds and uses a hidden/internal functions.
#endif // _di_fss_basic_list_read_print_help_
#ifndef _di_fss_basic_list_read_main_
+ f_return_status fss_basic_list_read_main_process_file(const f_array_length argc, const f_string argv[], fss_basic_list_read_data *data, const f_string filename, const f_string_length target) __attribute__((visibility ("internal")));
f_return_status fss_basic_list_read_main(const f_array_length argc, const f_string argv[], fss_basic_list_read_data *data){
f_status status = f_status_initialize;
f_status allocation_status = f_status_initialize;
} else if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_version].result == f_console_result_found){
- } else if (data->remaining.used > 0){
+ } else if (data->remaining.used > 0 || data->process_pipe){
f_string_length counter = f_string_length_initialize;
- f_string_length current = f_string_length_initialize;
f_string_length target = f_string_length_initialize;
- f_string_length found = f_string_length_initialize;
f_string_length original_size = data->file_position.total_elements;
if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
target = (f_string_length) atoll(argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].additional]);
+ if (data->process_pipe) {
+ f_file file = f_file_initialize;
+ file.file = f_pipe;
+ status = fl_file_read_fifo(file, &data->buffer);
+ if (status != f_none){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling f_file_open()");
+ } else if (status == f_file_not_found){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Unable to find the file '%s'", "-");
+ } else if (status == f_file_open_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Unable to open the file '%s'", "-");
+ } else if (status == f_file_descriptor_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: File descriptor error while trying to open the file '%s'", "-");
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling f_file_open()", status);
+ }
+ fss_basic_list_read_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ }
+ status = fss_basic_list_read_main_process_file(argc, argv, data, "-", target);
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eof && status != f_none_on_eos){
+ return status;
+ }
+ // clear buffers before continuing
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, data->contents);
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, data->objects);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, data->buffer);
+ }
for (; counter < data->remaining.used; counter++){
f_file file = f_file_initialize;
return status;
- {
- f_string_location input = f_string_location_initialize;
- input.start = 0;
- input.stop = data->buffer.used - 1;
+ status = fss_basic_list_read_main_process_file(argc, argv, data, argv[data->remaining.array[counter]], target);
- status = fll_fss_basic_list_read(&data->buffer, &input, &data->objects, &data->contents);
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eof && status != f_none_on_eos){
+ return status;
- if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eos && status != f_none_on_stop && status != fl_fss_found_object_no_content){
- if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fll_fss_basic_list_read() for the file '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ // clear buffers before repeating the loop
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, data->contents);
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, data->objects);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, data->buffer);
+ } // for
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: you failed to specify one or more files");
+ }
- fss_basic_list_read_delete_data(data);
- return status;
- } else if (status == f_no_data_on_eos || status == f_no_data || status == f_no_data_on_stop || status == f_no_data_on_eof){
- // not an error in this case
- } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory");
+ fss_basic_list_read_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ }
- fss_basic_list_read_delete_data(data);
- return status;
- } else {
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fll_fss_basic_list_read() for the file '%s'", status, argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
- }
+ f_return_status fss_basic_list_read_main_process_file(const f_array_length argc, const f_string argv[], fss_basic_list_read_data *data, const f_string filename, const f_string_length target) {
+ f_status status = f_status_initialize;
+ f_status allocation_status = f_status_initialize;
- // clear buffers, then attempt the next file
- f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, data->contents);
- f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, data->objects);
- f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, data->buffer);
+ f_string_length current = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length found = f_string_length_initialize;
- continue;
- }
+ {
+ f_string_location input = f_string_location_initialize;
+ input.start = 0;
+ input.stop = data->buffer.used - 1;
+ status = fll_fss_basic_list_read(&data->buffer, &input, &data->objects, &data->contents);
+ }
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eos && status != f_none_on_stop && status != fl_fss_found_object_no_content){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fll_fss_basic_list_read() for the file '%s'", filename);
+ fss_basic_list_read_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ } else if (status == f_no_data_on_eos || status == f_no_data || status == f_no_data_on_stop || status == f_no_data_on_eof){
+ // not an error in this case
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory");
+ fss_basic_list_read_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fll_fss_basic_list_read() for the file '%s'", status, filename);
+ }
+ // clear buffers, then attempt the next file
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, data->contents);
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, data->objects);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, data->buffer);
+ return status;
+ }
+ // now that all of the files have been read, process the objects and contents
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found && data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_none){
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "%u\n", (unsigned int) data->objects.used);
+ } else {
+ current = 0;
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_none){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_object].result == f_console_result_none){
+ for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_size].result == f_console_result_found){
+ if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
+ f_string_length counter = data->contents.array[current].array[0].start;
+ f_string_length size = 0;
+ for (; counter <= data->contents.array[current].array[0].stop; counter++){
+ if (data->buffer.string[counter] == f_eol) size++;
+ } // for
+ // the last newline is never present
+ size++;
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "%u\n", (unsigned int) size);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "0\n");
+ }
+ } else if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_line].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
+ f_string_length counter = data->contents.array[current].array[0].start;
+ f_string_length position = 0;
+ f_string_length target = (f_string_length) atoll(argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_line].additional]);
+ f_string_location range = f_string_location_initialize;
+ // use an invalid range to communicate range not found
+ range.start = 1;
+ range.stop = 0;
+ for (; counter <= data->contents.array[current].array[0].stop; counter++){
+ if (position == target){
+ range.start = counter;
+ // explicit use of < instead of <= is done here so that the range.stop will always be accurate
+ for (; counter < data->contents.array[current].array[0].stop; counter++){
+ if (data->buffer.string[counter] == f_eol){
+ break;
+ }
+ } // for
+ range.stop = counter;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (data->buffer.string[counter] == f_eol){
+ position++;
+ }
+ } // for
+ if (range.start <= range.stop){
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, range);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->contents.array[current].array[0]);
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // now that all of the files have been read, process the objects and contents
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found && data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_none){
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "%u\n", (unsigned int) data->objects.used);
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ if (found == target){
+ break;
+ } else {
+ found++;
+ }
+ }
+ } // for
} else {
- current = 0;
+ for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->objects.array[current]);
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ }
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ if (found == target){
+ break;
+ } else {
+ found++;
+ }
+ }
+ } // for
+ }
+ } else {
+ current = 0;
+ f_string_length total = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length name_length = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length argv_length = f_string_length_initialize;
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_none){
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_object].result == f_console_result_none){
- for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ argv_length = strlen(argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_name].additional]);
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_object].result == f_console_result_none){
+ for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
+ name_length = data->objects.array[current].stop - data->objects.array[current].start + 1;
+ if (name_length == argv_length){
+ if (fl_compare_strings(data->buffer.string + data->objects.array[current].start, argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_name].additional], name_length, argv_length) == f_equal_to){
if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_size].result == f_console_result_found){
if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
} else {
- if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
- f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->contents.array[current].array[0]);
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found){
+ total++;
+ } else {
+ if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->contents.array[current].array[0]);
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ }
+ }
- }
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
- if (found == target){
- break;
- } else {
- found++;
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ if (found == target){
+ break;
+ } else {
+ found++;
+ }
- } // for
- } else {
- for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
- f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->objects.array[current]);
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- }
+ }
+ } // for
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
- if (found == target){
- break;
- } else {
- found++;
- }
- }
- } // for
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found && data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none){
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, f_string_length_printf "\n", total);
} else {
- current = 0;
- f_string_length total = f_string_length_initialize;
- f_string_length name_length = f_string_length_initialize;
- f_string_length argv_length = f_string_length_initialize;
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_additional){
- argv_length = strlen(argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_name].additional]);
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_object].result == f_console_result_none){
- for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
- name_length = data->objects.array[current].stop - data->objects.array[current].start + 1;
- if (name_length == argv_length){
- if (fl_compare_strings(data->buffer.string + data->objects.array[current].start, argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_name].additional], name_length, argv_length) == f_equal_to){
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_size].result == f_console_result_found){
- if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
- f_string_length counter = data->contents.array[current].array[0].start;
- f_string_length size = 0;
- for (; counter <= data->contents.array[current].array[0].stop; counter++){
- if (data->buffer.string[counter] == f_eol) size++;
- } // for
- // the last newline is never present
- size++;
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "%u\n", (unsigned int) size);
- } else {
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "0\n");
- }
- } else if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_line].result == f_console_result_additional){
- if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
- f_string_length counter = data->contents.array[current].array[0].start;
- f_string_length position = 0;
- f_string_length target = (f_string_length) atoll(argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_line].additional]);
- f_string_location range = f_string_location_initialize;
- // use an invalid range to communicate range not found
- range.start = 1;
- range.stop = 0;
- for (; counter <= data->contents.array[current].array[0].stop; counter++){
- if (position == target){
- range.start = counter;
- // explicit use of < instead of <= is done here so that the range.stop will always be accurate
- for (; counter < data->contents.array[current].array[0].stop; counter++){
- if (data->buffer.string[counter] == f_eol){
- break;
- }
- } // for
- range.stop = counter;
- break;
- }
- if (data->buffer.string[counter] == f_eol){
- position++;
- }
- } // for
+ // when and because the object parameter is specified, the name parameter refers to the content instead of the object
+ // therefore, make the search on the content and display the object
+ for (; current < data->contents.used; current++){
+ if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
+ name_length = data->contents.array[current].array[0].stop - data->contents.array[current].array[0].start + 1;
+ if (name_length == argv_length){
+ if (fl_compare_strings(data->buffer.string + data->contents.array[current].array[0].start, argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_name].additional], name_length, argv_length) == f_equal_to){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->objects.array[current]);
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ }
- if (range.start <= range.stop){
- f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, range);
- }
- }
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ if (found == target){
+ break;
} else {
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found){
- total++;
- } else {
- if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
- f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->contents.array[current].array[0]);
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
- if (found == target){
- break;
- } else {
- found++;
- }
+ found++;
- } // for
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found && data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none){
- fprintf(f_standard_output, f_string_length_printf "\n", total);
- } else {
- // when and because the object parameter is specified, the name parameter refers to the content instead of the object
- // therefore, make the search on the content and display the object
- for (; current < data->contents.used; current++){
- if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
- name_length = data->contents.array[current].array[0].stop - data->contents.array[current].array[0].start + 1;
- if (name_length == argv_length){
- if (fl_compare_strings(data->buffer.string + data->contents.array[current].array[0].start, argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_name].additional], name_length, argv_length) == f_equal_to){
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
- f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->objects.array[current]);
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- }
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_list_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
- if (found == target){
- break;
- } else {
- found++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } // for
- }
+ } // for
- // clear buffers before repeating the loop
- f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, data->contents);
- f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, data->objects);
- f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, data->buffer);
- } // for
- } else {
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: you failed to specify one or more files");
+ }
- fss_basic_list_read_delete_data(data);
- return status;
#endif // _di_fss_basic_list_read_main_
#include <level_0/file.h>
#include <level_0/console.h>
#include <level_0/output.h>
+#include <level_0/pipe.h>
// fll-1 includes
#include <level_1/colors.h>
f_fss_contents contents;
f_file_position file_position;
f_string_lengths remaining;
+ f_bool process_pipe;
fll_color_context context;
} fss_basic_list_read_data;
f_fss_contents_initialize, \
f_file_position_initialize, \
f_string_lengths_initialize, \
+ f_false, \
fll_color_context_initialize, \
#endif // _di_fss_basic_list_read_data_
f_status status = f_status_initialize;
fss_basic_list_read_data data = fss_basic_list_read_data_initialize;
+ if (f_pipe_exists()){
+ data.process_pipe = f_true;
+ }
status = fss_basic_list_read_main(argc, argv, &data);
if (status == f_none) return 0;
# fss-0000
-project_name fss_basic_list_Read
+project_name fss_basic_list_read
project_level 3
version_major 0
version_micro 0
build_compiler gcc
-build_libraries -lc -lf_memory -lf_console -lf_conversion -lf_output -lf_file -lfl_fss -lfl_console -lfl_file -lfl_strings -lfl_colors -lfl_directory -lfl_execute -lfll_fss -lfll_colors
+build_libraries -lc -lf_memory -lf_console -lf_conversion -lf_output -lf_file -lfl_fss -lfl_console -lfl_file -lfl_strings -lfl_colors -lfl_directory -lfl_execute -lfll_fss -lfll_colors -lf_pipe
build_sources_library fss_basic_list_read.c
build_sources_program main.c
build_sources_headers fss_basic_list_read.h
#endif // _di_fss_basic_read_print_help_
#ifndef _di_fss_basic_read_main_
+ f_return_status fss_basic_read_main_process_file(const f_array_length argc, const f_string argv[], fss_basic_read_data *data, const f_string filename, const f_string_length target) __attribute__((visibility("internal")));
f_return_status fss_basic_read_main(const f_array_length argc, const f_string argv[], fss_basic_read_data *data){
f_status status = f_status_initialize;
f_status allocation_status = f_status_initialize;
} else if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_version].result == f_console_result_found){
- } else if (data->remaining.used > 0){
+ } else if (data->remaining.used > 0 || data->process_pipe){
f_string_length counter = f_string_length_initialize;
- f_string_length current = f_string_length_initialize;
f_string_length target = f_string_length_initialize;
- f_string_length found = f_string_length_initialize;
f_string_length original_size = data->file_position.total_elements;
if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
target = (f_string_length) atoll(argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].additional]);
- for (; counter < data->remaining.used; counter++){
+ if (data->process_pipe) {
f_file file = f_file_initialize;
- status = f_file_open(&file, argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
- data->file_position.total_elements = original_size;
- if (status != f_none){
- if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling f_file_open()");
- } else if (status == f_file_not_found){
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Unable to find the file '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
- } else if (status == f_file_open_error){
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Unable to open the file '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
- } else if (status == f_file_descriptor_error){
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: File descriptor error while trying to open the file '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
- } else {
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling f_file_open()", status);
- }
- fss_basic_read_delete_data(data);
- return status;
- }
- // TODO: this file size set functionality might be turned into an fl_file (or f_file) function
- if (data->file_position.total_elements == 0){
- fseek(file.file, 0, SEEK_END);
- data->file_position.total_elements = ftell(file.file);
- // skip past empty files
- if (data->file_position.total_elements == 0){
- f_file_close(&file);
- continue;
- }
- fseek(file.file, 0, SEEK_SET);
- }
- status = fl_file_read(file, data->file_position, &data->buffer);
+ file.file = f_pipe;
- f_file_close(&file);
+ status = fl_file_read_fifo(file, &data->buffer);
if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eof && status != f_none_on_eos){
if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fl_file_read()");
} else if (status == f_overflow){
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Integer overflow while trying to buffer the file '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Integer overflow while trying to buffer the file '%s'", "-");
} else if (status == f_file_not_open){
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: The file '%s' is no longer open", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: The file '%s' is no longer open", "-");
} else if (status == f_file_seek_error){
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: A seek error occurred while accessing the file '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: A seek error occurred while accessing the file '%s'", "-");
} else if (status == f_file_read_error){
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: A read error occurred while accessing the file '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: A read error occurred while accessing the file '%s'", "-");
} else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory");
} else {
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fl_file_read()", status);
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fl_file_read()", "-");
return status;
- {
- f_string_location input = f_string_location_initialize;
- input.start = 0;
- input.stop = data->buffer.used - 1;
+ status = fss_basic_read_main_process_file(argc, argv, data, "-", target);
- status = fll_fss_basic_read(&data->buffer, &input, &data->objects, &data->contents);
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eof && status != f_none_on_eos){
+ return status;
- if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eos && status != f_none_on_stop && status != fl_fss_found_object_no_content){
- if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fll_fss_basic_list_read() for the file '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ // clear buffers before continuing
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, data->contents);
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, data->objects);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, data->buffer);
+ }
+ if (data->remaining.used > 0){
+ for (; counter < data->remaining.used; counter++){
+ f_file file = f_file_initialize;
+ status = f_file_open(&file, argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ data->file_position.total_elements = original_size;
+ if (status != f_none){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling f_file_open()");
+ } else if (status == f_file_not_found){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Unable to find the file '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ } else if (status == f_file_open_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Unable to open the file '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ } else if (status == f_file_descriptor_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: File descriptor error while trying to open the file '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling f_file_open()", status);
+ }
return status;
- } else if (status == f_no_data_on_eos || status == f_no_data || status == f_no_data_on_stop || status == f_no_data_on_eof){
- // not an error in this case
- } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory");
+ }
+ // TODO: this file size set functionality might be turned into an fl_file (or f_file) function
+ if (data->file_position.total_elements == 0){
+ fseek(file.file, 0, SEEK_END);
+ data->file_position.total_elements = ftell(file.file);
+ // skip past empty files
+ if (data->file_position.total_elements == 0){
+ f_file_close(&file);
+ continue;
+ }
+ fseek(file.file, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ }
+ status = fl_file_read(file, data->file_position, &data->buffer);
+ f_file_close(&file);
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eof && status != f_none_on_eos){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fl_file_read()");
+ } else if (status == f_overflow){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Integer overflow while trying to buffer the file '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ } else if (status == f_file_not_open){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: The file '%s' is no longer open", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ } else if (status == f_file_seek_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: A seek error occurred while accessing the file '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ } else if (status == f_file_read_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: A read error occurred while accessing the file '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory");
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fl_file_read()", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ }
return status;
- } else {
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fll_fss_basic_list_read() for the file '%s'", status, argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
- // clear buffers, then attempt the next file
+ status = fss_basic_read_main_process_file(argc, argv, data, argv[data->remaining.array[counter]], target);
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eof && status != f_none_on_eos){
+ return status;
+ }
+ // clear buffers before repeating the loop
f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, data->contents);
f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, data->objects);
f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, data->buffer);
+ } // for
+ }
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: you failed to specify one or more files");
+ }
- continue;
- }
+ fss_basic_read_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ }
+ f_return_status fss_basic_read_main_process_file(const f_array_length argc, const f_string argv[], fss_basic_read_data *data, const f_string filename, const f_string_length target){
+ f_status status = f_status_initialize;
+ f_status allocation_status = f_status_initialize;
+ f_string_length current = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length found = f_string_length_initialize;
+ {
+ f_string_location input = f_string_location_initialize;
+ input.start = 0;
+ input.stop = data->buffer.used - 1;
+ status = fll_fss_basic_read(&data->buffer, &input, &data->objects, &data->contents);
+ }
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eos && status != f_none_on_stop && status != fl_fss_found_object_no_content){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fll_fss_basic_list_read() for the file '%s'", filename);
+ fss_basic_read_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ } else if (status == f_no_data_on_eos || status == f_no_data || status == f_no_data_on_stop || status == f_no_data_on_eof){
+ // not an error in this case
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory");
+ fss_basic_read_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fll_fss_basic_list_read() for the file '%s'", status, filename);
+ }
- // now that all of the files have been read, process the objects and contents
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found && data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_none){
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "%u\n", (unsigned int) data->objects.used);
+ // clear buffers, then attempt the next file
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, data->contents);
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, data->objects);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, data->buffer);
+ return f_none;
+ }
+ // now that the file has been read, process the objects and contents
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found && data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_none){
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "%u\n", (unsigned int) data->objects.used);
+ } else {
+ current = 0;
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_none){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_object].result == f_console_result_none){
+ for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
+ if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->contents.array[current].array[0]);
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ } else {
+ // for all objects with no data, print a newline
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ if (found == target){
+ break;
+ } else {
+ found++;
+ }
+ }
+ } // for
} else {
- current = 0;
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_none){
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_object].result == f_console_result_none){
- for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
- if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
- f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->contents.array[current].array[0]);
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- } else {
- // for all objects with no data, print a newline
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- }
- }
+ for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->objects.array[current]);
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ }
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
- if (found == target){
- break;
- } else {
- found++;
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ if (found == target){
+ break;
+ } else {
+ found++;
+ }
+ }
+ } // for
+ }
+ } else {
+ current = 0;
+ f_string_length total = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length name_length = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length argv_length = f_string_length_initialize;
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ argv_length = strlen(argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_name].additional]);
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_object].result == f_console_result_none){
+ for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
+ name_length = data->objects.array[current].stop - data->objects.array[current].start + 1;
+ if (name_length == argv_length){
+ if (fl_compare_strings(data->buffer.string + data->objects.array[current].start, argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_name].additional], name_length, argv_length) == f_equal_to){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found){
+ total++;
+ } else {
+ if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->contents.array[current].array[0]);
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ } else {
+ // for all objects with no data, print a newline
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ }
+ }
- }
- } // for
- } else {
- for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
- f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->objects.array[current]);
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- }
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
- if (found == target){
- break;
- } else {
- found++;
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ if (found == target){
+ break;
+ } else {
+ found++;
+ }
- } // for
+ }
+ } // for
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found && data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none){
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, f_string_length_printf "\n", total);
} else {
- current = 0;
- f_string_length total = f_string_length_initialize;
- f_string_length name_length = f_string_length_initialize;
- f_string_length argv_length = f_string_length_initialize;
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_additional){
- argv_length = strlen(argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_name].additional]);
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_object].result == f_console_result_none){
- for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
- name_length = data->objects.array[current].stop - data->objects.array[current].start + 1;
- if (name_length == argv_length){
- if (fl_compare_strings(data->buffer.string + data->objects.array[current].start, argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_name].additional], name_length, argv_length) == f_equal_to){
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found){
- total++;
- } else {
- if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
- f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->contents.array[current].array[0]);
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- } else {
- // for all objects with no data, print a newline
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- }
- }
- }
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
- if (found == target){
- break;
- } else {
- found++;
- }
- }
+ // when and because the object parameter is specified, the name parameter refers to the content instead of the object
+ // therefore, make the search on the content and display the object
+ for (; current < data->contents.used; current++){
+ if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
+ name_length = data->contents.array[current].array[0].stop - data->contents.array[current].array[0].start + 1;
+ if (name_length == argv_length){
+ if (fl_compare_strings(data->buffer.string + data->contents.array[current].array[0].start, argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_name].additional], name_length, argv_length) == f_equal_to){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->objects.array[current]);
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- }
- } // for
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found && data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none){
- fprintf(f_standard_output, f_string_length_printf "\n", total);
- }
- } else {
- // when and because the object parameter is specified, the name parameter refers to the content instead of the object
- // therefore, make the search on the content and display the object
- for (; current < data->contents.used; current++){
- if (data->contents.array[current].used > 0){
- name_length = data->contents.array[current].array[0].stop - data->contents.array[current].array[0].start + 1;
- if (name_length == argv_length){
- if (fl_compare_strings(data->buffer.string + data->contents.array[current].array[0].start, argv[data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_name].additional], name_length, argv_length) == f_equal_to){
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
- f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->objects.array[current]);
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- }
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
- if (found == target){
- break;
- } else {
- found++;
- }
- }
+ if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ if (found == target){
+ break;
+ } else {
+ found++;
- } // for
+ }
- }
+ } // for
- // clear buffers before repeating the loop
- f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, data->contents);
- f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, data->objects);
- f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, data->buffer);
- } // for
- } else {
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: you failed to specify one or more files");
+ }
- fss_basic_read_delete_data(data);
- return status;
#endif // _di_fss_basic_read_main_
#include <level_0/file.h>
#include <level_0/console.h>
#include <level_0/output.h>
+#include <level_0/pipe.h>
// fll-1 includes
#include <level_1/colors.h>
f_fss_contents contents;
f_file_position file_position;
f_string_lengths remaining;
+ f_bool process_pipe;
fll_color_context context;
} fss_basic_read_data;
f_fss_contents_initialize, \
f_file_position_initialize, \
f_string_lengths_initialize, \
+ f_false, \
fll_color_context_initialize, \
#endif // _di_fss_basic_read_data_
f_status status = f_status_initialize;
fss_basic_read_data data = fss_basic_read_data_initialize;
+ if (f_pipe_exists()){
+ data.process_pipe = f_true;
+ }
status = fss_basic_read_main(argc, argv, &data);
if (status == f_none) return 0;
version_micro 0
build_compiler gcc
-build_libraries -lc -lf_memory -lf_console -lf_conversion -lf_output -lf_file -lfl_fss -lfl_console -lfl_file -lfl_strings -lfl_colors -lfl_directory -lfl_execute -lfll_fss -lfll_colors
+build_libraries -lc -lf_memory -lf_console -lf_conversion -lf_output -lf_file -lfl_fss -lfl_console -lfl_file -lfl_strings -lfl_colors -lfl_directory -lfl_execute -lfll_fss -lfll_colors -lf_pipe
build_sources_library fss_basic_read.c
build_sources_program main.c
build_sources_headers fss_basic_read.h
#endif // _di_fss_extended_read_print_help_
#ifndef _di_fss_extended_read_main_
+ f_return_status fss_extended_read_main_process_file(const f_array_length argc, const f_string argv[], fss_extended_read_data *data, const f_string filename, const f_string_length target, const f_string_length select) __attribute__((visibility("internal")));
f_return_status fss_extended_read_main(const f_array_length argc, const f_string argv[], fss_extended_read_data *data){
f_status status = f_status_initialize;
f_status allocation_status = f_status_initialize;
} else if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_version].result == f_console_result_found){
- } else if (data->remaining.used > 0){
+ } else if (data->remaining.used > 0 || data->process_pipe){
f_string_length counter = f_string_length_initialize;
- f_string_length current = f_string_length_initialize;
f_string_length target = f_string_length_initialize;
- f_string_length found = f_string_length_initialize;
f_string_length select = f_string_length_initialize;
f_string_length original_size = data->file_position.total_elements;
select = (f_string_length) atoll(argv[data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_select].additional]);
+ if (data->process_pipe) {
+ f_file file = f_file_initialize;
+ file.file = f_pipe;
+ status = fl_file_read_fifo(file, &data->buffer);
+ if (status != f_none){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling f_file_open()");
+ } else if (status == f_file_not_found){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Unable to find the file '%s'", "-");
+ } else if (status == f_file_open_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: Unable to open the file '%s'", "-");
+ } else if (status == f_file_descriptor_error){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: File descriptor error while trying to open the file '%s'", "-");
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling f_file_open()", status);
+ }
+ fss_extended_read_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ }
+ status = fss_extended_read_main_process_file(argc, argv, data, "-", target, select);
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eof && status != f_none_on_eos){
+ return status;
+ }
+ // clear buffers before continuing
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, data->contents);
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, data->objects);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, data->buffer);
+ }
for (; counter < data->remaining.used; counter++){
f_file file = f_file_initialize;
return status;
- {
- f_string_location input = f_string_location_initialize;
+ status = fss_extended_read_main_process_file(argc, argv, data, argv[data->remaining.array[counter]], target, select);
- input.start = 0;
- input.stop = data->buffer.used - 1;
- status = fll_fss_extended_read(&data->buffer, &input, &data->objects, &data->contents);
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eof && status != f_none_on_eos){
+ return status;
- if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eos && status != f_none_on_stop && status != fl_fss_found_object_no_content){
- if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fll_fss_extended_read() for the file '%s'", argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
+ // clear buffers before repeating the loop
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, data->contents);
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, data->objects);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, data->buffer);
+ } // for
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: you failed to specify one or more files");
+ }
- fss_extended_read_delete_data(data);
- return status;
- } else if (status == f_no_data_on_eos || status == f_no_data || status == f_no_data_on_stop || status == f_no_data_on_eof){
- // not an error in this case
- } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory");
+ fss_extended_read_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ }
- fss_extended_read_delete_data(data);
- return status;
- } else {
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fll_fss_extended_read() for the file '%s'", status, argv[data->remaining.array[counter]]);
- }
+ f_return_status fss_extended_read_main_process_file(const f_array_length argc, const f_string argv[], fss_extended_read_data *data, const f_string filename, const f_string_length target, const f_string_length select) {
+ f_status status = f_status_initialize;
+ f_status allocation_status = f_status_initialize;
- // clear buffers, then attempt the next file
- f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, data->contents);
- f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, data->objects);
- f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, data->buffer);
+ f_string_length current = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length found = f_string_length_initialize;
- continue;
- }
+ {
+ f_string_location input = f_string_location_initialize;
+ input.start = 0;
+ input.stop = data->buffer.used - 1;
+ status = fll_fss_extended_read(&data->buffer, &input, &data->objects, &data->contents);
+ }
+ if (status != f_none && status != f_none_on_eos && status != f_none_on_stop && status != fl_fss_found_object_no_content){
+ if (status == f_invalid_parameter){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid parameter when calling fll_fss_extended_read() for the file '%s'", filename);
- // now that all of the files have been read, process the objects and contents
- if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found && data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_none){
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "%u\n", (unsigned int) data->objects.used);
+ fss_extended_read_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ } else if (status == f_no_data_on_eos || status == f_no_data || status == f_no_data_on_stop || status == f_no_data_on_eof){
+ // not an error in this case
+ } else if (f_macro_test_for_allocation_errors(status)){
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "CRITICAL ERROR: unable to allocate memory");
+ fss_extended_read_delete_data(data);
+ return status;
+ } else {
+ fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "INTERNAL ERROR: An unhandled error (%u) has occured while calling fll_fss_extended_read() for the file '%s'", status, filename);
+ }
+ // clear buffers, then attempt the next file
+ f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, data->contents);
+ f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, data->objects);
+ f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, data->buffer);
+ return status;
+ }
+ // now that all of the files have been read, process the objects and contents
+ if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found && data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_none){
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "%u\n", (unsigned int) data->objects.used);
+ } else {
+ current = 0;
+ if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_none){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_object].result == f_console_result_none){
+ for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
+ if (data->contents.array[current].used > select){
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->contents.array[current].array[select]);
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ } else {
+ // for all objects with no data, print a newline
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ if (found == target){
+ break;
+ } else {
+ found++;
+ }
+ }
+ } // for
} else {
- current = 0;
- if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_none){
- if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_object].result == f_console_result_none){
- for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
- if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
- if (data->contents.array[current].used > select){
- f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->contents.array[current].array[select]);
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- } else {
- // for all objects with no data, print a newline
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- }
- }
+ for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->objects.array[current]);
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ }
- if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
- if (found == target){
- break;
- } else {
- found++;
+ if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ if (found == target){
+ break;
+ } else {
+ found++;
+ }
+ }
+ } // for
+ }
+ } else {
+ current = 0;
+ f_string_length total = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length name_length = f_string_length_initialize;
+ f_string_length argv_length = f_string_length_initialize;
+ if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ argv_length = strlen(argv[data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_name].additional]);
+ if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_object].result == f_console_result_none){
+ for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
+ name_length = data->objects.array[current].stop - data->objects.array[current].start + 1;
+ if (name_length == argv_length){
+ if (fl_compare_strings(data->buffer.string + data->objects.array[current].start, argv[data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_name].additional], name_length, argv_length) == f_equal_to){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found){
+ total++;
+ } else {
+ if (data->contents.array[current].used > select){
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->contents.array[current].array[select]);
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ } else {
+ // for all objects with no data, print a newline
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
+ }
+ }
- }
- } // for
- } else {
- for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
- if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
- f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->objects.array[current]);
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- }
- if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
- if (found == target){
- break;
- } else {
- found++;
+ if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ if (found == target){
+ break;
+ } else {
+ found++;
+ }
- } // for
+ }
+ } // for
+ if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found && data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none){
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, f_string_length_printf "\n", total);
} else {
- current = 0;
- f_string_length total = f_string_length_initialize;
- f_string_length name_length = f_string_length_initialize;
- f_string_length argv_length = f_string_length_initialize;
- if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_name].result == f_console_result_additional){
- argv_length = strlen(argv[data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_name].additional]);
- if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_object].result == f_console_result_none){
- for (; current < data->objects.used; current++){
- name_length = data->objects.array[current].stop - data->objects.array[current].start + 1;
- if (name_length == argv_length){
- if (fl_compare_strings(data->buffer.string + data->objects.array[current].start, argv[data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_name].additional], name_length, argv_length) == f_equal_to){
- if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found){
- total++;
- } else {
- if (data->contents.array[current].used > select){
- f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->contents.array[current].array[select]);
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- } else {
- // for all objects with no data, print a newline
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- }
- }
- }
- if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
- if (found == target){
- break;
- } else {
- found++;
- }
- }
+ // when and because the object parameter is specified, the name parameter refers to the content instead of the object
+ // therefore, make the search on the content and display the object
+ for (; current < data->contents.used; current++){
+ if (data->contents.array[current].used > select){
+ name_length = data->contents.array[current].array[select].stop - data->contents.array[current].array[select].start + 1;
+ if (name_length == argv_length){
+ if (fl_compare_strings(data->buffer.string + data->contents.array[current].array[select].start, argv[data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_name].additional], name_length, argv_length) == f_equal_to){
+ if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
+ f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->objects.array[current]);
+ fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- }
- } // for
- if (data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_total].result == f_console_result_found && data->parameters[fss_basic_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none){
- fprintf(f_standard_output, f_string_length_printf "\n", total);
- }
- } else {
- // when and because the object parameter is specified, the name parameter refers to the content instead of the object
- // therefore, make the search on the content and display the object
- for (; current < data->contents.used; current++){
- if (data->contents.array[current].used > select){
- name_length = data->contents.array[current].array[select].stop - data->contents.array[current].array[select].start + 1;
- if (name_length == argv_length){
- if (fl_compare_strings(data->buffer.string + data->contents.array[current].array[select].start, argv[data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_name].additional], name_length, argv_length) == f_equal_to){
- if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_none || (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional && found == target)){
- f_print_partial_dynamic_string(f_standard_output, data->buffer, data->objects.array[current]);
- fprintf(f_standard_output, "\n");
- }
- if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
- if (found == target){
- break;
- } else {
- found++;
- }
- }
+ if (data->parameters[fss_extended_read_parameter_count].result == f_console_result_additional){
+ if (found == target){
+ break;
+ } else {
+ found++;
- } // for
+ }
- }
+ } // for
- // clear buffers before repeating the loop
- f_delete_fss_contents(allocation_status, data->contents);
- f_delete_fss_objects(allocation_status, data->objects);
- f_delete_dynamic_string(allocation_status, data->buffer);
- } // for
- } else {
- fl_print_color_line(f_standard_error, data->context.error, data->context.reset, "ERROR: you failed to specify one or more files");
+ }
- fss_extended_read_delete_data(data);
- return status;
#endif // _di_fss_extended_read_main_
#include <level_0/file.h>
#include <level_0/console.h>
#include <level_0/output.h>
+#include <level_0/pipe.h>
// fll-1 includes
#include <level_1/colors.h>
f_fss_contents contents;
f_file_position file_position;
f_string_lengths remaining;
+ f_bool process_pipe;
fll_color_context context;
} fss_extended_read_data;
f_fss_contents_initialize, \
f_file_position_initialize, \
f_string_lengths_initialize, \
+ f_false, \
fll_color_context_initialize, \
#endif // _di_fss_extended_read_data_
f_status status = f_status_initialize;
fss_extended_read_data data = fss_extended_read_data_initialize;
+ if (f_pipe_exists()){
+ data.process_pipe = f_true;
+ }
status = fss_extended_read_main(argc, argv, &data);
if (status == f_none) return 0;
version_micro 0
build_compiler gcc
-build_libraries -lc -lf_memory -lf_console -lf_conversion -lf_output -lf_file -lfl_fss -lfl_console -lfl_file -lfl_strings -lfl_colors -lfl_directory -lfl_execute -lfll_fss -lfll_colors
+build_libraries -lc -lf_memory -lf_console -lf_conversion -lf_output -lf_file -lfl_fss -lfl_console -lfl_file -lfl_strings -lfl_colors -lfl_directory -lfl_execute -lfll_fss -lfll_colors -lf_pipe
build_sources_library fss_extended_read.c
build_sources_program main.c
build_sources_headers fss_extended_read.h