extern "C" {
+#ifndef _di_fake_make_section_
+ #define fake_make_section_main "main"
+ #define fake_make_section_settings "settings"
+ #define fake_make_section_main_length 4
+ #define fake_make_section_settings_length 8
+#endif // _di_fake_make_section_
+// @todo safety checks that ensures operations on files only happen inside the project directory, represented by "top".
+#ifndef _di_fake_make_setting_
+ #define fake_make_setting_define "define" // @todo 'define' means define this as an environment variable on run, only a single argument is supported. (consider a second parameter such as 'if_missing' or 'if_exists' to define this only if it is not already defined.)
+ #define fake_make_setting_load_build "load_build" // @todo ("yes"/"no") as in use the build settings file, write code to import that first and match all settings from that into this.
+ #define fake_make_setting_define_length 6
+ #define fake_make_setting_load_build_length 10
+#endif // _di_fake_make_setting_
+// @todo "operate" should use a call stack, but do not allow recursive calls (check to see if named operation is already on the call stack).
+#ifndef _di_fake_make_operation_
+ #define fake_make_operation_archive "archive" // run the ar linker (all arguments are passed as arguments, except for reserved parameter words, with $ in front, such as $build_1).
+ #define fake_make_operation_build "build" // run the fake build operation ($1 = path to settings file, if missing use default, auto-passes verbosity and other Fake parameters.).
+ #define fake_make_operation_clean "clean" // run the fake clean operation (auto-passes verbosity and other Fake parameters.).
+ #define fake_make_operation_compile "compile" // run the gcc compiler (all arguments are passed as arguments, except for reserved parameter words, with $ in front, such as $build_1).
+ #define fake_make_operation_create "create" // create a file or directory ($1 = 'file' or 'directory') ($2 = path to file or directory) ($3 = 'recursive' (optional) for 'directory' only).
+ #define fake_make_operation_delete "delete" // delete a file or directory ($1 = 'file' or 'directory') ($2 = path to file or directory) ($3 = 'recursive' (optional) for 'directory' only).
+ #define fake_make_operation_else "else" // execute next line if immediately previous "if" condition fails (if exists file_name.txt, if defined environment_name, if equals "some string or define" "another string or define", if succeed for previous run/shell command succeeding, if fail for previous run/shell command failing).
+ #define fake_make_operation_fail "fail" // what to do when a command fails, either 'exit', 'warn' or 'ignore'.
+ #define fake_make_operation_group "group" // change group on file or directory ($1 = path to file or directory).
+ #define fake_make_operation_if "if" // execute next line if condition succeeds (if exists file_name.txt, if defined environment_name, if equals "some string or define" "another string or define", if succeed for previous run/shell command succeeding, if fail for previous run/shell command failing).
+ #define fake_make_operation_link "link" // create a symbolic link ($1 = target) ($2 = point). (@todo also don't allow linking outside project directory).
+ #define fake_make_operation_mode "mode" // change mode of a file or directory ($1 = path to file or directory).
+ #define fake_make_operation_operate "operate" // enter into a given named operation except for reserved .
+ #define fake_make_operation_owner "owner" // change owner on file or directory ($1 = path to file or directory).
+ #define fake_make_operation_pop "pop" // pop the previous directory off the stack, changing to the popped directory.
+ #define fake_make_operation_print "print" // print to an output or file ($1 = color, out, error, warning) ($2 = if $1 = color, then out, error, warning; else string to print) ($3 = if $1 = color, then string to print).
+ #define fake_make_operation_run "run" // execute command via PATH ($1 = program name, all other arguments are passed as arguments, except for reserved parameter words, with $ in front, such as $build_1).
+ #define fake_make_operation_shell "shell" // execute command at path ($1 = path to program/script, all other arguments are passed as arguments, except for reserved parameter words, with $ in front, such as $build_1).
+ #define fake_make_operation_skeleton "skeleton" // run the fake skeleton operation (auto-passes verbosity and other Fake parameters.).
+ #define fake_make_operation_to "to" // change into a given directory, adding it to the directory stack ($1 = directory name).
+ #define fake_make_operation_top "top" // change to project root, clearing directory stack.
+ #define fake_make_operation_touch "touch" // perform touch operation on file or directoy ($1 = path to file or directory).
+ #define fake_make_operation_archive_length 7
+ #define fake_make_operation_build_length 5
+ #define fake_make_operation_clean_length 5
+ #define fake_make_operation_compile_length 7
+ #define fake_make_operation_create_length 6
+ #define fake_make_operation_delete_length 6
+ #define fake_make_operation_else_length 4
+ #define fake_make_operation_fail_length 4
+ #define fake_make_operation_group_length 5
+ #define fake_make_operation_if_length 2
+ #define fake_make_operation_link_length 4
+ #define fake_make_operation_mode_length 4
+ #define fake_make_operation_operate_length 7
+ #define fake_make_operation_owner_length 5
+ #define fake_make_operation_pop_length 3
+ #define fake_make_operation_print_length 5
+ #define fake_make_operation_run_length 3
+ #define fake_make_operation_shell_length 5
+ #define fake_make_operation_skeleton_length 8
+ #define fake_make_operation_to_length 2
+ #define fake_make_operation_top_length 3
+ #define fake_make_operation_touch_length 5
+ enum {
+ fake_make_operation_type_archive,
+ fake_make_operation_type_build,
+ fake_make_operation_type_clean,
+ fake_make_operation_type_compile,
+ fake_make_operation_type_create,
+ fake_make_operation_type_delete,
+ fake_make_operation_type_else,
+ fake_make_operation_type_fail,
+ fake_make_operation_type_group,
+ fake_make_operation_type_if,
+ fake_make_operation_type_link,
+ fake_make_operation_type_mode,
+ fake_make_operation_type_operate,
+ fake_make_operation_type_owner,
+ fake_make_operation_type_pop,
+ fake_make_operation_type_print,
+ fake_make_operation_type_run,
+ fake_make_operation_type_shell,
+ fake_make_operation_type_skeleton,
+ fake_make_operation_type_to,
+ fake_make_operation_type_top,
+ fake_make_operation_type_touch,
+ };
+#endif // _di_fake_make_operation_
+// @todo each one of these should be made available to be passed to the program as "$parameter_define[X]" for multi-value (define) or "$parameter_no_color" for single-value (no_color).
+#ifndef _di_fake_make_parameter_
+ #define fake_make_parameter_variable_build "build"
+ #define fake_make_parameter_variable_dark "dark"
+ #define fake_make_parameter_variable_data "data"
+ #define fake_make_parameter_variable_define "define"
+ #define fake_make_parameter_variable_light "light"
+ #define fake_make_parameter_variable_mode "mode"
+ #define fake_make_parameter_variable_no_color "no_color"
+ #define fake_make_parameter_variable_process "process"
+ #define fake_make_parameter_variable_quiet "quiet"
+ #define fake_make_parameter_variable_settings "settings"
+ #define fake_make_parameter_variable_sources "sources"
+ #define fake_make_parameter_variable_verbose "verbose"
+ #define fake_make_parameter_variable_work "work"
+ #define fake_make_file_parameter_variable_build_length 5
+ #define fake_make_file_parameter_variable_dark_length 5
+ #define fake_make_file_parameter_variable_data_length 5
+ #define fake_make_file_parameter_variable_define_length 6
+ #define fake_make_file_parameter_variable_light_length 5
+ #define fake_make_file_parameter_variable_mode_length 4
+ #define fake_make_file_parameter_variable_no_color_length 8
+ #define fake_make_file_parameter_variable_process_length 7
+ #define fake_make_file_parameter_variable_quiet_length 5
+ #define fake_make_file_parameter_variable_settings_length 8
+ #define fake_make_file_parameter_variable_sources_length 7
+ #define fake_make_file_parameter_variable_verbose_length 7
+ #define fake_make_file_parameter_variable_work_length 4
+ typedef struct {
+ f_string_dynamics build;
+ f_string_dynamics dark;
+ f_string_dynamics data;
+ f_string_dynamics define;
+ f_string_dynamics light;
+ f_string_dynamics mode;
+ f_string_dynamics no_color;
+ f_string_dynamics process;
+ f_string_dynamics quiet;
+ f_string_dynamics settings;
+ f_string_dynamics sources;
+ f_string_dynamics verbose;
+ f_string_dynamics work;
+ } fake_make_parameter;
+ #define fake_make_parameter_initialize { \
+ f_string_dynamics_initialize \
+ f_string_dynamics_initialize \
+ f_string_dynamics_initialize \
+ f_string_dynamics_initialize \
+ f_string_dynamics_initialize \
+ f_string_dynamics_initialize \
+ f_string_dynamics_initialize \
+ f_string_dynamics_initialize \
+ f_string_dynamics_initialize \
+ f_string_dynamics_initialize \
+ f_string_dynamics_initialize \
+ f_string_dynamics_initialize \
+ f_string_dynamics_initialize \
+ }
+#endif // _di_fake_make_parameter_
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"