* Licenses: lgplv2.1
* Provides string capabilities.
+ *
+ * It is highly recommended that all string arrays are set to a max size of f_string_length_size.
+ * Any calculations against the length (aka: string.used) can always perform (A < B) operators such that the B is f_string_length_size + 1 without integer overflow.
#ifndef _F_string_h
#define _F_string_h
#ifndef _di_f_string_length_
typedef f_number_unsigned f_string_length;
+ // string size is set to (size - 4) to compensate for UTF-8 4-byte character such that it can easily act as a (size - 1) regardless of UTF-8.
+ #define f_string_length_size 0xfffffffffffffffb
+ #define f_string_length_size_max f_type_size_max_64_positive
#define f_string_length_printf string_format_long_integer
#define f_macro_string_length_new(status, string, length) status = f_memory_new((void **) & string, sizeof(f_string_length), length)