Add missing delimits.
Fix capitalization of words.
Fix spacing.
Remove out of place text.
The Freeze Action is an extension of a Control Group.
This is internal to the "controller" program and is not customizable via any Rule file.
For a customizable "freeze"-like capability, look into the Pause and Resume Actions.
- This is complemented by the Thaw Action.
+ This is the complement of the Thaw Action.
This designates that a processes Control Group is to be frozen.
All Rules (or any process not controlled by the "controller") that is within the same Control Group will be frozen.
(@todo consider instead designing this around the Control Groups instead of a "rule".)
(This documentation will likely change with consideration to the above @todo once this gets implemented.)
- This must not attempt to freeze (or unfreeze) the Control Group that the "controller" belongs to.
+ This must not attempt to thaw (or unthaw) the Control Group that the "controller" belongs to.
Therefore, if a Rule does not specify a Control Group, then it is likely that the Thaw Action will be unsupported for that Rule/Control Group.
The "main" Item Object is always executed first (Therefore "main" is both reserved and required).
All other Basic List Objects are not executed unless either an "item" or a "failsafe" specifies a valid Item name.
- Execution of all Items are top-down.
+ Execution of all Items is top-down.
- The "settings" item Object\:
Represents Entry settings and is not an "item" that can be executed.
An Entry file name is expected to have the file extension ".entry".
- For each Entry file:
+ For each Entry file\:
- The outer most part is a FSS-0002 (Basic List).
- The Basic List Object is considered the "Item".
- The Basic List Content are considered the "Actions".
- Each Action Object is the "Action Name".
- Each Action Content are the "Action Parameters".
- The Items:
+ The Items\:
- "main": required.
- - "command": optional.
- Any valid Object represents a command name with\:
- The first Content represents the file path (without any leading/trailing slashes and without file extension).
- The second Content represent the basename of the command file.
- "settings": optional, Actions may be one of\:
- "control": One to two Content.
The first Content is a relative or absolute path to a socket file.
- "pid_file": Exactly one Content that is a relative or absolute path to a pid file.
- "session": Exactly one Content that is one of "new" or "same".
- "show": Exactly one Content that is one of "normal" or "init".
- - "timeout": One or Two content with the first being one of "exit", "start", "stop", or "kill" and the (optional) second Content being a positive whole number or 0.
+ - "timeout": One or two content with the first being one of "exit", "start", "stop", or "kill" and the (optional) second Content being a positive whole number or 0.
The Entry file may have any other valid Item Objects, but only the above are reserved.
- "require"
- "wait"
- - "timeout": One or Two Content.
+ - "timeout": One or two Content.
The first being one of\:
- "exit"
- "start"
An Exit file name is expected to have the file extension ".exit".
- For each Exit file:
+ For each Exit file\:
- The outer most part is a FSS-0002 (Basic List).
- The Basic List Object is considered the "Item".
- The Basic List Content are considered the "Actions".
- Each Action Object is the "Action Name".
- Each Action Content are the "Action Parameters".
- The Items:
+ The Items\:
- "main": required.
- - "settings": optional, Actions may be one of:
+ - "settings": optional, Actions may be one of\:
- "pid": Exactly one Content that is one of "disable", "require", or "ready".
- "session": Exactly one Content that is one of "new" or "same".
- "show": Exactly one Content that is one of "normal" or "init".
Rule Specification:
- The Rule files follow the FSS-000D (Basic Rule) format with IKI-0000 (Unrestricted IKI).
+ The Rule files follow the FSS-000D (Basic Rule) format with IKI-0000 (Unrestricted).
A Rule file name is expected to have the file extension ".rule".
- For each Rule file:
+ For each Rule file\:
- The outer most part is a FSS-0002 (Basic List).
- The Basic List Object is considered the "Rule Type".
- The Basic List Content is determined by the specific "Rule Type".
- Each Setting Content are the "Setting Values".
The Rule Types\:
- - "command": FSS-0003 (Extended List) or FSS-0001 (Extended).
- - "script": FSS-0003 (Extended List) or FSS-0001 (Extended).
- - "service": FSS-0003 (Extended List) or FSS-0001 (Extended).
- - "settings": (Required) FSS-0001 (Extended).
- - "utility": FSS-0003 (Extended List) or FSS-0001 (Extended).
+ - "command": Follows either FSS-0003 (Extended List) or FSS-0001 (Extended).
+ - "script": Follows either FSS-0003 (Extended List) or FSS-0001 (Extended).
+ - "service": Follows either FSS-0003 (Extended List) or FSS-0001 (Extended).
+ - "settings": Is required and follows either FSS-0001 (Extended).
+ - "utility": Follows either FSS-0003 (Extended List) or FSS-0001 (Extended).
For the above Rule Types, "settings" may be specified only once whereas the others may be specifed multiple times.
The "settings" Rule Type is always processed first, regardless of position.
- "on": Four Content, the first being a Rule Action, the second being "need", "want", or "wish", the third being a partial path, and the fourth being a Rule file name without ".rule" extension.
- "parameter": Two Content, the first Content must be a case-sensitive valid IKI name and the second being an IKI value.
- "path": One Content representing a valid PATH environment string (such as "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin").
- - "scheduler": One or Two Content representing a scheduler name and the optional numeric priority (Any whole number inclusively between 0 and 99).
- - "timeout": One or Two content with the first being one of "exit", "start", "stop", or "kill" and the (optional) second Content being a positive whole number or 0.
+ - "scheduler": One or two Content representing a scheduler name and the optional numeric priority (Any whole number inclusively between 0 and 99).
+ - "timeout": One or two content with the first being one of "exit", "start", "stop", or "kill" and the (optional) second Content being a positive whole number or 0.
- "user": One Content representing a user name or user id.
The "command" and "script" Rule Types allow the following the FSS-0001 (Extended)\: