Continuing work on paths, now starting to add support for breadcrumbs and menus.
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides a class for managing array objects.
+ *
+ * This is provided mainly for a consistent class type that handles arrays instead of simply extending c_base_return_array().
+ * The reason for using this over extending c_base_return_array is to ensure that the return values follow the consistent api.
+ * - Only the return values of the core c_base_return_* functions return direct/raw values.
+ * - All other functions are expected to return some class or sub-class of c_base_return.
+ */
+ * A generic class for providing classes that support a single array value.
+ *
+ * This is only intended for classes that contain a single array value.
+ * Other classes may need a more complex implementation of this class.
+ *
+ * This does not use the traits t_base_return_value_exact or t_base_return_value because this is non-confirming to those traits.
+ *
+ * @require class c_base_rfc_string
+ */
+class c_base_array extends c_base_rfc_string {
+ protected $items;
+ /**
+ * @see: t_base_return_value::p_s_new()
+ */
+ public static function s_new($value) {
+ return self::p_s_new($value, __CLASS__);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see: t_base_return_value::p_s_value()
+ */
+ public static function s_value($return) {
+ return self::p_s_value($return, __CLASS__);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see: t_base_return_value_exact::p_s_value_exact()
+ */
+ public static function s_value_exact($return) {
+ return self::p_s_value_exact($return, __CLASS__, '');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assign the array.
+ *
+ * @param array $array
+ * Replace the current array with this value.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_status
+ * TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
+ * FALSE with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function set_items($array) {
+ if (!is_array($array)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'array', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ $this->items = $array;
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assign the item at a specific index in the array.
+ *
+ * @param $item
+ * Any item to assign.
+ * @param int|string $key
+ * A key to assign a specific value to.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_status
+ * TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
+ * FALSE with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function set_item_at($item, $key) {
+ if (!is_int($key) && !is_string($key)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'key', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ if (!is_array($this->items)) {
+ $this->items = array();
+ }
+ $this->items[$key] = $item;
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Append the item at the end of the array.
+ *
+ * @param $item
+ * Any value.
+ * This does not perform clone() on objects.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_status
+ * TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
+ * FALSE with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function set_item_append($item) {
+ if (!is_array($this->items)) {
+ $this->items = array();
+ }
+ $this->items[] = $item;
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assigns the array from a serialized array string.
+ *
+ * @param string $serialized
+ * A serialized string to convert to an array.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_status
+ * TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
+ * If converted string does not produce an array, FALSE is returned and items is set to an empty array.
+ * FALSE with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ *
+ * @see: unserialize()
+ */
+ public function set_items_serialized($serialized) {
+ if (!is_string($serialized)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'serialized', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ $unserialized = unserialize($serialized);
+ if (is_array($unserialized)) {
+ $this->items = $unserialized;
+ unset($unserialized);
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
+ unset($unserialized);
+ $this->items = array();
+ return new c_base_return_false();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the data as a json-serialized array string.
+ *
+ * @param jsonized
+ * A jsonized string to convert to an array.
+ * @param bool $associative
+ * (optional) When TRUE array is return as an associative array.
+ * @param int $options
+ * (optional) bitmask of json constants.
+ * @param int $depth
+ * (optional) Maximum array depth.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_status
+ * TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
+ * if converted string does not produce an array, FALSE is returned and items is set to an empty array.
+ *
+ * @see: json_decode()
+ */
+ public function set_items_jsonized($jsonized, $associative = TRUE, $options = 0, $depth = 512) {
+ if (!is_string($jsonized)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'jsonized', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ if (!is_bool($associative)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'associative', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ if (!is_int($options)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'options', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ if (!is_int($depth) || $depth < 1) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'depth', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ $decoded = json_decode($jsonized, $associative, $options, $depth);
+ if (is_array($decoded)) {
+ $this->items = $decoded;
+ unset($decoded);
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
+ unset($decoded);
+ $this->items = array();
+ return new c_base_return_false();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the array.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_array
+ * The array stored within this class.
+ * An empty array with error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function get_items() {
+ if (!is_null($this->items) && !is_array($this->items)) {
+ return c_base_return_array::s_new(array());
+ }
+ return c_base_return_array::s_new($this->items);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the item at a specific index in the array.
+ *
+ * @param string $key
+ * A key to assign a specific value to.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_status|c_base_return_value
+ * Value on success, FALSE otherwise.
+ * FALSE without error bit set is returned if $key us not defined.
+ * FALSE with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function get_item_at($key) {
+ if (!is_string($key) || empty($key)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'key', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ if (!is_array($this->items) || !array_key_exists($key, $this->items)) {
+ return new c_base_return_false();
+ }
+ return c_base_return_value::s_new($this->items[$key]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the total number of values in the array.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_int
+ * A positive integer.
+ * 0 with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function get_items_count() {
+ if (empty($this->items)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return count($this->items);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the array keys of the array.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_array
+ * An array of array keys.
+ * An empty array with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function get_items_keys() {
+ if (empty($this->items)) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ return array_keys($this->items);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the data as a serialized array string.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_string|c_base_return_bool
+ * A serialized string representing the array on success.
+ * FALSE on failure.
+ * An empty string with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ *
+ * @see: serialize()
+ */
+ public function get_items_serialized() {
+ if (!is_array($this->items)) {
+ return c_base_return_string::s_new(serialize(array()));
+ }
+ return c_base_return_string::s_new(serialize($this->items));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the data as a json-serialized array string.
+ *
+ * @param int $options
+ * (optional) bitmask of json constants.
+ * @param int $depth
+ * (optional) Maximum array depth.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_string|c_base_return_bool
+ * A json-serialized string representing the array on success.
+ * FALSE on failure.
+ * FALSE with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ *
+ * @see: json_encode()
+ */
+ public function get_items_jsonized($options = 0, $depth = 512) {
+ if (!is_int($options)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'options', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ if (!is_int($depth)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'depth', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ if (!is_int($options)) {
+ $options = 0;
+ }
+ if (!is_int($depth) || $depth < 1) {
+ $depth = 512;
+ }
+ $encoded = json_encode($this->items, $options, $depth);
+ if ($encoded === FALSE) {
+ unset($encoded);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{operation_name}' => 'json_encode', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::OPERATION_FAILURE);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ return c_base_return_string::s_new($encoded);
+ }
* @param c_base_database_connection_string $connection_string
* An already processed and configured connection string object.
+ * This does perform clone().
* @return c_base_return_status
* TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
* @return c_base_database_connection_string
* A connection string object on success.
* The error bit set is on error.
+ * This does perform clone().
public function get_connection_string() {
if (!is_object($this->connection_string) || !($this->connection_string instanceof c_base_database_connection_string)) {
// default log facility (17 = c_base_error::FACILITY_LOCAL_0).
const LOG_FACILITY = 17;
+ // default backtrace setting (TRUE = perform backtrace on error, FALSE do not perform backtrace on error).
// Represents the current timestamp of this PHP process/session, see: self::s_get_timestamp_session().
private static $s_timestamp_session = NULL;
* Therefore, it is an exception case to the use of base_return classes as a return value and must instead return raw/native PHP values.
* This provides a custom facility for syslog/openlog calls so that a 'none' facility can be supported.
- *
- * @todo: I either need to create a global/static (aka: non-threadsafe) class for assigning error settings OR I need to add a variable to each class object to assign error settings (uses more resources).
- * This needs to be done so that stuff like debug_backtrace() is called only once and is only called if needed.
class c_base_error {
const SEVERITY_NONE = 0;
private $details;
private $severity;
private $limit;
+ private $recovered;
private $backtrace;
- private $code;
+ private $backtrace_perform;
private $ignore_arguments;
- private $backtrace_performed;
+ private $code;
* Class constructor.
public function __construct() {
- $this->message = NULL;
- $this->details = NULL;
- $this->severity = NULL;
- $this->limit = self::DEFAULT_BACKTRACE_LIMIT;
- $this->backtrace = array();
+ $this->message = NULL;
+ $this->details = NULL;
+ $this->severity = NULL;
+ $this->limit = self::DEFAULT_BACKTRACE_LIMIT;
+ $this->recovered = FALSE;
+ $this->backtrace = array();
+ $this->backtrace_perform = FALSE;
+ $this->ignore_arguments = TRUE;
$this->code = NULL;
- $this->ignore_arguments = TRUE;
- $this->backtrace_performed = FALSE;
+ unset($this->recovered);
- unset($this->code);
+ unset($this->backtrace_perform);
- unset($this->backtrace_performed);
+ unset($this->code);
* @param int|bool|null $limit
* (optional) A number representing the backtrace limit.
* If set to FALSE, then no backtrace is generated.
+ * @param bool $recovered
+ * (optional) If TRUE, then this designates that the error was recovered from.
+ * If FALSE, then the error has not been recovered from.
* @return c_base_error
* Always returns a newly created c_base_error object.
* No error status is ever returned.
- public static function s_log($message = NULL, $details = NULL, $code = NULL, $severity = NULL, $limit = NULL) {
+ public static function s_log($message = NULL, $details = NULL, $code = NULL, $severity = NULL, $limit = NULL, $recovered = FALSE) {
$class = __CLASS__;
$entry = new $class();
+ if (is_bool($recovered)) {
+ $entry->set_recovered($recovered);
+ }
// build the backtrace, but ignore this function call when generating.
$this->message = $message;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the assigned message.
- *
- * @return string|null
- * An error message string or NULL if not defined.
- */
- public function get_message() {
- return $this->message;
+ return TRUE;
- * Returns the details array.
- *
- * The details array is defined by the caller and may have any structure, so long as it is an array.
- *
- * @return array|null
- * An array of additional details or NULL if not defined.
- */
- public function get_details() {
- return $this->details;
- }
- /**
* Assigns a severity level.
* @param int $severity
- * Returns the currently assigned severity level.
- *
- * @return int
- * The currently assigned severity level.
- * This defaults to self::SEVERITY_ERROR when undefined.
- */
- public function get_severity() {
- if (is_null($this->severity)) {
- $this->severity = self::SEVERITY_ERROR;
- }
- return $this->severity;
- }
- /**
* Assigns a limit for use with debug_backtrace().
* @param int|bool $limit
- * Returns the currently assigned limit.
- *
- * @return int|bool
- * The currently assigned limit integer.
- * FALSE is returned if backtracing is disabled.
- * This defaults to self::DEFAULT_BACKTRACE_LIMIT.
- *
- * @see: c_base_error::set_backtrace()
- */
- public function get_limit() {
- if ($limit !== FALSE && (!is_int($limit) || $limit < 0)) {
- $this->limit = self::DEFAULT_BACKTRACE_LIMIT;
- }
- return $this->limit;
- }
- /**
* Assigns a backtrace.
* This is auto-performed by the class.
- * Returns the backtrace object.
+ * Assign the backtrace perform boolean.
- * @return array|null
- * A populate backtrace array of objects or NULL if no backtrace is defined.
+ * @param bool $backtrace_perform
+ * The backtrace perform boolean.
- * @see: c_base_error::set_limit()
+ * @return bool
+ * TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
- public function get_backtrace() {
- return $this->backtrace;
+ public function set_backtrace_perform($backtrace_perform) {
+ if (!is_bool($backtrace_perform)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ $this->backtrace_perform = $backtrace_perform;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assign an error ignore arguments boolean.
+ *
+ * @param bool $ignore_arguments
+ * The ignore arguments boolean.
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ * TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+ public function set_ignore_arguments($ignore_arguments) {
+ if (!is_bool($ignore_arguments)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ $this->ignore_arguments = $ignore_arguments;
+ return TRUE;
$this->code = $code;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the assigned code.
- *
- * A code is used to categorize the error in some manner.
- *
- * @return int|null
- * A code to associate with the error.
- * NULL is returned if not defined.
- */
- public function get_code() {
- return $this->code;
+ return TRUE;
- * Returns the reported object.
+ * Assign an error recovered boolean.
- * Use this to determine the results of the last report status.
+ * @param bool $recovered
+ * The recovered boolean.
- * @return object|null
- * A populate reported object or NULL if no report was performed.
+ * @return bool
+ * TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+ public function set_recovered($recovered) {
+ if (!is_bool($recovered)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ $this->recovered = $recovered;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the assigned message.
- * @see: c_base_error::set_limit()
+ * @return string|null
+ * An error message string or NULL if not defined.
- public function get_reported() {
- return $this->reported;
+ public function get_message() {
+ return $this->message;
- * Assign an error ignore arguments boolean.
+ * Returns the details array.
- * @param bool $ignore_arguments
- * The ignore arguments boolean.
+ * The details array is defined by the caller and may have any structure, so long as it is an array.
- * @return bool
- * TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
+ * @return array|null
+ * An array of additional details or NULL if not defined.
- public function set_ignore_arguments($ignore_arguments) {
- if (!is_bool($ignore_arguments)) {
- return FALSE;
+ public function get_details() {
+ return $this->details;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the currently assigned severity level.
+ *
+ * @return int
+ * The currently assigned severity level.
+ * This defaults to self::SEVERITY_ERROR when undefined.
+ */
+ public function get_severity() {
+ if (is_null($this->severity)) {
+ $this->severity = self::SEVERITY_ERROR;
- $this->ignore_arguments = $ignore_arguments;
+ return $this->severity;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the currently assigned limit.
+ *
+ * @return int|bool
+ * The currently assigned limit integer.
+ * FALSE is returned if backtracing is disabled.
+ * This defaults to self::DEFAULT_BACKTRACE_LIMIT.
+ *
+ * @see: c_base_error::set_backtrace()
+ */
+ public function get_limit() {
+ if ($limit !== FALSE && (!is_int($limit) || $limit < 0)) {
+ $this->limit = self::DEFAULT_BACKTRACE_LIMIT;
+ }
+ return $this->limit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the backtrace object.
+ *
+ * @return array|null
+ * A populate backtrace array of objects or NULL if no backtrace is defined.
+ *
+ * @see: c_base_error::set_limit()
+ */
+ public function get_backtrace() {
+ return $this->backtrace;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the assigned backtrace perform boolean.
+ *
+ * @return bool|null
+ * A boolean representing whether or not to the backtrace should be performed.
+ * NULL is returned if not defined.
+ */
+ public function get_backtrace_perform() {
+ return $this->backtrace_perform;
+ * Returns the assigned code.
+ *
+ * A code is used to categorize the error in some manner.
+ *
+ * @return int|null
+ * A code to associate with the error.
+ * NULL is returned if not defined.
+ */
+ public function get_code() {
+ return $this->code;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the reported object.
+ *
+ * Use this to determine the results of the last report status.
+ *
+ * @return object|null
+ * A populate reported object or NULL if no report was performed.
+ *
+ * @see: c_base_error::set_limit()
+ */
+ public function get_reported() {
+ return $this->reported;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the recovered setting.
+ *
+ * @return bool|null
+ * The recovered boolean or NULL if not assigned.
+ */
+ public function get_recovered() {
+ return $this->recovered;
+ }
+ /**
* Build the debug backtrace.
* This will not include this function in the backtrace.
* @see: debug_backtrace()
private function p_backtrace($count = 0) {
+ if (!c_base_defaults_global::BACKTRACE_PERFORM || !$this->backtrace_perform) {
+ return;
+ }
$this->backtrace = array();
// when limit is set to FALSE, backtrace is disabled.
- $this->backtrace_performed = TRUE;
+ // do not perform this backtrace multiple times.
+ $this->backtrace_perform = TRUE;
elseif ($code === self::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX) {
if ($arguments === TRUE) {
- return c_base_return_string::s_new('The index, :index_name, was not found in the array, :{array_name}' . $function_name_string . '.');
+ return c_base_return_string::s_new('The index, :{index_name}, was not found in the array, :{array_name}' . $function_name_string . '.');
else {
return c_base_return_string::s_new('Failed to find index within specified array.');
elseif ($code === self::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX) {
if ($arguments === TRUE) {
- return c_base_return_string::s_new('配列 :index_name に索引 :{array_name} が見つかりませんでした。' . $function_name_string . '。');
+ return c_base_return_string::s_new('配列 :{index_name} に索引 :{array_name} が見つかりませんでした。' . $function_name_string . '。');
else {
return c_base_return_string::s_new('指定された配列内のインデックスの検索に失敗しました。');
* The attribute to assign.
* @return c_base_return_int|c_base_return_string|c_base_return_bool|c_base_return_status
- * The value assigned to the attribte (the data type is different per attribute).
+ * The value assigned to the attribute (the data type is different per attribute).
* FALSE is returned if the element does not exist.
* FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
* The attribute to assign.
* @return c_base_return_int|c_base_return_string|c_base_return_bool|c_base_return_status
- * The value assigned to the attribte (the data type is different per attribute).
+ * The value assigned to the attribute (the data type is different per attribute).
* FALSE is returned if the element does not exist.
* FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
* When FALSE, the normal attributes are returned.
* @return c_base_return_int|c_base_return_string|c_base_return_bool|c_base_return_status
- * The value assigned to the attribte (the data type is different per attribute).
+ * The value assigned to the attribute (the data type is different per attribute).
* FALSE is returned if the element does not exist.
* FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
case c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS:
if (!is_array($value)) {
+ if (is_string($value)) {
+ if ($body) {
+ if (!isset($this->attributes_body[$attribute])) {
+ $this->attributes_body[$attribute] = array();
+ }
+ $this->attributes_body[$attribute][] = $value;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!isset($this->attributes[$attribute])) {
+ $this->attributes[$attribute] = array();
+ }
+ $this->attributes[$attribute][] = $value;
+ }
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
return new c_base_return_false();
public function __construct() {
- $this->headers = NULL;
+ $this->headers = NULL;
$this->headers_sent = FALSE;
- $this->request = array();
+ $this->request = array();
$this->request_time = NULL;
- $this->response = array();
+ $this->response = array();
$this->request_uri_relative = NULL;
$this->request_uri_query = NULL;
- $this->content = NULL;
+ $this->content = NULL;
$this->content_is_file = NULL;
- $this->buffer_enabled = FALSE;
+ $this->buffer_enabled = FALSE;
$this->languages = NULL;
if (!array_key_exists($header_name, $this->request)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => $header_name, ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => $header_name, ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
return c_base_return_value::s_new($this->request[$header_name]['data'][$delta]);
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => $delta, ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => $delta, ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
if (!array_key_exists($header_name, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => $header_name, ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => $header_name, ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
return c_base_return_value::s_new($this->response[$header_name][$delta]);
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => $delta, ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => $delta, ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
* These header fields apply only to the immediate client.
* The header name format is:
* - 1*(tchar)
+ * This does perform clone().
* @param bool $append
* (optional) If TRUE, then append the header name.
* If FALSE, then assign the header name.
public function get_response_access_control_allow_origin() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_access_control_allow_credentials() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(FALSE, 'c_base_return_bool', $error);
public function get_response_access_control_expose_headers() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_access_control_max_age() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(0, 'c_base_return_int', $error);
public function get_response_access_control_allow_methods() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_access_control_allow_headers() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_accept_patch() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_ACCEPT_PATCH, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_ACCEPT_PATCH, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_ACCEPT_PATCH, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_accept_ranges() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_ACCEPT_RANGES, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_ACCEPT_RANGES, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_ACCEPT_RANGES, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value('', 'c_base_return_string', $error);
public function get_response_age() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_AGE, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_AGE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_AGE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(0, 'c_base_return_int', $error);
public function get_response_allow() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_ALLOW, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_ALLOW, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_ALLOW, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_cache_control() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_CACHE_CONTROL, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_CACHE_CONTROL, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_CACHE_CONTROL, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_connection() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_CONNECTION, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_CONNECTION, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_CONNECTION, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_content_disposition() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_content_encoding() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_ENCODING, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_ENCODING, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_ENCODING, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_content_language() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_LANGUAGE, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_LANGUAGE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_LANGUAGE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_content_length() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_LENGTH, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_LENGTH, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_LENGTH, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(0, 'c_base_return_int', $error);
public function get_response_content_range() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_RANGE, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_RANGE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_RANGE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_content_type() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_date() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_DATE, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_DATE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_DATE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(0.0, 'c_base_return_float', $error);
public function get_response_date_actual() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_DATE_ACTUAL, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_DATE_ACTUAL, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_DATE_ACTUAL, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(0.0, 'c_base_return_float', $error);
public function get_response_etag() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_ETAG, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_ETAG, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_ETAG, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_expires() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_EXPIRES, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_EXPIRES, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_EXPIRES, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(0.0, 'c_base_return_float', $error);
public function get_response_last_modified() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_LAST_MODIFIED, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_LAST_MODIFIED, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_LAST_MODIFIED, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(0.0, 'c_base_return_float', $error);
public function get_response_link() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_LINK, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_LINK, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_LINK, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_location() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_LOCATION, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_LOCATION, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_LOCATION, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_pragma() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_PRAGMA, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_PRAGMA, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_PRAGMA, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_proxy_authenticate() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
public function get_response_public_key_pins() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_PUBLIC_KEY_PINS, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_PUBLIC_KEY_PINS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_PUBLIC_KEY_PINS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
public function get_response_refresh() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_REFRESH, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_REFRESH, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_REFRESH, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
public function get_response_retry_after() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_RETRY_AFTER, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_RETRY_AFTER, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_RETRY_AFTER, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_set_cookie() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_SET_COOKIE, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_SET_COOKIE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_SET_COOKIE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_cookie', $error);
public function get_response_server() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_SERVER, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_SERVER, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_SERVER, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
public function get_response_status() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_STATUS, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_STATUS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_STATUS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(0, 'c_base_return_int', $error);
public function get_response_strict_transport_security() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value('', 'c_base_return_string', $error);
public function get_response_trailer() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_TRAILER, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_TRAILER, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_TRAILER, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
public function get_response_transfer_encoding() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_TRANSFER_ENCODING, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_TRANSFER_ENCODING, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_TRANSFER_ENCODING, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
public function get_response_upgrade() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_UPGRADE, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_UPGRADE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_UPGRADE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
public function get_response_vary() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_VARY, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_VARY, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_VARY, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_warning() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_WARNING, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_WARNING, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_WARNING, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
public function get_response_www_authenticate() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
public function get_response_protocol() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_PROTOCOL, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_PROTOCOL, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_PROTOCOL, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value('', 'c_base_return_string', $error);
public function get_response_content_security_policy() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_x_content_type_options() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(FALSE, 'c_base_return_bool', $error);
public function get_response_x_ua_compatible() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_X_UA_COMPATIBLE, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_X_UA_COMPATIBLE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_X_UA_COMPATIBLE, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_checksum_header() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_HEADER, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_HEADER, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_HEADER, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_checksum_headers() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_HEADERS, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_HEADERS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_HEADERS, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_checksum_content() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_CONTENT, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_CONTENT, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_CONTENT, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_return_array', $error);
public function get_response_content_revision() {
if (!array_key_exists(self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_REVISION, $this->response)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_REVISION, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => self::RESPONSE_CONTENT_REVISION, ':{array_name}' => 'this->response', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_value(0, 'c_base_return_int', $error);
+ * Returns whether or not response content is a file.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_bool
+ * TRUE if content is a file.
+ * FALSE otherwise.
+ * FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function is_response_content_file() {
+ if ($this->content_is_file) {
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
+ return new c_base_return_false();
+ }
+ /**
* Encode the HTTP response content.
* This must be performed after all content has been buffered and before the HTTP headers are sent.
const TYPE_H4 = 59;
const TYPE_H5 = 60;
const TYPE_H6 = 61;
- const TYPE_HEADER = 62;
- const TYPE_HIDDEN = 63;
- const TYPE_ITALICS = 65;
- const TYPE_INLINE_FRAME = 66;
- const TYPE_IMAGE = 67;
- const TYPE_IMAGE_SVG = 68;
- const TYPE_INPUT = 69;
- const TYPE_INS = 70;
- const TYPE_KEYBOARD = 71;
- const TYPE_KEY_GEN = 72;
- const TYPE_LABEL = 73;
- const TYPE_LEGEND = 74;
- const TYPE_LIST_ITEM = 75;
- const TYPE_LINE = 76;
- const TYPE_LINK = 78;
- const TYPE_MAIN = 79;
- const TYPE_MAP = 80;
- const TYPE_MARK = 81;
- const TYPE_MARKER = 82;
- const TYPE_MASK = 83;
- const TYPE_MENU = 84;
- const TYPE_MENU_ITEM = 85;
- const TYPE_MATH = 86;
- const TYPE_META = 87;
- const TYPE_METER = 88;
- const TYPE_MONTH = 89;
- const TYPE_NAVIGATION = 90;
- const TYPE_NO_SCRIPT = 91;
- const TYPE_NUMBER = 92;
- const TYPE_OBJECT = 93;
- const TYPE_ORDERED_LIST = 94;
- const TYPE_OPTIONS_GROUP = 95;
- const TYPE_OPTION = 96;
- const TYPE_OUTPUT = 97;
- const TYPE_PARAGRAPH = 98;
- const TYPE_PARAM = 99;
- const TYPE_PASSWORD = 100;
- const TYPE_PATH = 101;
- const TYPE_PATTERN = 102;
- const TYPE_PICTURE = 103;
- const TYPE_POLYGON = 104;
- const TYPE_POLYLINE = 105;
- const TYPE_PREFORMATTED = 106;
- const TYPE_PROGRESS = 107;
- const TYPE_Q = 108;
- const TYPE_RADIO = 110;
- const TYPE_RANGE = 111;
- const TYPE_RECTANGLE = 112;
- const TYPE_RESET = 113;
- const TYPE_RUBY = 114;
- const TYPE_STRIKE_THROUGH = 117;
- const TYPE_SAMPLE = 118;
- const TYPE_SCRIPT = 119;
- const TYPE_SEARCH = 120;
- const TYPE_SECTION = 121;
- const TYPE_SELECT = 122;
- const TYPE_SMALL = 123;
- const TYPE_SOURCE = 124;
- const TYPE_SPAN = 125;
- const TYPE_STOP = 126;
- const TYPE_STRONG = 127;
- const TYPE_STYLE = 128;
- const TYPE_SUB_SCRIPT = 129;
- const TYPE_SUBMIT = 130;
- const TYPE_SUPER_SCRIPT = 131;
- const TYPE_SVG = 132;
- const TYPE_TABLE = 133;
- const TYPE_TABLE_BODY = 134;
- const TYPE_TABLE_CELL = 135;
- const TYPE_TABLE_FOOTER = 136;
- const TYPE_TABLE_HEADER = 137;
- const TYPE_TABLE_ROW = 139;
- const TYPE_TELEPHONE = 140;
- const TYPE_TEMPLATE = 141;
- const TYPE_TERM_NAME = 143;
- const TYPE_TEXT = 144;
- const TYPE_TEXT_AREA = 145;
- const TYPE_TEXT_REFERENCE = 146;
- const TYPE_TEXT_SPAN = 147;
- const TYPE_TEXT_SVG = 148;
- const TYPE_TIME = 149;
- const TYPE_TITLE = 150;
- const TYPE_TRACK = 151;
- const TYPE_UNDERLINE = 152;
- const TYPE_UNORDERED_LIST = 153;
- const TYPE_URL = 154;
- const TYPE_USE = 155;
- const TYPE_VARIABLE = 156;
- const TYPE_VIDEO = 157;
- const TYPE_WEEK = 158;
- const TYPE_WIDE_BREAK = 159;
+ const TYPE_HX = 62;
+ const TYPE_HEADER = 63;
+ const TYPE_HIDDEN = 64;
+ const TYPE_ITALICS = 66;
+ const TYPE_INLINE_FRAME = 67;
+ const TYPE_IMAGE = 68;
+ const TYPE_IMAGE_SVG = 69;
+ const TYPE_INPUT = 70;
+ const TYPE_INS = 71;
+ const TYPE_KEYBOARD = 72;
+ const TYPE_KEY_GEN = 73;
+ const TYPE_LABEL = 74;
+ const TYPE_LEGEND = 75;
+ const TYPE_LIST_ITEM = 76;
+ const TYPE_LINE = 77;
+ const TYPE_LINK = 79;
+ const TYPE_MAIN = 80;
+ const TYPE_MAP = 81;
+ const TYPE_MARK = 82;
+ const TYPE_MARKER = 83;
+ const TYPE_MASK = 84;
+ const TYPE_MENU = 85;
+ const TYPE_MENU_ITEM = 86;
+ const TYPE_MATH = 87;
+ const TYPE_META = 88;
+ const TYPE_METER = 89;
+ const TYPE_MONTH = 90;
+ const TYPE_NAVIGATION = 91;
+ const TYPE_NO_SCRIPT = 92;
+ const TYPE_NUMBER = 93;
+ const TYPE_OBJECT = 94;
+ const TYPE_ORDERED_LIST = 95;
+ const TYPE_OPTIONS_GROUP = 96;
+ const TYPE_OPTION = 97;
+ const TYPE_OUTPUT = 98;
+ const TYPE_PARAGRAPH = 99;
+ const TYPE_PARAM = 100;
+ const TYPE_PASSWORD = 101;
+ const TYPE_PATH = 102;
+ const TYPE_PATTERN = 103;
+ const TYPE_PICTURE = 104;
+ const TYPE_POLYGON = 105;
+ const TYPE_POLYLINE = 106;
+ const TYPE_PREFORMATTED = 107;
+ const TYPE_PROGRESS = 108;
+ const TYPE_Q = 109;
+ const TYPE_RADIO = 111;
+ const TYPE_RANGE = 112;
+ const TYPE_RECTANGLE = 113;
+ const TYPE_RESET = 114;
+ const TYPE_RUBY = 115;
+ const TYPE_STRIKE_THROUGH = 118;
+ const TYPE_SAMPLE = 119;
+ const TYPE_SCRIPT = 120;
+ const TYPE_SEARCH = 121;
+ const TYPE_SECTION = 122;
+ const TYPE_SELECT = 123;
+ const TYPE_SMALL = 124;
+ const TYPE_SOURCE = 125;
+ const TYPE_SPAN = 126;
+ const TYPE_STOP = 127;
+ const TYPE_STRONG = 128;
+ const TYPE_STYLE = 129;
+ const TYPE_SUB_SCRIPT = 130;
+ const TYPE_SUBMIT = 131;
+ const TYPE_SUPER_SCRIPT = 132;
+ const TYPE_SVG = 133;
+ const TYPE_TABLE = 134;
+ const TYPE_TABLE_BODY = 135;
+ const TYPE_TABLE_CELL = 136;
+ const TYPE_TABLE_FOOTER = 137;
+ const TYPE_TABLE_HEADER = 138;
+ const TYPE_TABLE_ROW = 140;
+ const TYPE_TELEPHONE = 141;
+ const TYPE_TEMPLATE = 142;
+ const TYPE_TERM_NAME = 144;
+ const TYPE_TEXT = 145;
+ const TYPE_TEXT_AREA = 146;
+ const TYPE_TEXT_REFERENCE = 147;
+ const TYPE_TEXT_SPAN = 148;
+ const TYPE_TEXT_SVG = 149;
+ const TYPE_TIME = 150;
+ const TYPE_TITLE = 151;
+ const TYPE_TRACK = 152;
+ const TYPE_UNDERLINE = 153;
+ const TYPE_UNORDERED_LIST = 154;
+ const TYPE_URL = 155;
+ const TYPE_USE = 156;
+ const TYPE_VARIABLE = 157;
+ const TYPE_VIDEO = 158;
+ const TYPE_WEEK = 159;
+ const TYPE_WIDE_BREAK = 160;
protected $attributes;
protected $tags;
case c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS:
if (!is_array($value)) {
+ if (is_string($value)) {
+ if (!isset($this->attributes[$attribute])) {
+ $this->attributes[$attribute] = array();
+ }
+ $this->attributes[$attribute][] = $value;
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
return new c_base_return_false();
* Get the value of a single attribute assigned to this object.
* @param int $attribute
- * The attribute to assign.
+ * The attribute to get.
* @return c_base_return_int|c_base_return_string|c_base_return_bool|c_base_return_status
- * The value assigned to the attribte (the data type is different per attribute).
+ * The value assigned to the attribute (the data type is different per attribute).
* FALSE is returned if the element does not exist.
* FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
- switch ($type) {
- case self::TYPE_NONE:
- case self::TYPE_A:
- case self::TYPE_ABBR:
- case self::TYPE_ADDRESS:
- case self::TYPE_ANIMATE:
- case self::TYPE_AREA:
- case self::TYPE_ARTICLE:
- case self::TYPE_ASIDE:
- case self::TYPE_AUDIO:
- case self::TYPE_BOLD:
- case self::TYPE_BASE:
- case self::TYPE_BDI:
- case self::TYPE_BDO:
- case self::TYPE_BLOCKQUOTE:
- case self::TYPE_BREAK:
- case self::TYPE_BUTTON:
- case self::TYPE_CANVAS:
- case self::TYPE_CHECKBOX:
- case self::TYPE_CIRCLE:
- case self::TYPE_CITE:
- case self::TYPE_CLIP_PATH:
- case self::TYPE_CODE:
- case self::TYPE_COL:
- case self::TYPE_COL_GROUP:
- case self::TYPE_COLOR:
- case self::TYPE_COLOR_PROFILE:
- case self::TYPE_CURSOR:
- case self::TYPE_DATA:
- case self::TYPE_DATA_LIST:
- case self::TYPE_DATE:
- case self::TYPE_DATE_TIME_LOCAL:
- case self::TYPE_DEFS:
- case self::TYPE_DEL:
- case self::TYPE_DESCRIPTION:
- case self::TYPE_DETAILS:
- case self::TYPE_DFN:
- case self::TYPE_DIALOG:
- case self::TYPE_DIVIDER:
- case self::TYPE_TERM_NAME:
- case self::TYPE_ELLIPSE:
- case self::TYPE_EM:
- case self::TYPE_EMAIL:
- case self::TYPE_EMBED:
- case self::TYPE_FE_BLEND:
- case self::TYPE_FIELD_SET:
- case self::TYPE_FIGURE:
- case self::TYPE_FILE:
- case self::TYPE_FOOTER:
- case self::TYPE_FORM:
- case self::TYPE_GROUP:
- case self::TYPE_H1:
- case self::TYPE_H2:
- case self::TYPE_H3:
- case self::TYPE_H4:
- case self::TYPE_H5:
- case self::TYPE_H6:
- case self::TYPE_HEADER:
- case self::TYPE_HIDDEN:
- case self::TYPE_ITALICS:
- case self::TYPE_INLINE_FRAME:
- case self::TYPE_IMAGE:
- case self::TYPE_IMAGE_SVG:
- case self::TYPE_INPUT:
- case self::TYPE_INS:
- case self::TYPE_KEYBOARD:
- case self::TYPE_KEY_GEN:
- case self::TYPE_LABEL:
- case self::TYPE_LEGEND:
- case self::TYPE_LIST_ITEM:
- case self::TYPE_LINE:
- case self::TYPE_LINK:
- case self::TYPE_MAIN:
- case self::TYPE_MAP:
- case self::TYPE_MARK:
- case self::TYPE_MARKER:
- case self::TYPE_MASK:
- case self::TYPE_MENU:
- case self::TYPE_MENU_ITEM:
- case self::TYPE_MATH:
- case self::TYPE_META:
- case self::TYPE_METER:
- case self::TYPE_MONTH:
- case self::TYPE_NAVIGATION:
- case self::TYPE_NO_SCRIPT:
- case self::TYPE_NUMBER:
- case self::TYPE_OBJECT:
- case self::TYPE_ORDERED_LIST:
- case self::TYPE_OPTIONS_GROUP:
- case self::TYPE_OPTION:
- case self::TYPE_OUTPUT:
- case self::TYPE_PARAGRAPH:
- case self::TYPE_PARAM:
- case self::TYPE_PASSWORD:
- case self::TYPE_PATH:
- case self::TYPE_PATTERN:
- case self::TYPE_PICTURE:
- case self::TYPE_POLYGON:
- case self::TYPE_POLYLINE:
- case self::TYPE_PROGRESS:
- case self::TYPE_Q:
- case self::TYPE_RADIO:
- case self::TYPE_RANGE:
- case self::TYPE_RECTANGLE:
- case self::TYPE_RESET:
- case self::TYPE_RUBY:
- case self::TYPE_SAMPLE:
- case self::TYPE_SCRIPT:
- case self::TYPE_SEARCH:
- case self::TYPE_SECTION:
- case self::TYPE_SELECT:
- case self::TYPE_SMALL:
- case self::TYPE_SOURCE:
- case self::TYPE_SPAN:
- case self::TYPE_STOP:
- case self::TYPE_STRONG:
- case self::TYPE_STYLE:
- case self::TYPE_SUB_SCRIPT:
- case self::TYPE_SUBMIT:
- case self::TYPE_SUPER_SCRIPT:
- case self::TYPE_SVG:
- case self::TYPE_TABLE:
- case self::TYPE_TABLE_BODY:
- case self::TYPE_TABLE_CELL:
- case self::TYPE_TABLE_FOOTER:
- case self::TYPE_TABLE_HEADER:
- case self::TYPE_TABLE_ROW:
- case self::TYPE_TELEPHONE:
- case self::TYPE_TEMPLATE:
- case self::TYPE_TEXT:
- case self::TYPE_TEXT_AREA:
- case self::TYPE_TEXT_SPAN:
- case self::TYPE_TEXT_SVG:
- case self::TYPE_TIME:
- case self::TYPE_TITLE:
- case self::TYPE_TRACK:
- case self::TYPE_UNDERLINE:
- case self::TYPE_URL:
- case self::TYPE_USE:
- case self::TYPE_VARIABLE:
- case self::TYPE_VIDEO:
- case self::TYPE_WEEK:
- case self::TYPE_WIDE_BREAK:
- break;
- default:
- return new c_base_return_false();
+ if ($type < 0) {
+ return new c_base_return_false();
$this->type = $type;
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides a class for managing the menus.
+ */
+ * A generic class for managing a menu.
+ *
+ * This can be converted to HTML <nav>, <menu>, or even breadcrumbs.
+ */
+class c_base_menu extends c_base_rfc_string {
+ /**
+ * @see: t_base_return_value::p_s_new()
+ */
+ public static function s_new($value) {
+ return self::p_s_new($value, __CLASS__);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see: t_base_return_value::p_s_value()
+ */
+ public static function s_value($return) {
+ return self::p_s_value($return, __CLASS__);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see: t_base_return_value_exact::p_s_value_exact()
+ */
+ public static function s_value_exact($return) {
+ return self::p_s_value_exact($return, __CLASS__, array());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build the menu structure.
+ *
+ * @param c_base_http &$http
+ * The entire HTTP information to allow for the execution to access anything that is necessary.
+ * @param c_base_database &$database
+ * The database object, which is usually used by form and ajax paths.
+ * @param c_base_session &$session
+ * The current session.
+ * @param array $settings
+ * An array of additional settings that are usually site-specific.
+ * @param array|null $items
+ * (optional) An array of menu items to use for the menu.
+ * How this is treated is left to the implementing class.
+ * This is generally intended to be used for certain types of dynamic content, such as breadcrumbs.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_markup_tag|c_base_return_status
+ * An HTML tag containing the menu.
+ * FALSE without error bit set is returned if menu is undefined.
+ * FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function do_build(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings, $items = NULL) {
+ if (!($http instanceof c_base_http)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'http', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ elseif (!($database instanceof c_base_database)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'database', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ elseif (!($session instanceof c_base_session)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'session', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ elseif (!is_array($settings)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'settings', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ elseif (!is_null($items) && !is_array($items)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'items', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ return new c_base_return_false();
+ }
+ * A generic class for managing a menu item.
+ *
+ * This can also be used as a menu of items.
+ */
+class c_base_menu_item extends c_base_array {
+ private $text;
+ private $uri;
+ private $attributes;
+ /**
+ * Class constructor.
+ */
+ public function __construct() {
+ parent::__construct();
+ $this->text = NULL;
+ $this->uri = NULL;
+ $this->attributes = NULL;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Class destructor.
+ */
+ public function __destruct() {
+ unset($this->text);
+ unset($this->uri);
+ unset($this->attributes);
+ parent::__destruct();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see: t_base_return_value::p_s_new()
+ */
+ public static function s_new($value) {
+ return self::p_s_new($value, __CLASS__);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see: t_base_return_value::p_s_value()
+ */
+ public static function s_value($return) {
+ return self::p_s_value($return, __CLASS__);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see: t_base_return_value_exact::p_s_value_exact()
+ */
+ public static function s_value_exact($return) {
+ return self::p_s_value_exact($return, __CLASS__, array());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assign the attribute text.
+ *
+ * @param string|int $text
+ * The text representing the item name.
+ * May be a number to represent a code used for converting itno a language-specific text.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_status
+ * TRUE on success.
+ * FALSE with the error bit set on error.
+ */
+ public function set_text($text) {
+ if (!is_int($text) && !is_string($text)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'text', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ $this->text = $text;
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assign or unassign the menu items URI.
+ *
+ * @param string|array|null $uri
+ * The uri string or array to assign.
+ * Set to NULL to remove any existing uri string.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_status
+ * TRUE on success.
+ * FALSE with the error bit set on error.
+ */
+ public function set_uri($uri) {
+ if (!is_null($uri) && !is_string($uri) && !is_array($uri)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'uri', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ $this->uri = $uri;
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assign a single attribute.
+ *
+ * @param int $attribute
+ * The attribute id to assign.
+ * @param $value
+ * The attribute value to assign.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_status
+ * TRUE on success.
+ * FALSE with the error bit set on error.
+ */
+ public function set_attribute($attribute, $value) {
+ if (!is_int($attribute)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'attribute', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ if (!is_array($this->attributes)) {
+ $this->attributes = array();
+ }
+ $this->attributes[$attribute] = $value;
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assign an array of attributes.
+ *
+ * @param array $attributes
+ * An array of attributes to assign.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_status
+ * TRUE on success.
+ * FALSE with the error bit set on error.
+ */
+ public function set_attributes($attributes) {
+ if (!is_array($attributes)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'attributes', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ $this->attributes = $attributes;
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assign the item at a specific index in the array.
+ *
+ * @param c_base_menu_item $item
+ * An instance of c_base_menu_item to assign.
+ * This does perform clone().
+ * @param int|string|NULL $index
+ * An index to assign a specific value to.
+ * Set to NULL to append item.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_status
+ * TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
+ * FALSE with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function set_item($item, $index = NULL) {
+ if (!($item instanceof c_base_menu_item)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'item', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ if (!is_null($index) && !is_int($index) && !is_string($index)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'index', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ if (!is_array($this->items)) {
+ $this->items = array();
+ }
+ if (is_null($index)) {
+ $this->items[] = clone($item);
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->items[$index] = clone($item);
+ }
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assign the items array.
+ *
+ * @param c_base_array $items
+ * Replace the current array with this value.
+ * If NULL, then a new array is created.
+ * This does perform clone().
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_status
+ * TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
+ * FALSE with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function set_items($items) {
+ if (!is_null($items) && !($items instanceof c_base_menu_item)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'items', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ $this->items = clone($items);
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get any text assigned to this menu item.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_int|return c_base_return_string
+ * A URI string is returned or an integer for language-specific conversion.
+ * An empty string with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function get_text() {
+ if (!is_int($this->text) && !is_string($this->text)) {
+ return c_base_return_string::s_new('');
+ }
+ if (is_int($this->text)) {
+ return c_base_return_int::s_new($this->text);
+ }
+ return c_base_return_string::s_new($this->text);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get any uri assigned to this menu item.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_array|c_base_return_string|c_base_return_null
+ * A URI string or URI array, if defined.
+ * Otherwise NULL is returned.
+ * NULL with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function get_uri() {
+ if (!is_array($this->uri) && !is_string($this->uri)) {
+ return new c_base_return_null();
+ }
+ if (is_array($this->uri)) {
+ return c_base_return_array::s_new($this->uri);
+ }
+ return c_base_return_string::s_new($this->uri);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a single attribute assigned to this menu item.
+ *
+ * @param int $attribute
+ * The attribute to get.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_value
+ * The value assigned to the attribute (the data type is different per attribute).
+ * FALSE is returned if the element does not exist.
+ * FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function get_attribute($attribute) {
+ if (!is_int($attribute)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'attribute', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ if (!is_array($this->attributes) || !array_key_exists($attribute, $this->attributes)) {
+ return new c_base_return_false();
+ }
+ return c_base_return_value::s_new($this->attributes[$attribute]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all attributes assigned to this menu item.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_array
+ * An array of assigned attributes.
+ * An empty array with the error bit set on error.
+ */
+ public function get_attributes() {
+ if (!is_array($this->attributes)) {
+ return c_base_return_array::s_new(array());
+ }
+ return c_base_return_array::s_new($this->attributes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the item at a specific index in the array.
+ *
+ * @param string $index
+ * An index to assign a specific value to.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_status|c_base_menu_item
+ * Value on success, FALSE otherwise.
+ * FALSE without error bit set is returned if $index us not defined.
+ * FALSE with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ * This does perform clone().
+ */
+ public function get_item($index) {
+ if (!is_string($index) || empty($index)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'index', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ if (!is_array($this->items) || !array_key_exists($index, $this->items)) {
+ return new c_base_return_false();
+ }
+ return clone($this->items[$index]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the items array.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_array
+ * The array stored within this class.
+ * An empty array with error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function get_items() {
+ if (!is_null($this->items) && !is_array($this->items)) {
+ return c_base_return_array::s_new(array());
+ }
+ return c_base_return_array::s_new($this->items);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the total number of items in the array.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_int
+ * A positive integer.
+ * 0 with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function get_items_count() {
+ if (empty($this->items)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return count($this->items);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the array keys assigned to the array.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_array
+ * An array of array keys.
+ * An empty array with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function get_items_keys() {
+ if (empty($this->items)) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ return array_keys($this->items);
+ }
* A generic class for managing paths information.
protected $allowed_methods;
protected $sanitize_html;
+ protected $path_tree;
* Class constructor.
$this->allowed_methods = self::DEFAULT_ALLOWED_METHODS;
$this->sanitize_html = self::DEFAULT_SANITIZE_HTML;
+ $this->path_tree = NULL;
+ unset($this->path_tree);
+ * Assign an path tree associated with the path.
+ *
+ * This should include the current path.
+ * This can be used to generate the breadcrumb.
+ *
+ * @param c_base_path_tree|null $path_tree
+ * A path tree to the current path that this object represents.
+ * Set to NULL to remove the currently assigned path tree value.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_status
+ * TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
+ * FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function set_path_tree($path_tree) {
+ if (!is_null($path_tree) && !($path_tree instanceof c_base_path_tree)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'path_tree', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ if (is_null($path_tree)) {
+ $this->path_tree = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->path_tree = clone($path_tree);
+ }
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
+ /**
* Return the value.
* @return string|null
+ * Get the assigned path tree.
+ *
+ * This should include the current path.
+ * This can be used to generate the breadcrumb.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_path_tree|c_base_return_null
+ * An array of path strings
+ * NULL is returned if the path tree is not assigned.
+ * Error bit is set on error.
+ */
+ public function get_path_tree() {
+ if (!($this->path_tree instanceof c_base_path_tree)) {
+ return new c_base_return_null();
+ }
+ return clone($this->path_tree);
+ }
+ /**
* Get or Assign the is content boolean setting.
* @param bool|null $is_content
* Execute using the specified path, rendering the page.
- * @param c_base_http $http
+ * @param c_base_http &$http
* The entire HTTP information to allow for the execution to access anything that is necessary.
- * @param c_base_database $database
+ * @param c_base_database &$database
* The database object, which is usually used by form and ajax paths.
* @param c_base_session &$session
* The current session.
* @see: c_base_path()
-class c_base_path_executed extends c_base_return_array {
+class c_base_path_executed extends c_base_array {
private $cookies = NULL;
private $output = NULL;
private $form = NUll;
* Assign cookies.
- * @param c_base_cookie
+ * @param c_base_cookie $cookie
* The cookie to assign.
* @param bool $append
* (optional) When TRUE the $cookie is appended.
* Assign output.
- * @param c_base_return|null
+ * @param c_base_return|null $output
* The output to assign.
* NULL may be specified to remove any output.
return $this->output;
+ * A generic class for providing path trees (like a breadcrumb).
+ *
+ * @see: c_base_path()
+ */
+class c_base_path_tree extends c_base_array {
+ private $id_group = NULL;
+ /**
+ * Class constructor.
+ */
+ public function __construct() {
+ parent::__construct();
+ $this->id_group = NULL;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Class destructor.
+ */
+ public function __destruct() {
+ unset($this->id_group);
+ parent::__destruct();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see: t_base_return_value::p_s_new()
+ */
+ public static function s_new($value) {
+ return self::p_s_new($value, __CLASS__);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see: t_base_return_value::p_s_value()
+ */
+ public static function s_value($return) {
+ return self::p_s_value($return, __CLASS__);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see: t_base_return_value_exact::p_s_value_exact()
+ */
+ public static function s_value_exact($return) {
+ return self::p_s_value_exact($return, __CLASS__, array());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assign group id.
+ *
+ * @param int $id_group
+ * The group id to assign.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return_status
+ * TRUE is returned on success.
+ * FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ public function set_id_group($id_group) {
+ if (!is_int($id_group)) {
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'id_group', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
+ }
+ $this->id_group = $id_group;
+ return new c_base_return_true();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the assigned output
+ *
+ * @return c_base_return|c_base_return_null
+ * The assigned output is returned.
+ * If there is no assigned output (generally when execution is not performed) NULL is returned.
+ */
+ public function get_id_group() {
+ if (!is_int($this->id_group)) {
+ return c_base_return_int::s_new(0);
+ }
+ return c_base_return_int::s_new($this->id_group);
+ }
* Third, the paths are exploded and searched based on all their sub-parts.
class c_base_paths extends c_base_return {
+ protected const SCRIPT_EXTENSION = '.php';
private $paths = NULL;
private $root = NULL;
$methods = $allowed_methods;
if (mb_strlen($path) == 0) {
$this->root = array('handler' => $handler, 'include_directory' => $include_directory, 'include_name' => $include_name, 'is_root' => TRUE, 'methods' => $methods);
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
- $valid_path = $path_object->set_value($path);
+ $valid_path = $path_object->set_value('/' . $path);
if (!$valid_path) {
* An array containing:
* - 'include_directory': the prefix path of the file to include that contains the handler class implementation.
* - 'include_name': the suffix path of the file to include that contains the handler class implementation.
- * - 'handler': the name of the handler class.
+ * - 'handler': the name of the handler class (set to the boolean TRUE, when redirects are used).
+ * - 'methods': An array of HTTP request codes that are allowed at this path.
+ * - 'path_tree': An array of the path tree.
+ * - 'id_group': The group id code for the specified path.
* - 'redirect': if specified, then a redirect path (instead of include/handler).
+ * - 'redirect_partial': boolean designating if the redirect url is only a partial url.
* - 'code': if redirect is specified, then the http response code associated with the redirect.
+ * - 'extra_slashes': boolean designating that there are multiple extra slashes found (a reason for a url redirect).
+ *
* Wildcards are matched after all non-wildcards.
- * NULL is returned if not found.
+ * If not found, the 'handler' in the array will be set to NULL.
* FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
* @see: self::set_login()
if (is_null($path_string) || mb_strlen($path_string) == 0) {
if (is_array($this->root)) {
- return c_base_return_array::s_new($this->root);
+ $root_array = $this->root;
+ $root_array['id_group'] = 0;
+ $root_array['path_tree'] = array();
+ return c_base_return_array::s_new($root_array);
- return new c_base_return_null();
+ return c_base_return_array::s_new(array(
+ 'include_directory' => NULL,
+ 'include_name' => NULL,
+ 'handler' => NULL,
+ 'methods' => NULL,
+ 'id_group' => 0,
+ 'path_tree' => array(),
+ ));
// if the sanitized path is different from the original, then send a url redirect.
if (strcmp($path_string, $sanitized) != 0 && $path_string != '/' . $sanitized) {
- return c_base_return_array::s_new(array('redirect' => $sanitized, 'code' => c_base_http_status::MOVED_PERMANENTLY));
+ return c_base_return_array::s_new(array(
+ 'handler' => TRUE,
+ 'redirect' => $sanitized,
+ 'code' => c_base_http_status::MOVED_PERMANENTLY,
+ 'redirect_partial' => TRUE,
+ 'extra_slashes' => TRUE,
+ ));
$path_parts = explode('/', $sanitized);
$depth_total = count($path_parts);
$found = NULL;
$path_tree = &$this->paths[$id_group];
+ $path_tree_history = array();
// @fixme: the current design needs to handle multiple possible wildcard paths when searching (such as '/a/b/c/%', '/a/%/c', where '/a/b/c/%' would prevent '/a/%/c' from ever matching).
$path_part = array_shift($path_parts);
$path_tree = &$path_tree['%'];
+ $path_tree_history[] = array(
+ 'path' => $path_part,
+ 'include_directory' => isset($path_tree['include_directory']) ? $path_tree['include_directory'] : NULL,
+ 'include_name' => isset($path_tree['include_name']) ? $path_tree['include_name'] : NULL,
+ 'handler' => isset($path_tree['handler']) ? $path_tree['handler'] : NULL,
+ 'methods' => isset($path_tree['methods']) ? $path_tree['methods'] : NULL,
+ );
if ($depth_current == $depth_total) {
$found = array(
'include_directory' => $path_tree['include_directory'],
'handler' => $path_tree['handler'],
'methods' => $path_tree['methods'],
'id_group' => $id_group,
+ 'path_tree' => $path_tree_history,
else {
+ $path_tree_history[] = array(
+ 'path' => $path_part,
+ 'include_directory' => isset($path_tree['include_directory']) ? $path_tree['include_directory'] : NULL,
+ 'include_name' => isset($path_tree['include_name']) ? $path_tree['include_name'] : NULL,
+ 'handler' => isset($path_tree['handler']) ? $path_tree['handler'] : NULL,
+ 'methods' => isset($path_tree['methods']) ? $path_tree['methods'] : NULL,
+ );
if ($depth_current == $depth_total) {
$found = array(
'include_directory' => $path_tree['include_directory'],
'handler' => $path_tree['handler'],
'methods' => $path_tree['methods'],
'id_group' => $id_group,
+ 'path_tree' => $path_tree_history,
if (is_array($found) && !is_null($found['handler'])) {
+ unset($id_group);
+ unset($path_tree_history);
return c_base_return_array::s_new($found);
- return new c_base_return_null();
+ return c_base_return_array::s_new(array(
+ 'include_directory' => NULL,
+ 'include_name' => NULL,
+ 'handler' => NULL,
+ 'methods' => NULL,
+ 'id_group' => $id_group,
+ 'path_tree' => $path_tree_history,
+ ));
+ * Provide a simple way to check for (unrecovered) error in a single step.
+ *
+ * This is intended to help clean up code and make code more readable.
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ * return TRUE if the passed argument is an object class of type __CLASS__ and has an error flag set.
+ */
+ public static function s_has_error_unrecovered($return) {
+ if (!is_object($return) && $return instanceof c_base_return && $return->has_error()) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return $return->has_error_unrecovered();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Provide a simple way to check for (recovered) error in a single step.
+ *
+ * This is intended to help clean up code and make code more readable.
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ * return TRUE if the passed argument is an object class of type __CLASS__ and has an error flag set.
+ */
+ public static function s_has_error_recovered($return) {
+ if (!is_object($return) && $return instanceof c_base_return && $return->has_error()) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return $return->has_error_recovered();
+ }
+ /**
* Copy errors from one return type to another.
* Invalid parameters are silently ignored and no actions are performed.
* @see: get_error()
public function has_error($delta = NULL) {
- if (is_int($delta) && array_key_exists($delta, $this->errors)) {
- return ($this->errors[$delta]) instanceof c_base_error;
+ if (is_int($delta)) {
+ if (array_key_exists($delta, $this->errors)) {
+ return ($this->errors[$delta]) instanceof c_base_error;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
// when there is no error flag assigned, its value should be NULL so a simple existence check should be all that is needed.
+ * Return the error state in a simple TRUE/FALSE manner, but only if the error is designated as recovered.
+ *
+ * This is similar to get_error(), but should instead be used to to check to see if there is an error and not check what the error is set to.
+ *
+ * @param null|int $delta
+ * (optional) When an integer, the error assigned at the specified position in the errors array is checked.
+ * When NULL, the entire errors array is checked for any error.
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ * TRUE if any error is assigned and is has recovered set to TRUE, otherwise FALSE is returned.
+ *
+ * @see: has_error()
+ * @see: get_error()
+ */
+ public function has_error_recovered($delta = NULL) {
+ if (is_int($delta)) {
+ if (array_key_exists($delta, $this->errors)) {
+ if ($this->errors[$delta] instanceof c_base_error) {
+ return $this->errors[$delta]->get_recovered();
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // when there is no error flag assigned, its value should be NULL so a simple existence check should be all that is needed.
+ if (empty($this->errors)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ foreach ($this->errors as $error) {
+ if ($error->get_recovered()) {
+ unset($error);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ unset($error);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the error state in a simple TRUE/FALSE manner, but only if the error is designated as unrecovered.
+ *
+ * This is similar to get_error(), but should instead be used to to check to see if there is an error and not check what the error is set to.
+ *
+ * @param null|int $delta
+ * (optional) When an integer, the error assigned at the specified position in the errors array is checked.
+ * When NULL, the entire errors array is checked for any error.
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ * TRUE if any error is assigned and is has recovered set to TRUE, otherwise FALSE is returned.
+ *
+ * @see: has_error()
+ * @see: get_error()
+ */
+ public function has_error_unrecovered($delta = NULL) {
+ if (is_int($delta)) {
+ if (array_key_exists($delta, $this->errors)) {
+ if ($this->errors[$delta] instanceof c_base_error) {
+ return !$this->errors[$delta]->get_recovered();
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // when there is no error flag assigned, its value should be NULL so a simple existence check should be all that is needed.
+ if (empty($this->errors)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ foreach ($this->errors as $error) {
+ if (!$error->get_recovered()) {
+ unset($error);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ unset($error);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /**
* Return the value.
* @return null $value
* Assign the value at a specific index in the array.
- * @param array $value
- * Any value so long as it is an array.
- * NULL is not allowed.
- * @param string $key
+ * @param $value
+ * Any value to be assigned at the specified position in the array.
+ * @param int|string $key
* A key to assign a specific value to.
* @param string $type
* (optional) When key is not NULL, a specific known type to assign.
* TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
public function set_value_at($value, $key, $type = NULL) {
- if (!is_string($key) || empty($key)) {
+ if (!is_int($key) && !is_string($key)) {
return FALSE;
* Append the value at the end of the array.
- * @param array $value
- * Any value so long as it is an array.
- * NULL is not allowed.
+ * @param $value
+ * Any value to be appended in the array.
* @param string $type
* (optional) When key is not NULL, a specific known type to assign.
* This does nothing if $key is not provided.
- * Returns the data as a serialized array string.
+ * Assigns the array from a serialized array string.
- * @param string
+ * @param string $serialized
* A serialized string to convert to an array.
* @return bool
* @see: unserialize()
- public function set_value_serialized($string) {
- if (!is_string($string)) {
+ public function set_value_serialized($serialized) {
+ if (!is_string($serialized)) {
return FALSE;
- $unserialized = unserialize($this->value);
+ $unserialized = unserialize($serialized);
if (is_array($unserialized)) {
$this->value = $unserialized;
* Returns the data as a json-serialized array string.
- * @param string
- * A serialized string to convert to an array.
+ * @param string $jsonized
+ * A jsonized string to convert to an array.
* @param bool $associative
* (optional) When TRUE array is return as an associative array.
* @param int $options
* @see: json_decode()
- public function set_value_jsonized($string, $associative = TRUE, $options = 0, $depth = 512) {
- if (!is_string($string)) {
+ public function set_value_jsonized($jsonized, $associative = TRUE, $options = 0, $depth = 512) {
+ if (!is_string($jsonized)) {
return FALSE;
$depth = 512;
- $decoded = json_decode($this->data, $associative, $options, $depth);
+ $decoded = json_decode($jsonized, $associative, $options, $depth);
if (is_array($decoded)) {
$this->value = $decoded;
* No c_base_return_* type should use another c_base_return_* as their return values for their non-static functions.
* @todo: This design might be reviewed and changed before this project is finalized.
- * @param string $key
+ * @param int|string $key
* A key to assign a specific value to.
* @param string $type
* (optional) When key is not NULL, a specific known type to assign.
* Warning: There is no way to distinguish a return value of FALSE for an error to a valid FALSE when $type is set to 'bool'.
public function get_value_at($key, $type = NULL) {
- if (!is_string($key) || empty($key)) {
+ if (!is_int($key) && !is_string($key)) {
return FALSE;
$depth = 512;
- return json_encode($this->data, $options, $depth);
+ return json_encode($this->value, $options, $depth);
* Assign the value.
- * This calls PHP's clone() function to prevent potential security/integrirty issues.
- *
* @param object $value
* Any value so long as it is an object.
* NULL is not allowed.
+ * This does perform clone().
* @return bool
* TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
$code = $ordinals[$result['current']];
- if ($code == c_base_ascii::SLASH_BACKWARD) {
+ if ($code === c_base_ascii::SLASH_BACKWARD) {
if ($quote_closed) {
// only comments and FWS are allowed after $closing_quote is reached.
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
// check for and handle delimiters.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
$result['text'] .= $characters[$result['current']];
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::SLASH_BACKWARD) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::SLASH_BACKWARD) {
$result['text'] .= $characters[$result['current']];
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
if ($quote_closed) {
// double quote may be supplied only once.
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
$quote_closed = TRUE;
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
if ($comment_first || $comment_last) {
// there may be only 1 comment at the start and only 1 comment at the end.
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::PARENTHESIS_CLOSE) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::PARENTHESIS_CLOSE) {
// an isolated parenthesis is invald.
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
$code = $ordinals[$result['current']];
- if ($code == c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
+ if ($code === c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
elseif (!$this->pr_rfc_char_is_vchar($code)) {
for (; $result['current'] < $stop; $result['current']++) {
$code = $ordinals[$result['current']];
- if ($code == c_base_ascii::SLASH_BACKWARD) {
+ if ($code === c_base_ascii::SLASH_BACKWARD) {
// check for and handle delimiters.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
$result['comment'] .= $characters[$result['current']];
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::SLASH_BACKWARD) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::SLASH_BACKWARD) {
$result['comment'] .= $characters[$result['current']];
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
// look for open-parenthesis to handle comments within a comment.
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::PARENTHESIS_CLOSE) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::PARENTHESIS_CLOSE) {
// handle end of comment.
if ($comment_depth == 0) {
// the current position will remain on the closing ')'.
$code = $ordinals[$result['current']];
- if ($code == c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
+ if ($code === c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
if ($not_quoted) {
// if the first, non-whitespace, character is not a quote, then a quote anywhere else is invalid.
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
// load the parameter value.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
// A comma designates a new entry
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::COMMA) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::COMMA) {
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
for (; $result['current'] < $stop; $result['current']++) {
$code = $ordinals[$result['current']];
- if ($code == c_base_ascii::COLON_SEMI) {
+ if ($code === c_base_ascii::COLON_SEMI) {
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
// search for the "q" character.
for (; $result['current'] < $stop; $result['current']++) {
// allow uppercase "Q" but force it to become lowercase "q".
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::UPPER_Q) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::UPPER_Q) {
$ordinals[$result['current']] = c_base_ascii::LOWER_Q;
$characters[$result['current']] = c_base_ascii::LOWER_Q;
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::LOWER_Q) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::LOWER_Q) {
// search for the "=" character.
for (; $result['current'] < $stop; $result['current']++) {
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::EQUAL) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::EQUAL) {
$period = FALSE;
$base = 1;
for (; $result['current'] < $stop; $result['current']++) {
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::PERIOD) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::PERIOD) {
if ($period) {
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
if (!$this->pr_rfc_char_is_digit($ordinals[$result['current']])) {
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::COMMA) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::COMMA) {
// look for comma, which will designate that another pass is allowed, otherwise the string is invalid.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::COMMA) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::COMMA) {
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::COMMA) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::COMMA) {
// this is an unweighted choice.
$choice['weight'] = NULL;
if (!isset($result['choices'][NULL])) {
for (; $result['current'] < $stop; $result['current']++) {
$code = $ordinals[$result['current']];
- if ($code == c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
+ if ($code === c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
if (!$process_parameters) {
if ($found_slash) {
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::COLON_SEMI || $found_slash && $this->pr_rfc_char_is_wsp($code)) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::COLON_SEMI || $found_slash && $this->pr_rfc_char_is_wsp($code)) {
if ($found_slash && $this->pr_rfc_char_is_wsp($code)) {
// in this case, the semi-colon has yet to be found, so seek until a semi-colon is found.
// any and all non-semi-colon and non-whitespace means that the string is invalid.
for (; $result['current'] < $stop; $result['current']++) {
if (!$this->pr_rfc_char_is_wsp($ordinals[$result['current']])) {
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::COLON_SEMI) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::COLON_SEMI) {
$processed_token = TRUE;
- elseif ($subcode == c_base_ascii::EQUAL) {
+ elseif ($subcode === c_base_ascii::EQUAL) {
if ($found_equal || $process_whitespace) {
// it cannot start with an equal sign, so if $process_whitespace is TRUE, then this is an invalid equal sign.
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
// check for quoted_string, which must begin with a double quote.
- if ($subcode == c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
+ if ($subcode === c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
// skip past the initial double quote.
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
elseif (!$this->pr_rfc_char_is_tchar($subcode)) {
if ($found_equal) {
- if ($subcode == c_base_ascii::COLON_SEMI) {
+ if ($subcode === c_base_ascii::COLON_SEMI) {
// save parameter and value and continue.
$result['parameters'][$parameter_name] = $parameter_value;
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::COLON_SEMI) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::COLON_SEMI) {
$result['tokens'][$token_name] = $token_value;
$token_name = NULL;
- elseif ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::EQUAL && !$processed_name) {
+ elseif ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::EQUAL && !$processed_name) {
$processed_name = TRUE;
// skip past all whitespace following the equal.
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::COLON_SEMI) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::COLON_SEMI) {
$result['tokens'][$token_name] = $token_value;
$token_name = NULL;
$token_value = NULL;
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
if (!$processed_name) {
// the token name is not allowed to be a quoted string.
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::COLON_SEMI) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::COLON_SEMI) {
$result['tokens'][$token_name] = $token_value;
$token_name = NULL;
- elseif ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::EQUAL && !$processed_name) {
+ elseif ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::EQUAL && !$processed_name) {
$processed_name = TRUE;
// skip past all whitespace following the equal.
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::COMMA) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::COMMA) {
$result['tokens'][$token_name] = $token_value;
$token_name = NULL;
$token_value = NULL;
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::QUOTE_DOUBLE) {
if (!$processed_name) {
// the token name is not allowed to be a quoted string.
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::COMMA) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::COMMA) {
if (is_null($token_value)) {
// empty values separated by commas are to be ignored.
$result['invalid'] = TRUE;
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::COMMA) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::COMMA) {
if (is_null($token_value)) {
// empty values separated by commas are to be ignored.
for (; $result['current'] < $stop; $result['current']++) {
$code = $ordinals[$result['current']];
- if ($code == c_base_ascii::PERCENT) {
+ if ($code === c_base_ascii::PERCENT) {
// valid only if two hex digits immediately follow.
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
elseif (self::pr_rfc_char_is_pchar($code)) {
// do nothing, valid.
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
// do nothing, valid.
else {
for (; $result['current'] < $stop; $result['current']++) {
$code = $ordinals[$result['current']];
- if ($code == c_base_ascii::PERCENT) {
+ if ($code === c_base_ascii::PERCENT) {
// valid only if two hex digits immediately follow.
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
elseif (self::pr_rfc_char_is_pchar($code)) {
// do nothing, valid.
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD || $code == c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD || $code === c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
// do nothing, valid.
else {
// this first character must be either a "v" or a hex digit.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::LOWER_V || $ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::UPPER_V) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::LOWER_V || $ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::UPPER_V) {
$result['is_future'] = TRUE;
elseif (!self::pr_rfc_char_is_hexdigit($ordinals[$result['current']])) {
elseif (self::pr_rfc_char_is_sub_delims($code)) {
// do nothing, valid.
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::COLON) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::COLON) {
// do nothing, valid.
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::BRACKET_CLOSE) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::BRACKET_CLOSE) {
else {
if (self::pr_rfc_char_is_hexdigit($code)) {
$result['address'] .= $characters[$result['current']];
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::COLON) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::COLON) {
$result['address'] .= $characters[$result['current']];
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::BRACKET_CLOSE) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::BRACKET_CLOSE) {
else {
- // handle path cases that begin with a forward slash because they are easy to identify.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
- $this->p_rfc_string_is_uri_path($ordinals, $characters, $stop, $result);
- if ($result['invalid'] || $result['current'] >= $stop) {
- return $result;
+ // handle path and authority cases that begin with a forward slash because they are easy to identify.
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
+ if ($result['current'] + 1 < $stop && $ordinals[$result['current'] + 1] === c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
+ // process authority
+ // first two slashes are not recorded, so skip them.
+ $result['current'] += 2;
+ if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
+ $result['invalid'] = TRUE;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ $this->p_rfc_string_is_uri_authority($ordinals, $characters, $stop, $result);
+ if ($result['invalid'] || $result['current'] >= $stop) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // process path
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] !== c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK && $ordinals[$result['current']] !== c_base_ascii::HASH) {
+ $this->p_rfc_string_is_uri_path($ordinals, $characters, $stop, $result);
+ if ($result['invalid'] || $result['current'] >= $stop) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // process path
+ $this->p_rfc_string_is_uri_path($ordinals, $characters, $stop, $result);
+ if ($result['invalid'] || $result['current'] >= $stop) {
+ return $result;
+ }
// check for query.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
// the first question mark is not recorded so skip past it before validating the fragment.
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
// check for fragment.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::HASH) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::HASH) {
// only the first hash is supported in the fragment (and it is not recorded) so skip past it before validating the fragment.
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
// handle fragment cases first because they are easy to identify.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::HASH) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::HASH) {
for (; $result['current'] < $stop; $result['current']++) {
if (!array_key_exists($result['current'], $ordinals) || !array_key_exists($result['current'], $characters)) {
// @fixme: should error be reported? do some debugging with this.
elseif ($this->pr_rfc_char_is_digit($code)) {
// allowed in: scheme, authority, path
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::COLON) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::COLON) {
$not_path = TRUE;
if ($not_scheme) {
$not_authority = TRUE;
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::PLUS || $code == c_base_ascii::MINUS || $code == c_base_ascii::PERIOD) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::PLUS || $code === c_base_ascii::MINUS || $code === c_base_ascii::PERIOD) {
// allowed in: scheme, authority, path
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::AT || $code == c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::AT) {
// allowed in: authority, path
$not_scheme = TRUE;
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
+ // allowed in: path
+ $not_scheme = TRUE;
+ $not_authority = TRUE; // because the areas where // is used is handled earlier in this function.
+ // the slash is part of the path.
+ $processed_string .= $characters[$result['current']];
+ }
elseif ($this->pr_rfc_char_is_unreserved($code)) {
// allowed in: authority, path
$not_scheme = TRUE;
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::BRACKET_OPEN) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::BRACKET_OPEN) {
// allowed in: authority
$not_scheme = TRUE;
return $result;
+ // if unable to determine if is path or not, assume path.
+ if (!$not_authority && !$not_path) {
+ // @todo: a warning of some sort should be performed here.
+ $not_authority = TRUE;
+ }
if ($not_authority && $not_path) {
// check to see if '/' immediately follows, if not then this is a urn.
$code = $ordinals[$result['current']];
- if ($code == c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
+ if ($code === c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
// A second '/' should immediately follow the first to designate the authority.
$code = $ordinals[$result['current']];
- if ($code == c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
+ if ($code === c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
// begin processing authority.
// check for query.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
// the first question mark is not recorded so skip past it before validating the fragment.
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
// check for fragment.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::HASH) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::HASH) {
// only the first hash is supported in the fragment (and it is not recorded) so skip past it before validating the fragment.
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
$code = $ordinals[$result['current']];
- if ($code == c_base_ascii::HASH || $code == c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
+ if ($code === c_base_ascii::HASH || $code === c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
// found possible query or fragment.
$result['url'] = TRUE;
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::COLON) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::COLON) {
$result['url'] = FALSE;
elseif (!$this->pr_rfc_char_is_pchar($code)) {
// check for query.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
// the first question mark is not recorded so skip past it before validating the fragment.
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
// check for fragment.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::HASH) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::HASH) {
// only the first hash is supported in the fragment (and it is not recorded) so skip past it before validating the fragment.
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
// check for query.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
// the first question mark is not recorded so skip past it before validating the fragment.
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
// check for fragment.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::HASH) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::HASH) {
// only the first hash is supported in the fragment (and it is not recorded) so skip past it before validating the fragment.
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
// check for query.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
// the first question mark is not recorded so skip past it before validating the fragment.
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
// check for fragment.
- if ($ordinals[$result['current']] == c_base_ascii::HASH) {
+ if ($ordinals[$result['current']] === c_base_ascii::HASH) {
// only the first hash is supported in the fragment (and it is not recorded) so skip past it before validating the fragment.
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
$code = $ordinals[$result['current']];
- if ($code == c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
+ if ($code === c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
// the slash designates the end of the authority.
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::PERCENT) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::PERCENT) {
// valid only if two hex digits immediately follow.
if ($result['current'] >= $stop) {
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::AT || $code == c_base_ascii::COLON) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::AT || $code === c_base_ascii::COLON) {
// this is valid.
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::BRACKET_OPEN || $code == c_base_ascii::BRACKET_CLOSE) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::BRACKET_OPEN || $code === c_base_ascii::BRACKET_CLOSE) {
// this is valid.
elseif ($this->pr_rfc_char_is_unreserved($code)) {
$code = $ordinals[$result['current']];
- if ($code == c_base_ascii::HASH || $code == c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
+ if ($code === c_base_ascii::HASH || $code === c_base_ascii::QUESTION_MARK) {
// found possible query or fragment.
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::SLASH_FORWARD) {
// this is valid.
elseif (!$this->pr_rfc_char_is_pchar($code)) {
$code = $ordinals[$result['current']];
- if ($code == c_base_ascii::HASH) {
+ if ($code === c_base_ascii::HASH) {
// hash is not part of the query but does mark the end of the query as it is the start of the fragment.
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::AMPERSAND) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::AMPERSAND) {
// The '&' designates a new name and value, separate each individual value inside the array.
$result['query'][$query_name] = $query_value;
- elseif ($code == c_base_ascii::EQUAL) {
+ elseif ($code === c_base_ascii::EQUAL) {
// The '=' designates a value for the current name.
if ($no_value || is_null($query_name)) {
$query_name .= $characters[$result['current']];
* @return c_base_return_status
* TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
* FALSE with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ * This does perform clone().
public function set_cookie($cookie) {
if (!is_null($cookie) && !($cookie instanceof c_base_cookie)) {
$this->cookie = clone($cookie);
return new c_base_return_true();
* @param c_base_users_user|null $user
* The current user object (generally populated from the database).
* If NULL, then the user object is removed.
+ * This does perform clone().
* @return c_base_return_status
* TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
* @param c_base_users_user|null $user
* The current user object (generally populated from the database).
* If NULL, then the user object is removed.
+ * This does perform clone().
* @return c_base_return_status
* TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
* @return c_base_cookie|c_base_return_null
* The session cookie or NULL if undefined.
* FALSE with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ * This does perform clone().
public function get_cookie() {
if (is_null($this->cookie)) {
if (!array_key_exists($delta, $this->settings)) {
- $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':index_name' => $delta, ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
+ $error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{index_name}' => $delta, ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::NOT_FOUND_ARRAY_INDEX);
return c_base_return_error::s_false($error);
* The user object is returned on success.
* NULL is returned if there is no user object assigned.
* The error bit set is returned on error.
+ * This does perform clone().
public function get_user_current() {
- if (is_object($this->user_current)) {
+ if ($this->user_current instanceof c_base_users_user) {
return clone($this->user_current);
* The user object is returned on success.
* NULL is returned if there is no user object assigned.
* The error bit set is returned on error.
+ * This does perform clone().
public function get_user_session() {
- if (is_object($this->user_session)) {
+ if ($this->user_session instanceof c_base_users_user) {
return clone($this->user_session);
* The standard class for use in index.php or equivalent.
ini_set('opcache.enable', FALSE);
ini_set('opcache.enable_cli', FALSE);
- // disable output buffering.
+ // enable output buffering to catch any unexpected output.
$this->original_output_buffering = ini_get('output_buffering');
- ini_set('output_buffering', FALSE);
+ ini_set('output_buffering', TRUE);
+ ob_start();
$method = c_base_http::HTTP_METHOD_NONE;
- // add headers
+ // process any unexpected, but captured, output (if the content is a file, silently ignore output).
+ if (ob_get_length() > 0 && $this->http->is_response_content_file() instanceof c_base_return_false) {
+ $response_content = $this->http->get_response_content()->get_value_exact();
+ $this->http->set_response_content(ob_get_contents(), FALSE);
+ $this->http->set_response_content($response_content);
+ unset($response_content);
+ }
+ ob_end_clean();
#$this->http->set_response_warning('1234 This site is under active development.');
// finalize the content prior to sending headers to ensure header accuracy.
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides a class for managing the menus.
+ */
+ * A generic class for managing a menu.
+ *
+ * This can be converted to HTML <nav>, <menu>, or even breadcrumbs.
+ */
+class c_standard_menu extends c_base_menu {
+ const CSS_MENU = 'menu';
+ const CSS_MENU_HEADER = 'menu-header';
+ const CSS_MENU_HEADER_TEXT = 'menu-header-text';
+ const CSS_MENU_ITEM = 'menu_item';
+ const CSS_MENU_ITEM_CONTENT = 'menu_item-content';
+ const CSS_ITEM_LABEL = 'item_type-label';
+ const CSS_ITEM_LINK = 'item_type-link';
+ const CSS_ITEM_LOCAL = 'item_type-local';
+ const CSS_ITEM_REMOTE = 'item_type-remote';
+ const CSS_ITEM_MENU = 'item_type-menu';
+ const CSS_TEXT_HEADING = 'text-heading_';
+ const CSS_TEXT_HEADINGS = 'text-headings';
+ /**
+ * @see: t_base_return_value::p_s_new()
+ */
+ public static function s_new($value) {
+ return self::p_s_new($value, __CLASS__);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see: t_base_return_value::p_s_value()
+ */
+ public static function s_value($return) {
+ return self::p_s_value($return, __CLASS__);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @see: t_base_return_value_exact::p_s_value_exact()
+ */
+ public static function s_value_exact($return) {
+ return self::p_s_value_exact($return, __CLASS__, array());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a new menu HTML tag.
+ *
+ * @param string|null $name_machine
+ * (optional) The id of the navigation menu.
+ * Set to NULL to not create an id tag.
+ * @param string|null $name_human
+ * (optional) The header name to use.
+ * Set to NULL to not create a header.
+ * @param int $depth
+ * (optional) The number representing the header tag depth.
+ * This starts at 1.
+ * Anything beyond 6 is a simulated header.
+ * This is ignored when $name is NULL.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_markup_tag
+ * The created markup tag.
+ * The created markup tag with error bit set on error.
+ */
+ protected function pr_create_html_create_menu($name_machine = NULL, $name_human = NULL, $depth = 1) {
+ $menu = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_NAVIGATION, $name_machine, array(self::CSS_MENU));
+ if (is_string($name_human)) {
+ $wrapper = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DIVIDER, NULL, array(self::CSS_MENU_HEADER, self::CSS_MENU_HEADER . '-' . $depth));
+ if ($depth == 1) {
+ $type = c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H1;
+ }
+ elseif ($depth == 2) {
+ $type = c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H2;
+ }
+ elseif ($depth == 3) {
+ $type = c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H3;
+ }
+ elseif ($depth == 4) {
+ $type = c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H4;
+ }
+ elseif ($depth == 5) {
+ $type = c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H5;
+ }
+ elseif ($depth == 6) {
+ $type = c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H6;
+ }
+ else {
+ $type = c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_HX;
+ }
+ $header = c_theme_html::s_create_tag($type, NULL, array(self::CSS_MENU_HEADER_TEXT, self::CSS_MENU_HEADER_TEXT . '-' . $depth));
+ unset($type);
+ if ($depth > 6) {
+ $header->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, self::CSS_TEXT_HEADING . ((int) $depth));
+ }
+ $header->set_text($name_human);
+ $wrapper->set_tag($header);
+ $wrapper->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, self::CSS_TEXT_HEADINGS);
+ unset($header);
+ $menu->set_tag($wrapper);
+ unset($wrapper);
+ }
+ return $menu;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create an HTML menu tag.
+ *
+ * @param string $label
+ * A string to display as the menu item name.
+ * @param string|null $tooltip
+ * (optional) An tooltip string to assign to the label.
+ * Set to NULL to not assign a tooltip.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_markup_tag
+ * Markup tag on success.
+ * Markup tag with error bit set on error.
+ */
+ protected function pr_create_html_add_menu_item_label($label, $tooltip = NULL) {
+ $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DIVIDER, NULL, array(self::CSS_MENU_ITEM, self::CSS_ITEM_LABEL));
+ $tag_content = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SPAN, NULL, array(self::CSS_MENU_ITEM_CONTENT));
+ $tag_content->set_text($label);
+ if (is_string($tooltip)) {
+ $tag_content->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_TITLE, $tooltip);
+ }
+ $tag->set_tag($tag_content);
+ unset($tag_content);
+ return $tag;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create an HTML menu tag.
+ *
+ * @param string $label
+ * A string to display as the menu item name.
+ * @param string $uri
+ * A fully processed uri string.
+ * @param string|null $tooltip
+ * (optional) An tooltip string to assign to the link.
+ * Set to NULL to not assign a tooltip.
+ * @param bool $local
+ * (optional) If TRUE, then uri is a local uri.
+ * If FALSE, then uri is a remote uri.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_markup_tag
+ * Markup tag on success.
+ * Markup tag with error bit set on error.
+ */
+ protected function pr_create_html_add_menu_item_link($label, $uri, $tooltip = NULL, $local = TRUE) {
+ $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DIVIDER, NULL, array(self::CSS_MENU_ITEM, self::CSS_ITEM_LINK));
+ if ($local) {
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, self::CSS_ITEM_LOCAL);
+ }
+ else {
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, self::CSS_ITEM_REMOTE);
+ }
+ $tag_content = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_A, NULL, array(self::CSS_MENU_ITEM_CONTENT));
+ $tag_content->set_text($label);
+ $tag_content->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_HREF, $uri);
+ if (is_string($tooltip)) {
+ $tag_content->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_TITLE, $tooltip);
+ }
+ $tag->set_tag($tag_content);
+ unset($tag_content);
+ return $tag;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create an HTML menu tag.
+ *
+ * @param string $label
+ * A string to display as the menu item name.
+ * @param c_base_markup_tag $menu
+ * Another pre-build menu.
+ * @param string|null $tooltip
+ * (optional) An tooltip string to assign to the link.
+ * Set to NULL to not assign a tooltip.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_markup_tag
+ * Markup tag on success.
+ * Markup tag with error bit set on error.
+ */
+ protected function pr_create_html_add_menu_item_menu($label, $menu, $tooltip = NULL) {
+ $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DIVIDER, NULL, array(self::CSS_MENU_ITEM, self::CSS_ITEM_MENU));
+ $tag->set_text($label);
+ $tag_content = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SPAN, NULL, array(self::CSS_MENU_ITEM_CONTENT));
+ $tag_content->set_tag($menu);
+ if (is_string($tooltip)) {
+ $tag_content->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_TITLE, $tooltip);
+ }
+ $tag->set_tag($tag_content);
+ unset($tag_content);
+ return $tag;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load text for a supported language.
+ *
+ * @param int $index
+ * A number representing which block of text to return.
+ * @param array $arguments
+ * (optional) An array of arguments to convert into text.
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Replace all occurences of arguments within string.
+ *
+ * @todo: should this be moved into some string class as a static function?
+ *
+ * Perform sanitization based on the first character.
+ * If first character is ':', do not perform sanitization.
+ * If first character is '@', santize as HTML text.
+ *
+ * I recommend wrapping placeholders in '{' and '}' to help enforce uniqueness.
+ * - For example the string ':words' could be confused with two different placeholders: ':word' and ':words'.
+ * - By using ':{words}' and ':{word}', there there should be fewer chances of mixups.
+ *
+ * @param string &$string
+ * The string to perform replacements on.
+ * @param array $arguments
+ * An array of replacement arguments.
+ *
+ * @see: htmlspecialchars()
+ * @see: str_replace()
+ */
+ protected function pr_process_replacements(&$string, $arguments) {
+ foreach ($arguments as $place_holder => $replacement) {
+ $type = mb_substr($place_holder, 0, 1);
+ if ($type == ':') {
+ $sanitized = $replacement;
+ }
+ elseif ($type == '@') {
+ $sanitized = htmlspecialchars($replacement, $this->sanitize_html['flags'], $this->sanitize_html['encoding']);
+ }
+ else {
+ unset($type);
+ // do not perform replacements on unknown placeholders.
+ continue;
+ }
+ unset($type);
+ $string = str_replace($place_holder, $sanitized, $string);
+ }
+ unset($place_holder);
+ unset($replacement);
+ }
protected const CSS_AS_LINK_BLOCK_DESCRIPTION = 'as-link_block-description';
protected const CSS_AS_HEADER = 'as-header';
protected const CSS_AS_HEADERS = 'as-headers';
protected const CSS_IS_JAVASCRIPT_ENABLED = 'javascript-enabled';
protected const CSS_IS_JAVASCRIPT_DISABLED = 'javascript-disabled';
protected const CSS_IS_CONTENT_TYPE = 'is-html_5';
protected const CSS_PATH_PART = 'path-part-';
protected const CSS_PATH_FULL = 'path-full-';
+ protected const PATH_SELF = '';
+ protected const PATH_MENU_HEADER = 'common/standard/menus/';
+ protected const PATH_MENU_UTILITY = 'common/standard/menus/';
+ protected const PATH_MENU_BREADCRUMBS = 'common/standard/menus/';
+ protected const PATH_MENU_CONTENT = 'common/standard/menus/';
+ protected const PATH_MENU_FOOTER = 'common/standard/menus/';
+ protected const NAME_MENU_HEADER = 'menu_header';
+ protected const NAME_MENU_UTILITY = 'menu_utility';
+ protected const NAME_MENU_BREADCRUMBS = 'menu_breadcrumbs';
+ protected const NAME_MENU_CONTENT = 'menu_content';
+ protected const NAME_MENU_FOOTER = 'menu_footer';
+ protected const HANDLER_MENU_HEADER = 'c_standard_menu_header';
+ protected const HANDLER_MENU_UTILITY = 'c_standard_menu_utility';
+ protected const HANDLER_MENU_BREADCRUMBS = 'c_standard_menu_breadcrumbs';
+ protected const HANDLER_MENU_CONTENT = 'c_standard_menu_content';
+ protected const HANDLER_MENU_FOOTER = 'c_standard_menu_footer';
+ protected const SCRIPT_EXTENSION = '.php';
protected $html;
protected $http;
protected $database;
protected $settings;
protected $languages;
+ protected $language_alias;
protected $text_type;
protected $request_uri;
+ protected $breadcrumbs;
$this->session = NULL;
$this->settings = array();
- $this->languages = array();
+ $this->languages = array();
+ $this->language_alias = NULL;
$this->text_type = NULL;
$this->request_uri = NULL;
+ $this->breadcrumbs = NULL;
+ unset($this->language_alias);
+ unset($this->breadcrumbs);
+ * Get the breadcrumb for this path.
+ *
+ * The breadcrumb will be built by this function if it is not already built.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_menu_item|c_base_return_null
+ * The breadcrumb menu is returned on success.
+ * If not defined, then NULL is returned.
+ * NULL with the error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ protected function get_breadcrumbs() {
+ if (!($this->breadcrumbs instanceof c_base_menu_item)) {
+ $this->pr_build_breadcrumbs();
+ }
+ if ($this->breadcrumbs instanceof c_base_menu_item) {
+ return clone($this->breadcrumbs);
+ }
+ return new c_base_return_null();
+ }
+ /**
* Load any default settings.
- * @param c_base_http $http
+ * @param c_base_http &$http
* The entire HTTP information to allow for the execution to access anything that is necessary.
- * @param c_base_database $database
+ * @param c_base_database &$database
* The database object, which is usually used by form and ajax paths.
* @param c_base_session &$session
* The current session.
if (!is_array($this->languages)) {
$this->languages = array();
+ $this->pr_get_language_alias();
+ $this->pr_build_breadcrumbs();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build the breadcrumb.
+ */
+ protected function pr_build_breadcrumbs() {
+ $this->breadcrumbs = new c_base_menu_item();
+ $item = $this->pr_create_breadcrumbs_item($this->pr_get_text_breadcrumbs(0), '');
+ $this->breadcrumbs->set_item($item);
+ unset($item);
+ // @todo: implement a standard breadcrumb handler, that loads parents paths and any language-specific text.
+ // this may also need to use and load langauge-specific global path text.
+ // build breadcrumbs based on current uri path.
+ #if ($this->path_tree instanceof c_base_path_tree) {
+ # $id_group = $this->path_tree->get_id_group()->get_value_exact();
+ # $items = $this->path_tree->get_items()->get_value_exact();
+ #}
+ #else {
+ # $id_group = 0;
+ # $items = array();
+ #}
+ #$this->get_breadcrumbs();
$classes[] = $extra_class;
- $type = c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DIVIDER;
if ($header == 1) {
$type = c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H1;
elseif ($header == 6) {
$type = c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H6;
+ else {
+ $type = c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_HX;
+ }
if (is_int($text)) {
- return c_theme_html::s_create_tag($type, $id, $classes, $this->pr_get_text($text, $arguments));
+ $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag($type, $id, $classes, $this->pr_get_text($text, $arguments));
+ }
+ else {
+ $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag($type, $id, $classes, $text);
- return c_theme_html::s_create_tag($type, $id, $classes, $text);
+ if ($header > 6) {
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, 'text-text-heading_' . ((int) $header));
+ }
+ return $tag;
else {
$header_classes = array($this->settings['base_css'] . self::CSS_AS_HEADER, self::CSS_AS_HEADER, self::CSS_AS_HEADER . '-' . $header, self::CSS_AS_LINK_BLOCK_NAME);
- $type = c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DIVIDER;
if ($header == 1) {
$type = c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H1;
elseif ($header == 6) {
$type = c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H6;
+ else {
+ $type = c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_HX;
+ }
- $wrapper = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DIVIDER, NULL, $header_classes);
+ $wrapper = c_theme_html::s_create_tag($type, NULL, $header_classes);
+ if ($header > 6) {
+ $wrapper->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, 'text-text-heading_' . ((int) $header));
+ }
if (!is_null($text)) {
* @see: self::pr_create_html()
protected function pr_create_html_add_primary_ids() {
- $id = $this->html->sanitize_css(self::CSS_SYSTEM_PREFIX . $this->settings['session_system'])->get_value_exact();
+ $id = $this->html->sanitize_css(self::CSS_SYSTEM_PREFIX . $this->settings['system_name'])->get_value_exact();
#$this->html->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_ID, $id);
$this->html->set_attribute_body(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_ID, $id);
* @see: self::pr_create_html()
protected function pr_create_html_add_title() {
- $title = $this->pr_get_title();
+ $title = $this->pr_get_text_title();
if (is_string($title)) {
- $tag = new c_base_markup_tag();
- $tag->set_type(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TITLE);
+ $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TITLE);
$this->html->set_header($tag, 0);
protected function pr_create_html_add_header_script() {
// provide a custom javascript for detecting if javascript is enabled and storing in a css class name.
- $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SCRIPT);
+ $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SCRIPT, 'f_standard_paths_hmtl_javascript_detection');
$tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, c_base_mime::TYPE_TEXT_JS);
$javascript = 'function f_standard_paths_hmtl_javascript_detection() {';
+ * Add all menus to the page.
+ */
+ protected function pr_add_menus() {
+ $menu = $this->pr_build_menu_header($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ if ($menu instanceof c_base_markup_tag) {
+ $this->html->set_tag($menu);
+ }
+ unset($menu);
+ $menu = $this->pr_build_menu_utility($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ if ($menu instanceof c_base_markup_tag) {
+ $this->html->set_tag($menu);
+ }
+ unset($menu);
+ $menu = $this->pr_build_menu_breadcrumbs($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ if ($menu instanceof c_base_markup_tag) {
+ $this->html->set_tag($menu);
+ }
+ unset($menu);
+ $menu = $this->pr_build_menu_content($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ if ($menu instanceof c_base_markup_tag) {
+ $this->html->set_tag($menu);
+ }
+ unset($menu);
+ $menu = $this->pr_build_menu_footer($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ if ($menu instanceof c_base_markup_tag) {
+ $this->html->set_tag($menu);
+ }
+ unset($menu);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load and return the header menu handler.
+ *
+ * @param c_base_http &$http
+ * The entire HTTP information to allow for the execution to access anything that is necessary.
+ * @param c_base_database &$database
+ * The database object, which is usually used by form and ajax paths.
+ * @param c_base_session &$session
+ * The current session.
+ * @param array $settings
+ * An array of additional settings that are usually site-specific.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_markup_tag|c_base_return_status
+ * A built menu markup tag.
+ * FALSE without error bit set is returned if no menu was built.
+ * FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ protected function pr_build_menu_header() {
+ $menu = $this->pr_include_menu(self::PATH_MENU_HEADER, self::NAME_MENU_HEADER, self::HANDLER_MENU_HEADER);
+ return $menu->do_build($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load and return the utility menu handler.
+ *
+ * @param c_base_http &$http
+ * The entire HTTP information to allow for the execution to access anything that is necessary.
+ * @param c_base_database &$database
+ * The database object, which is usually used by form and ajax paths.
+ * @param c_base_session &$session
+ * The current session.
+ * @param array $settings
+ * An array of additional settings that are usually site-specific.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_markup_tag|c_base_return_status
+ * A built menu markup tag.
+ * FALSE without error bit set is returned if no menu was built.
+ * FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ protected function pr_build_menu_utility(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings) {
+ $menu = $this->pr_include_menu(self::PATH_MENU_UTILITY, self::NAME_MENU_UTILITY, self::HANDLER_MENU_UTILITY);
+ return $menu->do_build($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load and return the breadcrumbs menu handler.
+ *
+ * @param c_base_http &$http
+ * The entire HTTP information to allow for the execution to access anything that is necessary.
+ * @param c_base_database &$database
+ * The database object, which is usually used by form and ajax paths.
+ * @param c_base_session &$session
+ * The current session.
+ * @param array $settings
+ * An array of additional settings that are usually site-specific.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_markup_tag|c_base_return_status
+ * A built menu markup tag.
+ * FALSE without error bit set is returned if no menu was built.
+ * FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ protected function pr_build_menu_breadcrumbs(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings) {
+ $menu = $this->pr_include_menu(self::PATH_MENU_BREADCRUMBS, self::NAME_MENU_BREADCRUMBS, self::HANDLER_MENU_BREADCRUMBS);
+ return $menu->do_build($http, $database, $session, $settings, $this->breadcrumbs);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load and return the content menu handler.
+ *
+ * @param c_base_http &$http
+ * The entire HTTP information to allow for the execution to access anything that is necessary.
+ * @param c_base_database &$database
+ * The database object, which is usually used by form and ajax paths.
+ * @param c_base_session &$session
+ * The current session.
+ * @param array $settings
+ * An array of additional settings that are usually site-specific.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_markup_tag|c_base_return_status
+ * A built menu markup tag.
+ * FALSE without error bit set is returned if no menu was built.
+ * FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ protected function pr_build_menu_content(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings) {
+ $menu = $this->pr_include_menu(self::PATH_MENU_CONTENT, self::NAME_MENU_CONTENT, self::HANDLER_MENU_CONTENT);
+ return $menu->do_build($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load and return the footer menu handler.
+ *
+ * @param c_base_http &$http
+ * The entire HTTP information to allow for the execution to access anything that is necessary.
+ * @param c_base_database &$database
+ * The database object, which is usually used by form and ajax paths.
+ * @param c_base_session &$session
+ * The current session.
+ * @param array $settings
+ * An array of additional settings that are usually site-specific.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_markup_tag|c_base_return_status
+ * A built menu markup tag.
+ * FALSE without error bit set is returned if no menu was built.
+ * FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
+ */
+ protected function pr_build_menu_footer(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings) {
+ $menu = $this->pr_include_menu(self::PATH_MENU_FOOTER, self::NAME_MENU_FOOTER, self::HANDLER_MENU_FOOTER);
+ return $menu->do_build($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a single breadcrumbs item.
+ *
+ * @param string $text
+ * The text assigned to the breadcrumbs item.
+ * @param string|array|null $uri
+ * (optional) The URI string or array the breadcrumb points to.
+ * If NULL, then the uri is not assigned.
+ */
+ protected function pr_create_breadcrumbs_item($text, $uri = NULL) {
+ $item = new c_base_menu_item();
+ $item->set_text($text);
+ if (!is_null($uri)) {
+ $item->set_uri($uri);
+ }
+ return $item;
+ }
+ /**
* Load the title text associated with this page.
* This is provided here as a means for a language class to override with a custom language for the title.
* A string is returned as the custom title.
* NULL is returned to enforce default title.
- protected function pr_get_title($arguments = array()) {
+ protected function pr_get_text_title($arguments = array()) {
return NULL;
+ * Load breadcrumbs text for a supported language.
+ *
+ * @param int $index
+ * A number representing which block of text to return.
+ * @param array $arguments
+ * (optional) An array of arguments to convert into text.
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_breadcrumbs($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ /**
* Load text for a supported language.
* @param int $index
protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
return '';
+ /**
+ * Load and save the current preferred language alias.
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_language_alias() {
+ $aliases = array();
+ if (is_array($this->languages) && !empty($this->languages)) {
+ $language = reset($this->languages);
+ // us-english is the default, so do not attempt to include any external files.
+ if ($language === i_base_languages::ENGLISH_US || $language === i_base_languages::ENGLISH) {
+ unset($language);
+ unset($aliases);
+ $this->language_alias = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ $aliases = c_base_defaults_global::s_get_languages()::s_get_aliases_by_id($language)->get_value_exact();
+ }
+ unset($language);
+ // use default if no aliases are found.
+ if (empty($aliases)) {
+ unset($aliases);
+ $this->language_alias = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->language_alias = end($aliases);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Will include a custom language path if one exists.
+ *
+ * The default language files ends in "${path}${name}.php".
+ * All other language files end in "${path}${language_alias}/${name}.php".
+ *
+ * The default class is the provided class name.
+ * All other languages use the provided class name with '_${language_alias}' appended.
+ *
+ * For example (using path='my_file'), us english is the default, so that would load the file 'my_file.php'.
+ * japanese language load the file 'my_file-ja.php'.
+ *
+ * @param string $path
+ * The path to the include file, without the file name.
+ * @param string $name
+ * The file name of the PHP file, without the '.php' extension.
+ * @param string $class
+ * The name of the class, that is an instance of c_base_menu, to execute.
+ *
+ * @return c_base_meni
+ * The created c_base_meni object.
+ */
+ protected function pr_include_menu($path, $name, $class) {
+ require_once($path . $name . self::SCRIPT_EXTENSION);
+ // use default if no aliases are found.
+ if (is_null($this->language_alias)) {
+ return new $class();
+ }
+ // use include_once instead of require_require to allow for failsafe behavior.
+ @include_once($path . $this->language_alias . '/' . $name . self::SCRIPT_EXTENSION);
+ $language_class = $class . '_' . $this->language_alias;
+ if (class_exists($language_class)) {
+ return new $language_class();
+ }
+ unset($language_class);
+ // if unable to find, fallback to original class
+ return new $class();
+ }
* The standard class for use in index.php or equivalent.
class c_standard_paths extends c_base_return {
- protected const PATH_LOGIN = 'common/standard/paths/u/';
- protected const PATH_LOGOUT = 'common/standard/paths/u/';
- protected const PATH_ACCESS_DENIED = 'common/standard/internal/';
- protected const PATH_NOT_FOUND = 'common/standard/internal/';
- protected const PATH_BAD_METHOD = 'common/standard/internal/';
- protected const PATH_SERVER_ERROR = 'common/standard/internal/';
- protected const PATH_OPTIONS_METHOD = 'common/standard/internal/';
- protected const PATH_DASHBOARD_USER = 'common/standard/paths/u/';
- protected const PATH_DASHBOARD_MANAGEMENT = 'common/standard/paths/m/';
- protected const PATH_DASHBOARD_ADMINISTER = 'common/standard/paths/a/';
- protected const PATH_INDEX = 'common/standard/internal/';
+ const URI_HOME = '';
+ const URI_LOGIN = 'u/login';
+ const URI_LOGOUT = 'u/logout';
+ const URI_DASHBOARD_USER = 'u/dashboard';
+ const URI_DASHBOARD_MANAGEMENT = 'm/dashboard';
+ const URI_DASHBOARD_ADMINISTER = 'a/dashboard';
+ const URI_USER_CREATE = 'u/create';
+ const URI_USER_VIEW = 'u/view';
+ const URI_USER_SETTINGS = 'u/settings';
+ const URI_USER_LOCK = 'u/lock';
+ const URI_USER_UNLOCK = 'u/unlock';
+ const URI_USER_DELETE = 'u/create';
+ protected const PATH_INTERNAL = 'common/standard/internal/';
+ protected const PATH_USER = 'common/standard/paths/u/';
+ protected const PATH_MANAGEMENT = 'common/standard/paths/m/';
+ protected const PATH_ADMINISTER = 'common/standard/paths/a/';
protected const NAME_LOGIN = 'login';
protected const NAME_LOGOUT = 'logout';
protected const NAME_DASHBOARD_MANAGEMENT = 'dashboard';
protected const NAME_DASHBOARD_ADMINISTER = 'dashboard';
protected const NAME_INDEX = 'index';
+ protected const NAME_USER_CREATE = 'user_create';
+ protected const NAME_USER_VIEW = 'user_view';
+ protected const NAME_USER_SETTINGS = 'user_settings';
+ protected const NAME_USER_LOCK = 'user_lock';
+ protected const NAME_USER_UNLOCK = 'user_unlock';
+ protected const NAME_USER_DELETE = 'user_delete';
protected const HANDLER_LOGIN = 'c_standard_path_user_login';
protected const HANDLER_LOGOUT = 'c_standard_path_user_logout';
protected const HANDLER_MANAGEMENT_DASHBOARD = 'c_standard_path_management_dashboard';
protected const HANDLER_ADMINISTER_DASHBOARD = 'c_standard_path_administer_dashboard';
protected const HANDLER_INDEX = 'c_standard_path_index';
- protected const URI_LOGIN = '/u/login';
- protected const URI_LOGOUT = '/u/logout';
- protected const URI_DASHBOARD_USER = '/u/dashboard';
- protected const URI_DASHBOARD_MANAGEMENT = '/m/dashboard';
- protected const URI_DASHBOARD_ADMINISTER = '/a/dashboard';
+ protected const HANDLER_USER_CREATE = 'c_standard_path_user_create';
+ protected const HANDLER_USER_VIEW = 'c_standard_path_user_view';
+ protected const HANDLER_USER_SETTINGS = 'c_standard_path_user_settings';
+ protected const HANDLER_USER_LOCK = 'c_standard_path_user_lock';
+ protected const HANDLER_USER_UNLOCK = 'c_standard_path_user_unlock';
+ protected const HANDLER_USER_DELETE = 'c_standard_path_user_delete';
protected const SCRIPT_EXTENSION = '.php';
- // a class name to prepend to css classes or id attributes.
- protected const CSS_BASE = 'standard-';
+ protected const WILDCARD_PATH = '/%';
protected $handler;
protected $paths;
protected $session;
protected $settings;
- protected $alias;
+ protected $language_alias;
protected $output;
$this->session = NULL;
$this->settings = NULL;
- $this->alias = NULL;
+ $this->language_alias = NULL;
$this->output = NULL;
- unset($this->alias);
+ unset($this->language_alias);
* A path object.
public function get_handler_login() {
- return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_LOGIN, self::NAME_LOGIN, self::HANDLER_LOGIN);
+ return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_USER, self::NAME_LOGIN, self::HANDLER_LOGIN);
* A path object.
public function get_handler_logout() {
- return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_LOGOUT, self::NAME_LOGOUT, self::HANDLER_LOGOUT);
+ return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_USER, self::NAME_LOGOUT, self::HANDLER_LOGOUT);
* A path object.
public function get_handler_not_found() {
- return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_NOT_FOUND, self::NAME_NOT_FOUND, self::HANDLER_NOT_FOUND);
+ return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_INTERNAL, self::NAME_NOT_FOUND, self::HANDLER_NOT_FOUND);
* A path object.
public function get_handler_access_denied() {
- return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_ACCESS_DENIED, self::NAME_ACCESS_DENIED, self::HANDLER_ACCESS_DENIED);
+ return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_INTERNAL, self::NAME_ACCESS_DENIED, self::HANDLER_ACCESS_DENIED);
* A path object.
public function get_handler_bad_method() {
- return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_BAD_METHOD, self::NAME_BAD_METHOD, self::HANDLER_BAD_METHOD);
+ return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_INTERNAL, self::NAME_BAD_METHOD, self::HANDLER_BAD_METHOD);
* A path object.
public function get_handler_server_error() {
- return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_SERVER_ERROR, self::NAME_SERVER_ERROR, self::HANDLER_SERVER_ERROR);
+ return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_INTERNAL, self::NAME_SERVER_ERROR, self::HANDLER_SERVER_ERROR);
* A path object.
public function get_handler_options_method() {
- return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_OPTIONS_METHOD, self::NAME_OPTIONS_METHOD, self::HANDLER_OPTIONS_METHOD);
+ return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_INTERNAL, self::NAME_OPTIONS_METHOD, self::HANDLER_OPTIONS_METHOD);
* A path object.
public function get_handler_index() {
- return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_INDEX, self::NAME_INDEX, self::HANDLER_INDEX);
+ return $this->pr_include_path(self::PATH_INTERNAL, self::NAME_INDEX, self::HANDLER_INDEX);
// @todo: these parameter errors might need a custom service unavailable and system log support.
if (!($http instanceof c_base_http)) {
$error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'http', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
- return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_path_executed', $error);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_return('c_base_path_executed', $error);
if (!($database instanceof c_base_database)) {
$error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'database', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
- return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_path_executed', $error);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_return('c_base_path_executed', $error);
if (!($session instanceof c_base_session)) {
$error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'session', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
- return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_path_executed', $error);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_return('c_base_path_executed', $error);
if (!is_array($settings)) {
$error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'settings', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
- return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_path_executed', $error);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_return('c_base_path_executed', $error);
if (!($session instanceof c_base_session)) {
$error = c_base_error::s_log(NULL, array('arguments' => array(':{argument_name}' => 'session', ':{function_name}' => __CLASS__ . '->' . __FUNCTION__)), i_base_error_messages::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
- return c_base_return_error::s_value(array(), 'c_base_path_executed', $error);
+ return c_base_return_error::s_return('c_base_path_executed', $error);
$this->http = &$http;
// require HTTPS for access to any part of this website.
if (!isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"])) {
// @todo: redirect to https version of requested uri.
- $failure_path = $this->get_handler_not_found();
+ $path_not_found = $this->get_handler_not_found();
+ $path_tree = new c_base_path_tree();
+ $path_tree->set_id_group(0);
+ $path_tree->set_items(array());
+ $path_not_found->set_path_tree($path_tree);
+ unset($path_tree);
- return $failure_path->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ return $path_not_found->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
// load the http method.
$method = $this->http->get_request(c_base_http::REQUEST_METHOD)->get_value_exact();
- if (isset($method['data']) && is_int($method['data'])) {
+ if (isset($method['data']) && is_int($method['data'])) {
$method = $method['data'];
else {
$handler_settings = $this->paths->find_path($path)->get_value();
- if (!is_array($handler_settings)) {
- // for all invalid pages, report bad method if not HTTP GET or HTTP POST.
+ if (!isset($handler_settings['handler'])) {
if ($method !== c_base_http::HTTP_METHOD_GET && $method !== c_base_http::HTTP_METHOD_POST) {
- unset($method);
+ // for all invalid pages, report bad method if not HTTP GET or HTTP POST.
+ $path_failsafe = $this->get_handler_bad_method();
+ }
+ else {
+ $path_failsafe = $this->get_handler_not_found();
+ }
+ unset($method);
- $failure_path = $this->get_handler_bad_method();
+ $path_tree = new c_base_path_tree();
+ $path_tree->set_id_group(0);
+ if (isset($handler_settings['path_tree'])) {
+ $path_tree->set_items($handler_settings['path_tree']);
- return $failure_path->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ if (isset($handler_settings['id_group'])) {
+ $path_tree->set_id_group($handler_settings['id_group']);
+ }
- unset($method);
+ else {
+ $path_tree->set_items(array());
+ }
+ $path_failsafe->set_path_tree($path_tree);
+ unset($path_tree);
- $not_found = $this->get_handler_not_found();
- return $not_found->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ return $path_failsafe->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ // prepare the path tree object.
+ $path_tree = new c_base_path_tree();
+ if (isset($handler_settings['path_tree'])) {
+ $path_tree->set_items($handler_settings['path_tree']);
+ }
+ else {
+ $path_tree->set_items(array());
+ }
+ if (isset($handler_settings['id_group'])) {
+ $path_tree->set_id_group($handler_settings['id_group']);
+ }
+ else {
+ $path_tree->set_id_group(0);
+ }
// validate allowed methods.
if (isset($handler_settings['methods']) && is_array($handler_settings['methods'])) {
if (!array_key_exists($method, $handler_settings['methods'])) {
- $failure_path = $this->get_handler_bad_method();
+ $path_bad_method = $this->get_handler_bad_method();
+ $path_bad_method->set_path_tree($path_tree);
- return $failure_path->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ return $path_bad_method->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ $options_method_path->set_path_tree($path_tree);
+ unset($handler_settings);
+ unset($path_tree);
return $options_method_path->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
$handler_settings['code'] = c_base_http_status::MOVED_PERMANENTLY;
- $redirect = c_standard_path::s_create_redirect($handler_settings['redirect'], $handler_settings['code'], FALSE);
+ $redirect_path = $handler_settings['redirect'];
+ if (isset($handler_settings['redirect_partial']) && $handler_settings['redirect_partial']) {
+ if (isset($handler_settings['extra_slashes']) && $handler_settings['extra_slashes']) {
+ $path_original = $this->http->get_request_uri_relative('')->get_value_exact();
+ $path_modified = $this->http->get_request_uri_relative($settings['base_path'])->get_value_exact();
+ // if path orignal and modified are the same, then the provided base url has extra '/' in it.
+ if ($path_original == $path_modified) {
+ $redirect_path = preg_replace('@^' . preg_quote($this->settings['base_path'], '@') . '@i', '', '/' . $redirect_path);
+ $redirect_path = preg_replace('@/$@', '', $redirect_path);
+ }
+ unset($path_original);
+ unset($path_modified);
+ }
+ $redirect_path = $this->settings['base_scheme'] . '://' . $this->settings['base_host'] . $this->settings['base_port'] . $this->settings['base_path'] . $redirect_path;
+ }
+ $redirect = c_standard_path::s_create_redirect($redirect_path, $handler_settings['code'], FALSE);
+ unset($redirect_path);
return $redirect->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
else {
// execute path handler, using custom-language if defined.
if (empty($handler_settings['handler'])) {
- return $this->get_handler_server_error()->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ $path_server_error = $this->get_handler_server_error()->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ $path_server_error->set_path_tree($path_tree);
+ unset($handler_settings);
+ unset($path_tree);
+ return $path_server_error;
- elseif (is_string($this->alias)) {
- @include_once($handler_settings['include_directory'] . $this->alias . '/' . $handler_settings['include_name'] . self::SCRIPT_EXTENSION);
+ elseif (is_string($this->language_alias)) {
+ @include_once($handler_settings['include_directory'] . $this->language_alias . '/' . $handler_settings['include_name'] . self::SCRIPT_EXTENSION);
- $handler_class = $handler_settings['handler'] . '_' . $this->alias;
+ $handler_class = $handler_settings['handler'] . '_' . $this->language_alias;
if (class_exists($handler_class)) {
$this->handler = new $handler_class();
// attempt to fallback to default handler if the language-specific handler class is not found.
if (!class_exists($handler_settings['handler'])) {
- return $this->get_handler_server_error()->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ $path_server_error = $this->get_handler_server_error()->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ $path_server_error->set_path_tree($path_tree);
+ unset($handler_settings);
+ unset($path_tree);
+ return $path_server_error;
else {
$this->handler = new $handler_settings['handler']();
+ $this->handler->set_path_tree($path_tree);
else {
if (class_exists($handler_settings['handler'])) {
$this->handler = new $handler_settings['handler']();
+ $this->handler->set_path_tree($path_tree);
else {
- return $this->get_handler_server_error()->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ $path_server_error = $this->get_handler_server_error()->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ $path_server_error->set_path_tree($path_tree);
+ unset($handler_settings);
+ unset($path_tree);
+ return $path_server_error;
+ unset($path_tree);
return $this->pr_paths_normal($method);
protected function pr_paths_create() {
$this->paths = new c_base_paths();
- // set root path to be the user dashboard.
- $this->paths->add_path('', self::HANDLER_INDEX, self::PATH_INDEX, self::NAME_INDEX);
+ // set root path.
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_HOME, self::HANDLER_INDEX, self::PATH_INTERNAL, self::NAME_INDEX);
// create login/logout paths
- $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_LOGIN, self::HANDLER_LOGIN, self::PATH_LOGIN, self::NAME_LOGIN);
- $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_LOGOUT, self::HANDLER_LOGOUT, self::PATH_LOGOUT, self::NAME_LOGOUT);
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_LOGIN, self::HANDLER_LOGIN, self::PATH_USER, self::NAME_LOGIN);
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_LOGOUT, self::HANDLER_LOGOUT, self::PATH_USER, self::NAME_LOGOUT);
// dashboards
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_DASHBOARD_USER, self::HANDLER_USER_DASHBOARD, self::PATH_USER, self::NAME_DASHBOARD_USER);
+ // user paths
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_USER_CREATE, self::HANDLER_USER_CREATE, self::PATH_USER, self::NAME_USER_CREATE);
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_USER_CREATE, self::HANDLER_USER_CREATE, self::PATH_USER . self::WILDCARD_PATH, self::NAME_USER_CREATE);
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_USER_VIEW, self::HANDLER_USER_VIEW, self::PATH_USER, self::NAME_USER_VIEW);
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_USER_VIEW, self::HANDLER_USER_VIEW, self::PATH_USER . self::WILDCARD_PATH, self::NAME_USER_VIEW);
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_USER_SETTINGS, self::HANDLER_USER_SETTINGS, self::PATH_USER, self::NAME_USER_SETTINGS);
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_USER_SETTINGS, self::HANDLER_USER_SETTINGS, self::PATH_USER . self::WILDCARD_PATH, self::NAME_USER_SETTINGS);
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_USER_LOCK, self::HANDLER_USER_LOCK, self::PATH_USER, self::NAME_USER_LOCK);
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_USER_LOCK, self::HANDLER_USER_LOCK, self::PATH_USER . self::WILDCARD_PATH, self::NAME_USER_LOCK);
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_USER_UNLOCK, self::HANDLER_USER_UNLOCK, self::PATH_USER, self::NAME_USER_UNLOCK);
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_USER_UNLOCK, self::HANDLER_USER_UNLOCK, self::PATH_USER . self::WILDCARD_PATH, self::NAME_USER_UNLOCK);
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_USER_DELETE, self::HANDLER_USER_DELETE, self::PATH_USER, self::NAME_USER_DELETE);
+ $this->paths->add_path(self::URI_USER_DELETE, self::HANDLER_USER_DELETE, self::PATH_USER . self::WILDCARD_PATH, self::NAME_USER_DELETE);
- $login_path = $this->get_handler_login();
- return $login_path->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ $path_login = $this->get_handler_login();
+ if ($this->handler->get_path_tree() instanceof c_base_path_tree) {
+ $path_login->set_path_tree($this->handler->get_path_tree());
+ }
+ return $path_login->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
else {
if ($id_group === c_base_ascii::LOWER_U) {
if (class_exists(self::HANDLER_LOGOUT) && (is_subclass_of($this->handler, self::HANDLER_LOGOUT) || is_a($this->handler, self::HANDLER_LOGOUT, TRUE))) {
// if the user is not logged in. then provide a page not found for logout path.
if (!$this->session->is_logged_in()->get_value_exact()) {
+ $path_not_found = $this->get_handler_not_found();
+ if ($this->handler->get_path_tree() instanceof c_base_path_tree) {
+ $path_not_found->set_path_tree($this->handler->get_path_tree());
+ }
- return $this->get_handler_not_found()->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ return $path_not_found->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);;
- $login_path = $this->get_handler_login();
- return $login_path->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ $path_login = $this->get_handler_login();
+ if ($this->handler->get_path_tree() instanceof c_base_path_tree) {
+ $path_login->set_path_tree($this->handler->get_path_tree());
+ }
+ return $path_login->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
// some special case paths always provide login prompt along with access denied.
- $login_path = $this->get_handler_login();
- return $login_path->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ $path_login = $this->get_handler_login();
+ if ($this->handler->get_path_tree() instanceof c_base_path_tree) {
+ $path_login->set_path_tree($this->handler->get_path_tree());
+ }
+ return $path_login->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
// return access denied or page not found depending on path and privacy settings.
if ($id_group === c_base_ascii::LOWER_C || $id_group === c_base_ascii::LOWER_D || $id_group === c_base_ascii::LOWER_T || $id_group === c_base_ascii::LOWER_X || $id_group === c_base_ascii::LOWER_F) {
// these always return not found for these paths.
- $failsafe_path = $this->get_handler_not_found();
+ $path_failsafe = $this->get_handler_not_found();
elseif ($this->handler->is_private()->get_value_exact() && $id_group !== c_base_ascii::NULL) {
// non private, and non-special case paths should return access denied as per normal behavior.
- $failsafe_path = $this->get_handler_access_denied();
+ $path_failsafe = $this->get_handler_access_denied();
else {
// all other case, return not found.
- $failsafe_path = $this->get_handler_not_found();
+ $path_failsafe = $this->get_handler_not_found();
- return $failsafe_path->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ if ($this->handler->get_path_tree() instanceof c_base_path_tree) {
+ $path_failsafe->set_path_tree($this->handler->get_path_tree());
+ }
+ return $path_failsafe->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
// @todo
// always return not found, do not inform user if the access is denied.
- $failsafe_path = $this->get_handler_not_found();
+ $path_failsafe = $this->get_handler_not_found();
+ if ($this->handler->get_path_tree() instanceof c_base_path_tree) {
+ $path_failsafe->set_path_tree($this->handler->get_path_tree());
+ }
- return $failsafe_path->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ return $path_failsafe->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
// @todo
// always return not found, do not inform user if the access is denied.
- $failsafe_path = $this->get_handler_not_found();
+ $path_failsafe = $this->get_handler_not_found();
- return $failsafe_path->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
+ if ($this->handler->get_path_tree() instanceof c_base_path_tree) {
+ $path_failsafe->set_path_tree($this->handler->get_path_tree());
+ }
+ return $path_failsafe->do_execute($this->http, $this->database, $this->session, $this->settings);
* Load and save the current preferred language alias.
- *
- * This will be stored in $this->alias.
protected function pr_get_language_alias() {
$aliases = array();
- $this->alias = NULL;
+ $this->language_alias = NULL;
- $this->alias = NULL;
+ $this->language_alias = NULL;
- $this->alias = end($aliases);
+ $this->language_alias = end($aliases);
require_once($path . $name . self::SCRIPT_EXTENSION);
// use default if no aliases are found.
- if (is_null($this->alias)) {
+ if (is_null($this->language_alias)) {
return new $class();
// use include_once instead of require_require to allow for failsafe behavior.
- @include_once($path . $this->alias . '/' . $name . self::SCRIPT_EXTENSION);
+ @include_once($path . $this->language_alias . '/' . $name . self::SCRIPT_EXTENSION);
- $language_class = $class . '_' . $this->alias;
+ $language_class = $class . '_' . $this->language_alias;
if (class_exists($language_class)) {
return new $language_class();
class c_standard_path_access_denied extends c_standard_path {
+ * Build the breadcrumb.
+ */
+ protected function pr_build_breadcrumbs() {
+ $this->breadcrumbs = new c_base_menu_item();
+ $item = $this->pr_create_breadcrumbs_item($this->pr_get_text_breadcrumbs(0), '');
+ $this->breadcrumbs->set_item($item);
+ unset($item);
+ // @todo: check the url path and attempt to get a breadcrumb for the current path.
+ // this will require external functions because the breadcrumb language specific text must be loaded.
+ }
+ /**
* Implements do_execute().
public function do_execute(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings = array()) {
+ $this->pr_add_menus();
- * Implements pr_get_title().
+ * Implements pr_get_text_title().
- protected function pr_get_title($arguments = array()) {
+ protected function pr_get_text_title($arguments = array()) {
return $this->pr_get_text(0, $arguments);
+ * Implements pr_get_text_breadcrumbs().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_breadcrumbs($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
* Implements pr_get_text().
protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
class c_standard_path_bad_method extends c_standard_path {
+ * Build the breadcrumb.
+ */
+ protected function pr_build_breadcrumbs() {
+ $this->breadcrumbs = new c_base_menu_item();
+ $item = $this->pr_create_breadcrumbs_item($this->pr_get_text_breadcrumbs(0), '');
+ $this->breadcrumbs->set_item($item);
+ unset($item);
+ // @todo: check the url path and attempt to get a breadcrumb for the current path.
+ // this will require external functions because the breadcrumb language specific text must be loaded.
+ }
+ /**
* Implements do_execute().
public function do_execute(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings = array()) {
+ $this->pr_add_menus();
+ * Implements pr_get_text_title().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_title($arguments = array()) {
+ return $this->pr_get_text(0, $arguments);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text_breadcrumbs().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_breadcrumbs($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
* Implements pr_get_text().
protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
class c_standard_path_index extends c_standard_path {
+ * Build the breadcrumb.
+ */
+ protected function pr_build_breadcrumbs() {
+ $this->breadcrumbs = new c_base_menu_item();
+ $item = $this->pr_create_breadcrumbs_item($this->pr_get_text_breadcrumbs(0), '');
+ $this->breadcrumbs->set_item($item);
+ unset($item);
+ // @todo: check the url path and attempt to get a breadcrumb for the current path.
+ // this will require external functions because the breadcrumb language specific text must be loaded.
+ }
+ /**
* Implements do_execute().
public function do_execute(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings = array()) {
+ $this->pr_add_menus();
- * Implements pr_get_title().
+ * Implements pr_get_text_title().
- protected function pr_get_title($arguments = array()) {
+ protected function pr_get_text_title($arguments = array()) {
return $this->pr_get_text(0, $arguments);
+ * Implements pr_get_text_breadcrumbs().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_breadcrumbs($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'Home';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
* Implements pr_get_text().
protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
switch ($code) {
case 0:
$string = 'Standard System';
final class c_standard_path_access_denied_ja extends c_standard_path_access_denied {
+ * Implements pr_get_text_breadcrumbs().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_breadcrumbs($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'ホームページ';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
* Implements pr_get_text().
protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
final class c_standard_path_bad_method_ja extends c_standard_path_bad_method {
+ * Implements pr_get_text_breadcrumbs().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_breadcrumbs($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'ホームページ';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
* Implements pr_get_text().
protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
final class c_standard_path_index_ja extends c_standard_path_index {
+ * Implements pr_get_text_breadcrumbs().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_breadcrumbs($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'ホームページ';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
* Implements pr_get_text().
protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
final class c_standard_path_not_found_ja extends c_standard_path_not_found {
+ * Implements pr_get_text_breadcrumbs().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_breadcrumbs($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'ホームページ';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
* Implements pr_get_text().
protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
final class c_standard_path_server_error_ja extends c_standard_path_server_error {
+ * Implements pr_get_text_breadcrumbs().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_breadcrumbs($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'ホームページ';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
* Implements pr_get_text().
protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
class c_standard_path_not_found extends c_standard_path {
+ * Build the breadcrumb.
+ *
+ protected function pr_build_breadcrumbs() {
+ $this->breadcrumbs = new c_base_menu_item();
+ $item = $this->pr_create_breadcrumbs_item($this->pr_get_text_breadcrumbs(0), '');
+ $this->breadcrumbs->set_item($item);
+ unset($item);
+ // @todo: check the url path and attempt to get a breadcrumb for the current path.
+ // this will require external functions because the breadcrumb language specific text must be loaded.
+ }
+ /**
* Implements do_execute().
public function do_execute(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings = array()) {
+ $this->pr_add_menus();
- * Implements pr_get_title().
+ * Implements pr_get_text_title().
- protected function pr_get_title($arguments = array()) {
+ protected function pr_get_text_title($arguments = array()) {
return $this->pr_get_text(0, $arguments);
+ * Implements pr_get_text_breadcrumbs().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_breadcrumbs($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
* Implements pr_get_text().
protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
class c_standard_path_server_error extends c_standard_path {
+ * Build the breadcrumb.
+ */
+ protected function pr_build_breadcrumbs() {
+ $this->breadcrumbs = new c_base_menu_item();
+ $item = $this->pr_create_breadcrumbs_item($this->pr_get_text_breadcrumbs(0), '');
+ $this->breadcrumbs->set_item($item);
+ unset($item);
+ // @todo: check the url path and attempt to get a breadcrumb for the current path.
+ // this will require external functions because the breadcrumb language specific text must be loaded.
+ }
+ /**
* Implements do_execute().
public function do_execute(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings = array()) {
+ $this->pr_add_menus();
- * Implements pr_get_title().
+ * Implements pr_get_text_title().
- protected function pr_get_title($arguments = array()) {
+ protected function pr_get_text_title($arguments = array()) {
return $this->pr_get_text(0, $arguments);
+ * Implements pr_get_text_breadcrumbs().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_breadcrumbs($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
* Implements pr_get_text().
protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides a language specific class.
+ */
+ * A generic class for managing a breadcrumb menu.
+ */
+class c_standard_menu_breadcrumbs_ja extends c_standard_menu_breadcrumbs {
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'ブレッドクラムメニュー';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides a language specific class.
+ */
+ * A generic class for managing a content menu.
+ */
+class c_standard_menu_content_ja extends c_standard_menu_content {
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'コンテンツメニュー';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides a language specific class.
+ */
+ * A generic class for managing a footer menu.
+ */
+class c_standard_menu_footer_ja extends c_standard_menu_footer {
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'フッターメニュー';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides a language specific class.
+ */
+ * A generic class for managing a header menu.
+ */
+class c_standard_menu_header_ja extends c_standard_menu_header {
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'ヘッダーメニュー';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides a language specific class.
+ */
+ * A generic class for managing a utility menu.
+ */
+class c_standard_menu_utility_ja extends c_standard_menu_utility {
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'ユーティリティメニュー';
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $string = 'ホームページ';
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $string = 'ログイン';
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $string = 'ダッシュボード';
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ $string = '管理';
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ $string = 'サイト管理';
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ $string = '設定';
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ $string = 'ログアウト';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides a class for a standard breadcrumbs menu.
+ *
+ * This is a menu that shows a navigation history on how to get to the current page via links.
+ * This does not have to be a link to every path in the current url.
+ */
+ * A generic class for managing a breadcrumb menu.
+ */
+class c_standard_menu_breadcrumbs extends c_standard_menu {
+ protected const CLASS_NAME = 'menu-breadcrumb';
+ protected const CLASS_ITEM = 'as-breadcrumbs-item';
+ /**
+ * Implements do_build();
+ */
+ public function do_build(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings, $items = NULL) {
+ $built = parent::do_build($http, $database, $session, $settings);
+ if (c_base_return::s_has_error($built)) {
+ return $built;
+ }
+ unset($built);
+ // if no items are available, then do nothing.
+ if (!($items instanceof c_base_menu_item)) {
+ return new c_base_return_false();
+ }
+ $menu = $this->pr_create_html_create_menu($settings['base_css'] . self::CLASS_NAME, $this->pr_get_text(0));
+ foreach ($items->get_items()->get_value_exact() as $item) {
+ if (!($item instanceof c_base_menu_item)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $item_text = $item->get_text()->get_value_exact();
+ $item_uri = $item->get_uri()->get_value();
+ if (is_string($item_uri) || is_array($item_uri)) {
+ // @fixme: handle if $item_uri is an array.
+ $tag = $this->pr_create_html_add_menu_item_link($item_text, $settings['base_path'] . $item_uri);
+ }
+ else {
+ $tag = $this->pr_create_html_add_menu_item_label($item_text);
+ }
+ unset($item_uri);
+ unset($item_text);
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, self::CLASS_ITEM);
+ $item_attributes = $item->get_attributes()->get_value_exact();
+ if (is_array($item_attributes) && !empty($item_attributes)) {
+ foreach ($item_attributes as $attribute_key => $attribute_value) {
+ $tag->set_attribute($attribute_key, $attribute_value);
+ }
+ unset($attribute_key);
+ unset($attribute_value);
+ }
+ unset($item_attributes);
+ $menu->set_tag($tag);
+ unset($tag);
+ }
+ unset($item);
+ return $menu;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'Breadcrumb Menu';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides a class for a standard content menu.
+ *
+ * This is the navigation menu that is intended to be used for navigating the site.
+ * This is (generally) specific to each page or url path.
+ */
+ * A generic class for managing a content menu.
+ */
+class c_standard_menu_content extends c_standard_menu {
+ protected const CLASS_NAME = 'menu-content';
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'Content Menu';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides a class for a standard footer menu.
+ *
+ * A footer menu is a menu that is intended to be displayed in the footer of a page.
+ * This is (generally) a global menu that is displayed on most pages.
+ */
+ * A generic class for managing a footer menu.
+ */
+class c_standard_menu_footer extends c_standard_menu {
+ protected const CLASS_NAME = 'menu-footer';
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'Footer Menu';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides a class for a standard header menu.
+ *
+ * A header menu is a menu that is intended to be displayed in the header of a page.
+ * This is (generally) a global menu that is displayed on most pages.
+ */
+ * A generic class for managing a header menu.
+ */
+class c_standard_menu_header extends c_standard_menu {
+ protected const CLASS_NAME = 'menu-header';
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'Header Menu';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides a class for a standard utility menu.
+ *
+ * A utility menu is intended to be a menu that provides links to logged in uses.
+ * This includes dashboard links, profile, links, etc..
+ * This is not intended for site navigation.
+ */
+ * A generic class for managing a utility menu.
+ */
+class c_standard_menu_utility extends c_standard_menu {
+ protected const CLASS_NAME = 'menu-utility';
+ protected const CLASS_HOME = 'home';
+ protected const CLASS_LOGIN = 'login';
+ protected const CLASS_LOGOUT = 'logout';
+ protected const CLASS_DASHBOARD_USER = 'dashboard-user';
+ protected const CLASS_DASHBOARD_MANAGEMENT = 'dashboard-management';
+ protected const CLASS_DASHBOARD_ADMINISTER = 'dashboard-administer';
+ protected const CLASS_USER_SETTINGS = 'settings';
+ /**
+ * Implements do_prepare().
+ */
+ public function do_build(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings, $items = NULL) {
+ $result = parent::do_build($http, $database, $session, $settings);
+ if (c_base_return::s_has_error($result)) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ unset($result);
+ $roles = array();
+ $session_user = $session->get_user_current();
+ if ($session_user instanceof c_base_session) {
+ $roles = $session_user->get_roles()->get_value_exact();
+ }
+ unset($session_user);
+ $menu = $this->pr_create_html_create_menu($settings['base_css'] . self::CLASS_NAME, $this->pr_get_text(0));
+ if ($session->is_logged_in() instanceof c_base_return_true) {
+ $item = $this->pr_create_html_add_menu_item_link($this->pr_get_text(3), $settings['base_path'] . c_standard_paths::URI_DASHBOARD_USER);
+ $item->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, self::CLASS_DASHBOARD_USER);
+ $menu->set_tag($item);
+ unset($item);
+ if (array_key_exists(c_base_roles::MANAGER, $roles) || array_key_exists(c_base_roles::ADMINISTER, $roles)) {
+ $item = $this->pr_create_html_add_menu_item_link($this->pr_get_text(4), $settings['base_path'] . c_standard_paths::URI_DASHBOARD_MANAGEMENT);
+ $item->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, self::CLASS_DASHBOARD_MANAGEMENT);
+ $menu->set_tag($item);
+ unset($item);
+ }
+ if (array_key_exists(c_base_roles::ADMINISTER, $roles)) {
+ $item = $this->pr_create_html_add_menu_item_link($this->pr_get_text(5), $settings['base_path'] . c_standard_paths::URI_DASHBOARD_ADMINISTER);
+ $item->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, self::CLASS_DASHBOARD_ADMINISTER);
+ $menu->set_tag($item);
+ unset($item);
+ }
+ $item = $this->pr_create_html_add_menu_item_link($this->pr_get_text(6), $settings['base_path'] . c_standard_paths::URI_USER_SETTINGS);
+ $item->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, self::CLASS_USER_SETTINGS);
+ $menu->set_tag($item);
+ unset($item);
+ $item = $this->pr_create_html_add_menu_item_link($this->pr_get_text(7), $settings['base_path'] . c_standard_paths::URI_LOGOUT);
+ $item->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, self::CLASS_LOGOUT);
+ $menu->set_tag($item);
+ unset($item);
+ }
+ else {
+ $item = $this->pr_create_html_add_menu_item_link($this->pr_get_text(1), $settings['base_path'] . c_standard_paths::URI_HOME);
+ $item->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, self::CLASS_HOME);
+ $menu->set_tag($item);
+ unset($item);
+ $item = $this->pr_create_html_add_menu_item_link($this->pr_get_text(2), $settings['base_path'] . c_standard_paths::URI_LOGIN);
+ $item->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, self::CLASS_LOGIN);
+ $menu->set_tag($item);
+ unset($item);
+ }
+ unset($roles);
+ return $menu;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'Utility Menu';
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $string = 'Home';
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $string = 'Login';
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $string = 'Dashboard';
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ $string = 'Management';
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ $string = 'Administration';
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ $string = 'Settings';
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ $string = 'Logout';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
// initialize the content as HTML.
+ unset($wrapper);
- * Implements pr_get_title().
+ * Implements pr_get_text_title().
- protected function pr_get_title($arguments = array()) {
+ protected function pr_get_text_title($arguments = array()) {
return $this->pr_get_text(0, $arguments);
* Implements pr_get_text().
protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
switch ($code) {
case 0:
$string = 'Dashboard';
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides path handler for the user dashboard.
+ */
+ * Implements c_standard_path_user_dashboard().
+ */
+class c_standard_path_user_dashboard_ja extends c_standard_path_user_dashboard {
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides path handler for the user dashboard.
+ */
+ * Implements c_standard_path_user_dashboard().
+ */
+class c_standard_path_user_dashboard_ja extends c_standard_path_user_dashboard {
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides path handler for the user dashboard.
+ */
+ * Implements c_standard_path_user_dashboard().
+ */
+class c_standard_path_user_dashboard_ja extends c_standard_path_user_dashboard {
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides path handler for the user dashboard.
+ */
+ * Implements c_standard_path_user_dashboard().
+ */
+class c_standard_path_user_dashboard_ja extends c_standard_path_user_dashboard {
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'ダッシュボード';
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ $string = 'パブリック';
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ $string = 'ユーザー';
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ $string = 'リクエスタ';
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ $string = 'ドレイター';
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ $string = '編集者';
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ $string = 'レビューア';
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ $string = 'ファイナンサー';
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ $string = '保険会社';
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ $string = '出版社';
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ $string = '審査員';
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ $string = 'マネージャー';
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ $string = '管理者';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides path handler for the user dashboard.
+ */
+ * Implements c_standard_path_user_dashboard().
+ */
+class c_standard_path_user_dashboard_ja extends c_standard_path_user_dashboard {
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides path handler for the user dashboard.
+ */
+ * Implements c_standard_path_user_dashboard().
+ */
+class c_standard_path_user_dashboard_ja extends c_standard_path_user_dashboard {
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'ダッシュボード';
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ $string = 'パブリック';
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ $string = 'ユーザー';
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ $string = 'リクエスタ';
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ $string = 'ドレイター';
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ $string = '編集者';
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ $string = 'レビューア';
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ $string = 'ファイナンサー';
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ $string = '保険会社';
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ $string = '出版社';
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ $string = '審査員';
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ $string = 'マネージャー';
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ $string = '管理者';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
class c_standard_path_user_login extends c_standard_path {
protected const USER_PUBLIC = 'u_standard_public';
- protected const PATH_LOGIN = 'u/login';
- protected const PATH_LOGOUT = 'u/logout';
* Implements do_execute().
$href = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_A);
- $href->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_HREF, $settings['base_path'] . self::PATH_LOGOUT);
+ $href->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_HREF, $settings['base_path'] . c_standard_paths::URI_LOGOUT);
// label: username
- $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_LABEL, NULL, array('login_form-label-username'));
- $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_FOR, 'login_form-username');
+ $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_LABEL, NULL, array('login_form-label-user_name'));
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_FOR, 'login_form-user_name');
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, 'field-label-user_name');
// field: username
$class = array(
- 'login_form-input-username',
+ 'login_form-input-user_name',
- if (array_key_exists('login_form-username', $problem_fields)) {
+ if (array_key_exists('login_form-user_name', $problem_fields)) {
$class[] = 'field_has_problem';
- $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TEXT, 'login_form-username', $class);
+ $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TEXT, 'login_form-user_name', $class);
$tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED, TRUE);
- $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, $this->pr_sanitize('login_form-username', 0)->get_value());
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, $this->pr_sanitize('login_form-user_name', 0)->get_value());
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, 'field-input-user_name');
$tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_LABEL, NULL, array('login_form-label-password'));
$tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_FOR, 'login_form-password');
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, 'field-label-password');
$tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED, TRUE);
$tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, $this->pr_sanitize('login_form-password', 0)->get_value());
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, 'field-input-password');
// button: reset
$tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_RESET, 'login_form-reset', array('login_form-button-reset'));
$tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, $this->pr_get_text(11));
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, 'field-button-reset');
$tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SUBMIT, 'login_form-login', array('login_form-button-login'));
$tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, $this->pr_get_text(12));
#$tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_ACTION, $settings['base_path'] . 's/u/login'); // custom submit destination, but would require /s/u/login to redirect back to here.
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, 'field-button-submit');
protected function pr_do_login(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings) {
$problems = array();
- if (empty($_POST['login_form-username']) || !is_string($_POST['login_form-username'])) {
- $problems[] = c_base_form_problem::s_create_error('login_form-username', self::pr_get_text(10));
+ if (empty($_POST['login_form-user_name']) || !is_string($_POST['login_form-user_name'])) {
+ $problems[] = c_base_form_problem::s_create_error('login_form-user_name', self::pr_get_text(10));
- elseif ($_POST['login_form-username'] == self::USER_PUBLIC) {
+ elseif ($_POST['login_form-user_name'] == self::USER_PUBLIC) {
// explicitly deny access to internal user accounts
- $problems[] = c_base_form_problem::s_create_error('login_form-username', self::pr_get_text(10));
+ $problems[] = c_base_form_problem::s_create_error('login_form-user_name', self::pr_get_text(10));
- if (empty($_POST['login_form-password']) || !is_string($_POST['login_form-username'])) {
+ elseif (empty($_POST['login_form-password']) || !is_string($_POST['login_form-user_name'])) {
$problems[] = c_base_form_problem::s_create_error('login_form-password', self::pr_get_text(10));
$connection_string = $database->get_connection_string();
- $connection_string->set_user($_POST['login_form-username']);
+ $connection_string->set_user($_POST['login_form-user_name']);
if ($access_denied) {
// it is possible the user name might not exist, so try to auto-create the username if the username does not exist.
- $ensure_result = $this->pr_do_ensure_user_account($settings, $_POST['login_form-username']);
+ $ensure_result = $this->pr_do_ensure_user_account($settings, $_POST['login_form-user_name']);
if ($ensure_result instanceof c_base_return_int) {
$ensure_result = $ensure_result->get_value_exact();
if ($database instanceof c_standard_database) {
- $database->do_log_user(c_base_log::TYPE_CREATE, c_base_http_status::OK, array('user_name' => $_POST['login_form-username']));
+ $database->do_log_user(c_base_log::TYPE_CREATE, c_base_http_status::OK, array('user_name' => $_POST['login_form-user_name']));
$database->do_log_user(c_base_log::TYPE_CONNECT, c_base_http_status::OK, array('expires' => $session->get_timeout_expire()->get_value_exact()));
// if LDAP is available, make sure the account information exists.
- $ldap = $this->pr_load_ldap_data($settings, $_POST['login_form-username']);
+ $ldap = $this->pr_load_ldap_data($settings, $_POST['login_form-user_name']);
if ($ldap['status']) {
$this->pr_update_user_data($database, $ldap);
if (c_base_return::s_has_error($connected) || $connected instanceof c_base_return_false) {
// @todo: rewrite this to handle multiple errors.
if ($access_denied) {
- $problems[] = c_base_form_problem::s_create_error('login_form-username', self::pr_get_text(10));
+ $problems[] = c_base_form_problem::s_create_error('login_form-user_name', self::pr_get_text(10));
else {
$errors = $connected->get_error();
// @todo: load and store custom settings (loaded from the database and/or ldap).
- $session->set_name($_POST['login_form-username']);
+ $session->set_name($_POST['login_form-user_name']);
// the session needs to be opened and the data needs to be saved on successful login.
else {
- $ldap = $this->pr_load_ldap_data($settings, $_POST['login_form-username']);
+ $ldap = $this->pr_load_ldap_data($settings, $_POST['login_form-user_name']);
if (!$ldap['status']) {
- $problems[] = c_base_form_problem::s_create_error('login_form-username', 'Failed to retrieve ldap information for specified user.');
+ $problems[] = c_base_form_problem::s_create_error('login_form-user_name', 'Failed to retrieve ldap information for specified user.');
$pushed = $session->do_push($settings['session_expire'], $settings['session_max']);
protected function pr_create_html_add_header_link_canonical() {
$tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_LINK);
$tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_REL, 'canonical');
- $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_HREF, $this->settings['base_scheme'] . '://' . $this->settings['base_host'] . $this->settings['base_port'] . $this->settings['base_path'] . self::PATH_LOGIN);
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_HREF, $this->settings['base_scheme'] . '://' . $this->settings['base_host'] . $this->settings['base_port'] . $this->settings['base_path'] . c_standard_paths::URI_LOGIN);
- * Implements pr_get_title().
+ * Implements pr_get_text_title().
- protected function pr_get_title($arguments = array()) {
+ protected function pr_get_text_title($arguments = array()) {
return $this->pr_get_text(0, $arguments);
- * Implements pr_get_title().
+ * Implements pr_get_text_title().
- protected function pr_get_title($arguments = array()) {
+ protected function pr_get_text_title($arguments = array()) {
return $this->pr_get_text(0, $arguments);
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides path handler for the user dashboard.
+ */
+class c_standard_path_user_create extends c_standard_path {
+ protected const PATH_SELF = 'u/create';
+ /**
+ * Implements do_execute().
+ */
+ public function do_execute(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings = array()) {
+ // the parent function performs validation on the parameters.
+ $executed = parent::do_execute($http, $database, $session, $settings);
+ if (c_base_return::s_has_error($executed)) {
+ return $executed;
+ };
+ $this->pr_assign_defaults($http, $database, $session, $settings);
+ $wrapper = $this->pr_create_tag_section(array(1 => 0));
+ // initialize the content as HTML.
+ $this->pr_create_html();
+ $this->html->set_tag($wrapper);
+ unset($wrapper);
+ $executed->set_output($this->html);
+ unset($this->html);
+ return $executed;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implementation of pr_create_html_add_header_link_canonical().
+ */
+ protected function pr_create_html_add_header_link_canonical() {
+ $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_LINK);
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_REL, 'canonical');
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_HREF, $this->settings['base_scheme'] . '://' . $this->settings['base_host'] . $this->settings['base_port'] . $this->settings['base_path'] . self::PATH_SELF);
+ $this->html->set_header($tag);
+ unset($tag);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text_title().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_title($arguments = array()) {
+ return $this->pr_get_text(0, $arguments);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'Create User';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides path handler for the user dashboard.
+ */
+class c_standard_path_user_dashboard extends c_standard_path {
+ protected const PATH_SELF = 'u/delete';
+ /**
+ * Implements do_execute().
+ */
+ public function do_execute(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings = array()) {
+ // the parent function performs validation on the parameters.
+ $executed = parent::do_execute($http, $database, $session, $settings);
+ if (c_base_return::s_has_error($executed)) {
+ return $executed;
+ };
+ $this->pr_assign_defaults($http, $database, $session, $settings);
+ $wrapper = $this->pr_create_tag_section(array(1 => 0));
+ // initialize the content as HTML.
+ $this->pr_create_html();
+ $this->html->set_tag($wrapper);
+ unset($wrapper);
+ $executed->set_output($this->html);
+ unset($this->html);
+ return $executed;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implementation of pr_create_html_add_header_link_canonical().
+ */
+ protected function pr_create_html_add_header_link_canonical() {
+ $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_LINK);
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_REL, 'canonical');
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_HREF, $this->settings['base_scheme'] . '://' . $this->settings['base_host'] . $this->settings['base_port'] . $this->settings['base_path'] . self::PATH_SELF);
+ $this->html->set_header($tag);
+ unset($tag);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text_title().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_title($arguments = array()) {
+ return $this->pr_get_text(0, $arguments);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'Delete User';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides path handler for the user dashboard.
+ */
+class c_standard_path_user_dashboard extends c_standard_path {
+ protected const PATH_SELF = 'u/lock';
+ /**
+ * Implements do_execute().
+ */
+ public function do_execute(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings = array()) {
+ // the parent function performs validation on the parameters.
+ $executed = parent::do_execute($http, $database, $session, $settings);
+ if (c_base_return::s_has_error($executed)) {
+ return $executed;
+ };
+ $this->pr_assign_defaults($http, $database, $session, $settings);
+ $wrapper = $this->pr_create_tag_section(array(1 => 0));
+ // initialize the content as HTML.
+ $this->pr_create_html();
+ $this->html->set_tag($wrapper);
+ unset($wrapper);
+ $executed->set_output($this->html);
+ unset($this->html);
+ return $executed;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implementation of pr_create_html_add_header_link_canonical().
+ */
+ protected function pr_create_html_add_header_link_canonical() {
+ $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_LINK);
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_REL, 'canonical');
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_HREF, $this->settings['base_scheme'] . '://' . $this->settings['base_host'] . $this->settings['base_port'] . $this->settings['base_path'] . self::PATH_SELF);
+ $this->html->set_header($tag);
+ unset($tag);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text_title().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_title($arguments = array()) {
+ return $this->pr_get_text(0, $arguments);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'Lock User';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides path handler for the user dashboard.
+ */
+class c_standard_path_user_dashboard extends c_standard_path {
+ protected const PATH_SELF = 'u/settings';
+ /**
+ * Implements do_execute().
+ */
+ public function do_execute(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings = array()) {
+ // the parent function performs validation on the parameters.
+ $executed = parent::do_execute($http, $database, $session, $settings);
+ if (c_base_return::s_has_error($executed)) {
+ return $executed;
+ };
+ $this->pr_assign_defaults($http, $database, $session, $settings);
+ $wrapper = $this->pr_create_tag_section(array(1 => 0));
+ // initialize the content as HTML.
+ $this->pr_create_html();
+ $this->html->set_tag($wrapper);
+ unset($wrapper);
+ $executed->set_output($this->html);
+ unset($this->html);
+ return $executed;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implementation of pr_create_html_add_header_link_canonical().
+ */
+ protected function pr_create_html_add_header_link_canonical() {
+ $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_LINK);
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_REL, 'canonical');
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_HREF, $this->settings['base_scheme'] . '://' . $this->settings['base_host'] . $this->settings['base_port'] . $this->settings['base_path'] . self::PATH_SELF);
+ $this->html->set_header($tag);
+ unset($tag);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text_title().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_title($arguments = array()) {
+ return $this->pr_get_text(0, $arguments);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'User Settings';
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ $string = 'Public';
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ $string = 'User';
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ $string = 'Requester';
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ $string = 'Drafter';
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ $string = 'Editor';
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ $string = 'Reviewer';
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ $string = 'Financer';
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ $string = 'Insurer';
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ $string = 'Publisher';
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ $string = 'Auditor';
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ $string = 'Manager';
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ $string = 'Administer';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides path handler for the user dashboard.
+ */
+class c_standard_path_user_dashboard extends c_standard_path {
+ protected const PATH_SELF = 'u/unlock';
+ /**
+ * Implements do_execute().
+ */
+ public function do_execute(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings = array()) {
+ // the parent function performs validation on the parameters.
+ $executed = parent::do_execute($http, $database, $session, $settings);
+ if (c_base_return::s_has_error($executed)) {
+ return $executed;
+ };
+ $this->pr_assign_defaults($http, $database, $session, $settings);
+ $wrapper = $this->pr_create_tag_section(array(1 => 0));
+ // initialize the content as HTML.
+ $this->pr_create_html();
+ $this->html->set_tag($wrapper);
+ unset($wrapper);
+ $executed->set_output($this->html);
+ unset($this->html);
+ return $executed;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implementation of pr_create_html_add_header_link_canonical().
+ */
+ protected function pr_create_html_add_header_link_canonical() {
+ $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_LINK);
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_REL, 'canonical');
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_HREF, $this->settings['base_scheme'] . '://' . $this->settings['base_host'] . $this->settings['base_port'] . $this->settings['base_path'] . self::PATH_SELF);
+ $this->html->set_header($tag);
+ unset($tag);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text_title().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_title($arguments = array()) {
+ return $this->pr_get_text(0, $arguments);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'Unlock User';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * @file
+ * Provides path handler for the user dashboard.
+ */
+class c_standard_path_user_dashboard extends c_standard_path {
+ protected const PATH_SELF = 'u/view';
+ /**
+ * Implements do_execute().
+ */
+ public function do_execute(&$http, &$database, &$session, $settings = array()) {
+ // the parent function performs validation on the parameters.
+ $executed = parent::do_execute($http, $database, $session, $settings);
+ if (c_base_return::s_has_error($executed)) {
+ return $executed;
+ };
+ $this->pr_assign_defaults($http, $database, $session, $settings);
+ $wrapper = $this->pr_create_tag_section(array(1 => 0));
+ // initialize the content as HTML.
+ $this->pr_create_html();
+ $this->html->set_tag($wrapper);
+ unset($wrapper);
+ $executed->set_output($this->html);
+ unset($this->html);
+ return $executed;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implementation of pr_create_html_add_header_link_canonical().
+ */
+ protected function pr_create_html_add_header_link_canonical() {
+ $tag = c_theme_html::s_create_tag(c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_LINK);
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_REL, 'canonical');
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_HREF, $this->settings['base_scheme'] . '://' . $this->settings['base_host'] . $this->settings['base_port'] . $this->settings['base_path'] . self::PATH_SELF);
+ $this->html->set_header($tag);
+ unset($tag);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text_title().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text_title($arguments = array()) {
+ return $this->pr_get_text(0, $arguments);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implements pr_get_text().
+ */
+ protected function pr_get_text($code, $arguments = array()) {
+ $string = '';
+ switch ($code) {
+ case 0:
+ $string = 'View User';
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $string = '';
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ $string = 'Public';
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ $string = 'User';
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ $string = 'Requester';
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ $string = 'Drafter';
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ $string = 'Editor';
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ $string = 'Reviewer';
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ $string = 'Financer';
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ $string = 'Insurer';
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ $string = 'Publisher';
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ $string = 'Auditor';
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ $string = 'Manager';
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ $string = 'Administer';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($arguments)) {
+ $this->pr_process_replacements($string, $arguments);
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
$tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_NAME, $id);
- // populate default class names based on tag type.
- $class = array();
- self::s_p_populate_default_class_names($type, $id, $class);
if (is_array($classes)) {
- foreach ($classes as $class_string) {
- if (is_string($class_string)) {
- $class[] = $class_string;
- }
- }
- unset($class_string);
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, $classes);
- $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, $class);
- unset($class);
+ self::s_p_populate_tag_class_names($tag, $type, $id);
if (is_string($text)) {
* @return c_base_return_status
* TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
* FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
+ * This does perform clone().
public function set_html($html) {
if (!($html instanceof c_base_html)) {
* The markup html object.
* FALSE is returned if no id is assigned.
* FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
+ * This does perform clone().
public function get_html() {
if (!($this->html instanceof c_base_html)) {
* The markup tags object.
* FALSE is returned if no id is assigned.
* FALSE with error bit set is returned on error.
+ * This does perform clone().
public function get_http() {
if (!($this->http instanceof c_base_http)) {
* Generate a common list of class names for a given tag type.
+ * @param c_base_markup_tag &$tag
+ * The tag to operate on.
* @param int $type
* A c_base_markup_tag type id.
* @param string|null $id
* A unique ID field associated with the tag.
* If null, then this is ignored.
- * @param array &$classes
- * An array of class names.
- private static function s_p_populate_default_class_names($type, $id, &$class) {
- if ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_A) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-link';
+ private static function s_p_populate_tag_class_names(&$tag, $type, $id) {
+ $class_1 = NULL;
+ $class_2 = NULL;
+ $class_3 = NULL;
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-link';
- }
+ if ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_A) {
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-link';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_ABBR) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-abbreviation';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-abbreviation';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-abbreviation';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_ADDRESS) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-address';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-address';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-address';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_AREA) {
- $class[] = 'datum';
- $class[] = 'datum-area';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-datum';
- $class[] = $id . '-datum-area';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'datum';
+ $class_2 = 'datum-area';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_ARTICLE) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-article';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-article';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-article';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_ASIDE) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-aside';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-aside';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-aside';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_AUDIO) {
- $class[] = 'media';
- $class[] = 'media-audio';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-media';
- $class[] = $id . '-media-audio';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'media';
+ $class_2 = 'media-audio';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_BOLD) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-strong';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-strong';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-strong';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_BDI) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-bdi';
- $class[] = 'text-direction';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-bdi';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-direction';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-bdi';
+ $class_3 = 'text-direction';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_BDO) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-bdo';
- $class[] = 'text-direction';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-bdo';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-direction';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-bdo';
+ $class_3 = 'text-direction';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_BLOCKQUOTE) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-blockquote';
- $class[] = 'text-quote';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-blockquote';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-quote';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-blockquote';
+ $class_3 = 'text-quote';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_BREAK) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-break';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-break';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-break';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_BUTTON) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-button';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-button';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-button';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_CANVAS) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-canvas';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-canvas';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-canvas';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_CHECKBOX) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-checkbox';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-checkbox';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-checkbox';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_CITE) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-cite';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-cite';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-cite';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_CODE) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-code';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-code';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-code';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_COL) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-column';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-column';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-column';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_COLOR) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-color';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-color';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-color';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_COL_GROUP) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-column_group';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-column_group';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-column_group';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DATA) {
- $class[] = 'datum';
- $class[] = 'datum-data';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-datum';
- $class[] = $id . '-datum-data';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'datum';
+ $class_2 = 'datum-data';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DATA) {
- $class[] = 'datum';
- $class[] = 'datum-data_list';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-datum';
- $class[] = $id . '-datum-data_list';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'datum';
+ $class_2 = 'datum-data_list';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DATE) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-date';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-date';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-date';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DATE_TIME_LOCAL) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-date_local_time';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-date_local_time';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-date_local_time';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TERM_DESCRIPTION) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-term_description';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-term_description';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-term_description';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DEL) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-delete';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-format';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-delete';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DETAILS) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-details';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-details';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-details';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DFN) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-definition';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-definition';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-definition';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DIALOG) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-dialog';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-dialog';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-dialog';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DIVIDER) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-divider';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-divider';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-divider';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DIVIDER) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-divider';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-divider';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-divider';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_DEFINITION_LIST) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-definition_list';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-definition_list';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-definition_list';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TERM_NAME) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-term_name';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-term_name';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-term_name';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_EM) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-emphasis';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-emphasis';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-emphasis';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_EMAIL) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-email';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-email';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-email';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_EMBED) {
- $class[] = 'media';
- $class[] = 'media-embed';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-media';
- $class[] = $id . '-media-embed';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'media';
+ $class_2 = 'media-embed';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_FIELD_SET) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-field_set';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-field_set';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-field_set';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_FIGURE) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-figure';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-figure';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-figure';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_FIGURE_CAPTION) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-figure_caption';
- $class[] = 'text-caption';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-figure_caption';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-caption';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-figure_caption';
+ $class_3 = 'text-caption';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_FILE) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-file';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-file';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-file';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_FOOTER) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-footer';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-footer';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-footer';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_FORM) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-form';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-form';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-form';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H1) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-heading';
- $class[] = 'text-heading_1';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-heading';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-heading_1';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-heading';
+ $class_3 = 'text-heading_1';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H2) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-heading';
- $class[] = 'text-heading_2';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-heading';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-heading_2';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-heading';
+ $class_3 = 'text-heading_2';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H3) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-heading';
- $class[] = 'text-heading_3';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-heading';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-heading_3';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-heading';
+ $class_3 = 'text-heading_3';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H4) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-heading';
- $class[] = 'text-heading_4';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-heading';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-heading_4';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-heading';
+ $class_3 = 'text-heading_4';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H5) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-heading';
- $class[] = 'text-heading_5';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-heading';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-heading_5';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-heading';
+ $class_3 = 'text-heading_5';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_H6) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-heading';
- $class[] = 'text-heading_6';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-heading';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-heading_6';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-heading';
+ $class_3 = 'text-heading_6';
+ }
+ elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_HX) {
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-heading';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_HEADER) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-header';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-header';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-header';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_HIDDEN) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-hidden';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-hidden';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-hidden';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_HORIZONTAL_RULER) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-horizontal_ruler';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-horizontal_ruler';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-horizontal_ruler';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_ITALICS) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-emphasis';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-emphasis';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-emphasis';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_HORIZONTAL_RULER) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-horizontal_ruler';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-horizontal_ruler';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-horizontal_ruler';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_INLINE_FRAME) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-inline_frame';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-inline_frame';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-inline_frame';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_IMAGE) {
- $class[] = 'media';
- $class[] = 'media-image';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-media';
- $class[] = $id . '-media-image';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'media';
+ $class_2 = 'media-image';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_INPUT) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-input';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-input';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-input';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_INS) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-insert';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-insert';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-insert';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_KEYBOARD) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-keyboard';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-keyboard';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-keyboard';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_KEY_GEN) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-key_generator';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-key_generator';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-key_generator';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_LABEL) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-label';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-label';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-label';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_LEGEND) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-legend';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-legend';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-legend';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_LIST_ITEM) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-list_item';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-list_item';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-list_item';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_MAIN) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-main';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-main';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-main';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_MAP) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-image_map';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-image_map';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-image_map';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_MARK) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-mark';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-mark';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-mark';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_MENU) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-menu';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-menu';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-menu';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_MENU_ITEM) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-menu_item';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-menu_item';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-menu_item';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_METER) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-meter';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-meter';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-meter';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_MONTH) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-month';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-month';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-month';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_NAVIGATION) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-navigation';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-navigation';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-navigation';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_NO_SCRIPT) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-no_script';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-no_script';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-no_script';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_NUMBER) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-number';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-number';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-number';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_OBJECT) {
- $class[] = 'media';
- $class[] = 'media-object';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-media';
- $class[] = $id . '-media-object';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'media';
+ $class_2 = 'media-object';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_ORDERED_LIST) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-ordered_list';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-ordered_list';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-ordered_list';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_OPTIONS_GROUP) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-options_group';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-options_group';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-options_group';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_OPTION) {
- $class[] = 'datum';
- $class[] = 'datum-option';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-datum';
- $class[] = $id . '-datum-option';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'datum';
+ $class_2 = 'datum-option';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_OUTPUT) {
- $class[] = 'datum';
- $class[] = 'datum-output';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-datum';
- $class[] = $id . '-datum-output';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'datum';
+ $class_2 = 'datum-output';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_PARAGRAPH) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-paragraph';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-paragraph';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-paragraph';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_PARAM) {
- $class[] = 'datum';
- $class[] = 'datum-parameter';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-datum';
- $class[] = $id . '-datum-parameter';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'datum';
+ $class_2 = 'datum-parameter';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_PASSWORD) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-password';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-password';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-password';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_PICTURE) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-picture';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-picture';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-picture';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_PREFORMATTED) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-preformatted';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-preformatted';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-preformatted';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_PROGRESS) {
// note: 'media' is the closest thing I can think of for this tag (as in, it is like an image).
- $class[] = 'media';
- $class[] = 'media-progress';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-media';
- $class[] = $id . '-media-progress';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'media';
+ $class_2 = 'media-progress';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_PREFORMATTED) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-preformatted';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-preformatted';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-preformatted';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_Q) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-quote';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-quote';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-quote';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_RADIO) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-radio';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-radio';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-radio';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_RANGE) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-range';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-range';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-range';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_RESET) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-reset';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-reset';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-reset';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_RUBY_PARENTHESIS) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-ruby_parenthesis';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-ruby_parenthesis';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-ruby_parenthesis';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_RUBY_PRONUNCIATION) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-ruby_pronunciation';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-ruby_pronunciation';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-ruby_pronunciation';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_RUBY) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-ruby';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-ruby';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-ruby';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_STRIKE_THROUGH) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-strike_through';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-strike_through';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-strike_through';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SAMPLE) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-sample';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-sample';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-sample';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SEARCH) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-search';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-search';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-search';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SECTION) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-section';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-section';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-section';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SELECT) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-select';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-select';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-select';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SMALL) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-small';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-small';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-small';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SOURCE) {
- $class[] = 'datum';
- $class[] = 'datum-source';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-datum';
- $class[] = $id . '-datum-source';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'datum';
+ $class_2 = 'datum-source';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SPAN) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-span';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-span';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-span';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_STRONG) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-strong';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-strong';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-strong';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SUB_SCRIPT) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-sub_script';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-sub_script';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-sub_script';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SUBMIT) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-submit';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-submit';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-submit';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SUPER_SCRIPT) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-super_script';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-super_script';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-super_script';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_SVG) {
- $class[] = 'media';
- $class[] = 'media-svg';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-media';
- $class[] = $id . '-media-svg';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'media';
+ $class_2 = 'media-svg';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TABLE) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-table';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-table';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-table';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TABLE_BODY) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-table_body';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-table_body';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-table_body';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TABLE_CELL) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-table_cell';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-table_cell';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-table_cell';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TABLE_FOOTER) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-table_footer';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-table_footer';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-table_footer';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TABLE_HEADER) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-table_header';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-table_header';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-table_header';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TABLE_HEADER_CELL) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-table_header_cell';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-table_header_cell';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-table_header_cell';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TABLE_ROW) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-table_row';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-table_row';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-table_row';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TELEPHONE) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-telephone';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-telephone';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-telephone';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TEMPLATE) {
- $class[] = 'datum';
- $class[] = 'datum-template';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-datum';
- $class[] = $id . '-datum-template';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'datum';
+ $class_2 = 'datum-template';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TEXT) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-text';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-text';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-text';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TEXT_AREA) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-text_area';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-text_area';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-text_area';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TIME) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-time';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-time';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-time';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_TRACK) {
- $class[] = 'datum';
- $class[] = 'datum-track';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-datum';
- $class[] = $id . '-datum-track';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'datum';
+ $class_2 = 'datum-track';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_UNDERLINE) {
- $class[] = 'format';
- $class[] = 'format-underline';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-format';
- $class[] = $id . '-format-underline';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'format';
+ $class_2 = 'format-underline';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_UNORDERED_LIST) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-unordered_list';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-unordered_list';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-unordered_list';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_URL) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-url';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-url';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-url';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_VARIABLE) {
- $class[] = 'text';
- $class[] = 'text-variable';
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-text';
- $class[] = $id . '-text-variable';
- }
+ $class_1 = 'text';
+ $class_2 = 'text-variable';
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_VIDEO) {
- $class[] = 'media';
- $class[] = 'media-video';
+ $class_1 = 'media';
+ $class_2 = 'media-video';
+ }
+ elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_WEEK) {
+ $class_1 = 'field';
+ $class_2 = 'field-week';
+ }
+ elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_WIDE_BREAK) {
+ $class_1 = 'structure';
+ $class_2 = 'structure-wide_break';
+ }
+ if (!is_null($class_1)) {
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, $class_1);
if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-media';
- $class[] = $id . '-media-video';
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, $id . '-' . $class_1);
- elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_WEEK) {
- $class[] = 'field';
- $class[] = 'field-week';
+ unset($class_1);
+ if (!is_null($class_2)) {
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, $class_2);
if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-field';
- $class[] = $id . '-field-week';
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, $id . '-' . $class_2);
- elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_WIDE_BREAK) {
- $class[] = 'structure';
- $class[] = 'structure-wide_break';
+ unset($class_2);
+ if (!is_null($class_3)) {
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, $class_3);
if (!is_null($id)) {
- $class[] = $id . '-structure';
- $class[] = $id . '-structure-wide_break';
+ $tag->set_attribute(c_base_markup_attributes::ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, $id . '-' . $class_3);
+ unset($class_3);
$markup .= $child_markup;
$markup .= '</h6>';
+ elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_HX) {
+ $markup .= '<div' . $this->p_render_markup_attributes_global($tag) . $this->p_render_markup_attributes_event_handler($tag) . '>';
+ $markup .= $tag->get_text()->get_value_exact();
+ $markup .= $child_markup;
+ $markup .= '</div>';
+ }
elseif ($type === c_base_markup_tag::TYPE_HEADER) {
$markup .= '<header' . $this->p_render_markup_attributes_global($tag) . $this->p_render_markup_attributes_event_handler($tag) . '>';
$markup .= $tag->get_text()->get_value_exact();
By providing both a set_value()/get_value() and set_array()/get_array() function combinations, it becomes possible for both example 2 and example 3 to be used.
- This allows for the person developing the final project to make decisions that best suite their goals while avoiding modifying code as much as possible.
// default log facility (17 = c_base_error::FACILITY_LOCAL_0).
const LOG_FACILITY = 17;
+ // default backtrace setting (TRUE = perform backtrace on error, FALSE do not perform backtrace on error).
// Represents the current timestamp of this PHP process/session, see: self::s_get_timestamp_session().
private static $s_timestamp_session = NULL;