* This is for the Domain Name and is not for the IP address digit itself.
+ * Some libc implementation may not properly clean up after calling gethostbyaddr() under certain cases, like on error or DNS entry not found.
+ * This can result in still reachable memory when the program exists.
+ * This is the fault of the particular libc in use, but testing to rule this out should still be considered.
+ *
* @param from
* The IP version 4 or version 6 family integer.
* @param to
* This is for the Domain Name and is not for the IP address digit itself.
+ * Some libc implementation may not properly clean up after calling gethostbyname() under certain cases, like on error or DNS entry not found.
+ * This can result in still reachable memory when the program exists.
+ * This is the fault of the particular libc in use, but testing to rule this out should still be considered.
+ *
* @param from
* The human-friendly IP Domain Name.
* @param to