--- /dev/null
+# fss-003
+# This readme file is inteded to provide a basic introduction to the Featureless Linux Library (FLL).
+ The FLL provides two installation types\:
+ - The bootstrap scripts.
+ - The Featureless Make program.
+ The bootstrap scripts provide a way to build and compile the entire FLL project, without the Fake program.
+ This is done because the Fake program is actually part of the FLL project.
+ This solves the problem that if you don't already have Fake installed, then you cannot install Fake.
+ The bootstrap scripts also provide a way to convert the source code of the FLL into packages for compiling and/or releasing.
+ The source code needs to be packaged before it can be compiled by either the bootstrap scripts or by the Fake program.
+ The Fake program is not intended to be used as an installer, so the bootstrap scripts also provide an install script.
+ This install script is intended to be used only by the FLL.
+ Future versions of the FLL may include an install equivalent to the Fake program (and there may possibly be a package generation equivalent as well).
+ The bootstrap scripts are as follows\:
+ - bootstrap.sh
+ - generate.sh
+ - install.sh
+ - package.sh
+ The boostrap.sh script is intended to be a functional example of the command line arguments that should be used to generate, compile, and install the entire FLL.
+ The generate.sh script is intended to take the FLL source code and compile it into appropriate binaries on the system, particularly when the Fake program is not installed.
+ This is analogous to the GNU Make program and the FLL Fake progam.
+ The install.sh script is intended to install the FLL onto the system.
+ This script very loosely follows a small amount of the logic of configure scripts.
+ The package.sh script is intended to convert the FLL source code from the source code repository structure into a packaged structure.
+ This should be used regadless of whether or not Fake or the generate.sh is used to build/compile the FLL (or any of its parts).
+ Of particular note is that there are multiple ways to package the FLL, such as each package as its own program, each package by level, or each package as a monolithic library.
--- /dev/null
+This file contains FLL-wide todo notes.
+- The FSS processing code uses 64-bit data types for string lengths.
+ This puts a hard limit on the size of files supported.
+ Expand this to support larger ranges.
+ Possible options include a second 64-bit type, such that the size is 128-bit.
+ This could also be two 128-bit types, resulting in a range of 256-bit.
+ Ultimately research needs to be done on how other open-source projects handle this and a good examples will be filesystems, like the e2fsutils project or compression tools like tar and bz2.
+- Custom language support needs to be looked into to allow for the project to support multiple languages.
+ Given that this project focuses on KISS principles, the project is targeted towards programs for specific users.
+ In which case, the language can be hardcoded in as a single language.
+ Later versions after this first locale support will then consider supporting multiple languages not necessarily compiled in.
+- Implement support for new standard parameter "+e"/"++exit_code", which designates that the exit code is to be stored in the following environment variable.
+ This allows storing the full error code, which is not generally suppoted by bash.
+- Implement "%llu" defines so that when number is of a different type, the correct '%llu' equivalent can be used.
+ There needs to be an '%lllu' equivalent fo 128-byte.
+ A better approach might be to define a custom printf()/fprintf() replacement functions that handle a new set of parameters, including color codes.
+ Example:
+ f_print(context, "%f1 Something %nu %fr$fn", number_type);
+ Where context can be NULL to do nothing on color prints, %f1 could be some color, %fr is color reset, %fn is newline, and %nu is the number (unsigned) to print.
+ This is just a random example and does not reflect the codes to be used.
+- Create an fss simple content type (such that data->contents.array[at].start can be used instead of data->contents.array[at].array[0].start).
+- FSS needs to allow escaping of comments, "\# " would escape a comment, every backslash after that would be literal.
+- status_code and fss_status_code should be able to distinguish a number and a non-number string.
+ This will allow for auto-detecting whether or not something is a code to print the string or a string to print the code.
+ When this is done, then the --number parameter can be removed.
+ (Also add --help Note: pointing out that f, -w, and -e only apply to numeric codes and will result in 0 (false) for all strings.)
+- byte_dump needs to handle a pipe, checkout what the fss_basic_read and similar projects are doing.
+- investigate static executables in how valgrind reports errors.
+- consider updating byte_dump to support multiple --first and multiple parameters such all --first parameters are effectively added together.
+ What this does is allow skipping a file using counters greater than the max_int size.
+ The --last position, should therefore be rewritten to be relative to the --first position.
+ alternatively, implement a --skip parameter that skips past the max_int number of bytes X number of times (--skip X) would skip X*max_int bytes.
+ alternatively, implement support for specifying metric unit symbols (such as 100m for 100 megabytes).
+- implement the "time" functonality to represent a unit of time (unlike the normal system, this unit of time is say milliseconds in any given year that can continue on until max_int).
+- implement the "data" unit that using the metric system more appropriately, such that a data is a single byte.
+ 1 megadata in base 10 is (10^6)*8 = # of bits, and 1 megadata in base 16 s (16^6)*8 = # of bits.
+- console processing code needs to ignore unknown codes (namely, negative/positive numbes like: -3 or +4) (do not consider these parameters).
+- rename f_not_equal_to to f_equal_to_not (and do similar changes).
+- Research/Implement optimizaton by using pointers to reduce the complecity of processing multi-depth structures, such as fss_nest:
+ this:
+ nests->array[nests->used].array[index].array[0] = xxx;
+ could become:
+ *current = nests->array[nests->used].array[index].array;
+ current->array[0] = xxx;
+ The idea is that in the first case, thee is a lot more dereferencing needing to be performed whereas the second case, the massive dereferencing happens only the first time and then all subsequent calls have simpler dereferencing.
+- Add support for truncating whitespace before and after the name:
+ 1) When selecting by object name 'ex ample' could then match ' ex ample '.
+ 2) When printing the object name by itself, 'ex ample' would be printed instead of ' ex ample '.
+ 3) Use -T/--trim to remove whitespace both before and after for all FSS read programs (just like PHP trim).
+ 4) The leading whitespace on newlines that are to support such need not be trimmed automatically unless -T/--trim is passed.
+- Add support for printing line numbers, including when printing objects.
+ - Consider adding support for printing selection identifiers, such as the second object will have an id of 2, even if it is 100 lines down.
+- The leading and trailing whitespaces in names should be ignored when selecting and printing.
+- Update level-3 code to use the newly minted color2 function where appropriate.
+- byte_dump has a bug where offsets are not entirely selected correctly OR the output is wrong.
+ - byte_dump -tpw 24 /bin/bash -fl 0x4b 0x7d vs byte_dump -tpw 24 /bin/bash | head
+ - look at how the -fl results in 3 placeholders at start, this is incorrect.
+ - 0x48 is an interesting start point, but the start line should be more like the head variant for row 3.
+ * Programs to create:
+ * - fake: the project is compiled.
+ * - document: the documentation is built/processed/generated.
+ * - generate: special scripts are run for the purpose of generating any build-time code/scripts/files.
+ * - finish: the project is installed.
+ * - package: the project is turned into a package (tarballed, etc..).
+ * - coverage: the project has tests run against it.
+- consider redesigning console parameters to use three sets of arrays instead of one (short, long, and other).
+ - this would increase performance, but is it worth the complexity of the structure?
+ - it may simplify the design in other ways.
+- F_STATUS_XX could be the error code for the program on exit, such that +s, ++status is a new standard parameter for specifying the variable name.
+ Variable name will be made uppercase and will be only alphabetic or underscore.
+A new wiki-like syntax meant to be simpler:
+ - url:"http:// a b c/"
+ - code:" code goes here"
+ - quote:"This is a quote"
+ - var:"some_variable_name"
+ - emphasis:"This text is important"
+ Escaping only neds to be done like these two cases:
+ 1) escaping main syntax:
+ - url\:"http:// a b c/"
+ - after the first '\:', every '\' is a literal '\'.
+ - url\\\\\:"http:// a b c/" would be read as: 'url\\\\:"http:// a b c/"'.
+ 2) escaping the quoted part
+ - quote:"This is a \"quote\""
+ - There is no way to know the terminating '"' so all quotes inside must be escaped.
+ - after the first '\"', every '\' is a literal '\'.
+ - quote:"" would be read as: 'url\\\\:"http:// a b c/"'.
+ - Create this as a new FSS format, FSS-Text (FSS-000D).
+Go though all source code and ensure that, for all non-exceptional cases, any dynamic strings appends to existing buffers instead of overwriting them (based on buffer->used).
+Then document this behavior.