extern const f_string_t fake_make_skeleton_content_settings_s;
#endif // _di_fake_skeleton_content_
+#ifndef _di_fake_make_context_
+ #define FAKE_make_context_reset_s "reset"
+ #define FAKE_make_context_warning_s "warning"
+ #define FAKE_make_context_error_s "error"
+ #define FAKE_make_context_title_s "title"
+ #define FAKE_make_context_notable_s "notable"
+ #define FAKE_make_context_important_s "important"
+ #define FAKE_make_context_standout_s "standout"
+ #define FAKE_make_context_success_s "success"
+ #define FAKE_make_context_normal_s "normal"
+ #define fake_make_context_reset_s_length 5
+ #define fake_make_context_warning_s_length 7
+ #define fake_make_context_error_s_length 5
+ #define fake_make_context_title_s_length 5
+ #define fake_make_context_notable_s_length 7
+ #define fake_make_context_important_s_length 9
+ #define fake_make_context_standout_s_length 8
+ #define fake_make_context_success_s_length 7
+ #define fake_make_context_normal_s_length 5
+ extern const f_string_t fake_make_context_reset_s;
+ extern const f_string_t fake_make_context_warning_s;
+ extern const f_string_t fake_make_context_error_s;
+ extern const f_string_t fake_make_context_title_s;
+ extern const f_string_t fake_make_context_notable_s;
+ extern const f_string_t fake_make_context_important_s;
+ extern const f_string_t fake_make_context_standout_s;
+ extern const f_string_t fake_make_context_success_s;
+ extern const f_string_t fake_make_context_normal_s;
+#endif // _di_fake_make_context_
* Check to see if a process signal is received.
+ const f_string_static_t vocabulary_context = macro_f_string_static_t_initialize(F_iki_vocabulary_0002_context_s, F_iki_vocabulary_0002_context_s_length);
const f_string_static_t vocabulary_define = macro_f_string_static_t_initialize(F_iki_vocabulary_0002_define_s, F_iki_vocabulary_0002_define_s_length);
const f_string_static_t vocabulary_parameter = macro_f_string_static_t_initialize(F_iki_vocabulary_0002_parameter_s, F_iki_vocabulary_0002_parameter_s_length);
+ const f_string_range_t range_context = macro_f_string_range_t_initialize(F_iki_vocabulary_0002_context_s_length);
const f_string_range_t range_define = macro_f_string_range_t_initialize(F_iki_vocabulary_0002_define_s_length);
const f_string_range_t range_parameter = macro_f_string_range_t_initialize(F_iki_vocabulary_0002_parameter_s_length);
f_string_range_t range = f_string_range_t_initialize;
f_string_map_multis_t *parameter = &data_make->setting_make.parameter;
+ // 1 = is parameter, 2 = is defined, 3 = is context.
+ uint8_t is = 0;
bool unmatched = F_true;
- bool parameter_is = F_false;
- bool define_is = F_false;
f_array_length_t i = 0;
f_array_length_t j = 0;
for (j = 0, previous = iki_variable.array[0].start; j < iki_variable.used; ++j) {
- parameter_is = F_false;
- define_is = F_false;
+ is = 0;
if (previous + 1 < iki_variable.array[j].start) {
range.start = previous + 1;
*status = fl_string_dynamic_partial_compare(vocabulary_define, data_make->buffer, range_define, iki_vocabulary.array[j]);
if (*status == F_equal_to) {
- define_is = F_true;
+ is = 2;
else if (*status == F_equal_to_not) {
*status = fl_string_dynamic_partial_compare(vocabulary_parameter, data_make->buffer, range_parameter, iki_vocabulary.array[j]);
if (*status == F_equal_to) {
- parameter_is = F_true;
+ is = 1;
+ }
+ else if (*status == F_equal_to_not) {
+ *status = fl_string_dynamic_partial_compare(vocabulary_context, data_make->buffer, range_context, iki_vocabulary.array[j]);
+ if (*status == F_equal_to) {
+ is = 3;
+ }
- if (parameter_is) {
+ if (is == 1) {
unmatched = F_true;
// Check against reserved parameter names and if matches use them instead.
- else if (define_is && data_make->setting_make.load_build) {
- *status = fake_make_operate_expand_environment(data_make, quotes.array[i], iki_content.array[j], arguments);
+ else if (is == 2) {
+ if (data_make->setting_make.load_build) {
+ *status = fake_make_operate_expand_environment(data_make, quotes.array[i], iki_content.array[j], arguments);
+ if (F_status_is_error(*status)) {
+ fll_error_print(data_make->error, F_status_set_fine(*status), "fake_make_operate_expand_environment", F_true);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (is == 3) {
+ *status = fake_make_operate_expand_context(data_make, quotes.array[i], iki_content.array[j], arguments);
if (F_status_is_error(*status)) {
- fll_error_print(data_make->error, F_status_set_fine(*status), "fake_make_operate_expand_environment", F_true);
+ fll_error_print(data_make->error, F_status_set_fine(*status), "fake_make_operate_expand_context", F_true);
- if (F_status_is_error_not(status)) {
- return F_true;
- }
+ if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
- return status;
+ return F_true;
#endif // _di_fake_make_operate_expand_build_
+#ifndef _di_fake_make_operate_expand_context_
+ f_status_t fake_make_operate_expand_context(fake_make_data_t * const data_make, const f_fss_quote_t quoted, const f_string_range_t range_name, f_string_dynamics_t *arguments) {
+ f_status_t status = F_none;
+ const f_string_static_t *context = 0;
+ const f_string_t context_name[] = {
+ fake_make_context_reset_s,
+ fake_make_context_warning_s,
+ fake_make_context_error_s,
+ fake_make_context_title_s,
+ fake_make_context_notable_s,
+ fake_make_context_important_s,
+ fake_make_context_standout_s,
+ fake_make_context_success_s,
+ fake_make_context_normal_s,
+ };
+ const f_array_length_t context_length[] = {
+ fake_make_context_reset_s_length,
+ fake_make_context_warning_s_length,
+ fake_make_context_error_s_length,
+ fake_make_context_title_s_length,
+ fake_make_context_notable_s_length,
+ fake_make_context_important_s_length,
+ fake_make_context_standout_s_length,
+ fake_make_context_success_s_length,
+ fake_make_context_normal_s_length,
+ };
+ const f_color_set_t context_value[] = {
+ data_make->main->context.set.reset,
+ data_make->main->context.set.warning,
+ data_make->main->context.set.error,
+ data_make->main->context.set.title,
+ data_make->main->context.set.notable,
+ data_make->main->context.set.important,
+ data_make->main->context.set.standout,
+ data_make->main->context.set.success,
+ data_make->main->context.set.normal,
+ };
+ for (f_array_length_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
+ if (fl_string_dynamic_partial_compare_string(context_name[i], data_make->buffer, context_length[i], range_name) == F_equal_to) {
+ context = context_value[i].before;
+ break;
+ }
+ } // for
+ if (context) {
+ if (quoted) {
+ status = f_string_dynamic_append_nulless(*context, &arguments->array[arguments->used]);
+ }
+ else {
+ status = f_string_dynamics_increase_by(F_memory_default_allocation_small_d, arguments);
+ if (F_status_is_error_not(status)) {
+ status = f_string_dynamic_append_nulless(*context, &arguments->array[arguments->used]);
+ if (F_status_is_error_not(status)) {
+ status = f_string_dynamic_terminate_after(&arguments->array[arguments->used]);
+ if (F_status_is_error_not(status)) {
+ ++arguments->used;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
+ }
+ return F_true;
+ }
+#endif // _di_fake_make_operate_expand_context_
#ifndef _di_fake_make_operate_expand_environment_
f_status_t fake_make_operate_expand_environment(fake_make_data_t * const data_make, const f_fss_quote_t quoted, const f_string_range_t range_name, f_string_dynamics_t *arguments) {
- if (F_status_is_error_not(status)) {
- return F_true;
- }
+ if (F_status_is_error(status)) return status;
- return status;
+ return F_true;
#endif // _di_fake_make_operate_expand_environment_
The remaining Content must be a path to the file.
The IKI vocabulary context is supported and is further clarified as follows\:
+ - context\:
+ The context Object represents a name representing simple context or complex combination of context.
+ Context should wrap some text such that if some text begins with some context, the context should be reset at the end.
+ The most basic context is color context, such as: context:"notice" This is emphasized text context:"reset".
+ The use of IKI in this way is acceptable but it is not perfect.
+ IKI is not designed to be a replacement to markup.
+ The markup <strong>Example</strong> vs the IKI context:"notable" Example context:"notable" has obvious differences in the spaces.
+ The IKI by design cannot be used like this: context:"notable"Examplecontext:"notable".
+ This context will respect the programs ++light, ++dark, and ++no_color parameters.
- define\:
- The define object represents environment variables passed to the program or created by the program.
+ The define Object represents environment variables passed to the program or created by the program.
The value represents the environment variable name and is case-sensitive.
This IKI variable gets substituted with the environment variable's value or NULL if not defined.
The "settings" list supports declaring custom environment variables (which overwrite any existing environment variable with the same name).
- parameter\:
- The parameter object represents a variable that is to be substituted.
+ The parameter Object represents a variable that is to be substituted.
The value represents the variable name and is case-sensitive.
This IKI variable gets substituted with the value defined in the "settings" list or NULL if not defined.
The value may contain an additional ":option" or ":value" at the end of the name to designate getting only part of the parameter.