When this is done, then the --number parameter can be removed.
(Also add --help Note: pointing out that f, -w, and -e only apply to numeric codes and will result in 0 (false) for all strings.)
-- byte_dump needs to handle a pipe, checkout what the fss_basic_read and similar projects are doing.
- investigate static executables in how valgrind reports errors.
- consider updating byte_dump to support multiple --first and multiple parameters such all --first parameters are effectively added together.
- Update level-3 code to use the newly minted color2 function where appropriate.
-- byte_dump has a bug where offsets are not entirely selected correctly OR the output is wrong.
- - byte_dump -tpw 24 /bin/bash -fl 0x4b 0x7d vs byte_dump -tpw 24 /bin/bash | head
- - look at how the -fl results in 3 placeholders at start, this is incorrect.
- - 0x48 is an interesting start point, but the start line should be more like the head variant for row 3.
* Programs to create:
- * - fake: the project is compiled.
* - document: the documentation is built/processed/generated.
* - generate: special scripts are run for the purpose of generating any build-time code/scripts/files.
* - finish: the project is installed.
- needs to have its parameter orders corrected.
- needs to follow the private-conversion.? design.
-The iki_read level 3 project is provides a more up to date style.
-Review all level 3 projects and more closely follow the practices in this project where reasonably possible.
Consider implementing a specification for accessibility characters using non-printing characters as a code word followed by another UTF-8 character to represent its code.
Followed by a UTF-8 character s done to ensure type safety.
This is likely to be limited to programs/terminals that accept it as to avoid printing extra noise.
A simpler compatible version might be made that only utilizes non-printing characters.
-Improve the FSS write functions as follows:
-- allow specifying both object and content at the same time, such as "fss_basic_write -o 'my object' -c 'my content'".
- - This adds a new parameter -c/--content.
- - This removes the parameter -s/--string.
- - Both -o/--object and -c/--content will require a parameter (set an empty sting for an empty value).
- - There can be only one -o/--object, but there can be multiple -c/--content (for fss-0000 (basic), multiple content would be appended together).
-- allow for designating how the pipe shall be handled, -O/--pipe_object or -C/--pipe_content (pipe data can exclusively only be an object or content but not both).
-- look into supporting NULL separation for providing the possibility of having the piped data contain both object and content such that a single null separates the object from the content.
- - if the data starts with a null then it is content. ("\0My Content" = content only, "my object" = object only, "my object\0My content" = object and content.
- - if implemented, would be designated by the -p/--pipe parameter.
- - might not be possible as pipe might naturally terminate on NULL (investigate this).
-- Add -d/--double and -s/--single parameters to designate that this is to be quoted and then using single quotes or double quotes.
- - consider adding -D/--double_if and -S/--single_if for only adding single or double quotes if quoting is required.
+fl_string_find_next() and fl_string_find_previous() find next or previous occurances of a string.
+fl_string_locations() find all locations where a string exists.
+fl_string_total() find total occurances of a string.
+fix recursive functions to be consistent and all have max recursion lengths just like the *_all() file functions.