Kevin Day [Wed, 28 Feb 2024 02:34:40 +0000 (20:34 -0600)]
Cleanup: The OSLv1 license, fixing grammar and clarifying intent.
This does not change the license other than fixing grammar and making the intent more consistent and clear.
This also adds a day to the license data that represents that last time this license has been modified.
The version number is changed only when there is a functional or substantial change to the license.
I have noticed that in some places individuals decide the "includes" is a restrictive word.
It is not, especially given that it is literally an inclusive word.
This changes the wording from "includes" or "including" to something like "including but not limited to" avoid any of that non-sense.
The proper application of the English language would result in the "but not limited to" being redundant and pointless.
This specific language is added just in case somebody does not understand the English language when it comes to the word "including".
Try to be consistent and use "lawful" instead of "legal" (except in cases where both are mentioned).
Generally, referring to "lawful" here also includes "legal".
The "lawful" is chosen to represent actual law rather than the more questionable "legal" terminology.
The wording of "access to use, implement, etc.." can be misinterpreted such that the "access to" is applied to implement (and etc..) such that it becomes "access to implement".
The actual intent and design is not simply around "access to implement".
Instead, it is around "to implement", period.
Clarify this by splitting out "access to use" into "to access", "to use", etc...
The deprecated key is still not quite expired (it expires next month), so use that one to sign this one again.
Future versions will not do this and will very likely be self-signed (there is not much that can be done about that).
Kevin Day [Mon, 1 Jan 2024 16:59:43 +0000 (10:59 -0600)]
Update: Specifications and add FSS-0010 Encrypted Simple Packet specification.
Add "version date" paragraph to each specification to make it clearer when this specification was last updated.
I happened to notice that there is a mistake in the FSS-000E specification.
I fixed this in the proper FLL source code but this is after the formal 0.6.8 release was made, unfortunately.
This documentation will be more up to date that the current release.
Update the FSS-000E and FSS-000F specifications to reflect the changes formally introduced as of the 0.6.8 release on 2023/12/31.
The FSS-0010 Encrypted Simple Packet specification has been present for a while now but I failed to update the website.
This specification is now present.
Kevin Day [Mon, 1 Jan 2024 16:58:05 +0000 (10:58 -0600)]
Update: The code style should flow more naturally.
Browsers are displaying monospace fonts slightly larger than normal fonts.
Change the code font-size to be slightly smaller than the standard to make the flow more natural.
Kevin Day [Tue, 9 May 2023 02:56:06 +0000 (21:56 -0500)]
Update: Website package release for 2023/05/09.
Designate another release point where the website is packaged and released for easy download.
I would note that I am, going forward, trying to use UTC to communicate the date rather than my local time.
This is not yet a habit and will take some time to get consistent.
Kevin Day [Tue, 9 May 2023 02:52:30 +0000 (21:52 -0500)]
Update: Development update of TKIS, tools, and development iso on 2023/05/09.
A collection of the latest state of the Turtle Kevux development.
This is not intended to work per-say but is instead a bookmark of the current progress.
Major work is needed in regards to the kernel, the initrd, and the system init.
There is no GUI work at all (such as Xorg, etc..).
Kevin Day [Wed, 15 Feb 2023 05:44:16 +0000 (23:44 -0600)]
Update: Featureless Make specification regarding multiple single-valued Objects.
This is not referring to Objects with multiple Content.
Instead, this refers to multiple identical Objects where that Object is expected to have only a single assignment.
Kevin Day [Thu, 8 Sep 2022 02:27:58 +0000 (21:27 -0500)]
Update: Improve accessibility in the "Continue reading..." and fix a mistake in a label.
The continue reading must remain as-is for proper use.
The accessibility tools do not understand article and document structure as well as they should.
Provide hints as per Aria and WCAG standards to help with this.
To get this working I've had to add unwanted id attributes, which clobers up the id list.
This makes things a bit less accessible for other uses due to the invalid or non-meaningful id associations added to make the aria-labelledby work.
The labeled by situation is a good reminder that I need to publish an article about my Context Markup Language (CML) so that I can provide a better language.
This situation is just an example of bad design by the accessibility developers and WCAG.
At least this shows progress on their end.
Kevin Day [Sat, 30 Jul 2022 22:39:16 +0000 (17:39 -0500)]
Update: Add additional specifications and documentation pages, focusing on Featureless Make.
Just like with the previous commit (5d48ca4ffa2fd31c3ae76505c030c5f0735c2c18), this is a quick and rather brute force documentation change set.
I did not focus whatsoever on the styling and I imagine there is a lot of room for improvement.
I will likely only care about improving this once I begin work on the Context Markup Language I plan on writing in the future.
Kevin Day [Fri, 29 Jul 2022 04:19:41 +0000 (23:19 -0500)]
Update: Fixes, improvements, and add additional specifications and documentation.
A number of website mistakes are fixed.
Tweak the styling some.
Implement a "highlight" class rather than hard-coding the highlighting of the menu entries against "unlink".
Add numerous specification and documentation pages.
This is a manual process because I have yet to implement an auto-generator script for this.
I have not determined the style practice as well.
I also reached some burn-out while writing this and started working faster and sloppier.
The result is a rather inconsistent mix of the HTML markup transcription of the specifications and documentation.
Due to being a bit sloppier near the end, I also expect several mistakes in the transcription process.
I did not get to the Featureless Make specifications and documentation within the scope of this commit.
Kevin Day [Sun, 3 Jul 2022 22:28:22 +0000 (17:28 -0500)]
Update: Add Design and Principles pages.
This prepares the website for the additional documentation on the FLL project.
Many of the text files from the "documents" directory will be transcribed into pages under this.
One such example would be the style_guide.txt file.
Includes miscellaneous changes.
Update the sources, preparing another website download package as of this commit.
Kevin Day [Sat, 11 Jun 2022 20:24:06 +0000 (15:24 -0500)]
Update: Modifications to a news article and some styling improvements.
I found some good things about the Librem5 phone and this amends my review adding notes in this regard.
I tried to avoid having class="p" but now that I need specific styling I am using it.
I intend to completely avoid any CSS styling on the elements themselves and instead only use class names.
This has an unfortunate consequence of using a few more characters per tag.
A special subsection box class is provided for any note worth updates to news articles.
Kevin Day [Fri, 10 Jun 2022 03:11:41 +0000 (22:11 -0500)]
Bugfix: Spelling mistakes and styling problems.
The screen is expanding in a bad way.
This seems to be caused by a few different problems:
1) Images end up being too large.
2) The display flex is used incorrectly in some places.
3) The pre tag is just useless, it breaks everything.
Tweak the images to have a max width that results in it being no larger than the screen.
Fix the display flex structure.
Replace pre tags with sample tags and assign better formatting using white-space "pre-line".
The use of the samp tag (sample tag) is more accurate because this is a sample terminal.
Replace the existing code tag that is for terminal output with samp tag.
Kevin Day [Sat, 4 Jun 2022 15:09:18 +0000 (10:09 -0500)]
Update: Separate contexts between news and index page and add additional message to access denied page.
Have the links go to news.html rather than the site index.
If for some reason the news page and the site index ever change, then these links do not need to be changed.
Some links are intended to got to the site index, such as the access denied and not found pages.
Most other links are intended to go to the news page.